A survey of manufactured home buyers was done recently by an industry-leading business-to-consumer service provider.
The survey by MHVillage revealed the following results.
How soon would you like to move?
Now | 22% |
Next Month | 25% |
Next 6 Months | 26% |
Next Year | 10% |
Just Looking | 17% |
Are you looking to rent or purchase a home?
Buying | 67% |
Renting | 33% |
Which of the below will most influence your decision where to live?
Price | 33% |
Living in a single family home | 5% |
Amenities (pool, recreation center, etc.) | 6% |
Location | 43% |
Activities | 1% |
Have a friend/relative that lives in the community | 1% |
Move-in specials | 3% |
Living in a brand new home | 1% |
MHProNews.com plans to publish the complete survey, which included insights on the budgets and payments of buyers. ##
(Graphic credit: MHVillage)