Our 11, soon to turn 12-year-old son Tamas (pronounced “Tah Mash”, in photo above, on the left) Kovach spotted the veteran in his scooter as we strolled in Disney Springs. Tamas knows we stop and thank our veterans for their service, as well as uniformed law enforcement officers too.
For over 2 decades, this veteran in the photo served in the Navy and as a U.S. Marine. He joked, but was serious, in saying that he only served on a ship for two weeks at sea. He said much of that time, he was sea sick.
The veteran was a medic from North Carolina, and shared a few stories. One was the time that he and others stationed in Alaska were called to help a Russian Trawler in distress off the coast.
“There were no fish” on that vessel, the medic said, explaining that after the mission, he and the others involved during that Cold War era episode were debriefed by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
‘Lots of antenna and electronic gear on board?’ our publisher L. A. “Tony” Kovach – who is a military history buff – asked the sailor/Marine.
“Yes,” said the medic, ‘that’s why there was no fish.’ In those days, the old Soviet Union used what looked like a fishing vessel as spy ships. They were festooned with electronic gear, used for surveillance.
Every veterans has a story, usually lots of them.
The VA Market
There are some 20 million veterans of the armed forces alive today, almost as many as those who live in a mobile or manufactured home. Those veterans get VA benefits, including access to zero-down payment loans which can be used to buy a new manufactured home.
Chattel loans are an important part of the MH market, but why aren’t more land-home deals, including VA land home deals being done? Are you and your operation overlooking this significant market?
Thank our veterans, but let’s serve those well who served us too.
As an FYI, the Lee Greenwood music video has some clips that include modern manufactured homes. Can you spot them? That’s “News through the Lens of Manufactured Homes, and Factory-Built Housing,” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (News, analysis, and commentary.)
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