The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) editorial board recently sounded the alarm over a Democratic push for national rent control, more on that further below. So too has a Manufactured Housing Executives Committee (MHEC) member, cited later herein. In testimony to the U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Development Tobias Peter said: “Many of the housing problems we face today as a nation have occurred not in spite of federal policies, but because of them.” Peter is the Director of Research for the AEI Housing Center. His remarks occurred on 4.13.2021. Fast forward to 1.25.2023 when the Biden White House rolled out their “FACT SHEET: Biden-Harris Administration Announces New Actions to Protect Renters and Promote Rental Affordability.” Additionally, they published a white paper on principles they want to see in the U.S. rental housing market. “The Blueprint for a Renters Bill of Rights is a white paper published by the White House Domestic Policy Council and National Economic Council. It is intended to support the development of policies and practices that promote fairness for Americans living in rental housing,” says the document. Oddly, the left-leaning NPR and PBS are among those in mainstream media that have published reports that say that policies from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are making affordable manufactured home community living less affordable.
As a member of the Manufactured Housing Executives Committee (MHEC) told MHProNews the following. “Seems likely to hurt MH communities, especially the FHFA part. Anyway, no word yet from MHI on how this plays into their work with the administration and Congress to advance MH and especially MH communities. Also, seems to be a direct contradiction (repudiation) of Landy’s Op-Ed.” The Sam Landy with UMH Properties (UMH) op-ed with analysis and commentary is found at this link below.
Part I
Before providing the White House “Fact Sheet” that follows herein, pull quotes from remarks by David Dworkin with the National Housing Conference (NHC) about housing affordability could prove useful. Italics are aded by MHProNews for emphasis.
“One issue dominating housing policy today is rent control. It has re-emerged as our affordable housing and homelessness crises have worsened,” said Dworkin, who is is the 17th president and chief executive officer of the NHC, which says it is the nation’s oldest housing coalition. Dworkin added, “NHC is working on publishing a collection of papers on rent control with ULI’s Terwilliger Center for Housing. It’s a controversial topic. However, without building more affordable housing units, the law of supply and demand will continue to drive up rents, and the laws of politics guarantee we’ll be talking about rent control for the foreseeable future.”
That comment was 2.5.2020, but the issue of affordable housing has only worsened since then. So too have the calls for rent control, as the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) noted on 1.22.2023 that: “Lo, Democrats in Congress are now pressing the President to impose rent control nationwide. … The result: More demand for rental housing.” Dworkin and the NHC are arguably more from the political left, the WSJ editorially is more on the political right.
Against that backdrop, and mindful that this action runs counter to what MHI has touted in their messaging to members and their readers, is the following so-called “fact sheet” from the Biden White House sent via email to MHProNews.
FACT SHEET: Biden-Harris Administration Announces New Actions to Protect Renters and Promote Rental Affordability
Administration also launches Resident-Centered Housing Challenge, a call-to-action to improve the quality of life for renters
Today, the Biden-Harris Administration is announcing new actions to increase fairness in the rental market and further principles of fair housing. These actions align with a new Blueprint for a Renters Bill of Rights that the Administration is also releasing today. The Blueprint lays out a set of principles to drive action by the federal government, state and local partners, and the private sector to strengthen tenant protections and encourage rental affordability. Key actions announced today include:
- The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), both independent agencies, announced they will collect information to identify practices that unfairly prevent applicants and tenants from accessing or staying in housing in order to inform enforcement and policy actions under each agency’s jurisdiction. This is the first time the FTC has issued a request for information exploring unfair practices in the rental market. The two agencies will seek information on a broad range of practices that affect the rental market, including the creation and use of tenant background checks, the use of algorithms in tenant screenings, the provision of adverse action notices by landlords and property management companies, and how an applicant’s source of income factors into housing decisions.
- The CFPB announced it will issue guidance and coordinate enforcement efforts with the FTC to ensure accurate information in the credit reporting system and to hold background check companies accountable for having unreasonable procedures.
- The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), an independent agency, announced it will launch a new public process to examine proposed actions promoting renter protections and limits on egregious rent increases for future investments. FHFA will maintain transparency throughout the process and provide periodic updates, including one within 6 months, to interested stakeholders. As announced in November, the FHFA will also increase affordability in the multifamily rental market by establishing requirements that encourage the financing of multifamily loans that guarantee affordable housing. In 2022, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae purchased a combined $142 billion in multifamily loans supporting over one million units. If the same activity holds in 2023, this would mean an investment in approximately 700,000 affordable units.
- A U.S. Department of Justice workshop will inform potential guidance updates around anti-competitive information sharing, including in rental markets.
- The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development will publish a notice of proposed rulemaking that would require public housing authorities and owners of project-based rental assistance properties to provide at least 30 days’ advanced notice before terminating a lease due to nonpayment of rent.
- The Administration will hold quarterly meetings with a broad, diverse, and varying group of tenants and tenant advocates to ensure they continue to have a seat at the table and can share ambitious ideas to strengthen tenant protections.
These new announcements are part of a broader set of federal actions that exemplify the principles laid out in the Blueprint for a Renters Bill of Rights, which underscores key protections every renter deserves:
- Safe, Quality, Accessible, and Affordable Housing: Renters should have access to housing that is safe, decent, and affordable.
- Clear and Fair Leases: Renters should have a clear and fair lease that has defined rental terms, rights, and responsibilities.
- Education, Enforcement, and Enhancement of Renter Rights: Federal, state, and local governments should do all they can to ensure renters know their rights and to protect renters from unlawful discrimination and exclusion.
- The Right to Organize: Renters should have the freedom to organize without obstruction or harassment from their housing provider or property manager.
- Eviction Prevention, Diversion, and Relief: Renters should be able to access resources that help them avoid eviction, ensure the legal process during an eviction proceeding is fair, and avoid future housing instability.
In addition, the Administration is rallying state and local stakeholders and private housing actors to drive further action to protect renters in line with the Blueprint. As part of this effort, the Administration is launching the Resident-Centered Housing Challenge (Challenge), a call to action to housing providers and other stakeholders to strengthen practices and make their own independent commitments that improve the quality of life for renters. The Challenge, which will occur during the Spring of 2023, also encourages states, local, Tribal, and territorial governments to enhance existing policies and develop new ones that promote fairness and transparency in the rental market. Early commitments in support of the Challenge, which would affect over 15 million rental units, include:
- Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority (WHEDA)and Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency (PHFA) have capped annual rental increases to 5 percent per year for federally or state subsidized affordable housing. Beginning in 2023, WHEDA policy applies to existing residents in properties utilizing state or federal Low-Income Housing Tax Credits. PHFA applied this policy to their portfolio of 450 properties with PHFA funding in 2022.
- Members of the Stewards of Affordable Housing for the Future(SAHF), which collectively own or manage 145,000 housing units across the U.S., commit to offer flexible payment plans for residents with unpaid rent who have engaged with property management and to provide the following notices and protections where permitted by local law and financing documents: at least 30 days’ notice to vacate for nonpayment of rent; at least 5 days to cure a missed rent payment; and 60 days’ notice to tenants of any proposed sale or closure of a property. SAHF also commits to launching a task force of its members to identify best practices for resident-centered practices and share resources with the field including model policies and procedures, sample notices, and case studies.
- com Rentals will pilot a new listing process through their DIY landlord product, Avail, highlighting units and landlords that indicate that they welcome Housing Choice Vouchers. will be able to share this information with its nearly 5 million monthly rentals search visitors. They will also ensure that more than 1.3 million Avail renters have access to their application information so they can submit their application to multiple property owners on the platform without additional cost.
- The National Apartment Association commits to promoting resident programming and practices, such as helping tenants build and improve credit through reporting of positive rent payments to credit bureaus, through their website, industry events and other content channels that reach a network of more over 95,000 members owning and operating more than 11.6 million apartment homes globally.
- The National Association of Realtors and its affiliate, the Institute of Real Estate Management, commit to creating new resources for property managers in their network of 1.5 million members that highlight ways they can incorporate resident-centered property management practices in their businesses. Practices would include a range of examples that have proven effective, such as advertising to prospective residents that Housing Choice Vouchers are accepted at their property, providing information about rental assistance, and using alternative credit scores for applicants without a detailed credit history.
- The National Multifamily Housing Council commits to working with its 2,000 members to identify business standards that align with principles of resident-centered management practices, such as helping residents build credit, providing resource information to residents in financial distress, and communicating these practices through a new resource hub on its website.
The Administration welcomes additional commitments from interested stakeholders to: pursue high-road practices aligned with the Blueprint principles; create new benefits for residents that enhance their economic mobility, build credit, and prepare them for homeownership; reduce or eliminating rental “junk fees,” which are the hidden fees, charges, and add-ons that take cash out of people’s pockets; expand pathways to eviction mitigation and prevention; and enhance and increase communication about tenant rights. To join the Challenge, interested partners can complete this survey by April 28, 2023.Questions regarding the White House Resident-Centered Housing Challenge team, can be directed to
Over a third of the American population – 44 million households – rent their homes. Before the pandemic, well over 2 million eviction fillings and roughly 900,000 evictions occurred annually – disproportionately affecting Black women and their children. Since then, rental housing has become less affordable with some landlords taking advantage of market conditions to pursue egregious rent increases. Today’s announcements recognize there are responsible housing providers – large and small, national and local – willing to treat renters fairly, but it also holds accountable those who exploit market realities at the cost of renters’ housing access and stability.
Since taking office, the President has taken substantial steps to promote fairness in the rental market and ease the burden of rental costs for millions of American renters. The Administration kept the national eviction moratorium in place until August 2021, which helped to prevent over 1.5 million eviction filings nationwide. The Administration has delivered over 8 million rental or utility assistance payments to reduce renters’ risk of eviction or housing instability through Emergency Rental Assistance programs and provided over $769 million for housing stability services. Last May, the Administration released a Housing Supply Action Plan, which set the goal of closing America’s housing supply shortfall in five years. The Administration has been making progress advancing a long-term goal of providing housing vouchers to all eligible households: the 2022 and 2023 President’s Budgets proposed to expand rental assistance to an additional 200,000 households – and the Administration has secured rental assistance to more than 100,000 households through the 2022 and 2033 appropriations bills and the American Rescue Plan. And, last week, HUD published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on its efforts to Affirmatively Further Fair Housing. ##
The White Paper associated with this ‘fact sheet’ is found at this link here.
Part II Additional Information with More MHProNews Analysis and Commentary
“Nationwide Rent Control? Democrats want Biden to impose rules to limit rent increases across the country,” said the Editorial Board of the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) on 1.22.2023. They elaborated. “Ideas that start on the progressive fringes have a way of becoming government policy these days, as President Biden’s $400 billion student loan cancellation shows. Lo, Democrats in Congress are now pressing the President to impose rent control nationwide.
The White House is considering a series of executive actions that are ostensibly intended to protect tenants. Rents on average increased 17.6% in 2021 and another 3.8% last year. One culprit was near-zero interest rates while they lasted, which inflated housing prices and made it harder for young people to buy a home. The result: More demand for rental housing.” The third item in the video below from the WSJ is on the rent control topic.
Earlier in this article, MHProNews explored a keen insight from left-leaning NHC leader, David Dworkin. As a reminder is the following.
Nor is Dworkin alone in that stance. As a reminder, left-leaning Paul Bradley of ROC-USA – a known advocate for the rights of manufactured home community residents and others who are financially disadvantaged said the following as part of an op-ed to MHProNews. He was addressing rent control, as the final two words quoted below make clear.
There is no implication in the above that rent control is always a bad idea. As the late volunteer resident advocate Robert “Bob” Van Cleef said on behalf of residents of land lease communities where calls for rent control often arise, was the following observation.

As a related aside, Van Cleef’s keen observations were recalled as part of the call for more input from residents and industry members.

Those are some of the views on rent control from those who deal with the problem either personally or professionally. That noted, there is an evidence-based case to be made that Democratic policies – such as higher taxes, more regulations, and this push for rent control are among the factors that are driving smaller mom and pop businesses out of the manufactured home land-lease community business.

There are reports that a record number of acquisitions have been occurring since Biden moved into the White House. That’s not to diminish a strong pace during the Trump Administration.

With those thoughts in mind, let’s pivot back to a keen observation by the late Van Cleef.

By accident and/or design, numbers of Biden regime policies are benefiting the consolidators of affordable housing in general, including those in manufactured housing. Those mom and pop operations that are being driven out of business by actual or perceived worsening operating conditions for smaller businesses. By contrast, the principle that larger firms can better navigate rent control was the topic of the following comments from Equity LifeStyle Properties (ELS) CEO Marguerite Nader.
That makes the point that MHProNews/MHLivingNews has repeatedly made based on the keen insight from Carol Roth, shown below.

While posturing and proclaiming ‘efforts’ to improve the supply of affordable housing, the Biden regime is magically doing the opposite. Who says? Often, among others, normally pro-Biden mainstream media outlets in reports like the ones that follow.

Millions of young Americans moved back in with their parents last year alone, with the specific numbers and factors revealed in the report linked below. This is obviously the opposite of what the Biden regime is claiming they are working toward.

Years of MHI parading their ‘partnering’ with mainstream housing has produced no measurable results for the manufactured housing industry. But meanwhile, the failure of MHI to press for the commonsense observation by Van Cleef through litigation is becoming ever more apparent.
From a MHEC Exec
In a forward that included the Biden White House Fact Sheet, posted above, was a tip with this commentary.
“The below is regarding the Biden “Renters Bill of Rights” and related actions. Seems likely to hurt MH communities, especially the FHFA part. Anyway, no word yet from MHI on how this plays into their work with the administration and Congress to advance MH and especially MH communities. Also, seems to be a direct contradiction (repudiation) of Landy’s Op-Ed,” said a MHEC executive in an email to MHProNews on 1.26.2023. That Landy op-ed is posted below.
These trends impact employees, even the employees of the consolidators.

Either MHI is incompetent, repeatedly failing to accomplish the goals that they claim they are working for, OR there is a factual and evidence-based case to be made that MHI is posturing support for “all segments” of the industry when they are actually working on behalf of the dominating brands that are not shy about saying in their investor pitches that they are working for consolidation. MHI, and those corporate leaders, can’t have it both ways. Either they are brilliant but unable to accomplish their claimed goals, OR they are posturing those ‘goals’ for ‘all segments’ when they are in fact working for the consolidators of the industry. The linked articles below examine those possibilities from a variety of perspectives.
Those reports – when carefully examined – routinely come to the same apparent conclusion that Samuel “Sam” Strommen with Knudson Law did. Namely, that MHI is working for the consolidators of manufactured housing. They are doing so in ways that harms the interests of consumers. When MHProNews asks MHI, their corporate masters, or their outside attorneys to respond to these evidence-based concerns, they routinely remain mute. What can they say against the mountain of evidence that routinely points to the notion that they posture and palter while they are deftly working to consolidate the industry?

Much of what is occurring in Washington, D.C. is a form of political theater. As Dworkin said, on issues like rent control, the politics of the topic will go on and on.
The solution is obvious. There is a need for more affordable housing. Manufactured homes are an obvious option for fulfilling this need. MHProNews has pointed out for years that the potential for growing the industry into production levels several times the size it currently performing at should be apparent. As a report that is upcoming will document, over 25 million households could qualify for a manufactured home – TODAY. Yet, MHI’s leadership, corporate and staff, are trying to posture as if they are doing their jobs correctly? They are in fairness too intelligent to be making the same mistakes over and over again. Which implies by behavior that they want precisely what they are getting.

If that sounds suspiciously like the insights revealed in the debates linked below, well, so be it. The prima facie case that the industry is being monopolized in an oligopoly fashion is essentially unchallenged. See the linked reports to learn more.
Part III. Daily Business News on MHProNews Markets Segment
The modifications of our prior Daily Business News on MHProNews format of the recap of yesterday evening’s market report are provided below. It still includes our signature left (CNN Business) and right (Newsmax) ‘market moving’ headlines. The macro market moves graphics will provide context and comparisons for those invested in or tracking manufactured housing connected equities.
In minutes a day readers can get a good sense of significant or major events while keeping up with the trends that are impacting manufactured housing connected investing.
Reminder: several of the graphics on MHProNews can be opened into a larger size. For instance: click the image and follow the prompts in your browser or device to OPEN In a New Window. Then, in several browsers/devices you can click the image and increase the size. Use the ‘x out’ (close window) escape or back key to return.
Headlines from left-of-center CNN Business – from the evening of 1.25.2023
- Financial Armageddon
- Democratic leaders that the federal government will reach its limit on the amount of money it is able to borrow, and that further action by lawmakers is needed by June 5th when the U.S. could go into economic default.
- CNN Exclusive: Goldman Sachs says even a near-default on US debt could spark a recession and market mayhem
- How M&M’s is making the most of its spokescandies controversy
- Classic ‘GoldenEye 007’ game is coming to Nintendo Switch and Xbox
- News outlets ask judge to unseal documents in Dominion’s defamation case against Fox News
- Consumer Reports calls Ford’s automated driving tech much better than Tesla’s
- Elizabeth Warren: Crypto giants are ‘collapsing under the weight of their own fraud’
- Biden’s top economist is stepping down. See the list of contenders to replace him
- Too many companies botch mass layoffs. Here’s how they should approach them
- How Microsoft could use ChatGPT to supercharge its products
- Are you Gen Z and concerned about money? We want to hear from you
- Justin Bieber sells his music catalog
- Justin Bieber just sold his entire music catalog. Here’s why companies are eager to strike these massive deals
- One nation, under Swift
- Tesla invests $3.6 billion to expand Nevada complex with two factories
- Rupert Murdoch abandons plan to recombine Fox and News Corp
- Microsoft quarterly profit falls 12% but cloud computing business shows strength
- DOJ sues Google over its dominance in online advertising market
- Ticketmaster gets grilled: 6 takeaways from hearing over Taylor Swift concert fiasco
- New York Stock Exchange investigates ‘technical issue’ that briefly halted some trading
- Elon Musk is back on the stand in trial over controversial ‘funding secured’ tweet
- Washington Post lays off 20 newsroom employees, shuts down gaming section
- Major railroad posts record earnings, spends more on share repurchases than on its employees
- America’s largest private employer just hiked wages
- Live Nation exec faces lawmakers about Taylor Swift concert tickets fiasco

Headlines from right-of-center Newsmax 1.25.2023
- AT&T’s DirecTV Cancels NEWSMAX in a Censorship Move
- At midnight Tuesday, AT&T’s DirecTV cut Newsmax’s signal, immediately shutting the network off from more than 13 million customers of the satellite service, DirecTV Stream, and U-Verse. This is the second time in the past year AT&T has moved to cancel a conservative channel, with DirecTV deplatforming OAN in April. [Full Story]
- Newsmax TV
- Texas AG Paxton: Biden Immigration Parole Illegal
- Meuser: GOP Will Work to Correct Dems’ ‘Excessive Debts’ | video
- Fitzgerald: Found Documents Point to ‘Institutional’ Issue | video
- Former Amb. Volker : Putin Never Interested in Peace Talks | video
- Ron Johnson: ‘Fair Amount of Perplexity’ Over Classified Docs | video
- Paul: Overclassifying Docs Keeps Americans in Dark | video
- Giménez: China’s Threat Over Taiwan Visit Insulting | video
- House Panel Hearings on Biden Border to Start Feb. 1
- The Republican-led House Judiciary Committee will host its first series of hearings related to the “chaos” at the United States-Mexico border next week, with the Biden administration slated to be the main investigative targets…. [Full Story]
- New Lawsuits Target State Restrictions on Abortion Pills
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- NOTE 1: The 3rd chart above of manufactured housing connected equities includes the Canadian stock, ECN, which purchased Triad Financial Services, a manufactured home industry finance lender.
- NOTE 2: Drew changed its name and trading symbol at the end of 2016 to Lippert (LCII).
- NOTE 3: Deer Valley was largely taken private, say company insiders in a message to MHProNews on 12.15.2020, but there are still some outstanding shares of the stock from the days when it was a publicly traded firm. Thus, there is still periodic activity on DVLY.
- Note 4: some recent or related reports to the REITs, stocks, and other equities named above follow in the reports linked below.

2023 …Berkshire Hathaway is the parent company to Clayton Homes, 21st Mortgage, Vanderbilt Mortgage and other factory-built housing industry suppliers.
· LCI Industries, Patrick, UFPI, and LP each are suppliers to the manufactured housing industry, among others.
· AMG, CG, and TAVFX have investments in manufactured housing related businesses. For insights from third-parties and clients about our publisher, click here.
Disclosure. MHProNews holds no positions in the stocks in this report.
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That’s a wrap on this installment of “News Through the Lens of Manufactured Homes and Factory-Built Housing” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © (Affordable housing, manufactured homes, stock, investing, data, metrics, reports, fact-checks, analysis, and commentary. Third-party images or content are provided under fair use guidelines for media.) (See Related Reports, further below. Text/image boxes often are hot-linked to other reports that can be access by clicking on them.)

By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for MHProNews.
Tony earned a journalism scholarship along with numerous awards in history. There have been several awards and honors and also recognition in manufactured housing. For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.