City officials are glad it’s finally over. “They’re going to get their settlement; we’re going to get our property back,” Councilman Scott Sherman said. “It’s a long time coming. It’s been in the courts, up and down three ways from Sunday, and I think we’re finally at an end here.” Discussion of what the city might do with the land will come in the future, Sherman stated.
As is happening elsewhere in the U.S., developers believe the land had become too valuable for the community and its manufactured home residents to remain there.
The San Diego City Council recently approved the establishment of a fund to pay residents for their homes and/or property rights. Divided between residents, some will receive an amount around $60,000 and $70,000 – but much less for others. Some say it will not be enough to help them find a comparable place to live.
One of the ironies of the case is that many California jurisdictions bruise MHC owners over rent control. Now the shoe, it seems, is on the other foot as residents have gone after the city for their notion of justice.
Some of the residents have lived at De Anza Cove for more than 20 years and are attached to their address. Considering the increase in housing costs over the years, many cannot find somewhere to move that offers similar amenities for similar prices. Many feel that the city has treated them shabbily and unfairly.
Now that those proceedings are over, the settlement calls for the city to issue eviction notices within 90 days, giving residents one year to move.
The agreement also specifies payments to be provided to homeowners and renters depending on their situation, including whether or not their homes are able to be moved to another location. ##
(Photo Credit, KGTV, San Diego)