During a widely acknowledged affordable housing crisis, industry professionals and investors should be asking – how is this possible? The chart below provided by an association member reveals that Texas – #1 among the states in new sales – took a drop in new HUD Code manufactured home shipments in October 2018.
Texas could handle it, because they are still reportedly up some 18 percent for the year.
That said, Louisiana – the number 2 state in the U.S. for new HUD Code shipments in recent years – per the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) data.
As the Daily Business News on MHProNews reported earlier this month, using MHI’s own data, the Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate (SAAR) used to project the year end totals reveal that the industry could end up flat.
“Pants on Fire” – Latest New Manufactured Housing Shipment Report
So, while MHI reportedly spent 5 figures to make a slick self-promotion video, that pats their own work on the back, what the data reflects are several warning signs.
See a new, in-depth related-report below.
The Masthead
Political correctness – the PC movement – is arguably a form of manipulation and control. 40+ years ago, long before the PC culture took hold, people were aware of the notion that we should be polite and respectful of others.
Note that instead of addressing this vexing #NettlesomeThings issue, they are still purportedly pumping out happy talk to their own members.
To balance out the above, producers tell MHProNews that they still have months of backlogs. So, this should be taken as presented. This isn’t a case of the entire industry being in retreat.
But to avoid the trend line – which for two months is down nationally, and has been trending down in several states for longer – there is a need to be pro-active.
Industry readers should be reminded that a number of associations have told MHProNews that they have ‘no real choice’ but to share “MHI news,” because of saber rattling by Tim Williams. See that insider information in a prior related report below.

State executives, MHI members and/or staff, some feds, and those with the GSEs are among those who have been providing information to MHProNews.
MHProNews has invited executives at Clayton, and MHI to address these and other industry concerns. They’ve routinely declined to comment. Why?

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