Never underestimate the power of money in Washington, D. C., or in the districts and states that send legislators to Capitol Hill.
Legislators or other public officials can be influenced about matters that moneyed interests care about in a variety of ways, as an examination of the power of money over politicos becomes more evident in recent years. So, for that and a variety of other possible reasons, there are no guarantees that investigations opened will lead to a just outcome.
With those disclaimers, a formal communication from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) to the publisher of MHProNews, discloses a document that is the first known official statement by a Berkshire Hathaway brand on the allegations of market rigging and monopolistic activities.
The CFPB provided a letter from a 21st Mortgage Corp. attorney – noting that lawyers can are also known by the slang terminology of ‘a suit’ – denied all allegations made against 21st.
That staff attorney for 21st Mortgage Corp is Jeff Warkins, JD, who has been asked to provide comments for specific questions related to allegations that can be accessed by the linked text/image below.
Bridging Gap$, Affordable Housing Solution Yields Higher Pay, More Wealth, But Corrupt, Rigged Billionaire’s Moat is Barrier –
America woke up today to division. But perhaps 75 percent (+/-) of the nation’s people could come together on a plan that demonstrably could do the following. Increase the U.S. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by some $2 Trillion Annually, without new federal spending.
21st Attorney Denies Allegations, BUT…
The entire letter from Jeff Warkins, JD, to the CFPB is linked here as a download. MHProNews’ publisher has responded to those denials to the CFPB, which may be the subject of an upcoming report.

That noted, let’s go to the meat of what Warkins’ said on behalf of his firm.
“…Please consider this 21 st Mortgage’s official response.
Tony Kovack is not a consumer of 21 st Mortgage under any plausible definition of the term and thus his use of the Consumer Complaint portal is misplaced. Aside from that, the most appropriate and accurate response is that we flatly reject all of his assertions. Additionally, we are not aware of any HUD or other regulator investigating the “claims” to which Kovack has alluded…”
It should be noted that Warkins correctly spelled our publisher’s last name earlier, but then misspelled it for the balance of the letter. If he couldn’t get something as easy as the spelling consistently correct, what other mistakes might have been made?
But more important, the fact that Warkins says he is unaware of other investigations is odd, as it has been reported last year by the Seattle Times, local media in Knoxville, and of course here on MHProNews.
Here’s what Knoxville’s WBIR said on their video report page, “A federal spokesperson confirmed to 10News Monday that it’s looking into a “fair housing” complaint tied to the Maryville-based home builder.” Rephrased, Warkins’ is either uninformed, missed easily accessed facts, and/or was perhaps hoping to bluff the CFPB?
Notice that hundreds more have viewed this local news video linked above since MHProNews recently posted it.
Questions Posed to Jeff Warkins by MHProNews:
— Start of quotes from message to Jeff Warkins, JD @ 21st Mortgage —
Jeff Warkins, JD,
We will be doing a report and would value your photo. Please advise either way. Thanks.
We’d also welcome any other comments from you and/or 21st on the allegations linked below, which are a key element of what the CFPB is asking about.
More specifically, while your letter to CFPB correctly asserts that I’m not a customer, what you may or may not be aware of is that the State of NY AG’s office apparently referred the matter to the CFPB.
With that understood,
- do you deny that Tim Williams issued such a letter [As is linked here and above]?
- Do you deny that Warren Buffett’s annual letter has been accurately quoted?
- Do you deny what Kevin Clayton at Clayton Homes said on that video interview with Robert Miles?
Kindly clarify, confirm or comment on those points, and then please send your photo too. You are also welcome to comment or forward to an appropriate party on any of the issues noted further below.
Thank you.
L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach | | Office 863-213-4090 |
— end of quotes from message to Jeff Warkins, JD @ 21st Mortgage —
No reply to the above has been received from 21st as of the time of this post. Later replies are welcomed from 21st, Clayton Homes, Berkshire Hathaway, and the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI).
Wheels like sort of complaint may grind slowly, as now House Financial Services Committee chair Maxine Waters (CA-D) and other Democratic complaints which occurred in 2016 exemplify. So, don’t misconstrue periods of silence on this issue. Federal and other investigation fuses have been lit.
Other tips on this or other topic are welcome.

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