“What is truth?” That was the famous question from the Roman governor of conquered Israelite Palestine that he put to Jesus of Nazareth.
That question about what is the truth is perhaps more common now than when Pilate asked it.
Bias confirmation is a real thing. If someone already holds to a certain belief, there is often a tendency to stick to a given feeling and then try to ‘find’ or ‘see’ evidence that supports said bias.
Another way to look at bias confirmation is that old habits are hard to break.
The hot financing issue currently is replenishing the CARES Act created fund for the SBA program called by the acronym – the PPP. The Paycheck Protection Program ran out of its original funding last week, which thus now requires Congressional reauthorization.
That SBA PPP money is a possible lifeline for thousands of smaller businesses that were forced to close by government fiat. MHI in a recent message stressed their work to get that fund replenished. Let’s examine that notion briefly.
There is a photo of Lesli Gooch with Steny Hoyer (MD-D), the House Democratic majority leader, the number two in the Democratically controlled House of Representatives behind Speaker Nancy Pelosi (CA-D). Nathan Smith is a somebody in the Democratic Party, in KY and beyond. What are they doing besides writing memos and emails? Where is there self-proclaimed influence or clout?

But beyond those more common faces named above in MHVille there are: Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Michael Bloomberg, George Soros and other members of the left-leaning billionaires club. Writing this analysis as a true political independent, it is obvious that the GOP wants the SBA PPP fund replenished. In fairness, Democrats are not necessarily opposed, but they want to load the bill up with added items that for their own agenda. That on paper is the current impasse.
Let’s reframe that by saying that the power to advance or stall the PPP bill is in Democratic hands. If Kevin Clayton and the big boys of manufactured housing that tell MHI CEO Lesli Gooch and MHI President Mark Bowersox which way is up wanted that PPP fund replenished via a ‘clean bill,’ it would be easy. Kevin calls Warren. Warren puts the word out to his billionaire buddies who in turn fund those Democrats (and certain Republicans too).
The SBA PPP funding bill could get passed in record time. It is all about the money.
Let’s reframe the issue once more. Why is the SBA PPP round two bill really being delayed?
The logic of the matter is that the powers that be in the Omaha-Knoxville-Arlington axis and their allies want to delay passage of the second part of the PPP funding bill. Why?
Sadly, it’s because more businesses will fail the longer that PPP SBA program bill sits unfunded. Some of those soon-to-fail businesses will likely be in manufactured housing.
To understand how the powers that be think, one must look at their history, in and out of factory-built housing.
Never mind what people are saying. Watch what they are doing.
Or let’s rephrase that: pay attention to what they say but pay more attention to what they do.
Then follow the money trail. That’s not just MHI award winner Marty Lavin’s mantra, it is what journalists like award-winning Sharyl Attkisson were trained to do.
Those uber-billionaires helped put President Barack Obama in the Oval Office. The Obamas are now wealthy people, thanks to Netflix and book deals, among other things. Isn’t one hand washing the other? Do you see why MHProNews periodically has raised the question about FAANG-BM, not just Berkshire Hathaway alone?
There are times that the powers that be call on Democrats to do their dirty work. On other occasions – a blast from the past could be pre-POTUS Trump foreign trade deals – they called on certain members of the GOP.
Once the pattern of game playing, deceptive behaviors, lies and head fakes are understood, it becomes easier to spot.
The China or CCP Virus – by whatever politically correct or incorrect name you want to call COVID19 – is according to some voices inside the political world the biggest money and power grab of the modern era. People’s constitutional rights are being ignored in the name of public safety. Misinformation and contradictory information has abounded.
Near the center of those issues is the World Health Organization (WHO) or the IHME model for projecting Wuhan Virus death and infection rates. Are the Gates Foundation financial and other ties to WHO or IHME to be ignored by federal officials? Or is the Trump Administration keeping its powder dry for later, once the pandemic is under control?
In 2019, not long before the CCP pandemic outbreak occurred, an ‘elite’ group of leaders met in Event 201. It was yet another viral outbreak drill. The Gates Foundation was well represented at Event 201, per media sources. Per the Center for Health Security website, “Event 201 The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. The exercise illustrated areas where public/private partnerships will be necessary during the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large-scale economic and societal consequences.”
Not only was Crimson Contagion being modeled by federal plus certain state and city leaders, Event 201 did similarly. There have been years of such drills, spanning Democratic and Republican Administrations. These aren’t conspiracy theories, these are documented facts.

That begs the question. How is it that national intelligence sources only advised – per media reports – President Trump in January? Why not in November or December 2019? The reason the answer to that matters is the point of the medical research work done cited in quotation below.

By the time the President Trump was briefed by intelligence sources, per media reports, the CCP Virus was already spreading globally. Much of the narrative on both sides of the left-right political and media divide thus misses that key point. If it was indeed too late, it is because the information given to the president was too late.
Furthermore, while the pandemic was picking up speed in China, Democrats were doing a largely partisan impeachment of the 45th president. “On the evening of September 24, 2019, Pelosi announced that six committees of the House of Representatives would begin a formal impeachment inquiry into President Trump,” says Wikipedia. NPR said that “On Nov. 13, public impeachment hearings began in the Intelligence Committee.”
Beyond that timeline, one must keep in mind that Democrats sit on intelligence committees too. Senator Tom Cotton (AR-R) warned about that, where were the Democratic voices that did the same?
Instead, there was howls against Senator Cotton for being a conspiracy theorist. However, the left-of-center Washington Post recently advanced the same notion, only weeks later.

One can agree or disagree with how the president’s communications team is handling this contagion and the federal response. But the foundational truths based upon current media reports seemingly are these.
- The China Virus originated in China.
- It may have escaped from a BL4 biolab known as the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
- Beijing and the WHO initially downplayed the risks. That allowed the virus to spread. Nations like Taiwan and South Korea that took earlier actions fared better.
- The statement “China lied, people and economies died” has a tragic measure of truth. But one must not overlook the billionaires’ connections to these developments. To what degree they may be cashing in we don’t know yet, but that is likely to become ever more clear in the next 120 days. What we do know is the a Buffett investor cashed in, and so have a few Republican and Democratic lawmakers, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (CA-D) husband.
This is a corrupt and dirty game that is being played. MHProNews warned months ago that this was a money grab in motion. How did we know? It was an evidence based hunch based upon the history behind the people involved.
Manufactured housing is a small industry today because of ongoing purported market manipulations. But that market manipulation is taking place in other parts of our economy too.
History can be read as a series of stories that often come down to the struggle of people for their rights and freedom. Once America broke free of the monarch and monopolists in England, the next test was to see if we could stay free from those monopolistic oligarchs in our own Republic.
There will be a planned special report early this week, perhaps as soon as Monday. Watch for it.
Until then, ICYMI one of or more of the following, this fills in the blanks on several issues raised in manufactured housing. It is all based upon evidence, not shifting sands. Perhaps that is why fans and foes alike follow MHProNews so closely?
Until then, with no further adieu, here are the reports, commentaries and analysis for the week that was between 4.12 and 4.19.2020
What’s New on MHLivingNews

What’s the latest from Washington D.C. from MHARR

What’s New from the Masthead

What’s New on the Daily Business News on MHProNews
Saturday 4.18.2020
Friday 4.17.2020
Thursday 4.16.2020
Wednesday 4.15.2020
Tuesday 4.14.2020
Monday 4.13.2020
Sunday 4.12.2020
Ecclesiastes 1:9 says that “There is nothing new under the sun.” History doesn’t precisely repeat, but it does so in general ways that for those who study it are insightful and useful.
Warren Buffett is counting on your not studying history, including the history of your industry. Do you want to accommodate him, or do you want to be part of the resistance that is fighting for economic, political, religious, social and other forms of legitimate freedom?
It is life-long Democrat supporter Joel Kotkin, once a Washington Post journalist himself, that said that today’s media is nothing like yesteryears. Kotkin admits that there was media bias then too. But he said that there was at least an effort made to show both sides of the story.
Today, there is a need to check several sources to begin to understand what is occurring. We source across the left-right divide, from the New York Times, Washington Post or CNN, to Fox News, Breitbart, or the anti-communist Epoch Times. We tune into independent centrist media like Sharyl Attkisson or the Hill too. Keep the bias in mind, and information that is useful can be sifted.

We gather facts first, then report and provide analysis. It is routinely based on facts, evidence, some history and the money trail. Perhaps that is why were have the runway largest audience in manufactured housing, bar none?

In MHVille, this is the only place on a Sunday that you’ll find the newest installment of “News through the lens of manufactured homes and factory-built housing” © where we blend topics of business, culture, faith, politics and more in a manner where – “We Provide, You Decide.” © (Affordable housing, manufactured homes, week in review, reports, fact-checks, analysis, and commentary. Third-party images or content are provided under fair use guidelines for media.) (See Related Reports, further below. Text/image boxes often are hot-linked to other reports that can be access by clicking on them.)

By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for MHLivingNews.com.
Tony earned a journalism scholarship and earned numerous awards in history and in manufactured housing. For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and MHLivingNews.com. This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position, and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.
Connect on LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/latonykovach
Related References:
The text/image boxes below are linked to other reports, which can be accessed by clicking on them.

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