“An appearance by Mark Zuckerberg on Joe Rogan’s podcast last week stoked controversy after the Meta CEO admitted that Facebook limited the bombshell Hunter Biden laptop story ahead of the 2020 election because the FBI had warned about “Russian propaganda.” So said Fox Business on 8.29.2022. They added that “After the release of the episode on Thursday, the FBI said it “routinely notifies U.S. private sector entities, including social media providers, of potential threat information, so that they can decide how to better defend against threats.”” So, what has emerged is the evidence-based reporting across the media spectrum about Hunter Biden and his international business deals that involved then Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden. shortly before the 2020 election. That was according to Hunter’s former partner Tony Bobulinski, who claimed he had met Joe personally and knew that he was “the big guy” identified by certain messages about the cut of the take from the international deals.
The following bullets are per Fox Business.
- “The FBI will continue to work closely with federal, state, local, and private sector partners to keep the public informed of potential threats, but the FBI cannot ask, or direct, companies to take action on information received,” the agency said.
- Meta said later Friday night that nothing about the Hunter Bidenlaptop story was new.
- “The FBI shared general warnings about foreign interference – nothing specific about Hunter Biden,” the company said.
- In the final weeks of the 2020 presidential election, both Big Tech and the liberal media suppressed the New York Post’s reporting that shed light on the shady foreign business dealings of the son of then-candidate Joe Biden.
- Both Zuckerberg and then-Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey expressed regret for their actions limiting the distribution of the Post’s reporting and several news organizations including The New York Times, The Washington Post, NBC News, and Politico have since verified the authenticity of the laptop.
- Ron Johnson, R-Wisc., revealed this week in a letter to Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz that whistleblowers allege FBI officials told agents not to investigate Hunter Biden’s laptop for months over concerns it would impact the 2020 election.
There are tens of millions who would contend that the direction of the nation has changed dramatically since the ouster, right or wrong, of the 45th President of the United States (POTUS), Donald J. Trump. Inflation has soared. The Afghanistan debacle occurred under Joe Biden’s watch, as has the start of the destabilizing Russian invasion of Ukraine, which the Biden Administration stands accused of failing to stop by not substantially bolstering Ukrainian forces before Russian leader Vladmir Putin ordered the invasion. The U.S.-Mexican border went from being largely secure to record numbers of border jumpers. Housing soared in sales and in costs. The Federal Reserve began hiking interest rates in 2022 in an claimed effort to slow inflation which they initially downplayed. Conventional new and existing housing sales has since nosedived. The changes in approach to regulations and taxation has moved from being a more pro-small business stance under Trump to a more hostile one under Biden, per sources such as the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), the Job Creators Network (JCN), or the Modular Home Builders Association (MHBA). MHBA’s Tom Hardiman publicly accused the Biden regime early on of engaging in ‘political payoffs’ which were harmful to their members but useful to other firms.
Since shortly after the election results in key swing states were being revealed by corporate media outlets, the Trump campaign began to assert that the 2020 election had been rigged.
Against that backdrop is the following report per the WND NewsCenter to MHProNews.
FBI boss who quit after ‘blocking Hunter probe’ also ‘pushed to pad domestic terror data’
‘Cheapens actual examples of violent extremism’
By WND News Services
Published August 30, 2022 at 5:06pm
By Gabe Kaminsky
Daily Caller News Foundation
A top FBI agent who resigned after accusations he worked to undermine the probe into Hunter Biden’s laptop and business dealings also allegedly pressured bureau employees to pad domestic terror data, drawing accusations of politicizing the agency from Republicans.
Timothy Thibault, the FBI’s former assistant special agent in charge who resigned Friday after Republican allegations of his political bias in connection to the Biden laptop investigation, was allegedly one of the agents trying to get FBI employees to bolster Domestic Violent Extremism (DVE) case counts to satisfy “performance metrics,” whistleblowers alleged in July, Breitbart News reported. Thibault and other bureau agents were allegedly pushing FBI employees to reclassify cases to involve DVE even if they do not meet the criteria, the outlet reported.
DVE defines a person “without direction or inspiration from a foreign terrorist group or other foreign power who seeks to further political or social goals wholly or in part through unlawful acts of force or violence,” according to the FBI. The allegation that Thibault was one of the FBI agent’s pressuring others to bolster DVE cases was made to Breitbart by Republican Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan.
FBI Director Christopher Wray testified in June 2021 that the bureau has a “very, very active domestic terrorism investigation program,” Jordan said in a July letter to the director, demanding he probe the alleged DVE data padding.
“These whistleblower allegations that the FBI is padding its domestic violent extremist data cheapens actual examples of violent extremism,” said Jordan in the letter. “This information also reinforces our concerns—about which we have written to you several times—regarding the FBI’s politicization under your leadership.”
Whistleblowers: FBI Leadership Pressuring Agents to Artificially Pad Domestic Terrorism Data pic.twitter.com/fGuQbUbjX3
— House Judiciary GOP (@JudiciaryGOP) July 27, 2022
Thibault was allegedly escorted out of the FBI building Friday, a source familiar with the matter told Fox News. The former agent was allegedly part of a widespread effort within the bureau to discredit and downplay “negative Hunter Biden information” and label it “disinformation,” Republican Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley told Wray in July, citing whistleblowers.
Grassley accused Thibault in July of “improper conduct” in connection to the Hunter Biden probe after whistleblowers allegedly told the senator Thibault sought to shut the probe down. The investigation into Hunter Biden’s business dealings is still being run by the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Delaware.
The FBI declined the DCNF’s request for comment. ##
The story above was originally published by the Daily Caller News Foundation and was provided to MHProNews by WND.
Additional Information with More MHProNews Analysis and Commentary
The so-called Biden regime has proven to be a bonanza for consolidators of the manufactured home community sector, among others. Sun Communities – and other publicly traded members of the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) gleefully stated during earnings calls that a record number of acquisitions have entered their ‘pipeline.’ While there has been talk about strong antitrust action by the Biden White House, so far, there is scant evidence that it is occurring. This seems to be part of a pattern where one thing is said by officials tied to the Biden Administration, but a very different outcome or trend emerges. In foreign and domestic policy as many as 88 percent of Americans have, per public opinion polling, said that the nation is heading in the wrong direction since Trump was ousted from the White House.
It remains an open question if any of this will result in a serious quo warranto claim asserted by the deposed 45th president. That noted, he may be nudging closer as he now has formally called for a new election based on the FBI election interference claims. Given the previous assertions that ballot dumps occurred that were supposedly improperly obtained by Democrats and their allies in key states and/or were illegally counted, a possible case is emerging.

Against that backdrop, this focused report by WND Newscenter to MHProNews provides additional related insights to the issues outlined above. Note that while they might have rephrased the headline to say FBI and big tech-social media-news bias and possible election fraud tilted the election, the points made by their report as nevertheless relevant and valid.
Voices raised over deep state’s impact on 2020 race
By Bob Unruh
Published August 30, 2022 at 3:40pm
There seems to be little question – although Democrats consistently deny the facts – that Mark Zuckerberg’s $420 million handed out to leftist elections officials to recruit Democrat voters influenced the 2020 presidential race.
We also know states routinely violated their own state laws regarding ballots.
And a recent poll confirms that eight of 10 Americans believe the fact that because legacy and social media suppressed the very negative – but accurate – information about the Biden family’s international business schemes when they shut down reporting about Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop computer and its details, the election was skewed from President Donald Trump to Joe Biden.
But now conclusions are being drawn about who really flipped the election from Trump to the veteran Democrat who’s been a Washington insider for decades, and failed multiple times earlier in running for president.
“As the Washington Times reported earlier this year after the New York Times belatedly acknowledged the authenticity of the laptop: ‘Trump pollster John McLaughlin found that 4.6% of Biden voters would have changed their minds if they had known about it, easily enough to flip results in key states.’ Another survey by The Polling Company showed that even more Biden voters in seven swing states — 17% — would have switched their votes if they had been aware of the laptop and other stories,” explained Margot Cleveland, a senior legal correspondent for The Federalist.
“Those poll results confirmed what many conservatives had long thought — that by censoring the laptop story and the Biden family’s pay-to-play scandal, Big Tech stole the election from Donald Trump,” she wrote.
“But [Mark] Zuckerberg’s admission on Thursday that Big Tech throttled the story at the behest of the FBI reveals a deeper scandal: It was the FBI and not social media that stole the election from Donald Trump.”
She was referring to the recent confession by Zuckerberg that the FBI approached Facebook and suggested it be forewarned about “Russian disinformation” that would be coming.
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That incident, she explained, “is but a breadcrumb of a bigger scandal: the widespread interference by the FBI in the 2020 presidential election with the potential that the bureau coordinated its efforts with the Biden campaign.”
Zuckerberg, in an interview, had confessed that the FBI told his company that “we thought there was a lot of Russian propaganda in the 2016 election” and that “we have it on notice that basically there’s about to be some kind of dump similar to that so just be vigilant.”
So Zuckerberg arranged for the laptop report from the New York Post, which was documented and accurate, was suppressed – withheld from “many” people for a long time.
She explained, “Contrary to fake intel the FBI provided Facebook’s team, the laptop was not Russian disinformation but a true and devastating story showing Joe Biden had lied to the American public when he claimed in September of 2019 that he had never discussed his son’s foreign business dealings. Information on the laptop further implicated the Democrat presidential candidate in a pay-to-play scandal involving Russia, Ukraine, and China.”
She warned it is “implausible” to think Facebook was the only Big Tech company give instructions from the FBI.
And, she said, the FBI’s “interactions” with the Biden campaign were alarming.
The Hunter Biden laptop was abandoned in mid-2019, and at that time Isaac’s father went to the FBI to warn the bureau of the existence of the details, and that there was pornography there as well as information about “a pay-for-play scheme.”
After expressing a lack of interest, the FBI eventually took custody of the laptop, but Isaac already had made copies, and it is from those files that the many scandals have been revealed.
Whatever the FBI did with the computer, however, isn’t known.
Reports have confirmed workers were told not to look at the evidence.
“The FBI and the intelligence community cannot possibly defend the country from threats if it blinds itself to what those threats are. Nor could the intelligence community properly provide Joe Biden with a defensive briefing if agents remained ignorant of the content of the laptop. And as I previously reported, that content included the revelation by Hunter Biden that he believed Russians had stolen a second laptop with material that put him at risk for blackmail. So if the whistleblowers’ claims prove true, the FBI and the intelligence community put the election of Joe Biden above America’s national security,” Cleveland wrote.
But whatever else happened, she said, “The FBI lied to Facebook and presumptively Twitter and many other media outlets.”
Still uncertain is what Joe Biden did about the laptop, and his claim it was “Russian disinformation” may have been from his own opinion, from what someone told him.
“And make no mistake, even if Biden’s team did not conspire with the FBI to cause the censorship of the Hunter Biden laptop story, it exploited the FBI’s gratuitous interference in the election, with the Biden campaign pointing to social media’s censorship as proof that the story was disinformation,” she wrote.
The concern about the collusion that went on regarding the laptop also alarmed Elizabeth Stauffer at the Washington Examiner.
“Potential fraud at the polls is far less disturbing than the growing body of evidence that Democrats, the FBI, Big Tech, and legacy media worked together — right out in the open — to put President Joe Biden in the White House,” she explained.
“At least a dozen FBI whistleblowers have reached out to Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), ranking members of the Senate and House Judiciary Committees, respectively, to inform them that, in the months leading up to the election, bureau insiders tried to scuttle the investigation into Hunter Biden’s foreign business adventures. Their modus operandi was to label the story as Russian disinformation.”
The report noted one insider told Republicans that the leadership of the FBI “slow-walked” the laptop investigation “because they didn’t want it to have an effect on the 2020 presidential election. ”
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Her commentary pointed out that the suppression “wasn’t just an innocent mistake.”
“Dozens of former intelligence community leaders — those with the wherewithal and experience to recognize that Hunter Biden’s laptop was legitimate — signed on to a letter discrediting the report as Russian disinformation. They gave Facebook and Twitter the justification they needed to squash the story — even though it was true.”
“The reason all of this is so damning is that Hunter Biden’s laptop had the potential to change the outcome of the 2020 election, and everyone knew it. That’s why the FBI allegedly delayed its investigation into Hunter Biden until after the election; why the New York Times and Washington Post confirmed that Hunter Biden’s laptop was legitimate only after Biden was in office; and why Big Tech tycoons such as Zuckerberg are only admitting they were wrong to crack down on the story years after the fact.”
The New York Post noted that Timothy Thibault, an FBI assistant special agent in charge, left his job after facing “intense scrutiny” over claims he helped shield the laptop from investigation.
The report said Hunter Biden may have been protected from criminal investigations by his actions.
The report warned, “Timothy Thibault allegedly tried to kill off a valid avenue of investigation of possible Hunter Biden criminality until at least one month before the November 2020 election. ” ##
Per the U.K. Daily Mail, the following bullett-pull quotes round out the dramatic developments and what they might portend.
- Republican Representative Andrew Clyde of Georgia said: ‘This isn’t just insane, it’s election interference. The Oversight Committee must immediately invite Mark Zuckerberg to testify—under oath—about the FBI’s attempts to circumvent the First Amendment. The American people deserve answers and accountability.’
- The huge cache of files, emails and photos was seen by many as a smoking gun that could have turned the tide in the election, but social media bosses at Facebook and Twitter minimized the story for unfounded fears it could be Russian misinformation.
- GOP House leader Kevin McCarthy added: ‘The FBI colluded with Big Tech to silence news stories weeks before the 2020 election in an attempt to control your access to information.
- ‘Democrats in Congress have been intentionally ignoring the facts. When Republicans are back in charge, we will hold all of them accountable.’
- Ted Cruz called it ‘complete corruption, plain and simple’ and Ron Johnson said: ‘We need whistleblowers to come forward to expose the truth, hold people accountable and restore integrity and credibility to the FBI and federal agencies. We need to get to the bottom of this corruption.’
The screen capture from Bing reflects the growing ties in the minds of many that the 2020 election was in part a deep state operation performed in collusion with big tech and others.

History is proven time and again to be vital to understanding how the current political, business, and economic environment emerged.

MHProNews will continue to monitor and report on this business and economic impacting political developments.

Next up is our daily business news recap of yesterday evening’s market report, related left-right headlines, and manufactured housing connected equities.
The Business Daily Manufactured Home Industry Connected Stock Market Updates. Plus, Market Moving Left leaning CNN and Right-leaning (Newsmax) Headlines Snapshot. While the layout of this daily business report has been evolving over time, several elements of the basic concepts used previously are still the same. For instance. The headlines that follow below can be reviewed at a glance to save time while providing insights across the left-right media divide. Additionally, those headlines often provide clues as to possible ‘market-moving’ news items.
Market Indicator Closing Summaries – Yahoo Finance Closing Tickers on MHProNews…

Headlines from left-of-center CNN Business – from the evening of 8.30.2022
- Missing
- A phone screen displays the Truth Social app in Washington, DC, on February 21, 2022.
- Why Trump-backed Truth Social still isn’t available on Google’s app store
- Rich people are worried about spending. That’s bad news for everyone else
- Fed Chair Jerome Powell says ‘pain’ is on the horizon
- Consumers are still buying lots of furniture, electronics, home decor and clothing — from each other
- The US economy had more job openings than expected in July
- Lower gas prices push consumer confidence to highest level since May
- Goldman Sachs lifts Covid vaccine and testing mandate for many employees
- DeLorean’s new car looks nothing like the one you remember. Here’s why
- The pandemic was bad for Britain’s iconic pubs. This could be worse
- Opinion: We have finally gotten some relief at the pump. But it may not last long
- Facebook to shutter its standalone Gaming App as Twitch dominates
- Major retailers have a surprising plan for this season’s unsold clothing
- Mattel honors Madam C.J. Walker in new Barbie design
- How these floating homes might withstand hurricane conditions
- FILE – A view of the business tower Lakhta Centre, the headquarters of Russian gas monopoly Gazprom in St. Petersburg, Russia, Wednesday, April 27, 2022. Russia's Gazprom state-controlled energy giant said it will shut down the Nord Stream 1 natural gas pipeline to Germany for three days of maintenance starting Wednesday, raising economic pressure on Germany and other European countries that depend on the fuel to power industry, generate electricity and heat homes.
- Russia’s Gazprom to completely halt gas supplies to France’s Engie
- Statues adorn the facade of the New York Stock Exchange, July 14, 2022, in New York.
- Dow tumbles nearly 310 points as stocks suffer their third straight day of losses
- Elon Musk seeks to delay Twitter trial in light of whistleblower claim
- Tesla head Elon Musk talks to the press as he arrives to have a look at the construction site of the new Tesla Gigafactory near Berlin on September 03, 2020 near Gruenheide, Germany.
- Musk cites whistleblower claims as justifications for backing out of deal
- SEC questions Twitter over bots, user numbers in June
- Is Twitter ready for the midterms?
- How much trouble is Twitter in with regulators?
- The 5 key takeaways from the Twitter whistleblower
- Students listen during Magnolia High School's commencement at Handel Stadium in Anaheim, CA on Wednesday, May 25, 2022.
- What Biden’s student debt plan will do to the economy
- Canceling student debt won’t fix high tuition costs
- Student debt relief is a tourniquet — not a magic bullet
- Opinion: NAACP CEO: Canceling student debt isn’t enough
- TikTok reacts to Biden student loan relief plan
Headlines from right-of-center Newsmax 8.30.2022
- Faced With Bias Charges, AG Bans DOJ Political Appointees From Role in Campaign Events
- Attorney General Merrick Garland’s new policy is another indication that the Justice Department is attempting to regain credibility with Republican officials and voters following its raid of former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence earlier this month. “We must do all we can to maintain public trust and ensure that politics — both in fact and appearance — does not compromise or affect the integrity of our work,” he has written in a memo to staff. [Full Story]
- Raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago
- US to Respond to Request for Special Master for Trump Docs
- Dershowitz to Newsmax: DOJ Can’t Be Trusted to Assess Trump Raid Papers | video
- Trump Demands 2020 ‘Rightful Winner’ Be Named as FBI Agent Leaves
- Guilfoyle to Newsmax: If DOJ Could Get Trump ‘You Would’ve Heard About It’ | video
- Trump Had Constitutional Power to Declassify Documents, Experts Say platinum
- Dick Morris to Newsmax: Dems ‘Out to Get’ Trump ‘Any Way Possible’ | video
- DOJ Doc Review Reported Done, Could Thwart Calls For Special Master
- Newsmax TV
- Herschel Walker: ‘Big Contrast’ Drives Ga. Senate Race | video
- Hartzler: Biden’s Student Loan Forgiveness Unfair, Illegal | video
- Perry: Failures on Afghanistan Start With Biden | video
- RNC’s McDaniel: Dems Don’t Want Near ‘Toxic’ Biden | video
- Gonzales: Biden Doubles Down on Failure | video
- Mast: Biden ‘Stuck His Head in the Sand’ on Afghanistan Withdrawal | video
- Navarro: FBI Waging Coup on Trump for Six Years | video
- Lt. Gov.: We’re Well Run; N.Y. Is ‘Run Into the Ground’ | video
- Newsfront
- Truth Social Android App Not Approved on Google Play Store
- Former President Donald Trump’s social media platform Truth Social has not yet been approved for distribution on Alphabet Inc’s Google Play Store due to insufficient content moderation, according to a Google spokesperson on Tuesday.The delay marks a setback for the app,…… [Full Story]
- US Plans to Move COVID Vaccines, Treatments to Private Markets in 2023
- The U.S. government expects its supply of COVID-19 vaccines and [Full Story]
- Trump Urges You to Read ‘The Return’: ‘Fantastic Analysis’
- Former President Donald Trump is urging Americans to read “The [Full Story]
- Report: Iranian Drones Used by Russia Seeing ‘Numerous Failures’
- A White House official informed The Hill on Tuesday that new Iranian [Full Story]
- Biden Approval Falls, Holding Near Low End of His Presidency, Reuters/Ipsos Finds
- President Joe Biden’s public approval rating fell modestly this week, [Full Story]
- Trump Had Constitutional Power to Declassify Documents, Experts Say
- Former President Donald Trump has repeatedly asserted that any [Full Story] | Platinum Article
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- After China cracked down on fentanyl production several years ago, [Full Story]
- President Zelenskyy Gives Greta Van Susteren Order of Merit Award
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Manufactured Housing Industry Investments Connected Equities Closing Tickers
Some of these firms invest in manufactured housing, or are otherwise connected, but may do other forms of investing or business activities too.
- NOTE: The chart below includes the Canadian stock, ECN, which purchased Triad Financial Services, a manufactured home industry lender
- NOTE: Drew changed its name and trading symbol at the end of 2016 to Lippert (LCII).
- NOTE: Deer Valley was largely taken private, say company insiders in a message to MHProNews on 12.15.2020, but there are still some outstanding shares of the stock from the days when it was a publicly traded firm. Thus, there is still periodic activity on DVLY.

- 2022 …Berkshire Hathaway is the parent company to Clayton Homes, 21st Mortgage, Vanderbilt Mortgage and other factory-built housing industry suppliers.
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- 2022 …Berkshire Hathaway is the parent company to Clayton Homes, 21st Mortgage, Vanderbilt Mortgage and other factory-built housing industry suppliers.
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That’s a wrap on this installment of “News Through the Lens of Manufactured Homes and Factory-Built Housing” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © (Affordable housing, manufactured homes, stock, investing, data, metrics, reports, fact-checks, analysis, and commentary. Third-party images or content are provided under fair use guidelines for media.) (See Related Reports, further below. Text/image boxes often are hot-linked to other reports that can be access by clicking on them.)

By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for MHProNews.
Tony earned a journalism scholarship along with numerous awards in history. There have been several awards and honors and also recognition in manufactured housing. For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and MHLivingNews.com. This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.