“How can you be sure that your manufactured home will stand the test of time as well as a traditional, typically more expensive, stick built home? Well, for starters, the way of thinking and stigma about manufactured homes being of lesser-quality just because they tend to be less expensive is a seriously outdated way of thinking,” said 92 Moose FM about the 2019 Maine Manufactured Housing Show. Newer or first-time visitors are reminded that MHProNews often turns quoted text bold and brown to emphasize the quote, but otherwise it is as in the original.
The event was “powered by Newport Structures,” and their website says the firm “provides portable storage solutions in Newport, ME and the surrounding areas. Specializing in mini barns, portable storage units and portable garages, our shed builders will stop at nothing to bring your unique vision to life.” It’s smart to have that kind of strategic ally in such an event, some firm that benefits from the industry, but isn’t necessarily in the industry.
Part of the pre-event promo said, “The Townsquare Media 2019 Manufactured Housing Show provides attendees the opportunity to make an informed decision on the make, model and features in their home. Order the home of your dreams at the show! No need to drive from dealership to dealership, the Maine Manufactured Housing Show provides YOU – the buying public – with everything you want, in one convenient place.
Join us at the
Augusta Civic Center on any of these dates and times:
Friday, Feb. 1,
noon-7 pm
Saturday, Feb. 2,
10 am-7 pm
Sunday, Feb. 3, 10
am-4 pm.”
Newport Structure’s Facebook page gave no post-event report. Nor was such information found on the Maine Manufactured Housing Show’s Facebook page.
This was a collage from that FB page to promote the show, pre-event.
We have deliberately not asked – yet – how successful this event was, though we looked for online results information. We can state with certainty that the concept of getting homes in front of the home buying public obviously has merit. That aspect we hereby applaud.
Such events are not inexpensive. Some of the pre-event promotional video from Moose 92 FM was unappealing, to put it politely. There was no YouTube video found for the 2019 show, but there was one from a promotion from 4 years ago, which is posted below. Why didn’t 92 FM post their video on YouTube?
It is obvious that manufactured housing must do some out-of-the-box promotional efforts, or it will keep getting historically low results. We encourage trying vs. not trying.
But when someone is going to try, they should do all that is possible to insure maximum results for every marketing investment.
Let’s presume, for analysis and discussion’s sake, that they plan to repeat this show. Why is there no post-event report? For those who looked online, but didn’t come, they may do precisely what MHProNews did this evening, see what facts can be found from the show promoters. Nada, that was readily visible.
What impression does that leave? Or what impression is there from questions posted on Facebook that are never replied to by the event promoters?
However successful – or not – this event was, a post-event analysis could make it all worthwhile. We’ll plan a follow up report. Stay tuned.
The first link below the byline has useful insights for proven concepts necessary for those who recognize that manufactured housing needs to adapt in order to grow again.
That’s this Friday night’s final edition of manufactured home “Industry News, Tips, and Views Pros Can Use,” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (News, analysis, and commentary.)

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