Rezoning Proposal Creates Conflict of Interest Charges

St. Clair Times reports from Alabama the Argo zoning board will consider a proposed ordinance to allow more manufactured homes into an area that has been home to MHs for many years. In changing the zoning from “high-density residential” to “manufactured home zoning,” the ordinance would disallow manufactured homes over ten years old, and sets standards for spatial requirements for each homesite. While board chairman Jim Link says the ordinance is pretty restrictive, and the area under consideration is only 16 percent of the city, councilman Steve Medori is concerned about property values declining. He says businesses may chose to not locate in Argo because of the MHs, and the proposed district may become home to potentially dangerous FEMA homes. He notes Mayor Paul Jennings and Link both own property in the proposed area, which could lead to a conflict of interest. Link and Jennings say they will recuse themselves from the discussion and the vote. Medori, who also owns property in the area to be rezoned, says, “If you design a missile, launch it, you’re still responsible for it. You can’t just say, ‘I’m out of it now’. Therefore, I think the whole process is tainted.”

(Graphic credit: bing images)

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