There are at least 4 recent “affordable housing program” proposals that have been announced that have the potential to impact manufactured housing for good or ill.
3 of them are by higher-profile 2020 Democratic presidential hopefuls.
Senator Kalama Harris’ (CA-D) office has provided a plan she has styled the “Rent Relief Act of 2018,” which can be read at that hot-link or as a download.
Senator Cory Booker’s (NJ-D) communication’s team provided MHProNews his idea that will impact the affordable housing and manufactured home markets in a concept he’s styled “Housing, Opportunity, Mobility, and Equity Act of 2018.’’
This passed week, Senator Elizabeth Warren’s (MA-D) office has provided the Daily Business News on MHProNews her plan. It’s dubbed the “American Housing and Economic Mobility Act.”
The last plan was described by the left-of-center Intercept as “The legislation calls for a half-trillion dollar investment in affordable housing over the next 10 years, creating up to 3.2 million new units for low- and middle-income families.” Why have a plan that only covers less than half of the affordable housing shortfall reported by the National Association of Realtors® (NAR) ?
That’s 3 plans from 3 Democratic hopefuls. We will review those in the days ahead here on MHProNews, but note here that each involves an effort to frame affordable housing as an important issue for the upcoming midterms. Each prospective Democratic hopeful believes that affordable housing is one of the necessary planks for winning the midterms, and thus winning the White House 2 years later.

That’s a huge signal to manufactured housing tea-leaves-readers. Note that a quick thumbnail is this. Each plan has an opportunity to erode the private-sector solution for affordable housing that is provided by the manufactured housing industry.
“Henry Kraemer, a Portland-based activist, co-authored an article in The Nation in May making the political case for Democrats to take up housing issues. In August, he followed up with a co-authored report laying out specific policy recommendations, such as new rent subsidies and expanded public housing,” said the Intercept.
Manufactured housing investors and professionals – sit up and take notice from the ONLY trade publisher in MHVille that keeps you abreast of these topics which can help-or-harm your bottom lines with such clarity and depth of information. Where’s the Manufactured Housing Institute’s (MHI) analysis and commentary on these looming issues?
HUD Secretary Ben Carson and the Trump Administration’s Plan – Which Has Noted MH
The “U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development announced that it aims to “streamline and enhance” an Obama-era rule on desegregation,” said CityLabs.
The same source said that this time “...HUD is adopting a novel framework for rolling back its rule on desegregation: Carson is pitching this rule change as a way to fend off NIMBYism.” If that sounds like YIMBY vs. NIMBY, CityLabs says you’re right. Once more, it is the Daily Business News that spotlighted that issue, which a few state association executives, the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR), and a small circle of others have mentioned.
YIMBY vs. NIMBY, Obama Admin Concept Could Unlock $1.95 Trillion Annually, HUD & MH Impact
A Washington, D.C. source has told MHProNews that our submission to HUD and the DOE have drawn attention on manufactured housing issues. CityLabs calls Carson’s move an about face. Coincidence?
When former President Jimmy Carter blasted the Trump Administration for their failure to address affordable housing as he thought it should be done, a HUD spokeswoman told MHProNews that part of the Carson plan is manufactured housing. She specifically pointed to the talk Carson gave, which is linked below.
The reported hit by former President Jimmy Carter (D) on President Trump, , covered exclusively in MHVille on the Daily Business News, is found at the link below.
Possible Warning Signs…
The above link doesn’t mean that manufactured housing professionals should be too relaxed about maneuvering that is underway at HUD, by MHI and MHARR. See that report, linked below.
MHI SVP Lesli Gooch & MHARR CEO Mark Weiss Bookend New, Prior HUD Controversies
As the midterms approach – now just 38 days away, and with early voting starting in some places – the industry needs to wake up and smell the coffee for what’s coming. There are signals both ways as to how the polling is going.
Pew Research says that interest among voters about the midterms is at 72 percent, a sky-high level for non-presidential year voting. It’s a jump ball between the two major parties.
See the new, related report, linked below. MHProNews will look at several facts and analysis in upcoming reports in the days ahead. Stay tuned to your #1 source for manufactured home “Industry News, Tips, and Views Pros Can Use,” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” ©. You can sign up for our industry leading news at the link below. ## (News, analysis, and commentary.)
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