‘Increased Consolidation Equals Higher Prices’-ALG’s President Rick Manning Slams Vertically Integrated Consolidation; UHG Parallels to Manufactured Housing Unpacked; plus MHMarkets


Before pivoting to the first part of the headline and Rick Manning’s remarks on vertical consolidation, this report and analysis will begin with the major stock market slide that took impacted manufactured housing equities too. Left-leaning Yahoo Finance said: “Dow slides 600 points, Nasdaq sinks 3%.”  “Stocks are retreating from near highs as Wall Street hunkers down after a rollercoaster August, with the prospect of a potentially stormy September ahead. Investors are assessing the risk of data shocks or presidential race surprises in a month that’s typically terrible for traders.” Manufactured housing connected equities also tumbled, as the chart in Part IV reflects. Leftleaning CNN said: “The latest manufacturing report from the Institute for Supply Management [ISM] showed a fifth-straight month of declines, fueling concern that aggressive rate hikes from the Federal Reserve have inflicted too much damage on the US economy.” “Wall Street’s fear gauge, the VIX, rose, and the broader market also tumbled: The Nasdaq Composite ended the day with a loss of 3.3% as tech investors became skittish over AI darling Nvidia’s 9% plunge,” said CNN, which added: “Oil also dropped Tuesday as concerns rose about softening global demand. Oil cartel OPEC is expected to increase output next month despite outages in Libya. International benchmark Brent fell to $73.70 a barrel and US benchmark West Texas Intermediate closed at just above $70 a barrel.”

Yahoo Finance also stated the following.

Also top of mind is the August jobs report, due out on Friday, which could influence how deeply the Federal Reserve cuts interest rates at its meeting this month. With inflation now cooling, policymakers are on alert for the labor market to fall into place.

For investors, the focus is on whether the signs of slowing in the July jobs report were overstated — or an early warning of a broader slowdown. Any hints of stress should put pressure on the Fed to make a bigger reduction in rates.”

Another factor on the minds of many investors is the looming 2024 elections, now just two months out.  As the Masthead recently reported, much (not all) of Wall Street favors Democrats, because they think that Trump’s policies will boost incomes for the working and middle class. When Joe Biden dropped out after an admitted poor performance against Trump in their debate, large donations to Kamala Harris surged.




Those points noted, pivoting to the lead part of today’s headline is the following.

In an email to MHProNews that included written permission to republish, Americans for Limited Government (ALG) President Rick Manning made several points about United Health that in several respects could be applied to manufactured housing or other segments of the U.S. economy.

Health care impacts almost every American. Similarly, access to affordable housing routinely impacts that majority of Americans.

So, while the issues raised by Manning from the right-leaning Daily Torch in Part I are significant on their own merits, there are apparent lessons from what follows that could be applied to the manufactured housing industry, as will be laid out in Part III.  Part II will feature several points made by the Biden White House (reflecting views from Democrats and the left). At a glance, these concerns may seem quite similar, and both sets of concerns can be applied to manufactured housing and the battle for more affordable housing in the U.S. But as Part III will unpack, the nature of how the two major parties appear to be evolving and how these issues impact Americans in general and manufactured housing in particular are going to be explored with this industry expert news-analysis.


Part I

‘Too Big to Fail’: Congress Grills UnitedHealth CEO Over Company’s Vertically Integrated Consolidation and Massive Cyberattack

By Rick Manning

“I’m going to continue to work to bust this up,” Rep. Buddy Carter (R-GA) told UnitedHealth Group CEO Andrew Witty at a Wednesday hearing on Capitol Hill.

As Sen. Roger Marshall (R-KS) recently said, “UnitedHealth Group is the Standard Oil of Healthcare.”  It has bought virtually every aspect of the healthcare system. In January 2021, it bought one of the biggest health payment systems, Change Healthcare, for $13 billion. In February, it was hit by a cyberattack that exposed millions of personal patient records and delayed reimbursements for doctors, hospitals, and independent pharmacies.

So, on Wednesday, the House and Senate held hearings on these failures of UnitedHealth Group (UHG) with the company’s CEO Andrew Witty.

From Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs) to Payday Loans to AARP, a “Health Care Leviathan”

House Energy and Commerce Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) examined UHG’s consolidation and size: “Under the United Health Group umbrella resides a health insurance company with more than 40 million covered lives across Medicare, Medicaid, and commercial markets. A PBM that managed $159 billion in drug spending as a provider group that owns roughly one in every 12 doctors in the United States, a bank that makes payday loans to providers. That’s just a few of the vendors under your purview.”

They even have a billion-dollar partnership with AARP. Rep. Debbie Lesko (R-AZ) asked about UHG’s financial arrangement with AARP, “Does, I have gotten letters on this, this is why I’m asking it. Does AARP get a paid percentage on your trained to UnitedHealthcare Medicare Advantage Plan?  Do they get a cut of it?” Witty said he didn’t have the details on his company’s financial arrangement with AARP, despite public records that show UnitedHealth has paid billions to AARP.

Sen. Ron Wyden of Oregon, who helped pass Obamacare which is responsible for UHG’s giant growth, also blasted UHG: “I’ll put things in perspective. Last year, UHG generated $324 billion in revenue, making it the 5th largest company in the U.S. Overall, the company touches 152 million individuals across all lines of business – insurance, physician practice, home health, and pharmacy. With its profits, UHG has purchased dozens of other health care companies and is the largest purchaser of physician practices. This corporation is a health care leviathan.”

Sen. Bill Cassidy of Louisiana asked, “Is the dominant role of United too dominant because it is into everything, and messing up United messes up everybody?” He added, “My point is, the size of United becomes… almost a too big to fail, and sure, because if it fails, it’s going to bring down far more than it ordinarily would.”

“Maybe a Third” of Americans Are Affected by the Breach

Witty testified on Wednesday that “maybe a third” of Americans’ personal information and health data was stolen in the attack. He said the hack was caused by a lack of multifactor authentication on its servers.

Sen. John Barrasso of Wyoming said, “Hospitals take cybersecurity very seriously. You know, Change Healthcare’s commitment to cybersecurity it’s not as clear.”

Sen. Thom Tillis of North Carolina held up a copy of the book Hacking for Dummies and said, “This is some basic stuff that was missed.”

“It’s Like You All Can’t Figure This Out” 

Tennessee Sen. Marsha Blackburn said her office has been bombarded with calls from hospitals, pharmacies, and doctors hit by UnitedHealth cyberattack.  “There is a backlog that many of our providers and hospitals have from nine weeks of not being able to get in and make these claims,” she said.

“Every day they call to get an update. Every single day they’re calling. And they get the runaround every single day, repeatedly,” she said. “It’s like you all can’t figure this out.”

“A small, independent, private hospital in West Tennessee. They have diligently submitted all of their claims, and they are burdened with a backlog of Medicare claims that is equivalent to 30 days revenue, and they’re waiting for these things to be transmitted to Medicare,” Blackburn said. “This is all because of the missteps you all have had.”

Increased Consolidation, Higher Prices, Less Access for Patients

Rep. John Joyce of Pennsylvania said, “As we see increased consolidation in healthcare, I worry that incidents such as this will become increasingly more common. We have already seen consolidation drive up prices and decrease access to patient care. And now patients and physicians are encountering yet another cost.”

Rep. Earl L. “Buddy” Carter of Georgia slammed UnitedHealth, which has gobbled up physician practices, surgery centers, pharmacy benefit managers, and more, saying: “You are the largest for-profit domestic health insurance company in the country as has been pointed out with over 10,000 physicians and owning your own pharmacy and one of the of the largest PBMs in the country. Can you explain how your company can justify these clear conflicts of interest?”

“Are you aware that there are over 300 pharmacies, independent retail pharmacies that went out of business last year?” Carter asked Witty.

“Let me assure you that I’m going to continue to work to bust this up,” Carter said. “This vertical integration that exists in health care in general has got to end.”

Rick Manning is the President of Americans for Limited Government. ##

MHProNews note: the image below was the emailed featured image above this article.


UnitedHealthDiagramALGRickManningDailyTorchMHProNewsScreenshot 2024-05-06 143143

Part II – From the Biden White House Website ‘Fact Sheet’ on Competition

One of the more routinely quoted items by MHProNews in recent years is the item below, and as political independents, it is not because we favor the Democrats in charge the last 3.5 years. Facts are facts. Credit is due to whomever it is due. What follows are paragraphs from a post by the Biden-Harris White House on the subject of the importance of competition. MHProNews and MHLivingNews have been Biden-critics since well before he took the oath of office over concerns about political corruption and other factors and have maintained that stance since. Those concerns have since been supported by pages of evidence of corruption provided in part by IRS whistleblowers. That said, the following section of that Biden-Harris White House statement on competition were broadly arguably accurate at the time they were posted and remain so.

The significance of these comments will be explored and unpacked in Part III. But consider how these remarks dovetail with what Manning said above.

…For decades, corporate consolidation has been accelerating. In over 75% of U.S. industries, a smaller number of large companies now control more of the business than they did twenty years ago. This is true across healthcare, financial services, agriculture and more.

That lack of competition drives up prices for consumers. As fewer large players have controlled more of the market, mark-ups (charges over cost) have tripled.  Families are paying higher prices for necessities—things like prescription drugs, hearing aids, and internet service.

Barriers to competition are also driving down wages for workers. When there are only a few employers in town, workers have less opportunity to bargain for a higher wage and to demand dignity and respect in the workplace. In fact, research shows that industry consolidation is decreasing advertised wages by as much as 17%Tens of millions of Americans—including those working in construction and retail—are required to sign non-compete agreements as a condition of getting a job, which makes it harder for them to switch to better-paying options.

In total, higher prices and lower wages caused by lack of competition are now estimated to cost the median American household $5,000 per year.

Inadequate competition holds back economic growth and innovation. The rate of new business formation has fallen by almost 50% since the 1970s as large businesses make it harder for Americans with good ideas to break into markets. There are fewer opportunities for existing small and independent businesses to access markets and earn a fair return.  Economists find that as competition declines, productivity growth slows, business investment and innovation decline, and incomewealth, and racial inequality widen. …”

If someone is looking for a snapshot on the trends toward consolidation, the harms caused by a lack of competition, the above is useful.


Part III – Additional Information with More MHProNews Analysis and Commentary

1) Much, but not all, of the balance of what the Biden Harris White House: “FACT SHEET: Executive Order on Promoting Competition in the American Economy” issued on JULY 09, 2021 is arguably spin, paltering, demonstrably false or misleading, deceptive, and use the largely accurate statements above in a manner that was self-serving to Biden-Harris and Democrats. Meaning it was arguably a clever piece of propaganda. See what the following reveals, and it will be tied into manufactured housing further below.

2) Consolidation accelerated under Biden-Harris, it wasn’t mitigated. Who said? Left-leaning Google’s AI powered Gemini. Consider this Q&A on this date with MHProNews.

Q) Has consolidation and M&A activity in the U.S. accelerated in the past 3.5 years

GoogleGeminiAIimageMHProNewsYes, consolidation and M&A activity in the U.S. has accelerated in the past 3.5 years. According to a recent study by S&P Global Market Intelligence, deal value for U.S. M&A reached a record high of $3.45 trillion in 2021, up from $2.5 trillion in 2020. This trend has continued into 2022, with deal value on track to exceed the previous record.

Several factors have contributed to this surge in M&A activity, including:

  • Low interest rates: The Federal Reserve has kept interest rates at historically low levels in recent years, making it cheaper for companies to borrow money to finance acquisitions.

  • Strong corporate balance sheets: Many U.S. companies have strong balance sheets and ample cash reserves, which they can use to acquire other businesses.

  • Favorable regulatory environment: The Trump administration pursued policies that were generally supportive of M&A activity, such as reducing regulatory burdens on businesses.

  • Technological innovation: The rise of new technologies, such as artificial intelligence and cloud computing, has created opportunities for companies to consolidate and gain market share.

While the pace of M&A activity may slow down in the coming years, it is likely to remain at a high level. The long-term trend is toward consolidation in many industries, as companies seek to achieve economies of scale and gain competitive advantages.

MHProNews Notes: the logic of Gemini in bullet three immediately above is flawed, because the last 3.5 years have been Biden-Harris years, and 2020 was the last full year that Trump was in office.  So, the above is revealing on several levels. As was noted and linked previously, Google, the parent to Gemini, is left leaning and has been for well over a decade.



Dr. Robert Epstein’s studies of Google also revealed a left-leaning stance, and Epstein is a self-identified Democrat.

3) MHProNews will note that Gemini’s final paragraph observation might be rephrased like this. While the pace of M&A activity may slow down in the coming years, it is likely to remain at a significant level. Once momentum is achieved, it isn’t as easy to hit the brakes and stop a fast-moving vehicle. The long-term trend is toward consolidation in many industries, as companies seek to achieve economies of scale and gain competitive advantages. MHProNews reported on these related issues, that will best be discerned at some point in the future. Because facts and trends are better known, but peering into the future is rarely crystal clear.



4) So, those four paragraphs quoted above early in the White House post are apparent examples of paltering. Researchers say paltering is a method deployed by some people in politics and business that several researchers explain has been used for decades (or centuries). By using remarks that are demonstrably true or are largely true (as in the example of those four paragraphs above), often early on in a given statement by a paltering party, the palterer may lull the reader or listener into thinking that the rest of their remarks are also true, even if they aren’t.

MHProNews has been reporting on the trends toward consolidation in manufactured housing for years. In fairness, others in MHVille trade media have too. But the keen distinction between our coverage and that of others is this.  Our smaller rivals that publish or blog may report ‘a deal.’ MHProNews, in contrast, indicates what that deal may mean for the industry, for consumers, and what it is revealing about regulators. Odds are excellent that several of the facts and evidence-based analysis that follows won’t be found anywhere else in MHVille. Which may explain why MHProNews is the documented dominating trade media focused on the manufactured home profession. To paraphrase a similar remark, inquiring minds want to know.






5) MHProNews notes that those consolidators are MHI members. Others are often MHI members and/or members of an MHI linked state association.  But as Parakeet revealed, not all consolidation and predatory behaviors are linked to an MHI member and/or an MHI linked state association.




6) As election related activities are heating up, and the planned debate between Trump and Harris is now just a week away, politicians are making promises that include spending taxpayer money in ways that appear to be thinly veiled vote-buying. Trump’s promise to have the federal government pay for or mandate IVF treatments, for example, will ultimately be paid for by taxpayers, policy holders, and the public. While some see that as problematic, that by Trump may pale in comparison to the numerous efforts at vote-buying by Democrats and Harris-Walz that includes housing programs that demonstrably won’t solve the housing crisis but may nevertheless gain or “buy” votes. When self-described socialists and communists are plugging Kamala Harris for president, those that understand that the dark history of socialism and communism should realize that they are voting for something that is sold as nice, but buyer’s remorse sets in like it did in Venezuela or Cuba.




7) The Harris Walz (D) campaign has been underway since about August 6, 2024, per left-leaning ABC News. That source said this.

Vice President Kamala Harris has been officially certified as the Democratic presidential nominee after getting the vast majority of delegate votes in a virtual roll call, the Democratic National Committee said.

Harris received 4,567 votes from delegates in the roll call, which concluded Monday evening, according to the Democratic National Committee.

8) That outcome was arranged well before that virtual roll call, as fellow Democrat and Governor Gavin Newsome (CA-D) and presidential hopeful mocked the process on Pod Save America. “We went through a very open process, a very inclusive process. It was bottom-up, I don’t know if you know that. That’s what I’ve been told to say.” That’s what I’ve been told to say was described as a shiv by right-leaning Breitbart. Others felt similarly.


9) So, a common hit against Harris from current and former Democrats and others is that she was thrust into her nomination without winning any primary delegates during the primary seasons in the 2020 or 2024 election cycles. There appears to be a fear on the part of Democratic Party insiders to allow Harris much unscripted access to the media. The Harris-Walz website today looks as it did weeks ago when MHProNews observed that there are virtually no policy positions indicated on that site, and no policy tab. It has been described as a hope and joy emotional campaign that is deliberately light on details because much of the public would not like a candid look at Harris’ far left stances.  She was rated as the most-leftist U.S. senator by GovTrack.





10) Be that as it may, Harris’ who was abandoned by most of her own staff during her tenure as Joe Biden’s VP and who rated worse than he did in popularity polls, saw her popularity surge following the campaign’s media-image makeover. 4 term Democratic lawmaker Tulsi Gabbard (HI-D), widely credited with bringing Harris’ campaign in 2019 to an end during a blistering debate performance, and who has recently endorsed Trump, nevertheless said Harris should not be underestimated. MHProNews concurs with that assessment. Harris-Walz, despite their track records, could win.


11) The Media Research Center (MRC) said on 9.1.2024 the following.

The Aggressively Anti-Trump Media STILL Insist They’re Not Biased

The essential idea of an objective news media is that journalists (aside from clearly-identified opinion commentators) present a factual rundown of the news, and it’s up to the public to sort through that information and forms their own judgements. An objective news media is vital if citizens are to make the decisions for society based on their own values, rather than being steered by powerful news organizations with their own agendas. Eight years ago, however, many in the media admitted they…



12) That followed on the heels of the following from MRC.

DOUBLE STANDARD: ‘Joyful’ and ‘Happy’ Harris-Walz Vs. ‘Dark’ and ‘Dangerous’ Trump-Vance

August 31st, 2024 9:00 AM
The leftist press has been laying it on thick in hyping the Kamala Harris-Tim Walz ticket. It wasn’t just at the DNC (see here). It’s been going on for well over a month.  Network and cable anchors, reporters and hosts celebrated the “joyful” “jubilation” surrounding the Harris nomination, and whipped-up excitement for the selection of “folksy” “football coach” Walz. Some even dared to sell Harris as a Democratic version of Ronald Reagan. Former MSNBC host Chris Matthews crawled out of…
13) MHProNews has observed that Trump was a former Democrat. He is now openly endorsed by former Democrats Gabbard and lifelong Democrat Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who dropped out of the 2024 Democratic Nomination to become an independent because he accused his party of rigging the process in favor of Biden. Biden, Harris, and others obviously hid what they knew about Biden’s cognitive decline.  Harris ‘owns’ Biden’s policies because she has reportedly cast more tie-breaking votes as his VP than anyone in that chamber’s history.  The left-leaning New York Times says she holds that record with 32 tiebreaking votes. Meaning, the Biden record is the Harris record. Harris herself has at times said as much.


14) “Manufacturing Consent.” To the points made by the Media Research Center (MRC), leftists have at times made similar evidence-base arguments.  Noam Chomsky and Edward Herman in their book Manufacturing Consent said that corporate media creates the illusion of the consent of the governed but masks the agenda and interests of elite groups that dominate society.  Senator Bernie Sanders, during the 2020 campaign, authored an op-ed for the Columbia Journalism Review (CJR) that said real reporting is down for a variety of reasons, including the dominance of Google and Facebook. What Sanders didn’t say is that Google and Facebook were largely pro-Democratic or left leaning. The following can be opened in a larger window in many browsers and devices by clicking here and than following the prompts to open to a larger or the largest size.  By sourcing insights from the left and right a far more balanced picture can be generated.


Note: depending on your browser or device, many images in this report and others on MHProNews can be clicked to expand. Click the image and follow the prompts. For example, in some browsers/devices you click the image and select ‘open in a new window.’ After clicking that selection you click the image in the open window to expand the image to a larger size. To return to this page, use your back key, escape or follow the prompts.


So, the MRC’s points above are not only supported by polling, but they are also ironically supported by the observations of some significant voices on the left. But those on the left then assert that this media imbalance somehow benefits or is to be blamed on Donald Trump and his supporters. Again, paltering and projecting by the left are often (not always) in evidence.


15) That said, to Senator Sander’s credit, he aptly identified problems with big media operations like Disney and the centi-billionaire Jeff Bezos owned Washington Post. Quoting Sanders to CRJ.

And news outlets owned by Disney and Jeff Bezos may happily tout Disney films and Bezos’s plans for space exploration, but we cannot count on them to consistently and aggressively cover workers’ fight for better wages at Disney- or Bezos-controlled companies. In fact, in one instance, we saw that The Washington Post, which Bezos owns, tried to punish a reporter because he spoke out for better wages at the newspaper.

We need to rebuild and protect a diverse and truly independent press so that real journalists can do the critical jobs that they love, and that a functioning democracy requires.

That is that mix of truth, half-truths, and outright deception that makes the media, political, and business environment in the U.S. so difficult in our times.




Media professor Deepa Kumar quote from the full length and award-winning “Shadows of Liberty” documentary drama. Shadows exposed several aspects of the political, media, corporate, and regulatory nexus by interviewing insiders involved in it. It explores examples from left and right with the impact of money and information manipulation.
Dan Rather quote from the full-length version of the thought-provoking video documentary, Shadows of Liberty, posted on the linked page.  The video comes with an annotated transcript.
For more details, see linked reports. https://www.manufacturedhomepronews.com/nikki-haley-desantis-trump-and-same-old-corporatism-haley-surprise-on-climate-change-protest-links-to-manufactured-home-doe-energy-rule-reports-and-connecting/ and https://www.manufacturedhomepronews.com/iowa-2024-looms-aeis-levin-said-democrats-became-party-of-elites-republicans-more-populist-anti-establishment-indies-up-nyts-edsel-dems-are-party-of-elites-facts-analysis/ and the remarks of Democrat and former Democratic presidential hopeful, Rep. Seth Moulton (MA-D) https://www.manufacturedhomepronews.com/democratic-congressman-seth-moulton-ma-d-said-democrats-are-party-of-ultra-rich-and-the-ultra-poor-rigged-system-revelations-facts-and-analysis-plus-sunday-weekly-mhville-headlines-rec/


16) So, as much as certain Democrats and their backers call Trump and his supporters “fascists” and threats to democracy, and the like, that is often demonstrably blatant hypocrisy and projecting.  It must not be thought that any of the candidates, major or minor, running in 2024 is somehow perfect or ideal. Newsflash. Jesus the Messiah is not on the ballot.








17) Trump cut regulations and made an effort, albeit a failed one, to “drain the swamp.” Trump cut taxes and those tax cuts benefited the middle and working classes. Costs were lower.  No new wars were started. Old conflicts were winding down. Under Trump, for the first time in years, wages and incomes were surpassing the rate of inflation. Savings was growing. Trump was building a border wall that Biden-Harris stopped and sold uninstalled parts of the wall – as Trump recently asserted – for scrap metal.’  Tariffs, stronger immigration control, and border protection benefited the everyday Americans of all stripes. Even left-leaning sources like CNN had to admit (see below) that incomes for Americans grew under Trump but took a hit under Obama-Biden. Incomes have also failed to keep paced under Biden-Harris.


Stil from video posted further below. https://www.manufacturedhomepronews.com/president-trumps-administration-has-cut-regulations-but-increased-others-net-results/


CNN is not a pro-Trump media outlet, but using federal data, this graphic from their news company reflects the upward trend of income following President Trump’s enactment of the tax cuts and jobs act. It is worth noting that Democratic President John F. Kennedy Jr. did similarly. Income and productivity also rose. During the Reagan Administration, former Democrat turned Republican Ronald Reagan cut taxes with a similar outcome as Presidents Kennedy and Trump. Facts matter.


18) Someone doesn’t have to be a political scientist to realize that the Harris-Walz campaign focus on demonizing Trump and creating an illusion of hope and change is, upon examination, self-contradictory. Harris is curiously running against the performance of their own Democratic administration.


19) Manufactured Housing Insider’s Prediction for Who Wins White House in 2024. In a conversation with MHProNews a manufactured housing industry veteran with deep ties to both major political parties said this. He thinks Kamala Harris could win in a fairly close election, likely with some level of cheating involved. But he also said that it is possible that the 45th President Donald Trump will win and could do so in an electoral college landslide.


20) On the right, one of the top concerns has been election integrity for years. While certain states have been, and are making, efforts to clean up voter rolls and take steps to insure that only citizens and eligible voters are casting ballots, a possible solution is possible. As another budget deal is pending, there is talk that Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (LA-R) may require that the Save Act be part of any budget deal.


21) MHProNews editorially suggests that you call your lawmakers and say you want the Save Act attached to the upcoming budget deal or no new budget. That could prevent much of the potential for cheating. You can go to this site and input your address to find your elected officials, get the number, and make the call.



22) MRC’s point that Harris-Walz is getting the love from much of the media while Trump and Vance are getting near nonstop smears is apparent once the facts are known. Tens of millions of Americans don’t follow politics closely. What the late Rush Limbaugh used to call “low information voters” is more than an anectodical snark. It has evidence to support it.

A Gallup survey said this.

After paying heightened attention to national politics in 2020 (42%) and 2021 (38%), the percentage of Americans reporting they follow news about national politics “very closely” has dipped to 32% — a more normal reading for nonelection years.

Story Highlights

  • 32% pay very close attention to national political news

  • Down from 42% in 2020 and 38% in 2021

  • Current level matches average for years before a presidential election


So, about 2/3rds of the country do not pay close attention to politics and related news, except as elections approach.


23) A more recent 2.2024 report by left-leaning Axios said this.

Americans are tuning out politics news ahead of 2024 election

Chart: Axios Visuals; Data: Similarweb.


24) It ought to be obvious that the party in power are the Democrats. What is occurring in the U.S., and in other nations too, is perhaps one of the greatest social engineering experiments in the past century.  Largely left-leaning media, left-leaning Google and Facebook, and many institutions (nonprofits) that are left-leaning have what former award-winning CNN journalist Chris Plant has called “information dominance.” Ironically, that is supported by the evidence (see above) and is illustrated by the keen remark from leftist Danny Glover. Glover has sat on a Warren Buffett-funded nonprofit board for years. He has a front row seat to the power that centi-billionaires like Buffett have over the media, news, and politics.


Quote from the full length and award-winning Shadows of Libertydocumentary drama. Shadows exposed several aspects of the political, media, corporate, and regulatory nexus by interviewing insiders involved in it. It explores examples from left and right with the impact of money and information manipulation. Glover has served on a Warren Buffett funded board. https://www.manufacturedhomepronews.com/danny-glover-and-revealing-manufactured-housing-realities-power-of-correct-questions-and-observations-regardless-of-good-bad-laughable-or-no-reply-plus-sunday-manufactured-home-weekly-r/ See the Illusory Effect updates linked here: https://www.manufacturedhomepronews.com/when-the-lies-are-so-big-no-one-would-dare-disbelieve-them-mainstream-legacy-or-alternative-media-u-s-public-policies-illusory-truth-and-manufactured-housing-plus-mhville-mark/

Yes, the memes of Harris dressed in Communist garb are fake. But that doesn’t mean that they don’t have a factual basis.




25) Manning’s points about the possible harms from consolidation are well taken.




They fit the growing number of sources on the left and right that see oligopoly style monopolization as a serious issue in the U.S. It impacts our media, big tech, and national politics. MHProNews several of those in recent reports have been invited to respond.  As a common thesis for this and our sister site have long stressed, what is necessary is enforcing good existing laws. Break up monopolies. When warranted, prosecute wrongdoers and impose the ‘corporate death penalty.’ This is what domestic election interference looks like. This is an example of information dominance.

If the billionaire class and their information minions are in favor of Kamala Harris, who is the obvious choice for those who reject the past 3.5 years of inflationary prices, prosecution of political adversaries, and rising personal and national debt? The market report follows in Part IV.








Part IV

Our Daily Business News on MHProNews stock market recap which features our business-daily at-a-glance update of over 2 dozen manufactured housing industry stocks.

NOTICE: following the TPG deal with CAPREIT, TPG has been added to our tracked stocks list below.

This segment of the Daily Business News on MHProNews is the recap of yesterday evening’s market report at the closing bell, so that investors can see-at-glance the type of topics may have influenced other investors. Our format includes our signature left (CNN Business) and right (Newsmax) ‘market moving’ headlines for a more balanced report.

The macro market moves graphics below provide context and comparisons for those invested in or tracking manufactured housing connected equities. Meaning, you can see ‘at a glance’ how manufactured housing connected firms do compared to other segments of the broader equities market.

  • In minutes a day, readers can get a good sense of significant or major events while keeping up with the trends that may be impacting manufactured housing connected investing.


Headlines from left-of-center CNN Business – 9.3.2024

  • Dow falls by more than 600 points as September turns ugly
  • Elon Musk’s attacks on Kamala Harris become more unhinged, with help from AI
  • JPMorgan Chase is warning people to stop committing a form of check fraud that blew up on TikTok.
  • Viral videos of people stealing money from Chase ATMs were just plain check fraud
  • Costco has raised membership fees for the first time since 2017 with a $5 jump to $65 a year from $60 for most plans.
  • Costco’s first membership price hike in 7 years just went into effect
  • Facebook users have complained of an increase in AI-generated spam content on the platform, as new artificial intelligence tools make it easier than ever to generate large numbers of fake images.
  • It’s not just you. More weird spam is popping up on Facebook
  • Mike Lynch during a Bloomberg Television interview in London in November 2014.
  • Hewlett Packard won’t drop its $4 billion UK claim against Mike Lynch, who died along with his daughter when his yacht sank
  • A student works during welding class at Tennessee College of Applied Technology Nashville.
  • Want job security in this uncertain market? A surprising trend is paying off
  • Hilton Baltimore Inner Harbor
  • America’s massive hotel strike just got even bigger
  • Disney-owned channels, like ESPN, went off the air on DirecTV services.
  • DirecTV is compensating customers affected by the Disney outage. But they have to take action to get it
  • The Honey Deuce is one of the most popular stars of the US Open.
  • The $10 million cocktail everyone is drinking at the US Open
  • Supply chains are under plenty of stress, but they’re not breaking. Here’s why
  • Cathay Pacific inspects entire A350 fleet after finding engine problems
  • Boeing’s next big problem could be a strike by 32,000 workers
  • ‘A very serious situation’: Volkswagen could close plants in Germany for the first time in history
  • Linda Deutsch, AP trial writer who had a front row seat to courtroom history, dies at 80
  • Noncompete agreements aren’t going anywhere. What to know if you sign one
  • Disney pulls ABC, ESPN and other channels from DirecTV in carriage standoff
  • More than 10,000 US hotel workers strike during Labor Day weekend
  • What’s open and closed on Labor Day 2024?
  • Workers in Japan can’t quit their jobs. They hire resignation experts to help
  • Oasis fans upset by high prices and long delays on Ticketmaster site
  • Brazil begins to block X as Elon Musk’s feud with judge deepens
  • More people than ever are eating alone at restaurants. This is why

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In the business world, the rear-view mirror is always clearer than the windshield.” – Warren Buffett. That begs a key question. Why don’t more people LOOK at the rearview mirror more so they can learn more about the patterns that influence what’s ahead? Note: depending on your browser or device, many images in this report can be clicked to expand. For example, in some browsers/devices you click the image and select ‘open in a new window.’ After clicking that selection, you click the image in the open window to expand the image to a larger size. To return to this page, use your back key, escape or follow the prompts. https://www.manufacturedhomepronews.com/in-the-business-world-the-rear-view-mirror-is-always-clearer-than-the-windshield-warren-buffett-mhville-leader-showcases-efforts-to-renew-american-dream-plus-sunday-weekly/


Headlines from right-of-center Newsmax – 9.3.2024

  • ActiVote Poll: Harris’ Lead Over Trump ‘Steadily Cut’
  • Israel at War
  • Activists Roil Columbia U. on Day 1 of Classes
  • IDF Kills Infamous Hamas Terrorist From Viral Oct. 7 Video
  • Hamas New Order: Kill Hostages Before Israel Gets Them
  • Hamas, Hezbollah Flags Fly at NYC Pro-Palestinian Rally
  • IDF Finds 2019 Hamas Manual Detailing Tunnel Warfare Tactics
  • IDF: 14 Terrorists Killed in Jenin Operation So Far
  • Netanyahu Pushes Back: ‘No One Will Preach to Me’
  • Hamas Releases Video of 6 Slain Hostages Before Death
  • CENTCOM, Syria’s SDF Capture ISIS ‘Facilitator’
  • Israel UN Ambassador Demands Security Council Action
  • Newsmax TV
  • Caroline Glick: ‘Significant Number’ of Jews Will Vote GOP
  • Patalinghug: Catholics ‘Significant,’ Even When ‘Treated Poorly’
  • Matt Schlapp: Harris Not Authentic
  • Michael Reagan: Movie About Dad ‘Phenomenal, Honest Depiction’
  • Economist Peter Morici: Trump Must Do This to Win
  • Mike Huckabee: Biden Must Put More Pressure on Hamas
  • Consul General of Israel: Protesters ‘Against America’
  • Malcolm Hoenlein: Biden Must Not Blame Netanyahu for War
  • Gold Star Dad Hoover: Harris Arlington Comments ‘Sickening’
  • Jon Voight: Soviets Were ‘Terrified’ of Ronald Reagan
  • Newsfront
  • Report: Secret Service Failed in Mar-a-Lago Trespass
  • The U.S. Secret Service assigned to protect former President Donald Trump’s residence at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida failed to prevent a juvenile from illegally entering the property and jumping into a pool last year, according to a report…. [Full Story]
  • ActiVote Poll: Harris’ Lead Over Trump ‘Steadily Cut’
  • Vice President Kamala Harris’ lead in the presidential race over [Full Story]
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  • Beat the End-of-Summer Blues
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In instances such as Apollo, Berkshire Hathaway, Blackstone or others, manufactured housing may only be part of their corporate interests. Note: depending on your browser or device, many images in this report and others on MHProNews can be clicked to expand. Click the image and follow the prompts. For example, in some browsers/devices you click the image and select ‘open in a new window.’ After clicking that selection you click the image in the open window to expand the image to a larger size. To return to this page, use your back key, escape or follow the prompts.
Notice: MHProNews invites the firms or organizations named in these reports to respond to any concerns about possibly inaccurate information via email that identifies the concern and offers evidence that sheds a different light on the topic discussed. That said, until 5.9.2024, neither MHI nor most MHI publicly traded ‘insider brands’ have done so. They’ve been repeatedly invited to do so, including but not limited to an outreach on Dec 7, 2o23 and Feb 25, 2024. In the case of that response linked above, no apparent reply was given to follow up inquires by MHProNews. 
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