that some 33 buildings were red tagged by inspectors in Napa, while newer and more earth quake resistant city hall was still safe to enter. Tanya Mahaphon, a business owner, said how critical it was for her building’s survival that the building be properly anchored down.
A state of emergency was declared by Governor Jerry Brown in the wake of an estimated billion dollars or more in property damage.
Some news outlets reported that 4 homes in a “mobile home park” where destroyed when the homes’ concrete block supports gave way, apparently causing gas lines to rupture, catch fire from sparks which in turned burned those houses. Some neighboring homes had vinyl siding melt from the heat of the flames. But as local media’s own images demonstrate, surrounding homes that were better installed to modern standards did not suffer similar catastrophic loses.
NBC Bay Area’s Bob Redell reported that no one was seriously hurt or killed in the MH community. Meanwhile hundreds of North Bay Area residents poured into local healthcare facilities for treatment of injuries. The quake is said to be the worst to hit in about 25 years. ##
(Photo credits: NBC Bay Area News)