When someone examines the remarks, reviews, and ratings data on Indeed of prominent Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) member companies, a reasonable takeaway is that thousands upon thousands of employees or “workers” are unhappy at Clayton Homes (BRK), Skyline Champion (SKY), and Cavco Industries (CVCO). Collectively thousands of others are working at Sun Communities (SUI), Equity LifeStyle Properties (ELS), RHP Properties (RHP-privately held), Flagship Communities (TSX: MHC.U) (TSX: MHC.UN), Impact Communities, Yes! Communities, and Havenpark Communities. Those firms have all been listed as MHI members. What would happen if numbers of unhappy workers joined forces at their location, or at a broader regional and/or national levels? What if a walkout or strike was organized against one, some, or all of the above-named firms? Or what if such a walkout was credibly threatened in protest against the purported predatory and potentially illegal practices of those firms? More on those points will be linked further below. Wouldn’t the publicity that would likely result during a broad walkout spark positive changes? Since even oligopoly style monopolization, per some sources, cut earnings for workers while often costing consumers more, and since oligopoly style monopolization can be deemed illegal, such a plan to organize a potential walkout, slowdown, or strike against one or more of those firms could prove beneficial for potentially millions of Americans, including smaller investors and independent business owners too.
One of the beneficiaries of such a movement could be the apparently widely unhappy workers at vertically integrated producers:
- Clayton Homes (BRK),
- Skyline Champion (SKY),
- Cavco Industries (CVCO).
The employees and “workers” at the following firms could also benefit from such a movement.
- Sun Communities (SUI),
- Equity LifeStyle Properties (ELS),
- RHP Properties (RHP-privately held),
- Flagship Communities (TSX: MHC.U) (TSX: MHC.UN),
- Impact Communities,
- Yes! Communities, and
- Havenpark Communities (Havenpark Capital).
Are there clues that such a movement is already underway? More on tips, research and evidence for that in a planned follow up report, perhaps soon.
Part I
First, some sobering facts. In investigating the question of purported strike, slowdown, and walkout potential – something which MHProNews could certainly report on and potentially support digitally – this industry leading trade publication explored possible evidence for how likely it may be.
Much of this is report is per Indeed, as shown, but some other sources have been cited in the various linked reports further below too.

Based on a grade scale system used at Madison Plains High School and untold thousands of other schools across the U.S., the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) “Big Three” producer brands Clayton Homes (BRK), Champion (i.e.: Skyline Champion-SKY), and Cavco Industries are all D grade scale companies, per reviews posted on, collated, and reported by Indeed.
Indeed’s scoring is based on remarks made by actual employees, past and present. Overlaying
GRADE POINT VALUES Equal Letter Ranking (A-B-C-D-F) or
GRADE POINT VALUES (4.0 = A, 3.0= B, 2.0 = C, 1.0 – D).
A = 100 – 90 (4)
B = 89 – 80 (3)
C = 79 -70 (2)
D = 69 – 60 (1)
F = 59 – Below (0).
Vertically Integrated Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) Member Producers (i.e.: firms that also retail homes in company owned stores, offer affiliated financial services, and possibly other services too).
- Clayton Homes (BRK) reviews are a composite of a “D” per data interpreted from Indeed on a standard grading scale – i.e.: 67 out of 100 or a D.
Notice: the graphic below can be expanded to a larger size.
See the instructions below the graphic below or click the image and follow the prompts.

- Skyline Champion (SKY) reviews are a composite of a “D” per Indeed – 66 out of 100 (see the Clayton explanation above for this and the following).
Notice: the graphic below can be expanded to a larger size.
See the instructions below the graphic below or click the image and follow the prompts.

- Cavco Industries (CVCO) reviews are a composite of a “D” per Indeed – 60 out of 100. If it were one point lower, it would be an “F.” More on this and several other firms in information linked further below.
Notice: the graphic below can be expanded to a larger size.
See the instructions below the graphic below or click the image and follow the prompts.

Manufactured Home Community (MHC) Sector (or what “Frank and Dave” like to call often errantly refer to as the “Mobile Home Park” sector (MHP).
Then, glance at the reviews from current and past employees per Indeed for the following Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) National Communities Council (NCC) brands.
- Sun Communities (SUI) = 69 is a “D.” (see the disclaimer for Clayton Homes and others above for this and the following).
Notice: the graphic below can be expanded to a larger size.
See the instructions below the graphic below or click the image and follow the prompts.

- Equity LifeStyle Properties (ELS) = 66, a “D.” (see the class action lawsuit insight linked further below or do a search for ELS legal on MHProNews/MHLivingNews or a similar search (ELS lawsuit). Something like that can be done for all the other brands named herein as well).
Notice: the graphic below can be expanded to a larger size.
See the instructions below the graphic below or click the image and follow the prompts.

- RHP Properties (RHP-privately held) = 62, a “D.” See this link for more information – which is often negative – about this firm).

- Flagship Communities (TSX: MHC.U) (TSX: MHC.UN) = 69, a “D.” (Do a search for “Flagship” or “SSK Communities” on MHProNews/MHLivingNews to discover an array of legal, media, and other attention to their purportedly problematic, predatory, and possibly illegal behaviors).
Notice: the graphic below can be expanded to a larger size.
See the instructions below the graphic below or click the image and follow the prompts.

- Impact Communities (think Frank Rolfe, Dave Reynolds) = 67, a “D.” (Do a search for “Impact Communities” or “RV Horizons” on MHProNews/MHLivingNews to discover an array of legal, media, and other attention to their purportedly problematic, predatory, and possibly illegal behaviors).

- Yes! Communities = 66, a “D.” (Do a search for “Yes! Communities” on MHProNews/MHLivingNews to discover an array of legal, media, and other attention to their purportedly problematic, predatory, and possibly illegal behaviors).
Notice: the graphic below can be expanded to a larger size.
See the instructions below the graphic below or click the image and follow the prompts.

- Havenpark Communities (Havenpark Capital) = 63, a “D.” (Do a search for “Havenpark” on MHProNews/MHLivingNews to discover an array of legal, media, and other attention to their purportedly problematic, predatory, and possibly illegal behaviors).

There are certainly other potential MHI and MHI affiliated state association member brands that could be labeled as “predatory.”
Some of the resident-consumer focused nonprofits in manufactured housing will have additional information on other possible brands that have problematic reputations. Why is there unrest among employees and workers at the 10 firms listed above, and perhaps in the MHI orbit others too? Some of the remarks posted by employees on Indeed could suggest that it is because residents are often unhappy with management that employees are unhappy with their workplace duties too. While some people like being bullies and ‘tormenting’ customers/residents, a case could be made the ‘normal’ people don’t like pushing customers/residents’ others around. Those who do have an entirely different set of possible gripes with the management of these firms and/or they may be among the few who praise management that has a predatory or bullying outlook.

More on the problems of purported “predatory” and “monopolistic” practices further below. Because there are also signs in the nation revealed in public polling that Americans are getting sick and tired of the service and employment practices of certain “big” box brands in the U.S. That seemingly growing negative mood toward large brands is likely why both major parties have for some time increased their talk, and at times action, in the realm of anti-monopolistic or “antitrust” action. Web searches for that on MHProNews and/or MHLivingNews will reveal examples like the ones linked below to learn more about those topics.
Notice: the graphic below can be expanded to a larger size.
See the instructions below the graphic below or click the image and follow the prompts.

The report linked below was one of the hottest reads among all of MHVille trade media and bloggers for months on end.

But as noted above, the other firms named have often faced regulatory, legal, and public scrutiny in the form of resident/consumer protests and mainstream media coverage and public official interest. But why should smaller and independent companies that routinely have a better reputation than these 10 MHI connected brands be made to suffer for the bad and/or illegal behavior(s) of these 10 named MHI member firms?

Do you see why MHI is apparently part of the problem in manufactured housing and not part of the solution? Do you see why MHARR has named MHI and others, as part of the problem in manufactured housing instead of joining them to become part of the solution?

For regular readers on MHProNews/MHLivingNews, these facts and the related evidence are not surprises.
But for those who may be reading for the first time or who only come occasionally, reading this may be an ‘aha!’ moment. Because manufactured housing can be a good industry and it is a necessary product. But the fact that it is being thwarted by apparently corrupt corporate and association leaders ought to be a wakeup call for anyone associated with firms like these, right?
But the above brings us to the headline topic and related questions of a strike, walkout, or a credible threat for such an effort.
While there is evidence for unrest as shown and linked, the following is in part hypothetical.
Front Line Professionals in Factories, Communities, Sales Centers, Services…
Manufactured housing pros working on the front lines in factories, communities, sales centers, transportation, lending, installation, or other services, can have more power than you/they may think.
In international relations, the mere threat of nuclear war can be enough, so long as the threat is credible and the nerve to use the threat exists. That’s why nations like North Korea sought nuclear weapons, and why a country like Iran wants their own nukes too. By way of analogy, the mere threat of a walkout, strike or “blue flu” type action can be enough.
If tens of thousands of industry professionals read this article, if people who don’t normally read trade journals like this one read this report and share it with others, that ‘traffic’ (pageviews on this report) information is logged. We don’t see ‘you,’ but your traffic and pageviews are counted on millions of online websites. If this report goes viral, and we then get the opportunity to share that high-readership information with others in a follow up report, that alone may cause some of these reportedly predatory brands to rethink their behavior.
Strikes and the ‘Blue Flu’ – Lawful Option for Possible Change Without ‘Firing a Proverbial Shot’
Let’s stress that everything in this hypothetical topic article should be understood only in peaceful and lawful terms. That said, there are presently several ways to legally ‘sabotage’ or undercut even a giant company that is behaving in a predatory, corrupt, illegal, or immoral fashion.
One of the potential ways to have a metaphorical neutron bomb to use against a manufactured housing giant is a great walkout or strike.
Picture a manufactured home production center where most or all of the workforce doesn’t show up for work one day. Depending on the length of such a walkout or strike, the impact could be in the millions of dollars.
Because such a strike or walkout would likely become mainstream news, it could quickly impact the stock value of the targeted firm. That could be millions of dollars more in ‘lost’ stock value.
Additionally, as the Cavco Industries (CVCO) shareholder and SEC related suits in recent years revealed, when stock value drops on something that is arguably avoidable, millions of dollars in more financial damage could be experienced by a company.

These MHI member companies are aware of those events.
When upper management at those companies read this column, they will quickly grasp just how potent such a walkout, slowdown, or strike could be.
Big companies are already complaining that they are having a hard time replacing workers or adding new employees.
A sudden and dramatic loss of much or all of a location’s workforce could be a serious shock to a large firm.
Note, as MHProNews previously mentioned, there was an incident uncovered where an apparently MHI linked party wanted to target MHARR members. Perhaps our mention of that may have averted a problem for the location in question. But that episode arguably reveals that ‘the powers that be’ understand how harmful such a move can be TO THEMSELVES. Again, think of this following list, based on the insights detailed and linked above.
- Clayton Homes (BRK),
- Skyline Champion (SKY),
- Cavco Industries (CVCO).
- Sun Communities (SUI),
- Equity LifeStyle Properties (ELS),
- RHP Properties (RHP-privately held),
- Flagship Communities (TSX: MHC.U) (TSX: MHC.UN),
- Impact Communities,
- Yes! Communities, and
- Havenpark Communities (Havenpark Capital).
One of several possible takeaways is that the mere threat of a ‘Blue Flu,’ walkout, or strike is arguably KNOWN to these MHI member brands. Keep that in mind as you read this.
Formal and Informal Strikes and “the Blue Flu”
In law enforcement walkouts or slowdowns are sometimes called “the blue flu.” Oxford Languages explains the meaning of Blue Flu: “a strike action, especially among police officers, in which workers are absent on the pretext of sickness.”
The legal news and views site Nolo sheds more light on the “Blue Flu.” “An organized protest by law enforcement officers who call in sick. Police officers may stage these “sick-outs” because they are not legally allowed to go on strike.”
A Sense of Urgency – Timing and Hypothetically Speaking
In the foreseeable future, AI and robotics could replace most workers in most fields. It’s insane for employees to think that the management of several MHI firms aren’t looking into this or they already have a plan they are working towards.
That means that the best time to stop the corruption of manufactured housing by company leaders is sooner, not later.
As was previously noted above, there is currently a shortage of possible employees and workers of various types.
So now, and in the near future, this may be the best time to act in establishing a way of preparing yourself for a possible strike, walkout, or “blue flu” type event.
As an MHI insider told MHProNews, the case has been made that the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) has been corruptly controlled by consolidators for years. That doesn’t mean that every firm in MHI is corrupt. But several large corporations arguably are.
Based on mainstream news, legal research by Samuel “Sam” Strommen and others reported by MHProNews/MHLivingNews, a possible list of firms worth striking against, walking out on, or using “blue flu” tactics could include the following.
In no particular order of importance are the following.
- Clayton Homes (BRK),
- Skyline Champion (SKY),
- Cavco Industries (CVCO),
- Sun Communities (SUI),
- Equity LifeStyle Properties (ELS),
- Flagship Communities (TSX: MHC.U) (TSX: MHC.UN),
- RHP Properties,
- Impact Communities (Frank Rolfe and Dave Reynolds),
- Havenpark Communities,
- Yes! Communities.
That list isn’t exhaustive. Obviously, for those working at one of those firms, the other firms are interesting, but in a practical sense, what may matter most is the one that you or someone you know is employed with.
TIPS – Always Be Prepared!
MHProNews, in this hypothetical outline suggests you be prepared well in advance.
- Save up cash. Free up your credit card lines of credit. Plan and prepare PERSONALLY. A walkout or strike ‘threat’ is no better than the practical option of actually striking. In theory, any of those companies could flip from purported ‘black hat behavior’ to ‘white hat’ behavior. Keep the goal in mind. But for those who want to effect real change and make their company better, be ready, willing and able to ‘call in sick,’ walkout, or strike.
- That said, ideally, some might say that the goal should be to have the ‘threat’ of a strike, blue flu style sick-out, or walkout. Think about the recent UPS strike threat. They have come to a deal with workers because a credible strike was threatened. The actual action of a walkout or strike is the last resort. Think about recent, historic, and current strikes and related actions in a range of professions as examples. While this article can get you and others thinking, do your own research.
- Very, very important. Consider sharing this post discreetly with others. Spread the WORD quietly and effectively. Let the post do much of the work for you. Here’s why.
- One goal worth considering ought to be to make this post go viral. When or if this post goes viral in X days or weeks, MHProNews will do a follow up report with analysis and commentary. Here’s why that’s important.
- A viral article that we report could be a signal to predatory brands that the risk is real. Organizers may not have to expose themselves at all, if the word is quietly and effectively spread.
- Keep in mind that according to the federal National Labor Relations Board (NLRB): “Section 7 of the National Labor Relations Act states in part, “Employees shall have the right. . . to engage in other concerted activities for the purpose of collective bargaining or other mutual aid or protection.” Strikes are included among the concerted activities protected for employees by this section.” Again, let’s stress that everything being explored in this article is for lawful actions only.
- Think everything through. Apply the carpenter’s maxim: “Measure Twice, Cut Once.” Electronic sharing is easy, but it also leaves obvious evidence. If you decide to use that method despite the evidence, do so thoughtfully. For example, send messages from an account that doesn’t have your name on it and include yourself as if you are a recipient. If it is legal, why bother? Because despite protective federal and/or state laws, we know that some of these firms don’t seem to care too much about ethics and legalities. There are large firms that periodically hit the news for allegedly attempting to stop lawful protests and organizing.
- Besides the NLRB and other shield laws, never forget this. We have God given and Constitutionally protected rights! Don’t be afraid to use them
- For possible example of a low-tech way of sharing information. We live in an era where a URL (web address) can be typed on a piece of paper (see possible hypothetical example attached, how you might do it is up to you and others at your firm). Print as many copies as you need. Cut them as needed. Use plastic disposable gloves if you’d like to keep from leaving fingerprints. Put one on every desk, yours included. Think it through, because you know what security cameras or other possible means of detecting this may exist at your place of work.
Tips and Whistleblowers!
Corrupt people and corrupted organizations often leave clues and evidence. Gather it together. Think things through.
Do your homework. Skip some unnecessary things in your day and spend that time studying up on the issues like those linked herein.
This is your life, and the lives of people you care about.
Note: we as trade media accept anonymous information. We have reported on items others didn’t get or if they got it they didn’t have the guts to publish.
Even without exclusive documents like those shown above, anyone could have done the report linked below. But why ANY didn’t the other trade publishers and bloggers in MHVille focus on this as MHProNews did?
If or When this Goes Viral…
You can count on MHProNews for the proposed follow up, mentioned above.
Few things would scare the powers that be at MHI and their prominent named brands like this might. There are others that have been explored (see posts). Others in future exclusive evidence-provided op-eds are on the drawing board. Stay tuned.

Part II. Daily Business News on MHProNews Markets and Headline News Segment
Headlines from left-of-center CNN Business – from the evening of 7.26.2023
- Interest rates go up again
- The Fed’s latest move could either take a bite out of your wallet or benefit you. Here’s what it means
- Variety faces calls for a retraction as its head-turning story about CNN drama begins to fall apart
- Young Chinese are getting paid to be ‘full-time children’ as jobs become harder to find
- Larry Summers slams Biden economic agenda as ‘increasingly dangerous’
- Mattel plans to go all in on Barbie for Christmas
- Meta stock climbs after company posts 11% revenue growth
- Anheuser-Busch to lay off employees after Bud Light loses spot as top-selling beer to Modelo in May
- Three takeaways from Fed Chair Powell following July hike decision
- The Fed hikes interest rates by a quarter point and hints at another increase this year
- Dow notches longest winning streak since 1987 on Fed news and corporate earnings
- What does the UPS-Teamsters deal mean? Who won? And what’s next?
- Prosecutors want Sam Bankman-Fried sent to jail after witness-tampering allegations. Judge issues gag order
- British billionaire Joe Lewis indicted on insider trading charges
- Gasoline prices are spiking. That’s a problem for Powell and the Fed
- Seven major automakers, including GM, Stellantis and Honda, join to create US charging network
- New home sales dropped in June after May’s surge
- Gap hires Mattel president to be its new CEO
- Samsung’s newest foldable phone is still outrageously pricey
- Google, Microsoft, OpenAI and Anthropic announce industry group to promote safe AI development
- This measure of homelessness in England has reached a 25-year high
- The risks are rising for Western firms in Russia. So why are so many staying put?
- UK bank CEO quits over closure of Brexit campaigner Nigel Farage’s account
- The responsible investing boom is over. Can anything replace ESG?
Notice: the graphic below can be expanded to a larger size.
Headlines from right-of-center Newsmax 7.26.2023
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