Manufactured housing industry members from Montana, Wyoming, Nebraska, North and South Dakota – and beyond – are coming to Deadwood South Dakota for information, inspiration, networking, and the business building that often takes place during their annual “Five States” meeting.
Their full agenda of mixers, presentations, networking, and business meetings are linked here as a download.
L. A. “Tony” Kovach was invited to be the keynote luncheon presenter, as the screen capture below reflects.

The event is held at the Lodge in Deadwood, SD.
For those in the North-Central and Western U.S. who have not yet had an opportunity to hear Kovach present, the two videos below may provide some insights.
The first video spotlights corporate leaders, association, and company owners’ comments and feedback on Kovach and his team’s business-building, pro-industry work.
The second video features many ‘rank and file’ sales and management professionals’ reaction to hearing Kovach’s marketing presentations on How to Dominate Your Local Market, and SuperCharged Sales and Marketing.
As dozens of written endorsements and the full-length version of video interviews with industry professionals reflect, Kovach brings proven, real world systems that work when applied.
The motivation Kovach’s manufactured home marketing and sales systems yield are reality-based, vs. wishing, hoping and hype, say past attendees. His clients often experience robust growth, see the interview video linked on this page here, where a client touts their strong, profitable growth.
During his award-winning manufactured housing career, Kovach has been in some 45 states – plus a Canadian province – on marketing, training, coaching, business, video, keynote speaking or other industry professional work.

Kovach has been a corporate keynote as well as association speaker. He has worked with businesses of all sizes that are willing to invest in themselves to help them dominate their local housing market. One of the takeaways the videos above will reveal is how Kovach’s soft-touch, attraction-marketing and sales methods bring more cash and good credit buyers. ## (News, announcement, event. To Learn More About Professional Services, Click Here.)

(Image credits are as shown above, and when provided by third parties, are shared under fair use guidelines.)