“It was one of the deadliest days in American history – the Twin Towers destroyed, the Pentagon attacked, Flight 93 brought down, almost 3,000 people killed,” said CBS 2 in New York.
“Institutions suffered, as well. The FDNY lost 343 members, the NYPD lost 23 cops and PAPD lost 37, including Chris Amaroso, seen in a famous photo helping a woman after the attack.”
“He could have easily went to the hospital and got treated. Chris went back into that inferno and tried to save more people,” Paul Nunziato said, at the New York Port Authority Police Benevolent Association.
Millions of Americans have been born or are coming of age since 9.11.2001. They’ve only known as adults the wars that post-9.11 American service personnel have been fighting in places across the Middle East. Trillions of dollars were spent. Thousands of American lives were lost to their loved ones. Hundreds of thousands of lives of those living in the Middle East tragically ended too.
Looking back, what has been learned?
Immigration and border security are two of the most common-sense issues that about the time of 9.11 might have united Democrats and Republicans. But today, Democratic leaders that once called for border security are now saying they oppose it. Some far-left Democrats running for office in 2018 go so far as to say the want to abolish Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and have open borders.
Under President George W. Bush and Barack Obama, the federal debt has exploded to about 3 times what it was before those two took office.
We can’t recapture the lives lost, the blood spilt, the limbs lost, and the trillions of dollars spent.
But we can seek to avoid a tragic repeat of those events. Iran recently threatened the White House with attacks from within America, from what they claim are “sleeper cells” waiting in the United States. After 9.11, is that so far-fetched? The Drudge Report this morning had headlines like those shown below, which includes men of military age from Bangladesh crossing the border from Mexico into the U.S.
Border walls and barriers have worked for:
- Hungary, to stop some 99 percent of the flow of illegal immigrants from the Middle East that poured into Europe.
- between Saudi Arabia and Yemen,
- between Israel and their adversaries.
- Walls work for former President Obama’s residence, or that of Hollywood stars, and other rich and famous people.
- Why not a wall for our southern border? Especially when third party research proves it would rapidly pay for itself? See that recent report, linked below.
Manufactured Housing On and Since 9.11.2018
There have been thousands of Americans involved in manufactured housing, or who are residents of manufactured homes, who have suffered personal losses on or since 9.11.
The industry has sunk since 9.11, as the chart below reflects.

That isn’t to imply that the terrorist attacks of 9.11 caused the industry to sink. But what would have happened if those trillions had been spent in the U.S., instead of in foreign lands on battlefields and with spent missiles, bullets or bombs?
The military and first responders are to be respected for doing their duty, that’s not the issue. Rather, it is to avoid the next possible 9.11. It’s to make Americans as safe and prosperous as possible.

Americans poured into churches, synagogues, and other places of worship after 9.11, begging God to save them from more terrorism. Air travel may never be the same after that date, as airport security slowed travel, and at great cost, changed.
No amount of manipulative narratives about poor people crossing the border should deter voters from realizing that putting America First is common sense. The first duty of the U.S. government at all levels is to protect our citizens, not those of other countries.
See related reports, and consider supporting those candidates that put American prosperity, U.S. safety and security first. Elections matter. That’s “News through the lens of manufactured homes, and factory built housing,” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © (News, analysis, and commentary.)
(Third party images and content are provided under fair use guidelines.)
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