Legacy Communities Ripped by Judy Annin-Manufactured Homeowners for Change ‘People Living in Manufactured Home Parks Will Soon Join Next Wave of Homeless’ Senator Sherrod Brown Invoked; plus MHMarkets


“People living in manufactured home parks are soon to join the next wave of homelessness,” said Judy Annin to Oregon Live. Annin is the founder of “Manufactured Homeowners for Change, Oregon.” An editor for Oregon Live provided Annin’s letter shown in Part I of this report with analysis. In an on-the-record remarks to MHProNews, Annin said her community, “Twin Cedars Mobile Home Park is part of the extensive portfolio of Legacy Communities LLC.” Annin provided a copy of a letter from Senator Sherrod Brown (OH-D) that was addressed to Legacy Communities CEO Mr. Patrick O’Malley, which said in part: “I am deeply concerned that Legacy Communities’ management practices will cause financial instability, displacement, and homelessness among hundreds of Ohio seniors.” Senator Brown went on to note state: “As a national
company doing business from Delaware and Florida and with leadership in Arizona, Legacy Communities will be far removed from the consequences of its decisions. But Ohio seniors, their families, and local  communities will have to deal with the fallout of Legacy Communities’ policies. In light of the irreversible harm that unaffordable rent increases would cause for Ohio’s seniors, I urge you to immediately halt rent increases for existing and new residents in your communities and meet personally with tenants in both of Twin Lakes and Navarre Village to hear their experiences living in your communities.” The headline for the Annin’s letter to the editor, picked up by Google News and others, stated: “Escalating rents trap owners of manufactured homes.” Neither Legacy, nor the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) has responded to inquiries about the concerns raised by Annin, her resident-advocacy group, nor about prior concerns raised by regional media as is linked in this report.

Part I of this report provides the text of Annin’s letter to the editor of the Oregonian (a.k.a.: Oregon Live).

Part II of this report with analysis provides additional information provided by Annin and her resident volunteer group, Manufactured Homeowners for Change, Oregon. Included in that is the letter from Senator Brown to Legacy Communities CEO O’Malley.

Part III will provide additional information, which includes pulling back the veil on Senator Brown’s reported relationship with a partner in another purportedly predatory and consolidation focused manufactured home community operator, Nathan Smith of SSK Communities turned Flagship Communities. Part III will shed light on issues commonly and rarely raised in the decade-plus long struggle that some manufactured home community residents have dealt with that have been tried, or not, in order to secure the rights of residents in communities like the one Annin and thousands of others live in.

Part IV is the Daily Business News on MHProNews market report.

Note much of the photo collage in the featured image is from pictures provided by Judy Annin to MHProNews. The pictures are of her manufactured home.

Part I

QuoteMarksLeftSideReaders respond: Escalating rents trap owners of manufactured homes

  • Updated: Jun. 23, 2024, 6:08 a.m.|
  • Published: Jun. 23, 2024, 6:00 a.m.

By Letters to the editor | The Oregonian

People living in manufactured home parks are soon to join the next wave of homelessness. We are seniors, veterans, widows and other vulnerable people fighting to remain in affordable housing. We’re not renters. We’re homeowners and taxpayers. Our homes are on a handkerchief-size piece of ground that we rent and must maintain.

Across the nation, we face escalating rental rates, along with separate steep rent hikes for new tenants. These new tenant rental rates make it hard to find buyers willing to assume that cost. For many residents, this situation is stressful and negatively affects physical and psychological wellbeing. It instills a deep-seated fear as we face the possibility of becoming homeless.

The prospect of being unable to sell our homes—should the need arise to relocate to a care facility or to live nearer to our children for support—casts a shadow over our well-being. We’re asking for empathy and help. Currently, Oregon Housing and Community Services is applying for a $25 million federal grant that could help Oregon park residents band together to buy the parks where we live under Oregon’s Manufactured Park Dwelling Preservation Fund Program.

There are over 1,066 manufactured home parks in Oregon, with over 62,861 spaces for homes in those parks. We feel we should have an equal opportunity to take part in our fair market economy, just as manufactured home park owners do. We want to be able to sell our homes if we choose. Instead, we’re trapped. Something must be done to protect this form of affordable housing.

Judy Annin, Lebanon



Part II – Emailed comments from Judy Annin Manufactured Homeowners for Change, Oregon to MHProNews on 7.1.2024

In an email for publication to MHProNews, Annin said the following.

QuoteMarksLeftSideGood morning, Tony,

Twin Cedars Mobile Home Park is part of the extensive portfolio of Legacy Communities LLC, which owns over 70 communities nationwide. Legacy has been featured in various news stories across the country. We’ve actively engaged with our local city council, state representatives, state senators, the governor, federal legislators, and media outlets to voice our concerns. Additionally, there’s a YouTube video showcasing Twin Cedars’ tenants presenting our case to the City Council.









Judy Annin

Manufactured Homeowners for Change, Oregon

“There is no greater calling than to serve your fellow men. There is no greater contribution than to help the weak. There is no greater satisfaction than to have done it well.”

  – Walter Reuther



Part III – Additional Information with More MHProNews Analysis and Commentary

In no particular order of importance are the following.

1) Annin is hardly alone. Their group reportedly has 90 members. One of those involved posted the following remarks on their Facebook page.

QuoteMarksLeftSideKayla Starr

rnpdteoSsoh8e  cu194im85190fam12:m7MJl0u9h  302tP6t532tmniu7  ·

Candlewood Park in Talent, managed by Commonwealth in Portland, just announced a new 10% rent increase for the seniors in our Park, after raising rents 14.5% last year! After 5 months of trying, we who organized a tenants association here could only get about 1/4 of residents to attend a meeting or speak to us about our situation. Then even those on the Tenants Council decided they did not want to even ask for a meeting with management. Fear and a sense of powerlessness rules here!”


2) In an email from MHProNews to Legacy Communities media contact, Molly Boyle, was the following inquiry and invitation to respond to the concerns raised by Annin and her fellow residents.


from: L. A. Tony Kovach [for MHProNews.com]
to: legacy@fpmgi.com
bcc: MHIgov@mfghome.org,
date: Jul 3, 2024, 4:04 PM
subject: Molly, opportunity to comment about media report on Legacy Communities

Does Legacy Communities believe it is operating within the MHI code of ethical conduct?


If you have a response to the above and the following, please email it asap.

As a remind[er], we previously sent the following inquiry. To our knowledge, you never responded, nor did anyone else on behalf of MHI or Legacy Communities.

from: L. A. Tony K latonyk@gmail.com
to: legacy@fpmgi.com
date: Jun 5, 2024, 4:15 PM
subject: Molly, request for comment

Molly, we plan to report on Legacy Communities in the context of this KOB 4 report.


I think you know the drill. Please email your comments for our mutual accuracy. Thanks.



3) Insights on the MHI-NCC Code of Ethical Conduct are found in the article posted below.


https://www.manufacturedhomepronews.com/masthead/rest-of-story-residents-media-complain-rhp-properties-on-evictions-discrimination-stiff-hikes-havenpark-communities-named-where-is-manufactured-housing-institutes-code/ Note: Havenpark, per a source, is no longer an MHI member, but the reason for that is unclear. If Havenpark was booted, why are others like them tolerated? Or did Havenpark’s leaders, after fact checks like this one, figure out that it simply didn’t make sense to stay a member of MHI and they just left on their own?


4) Some 16 hours after our inquiries, as of 9 AM ET on 7.4.2024, there was no reply from Boyle, Legacy Communities, nor MHI. As MHProNews has previously reported, Boyle is also apparently the media contact for MHI, and for another MHI member company: Molly Boyle, Horizon@fpmgi.com or Horizon Land Management. Boyle is also a contact for an environmental advocacy group: ActionAidUSA.org Communications contact: Molly Boyle, molly.boyle@fpmgi.com.

Boyle is also listed as the contact for another apparently left-leaning organization https://tiaa-divest.org/ at the time when they issued the following release: “113 Groups Push TIAA to Divest from Fossil Fuels & Stop Land Grabs, Calling TIAA’s Net Zero by 2050 Plan “Wildly Inadequate” for the Climate Crisis.”

Those contacts using Boyle begs the question: are Legacy, MHI, and Horizon all left-leaning? Does Boyle routinely work with left-leaning groups? If so, does that shed light on why MHI endorsed the New Dems Housing Plan, and why a Democratic Administration has largely failed to address these issues that Annin and others have raised during an affordable housing crisis? The possible significance will become clear further below.




5) To be clear, MHI is obviously free to hire whomever they want for a communications professional, as are firms such as Legacy Communities.  But another higher profile MHI member, prior chairman for the association, who has similarly been hit by numerous resident complaints, litigation, and regulatory probes is Nathan Smith with SSK Communities which rebranded and went public as Flagship Communities.  Smith and his partner’s firm have been rated an “F” by the Better Business Bureau (BBB). According to the Cincinatti Enquirer, Smith also happens to be an apparently well-connected player in Democratic Party politics. Smith has hosted Hillary Clinton, among other Democratic luminaries. Smith is proudly standing next to Joe Biden in a photo shown below. And what may seem paradoxical to some at first, Senator Sherrod Brown (OH-D) and Nathan Smith reportedly have a chummy relationship.




John Oliver’s satirical slam on the “Mobile Homes” business doesn’t name Nathan Smith, but it does feature a news clip about resident complaints in one of Smith’s communities. MHLivingNews has connected the dots between Oliver’s viral video slam and numbers of Manufactured Housing Institute linked firms: https://www.manufacturedhomelivingnews.com/hbos-john-oliver-on-last-week-tonight-mobile-homes-video-manufactured-home-communities-fact-check/


6) According to Gannett-owned Cincinnati.com Nathan Smith has Senator Brown’s personal phone number. “It’s a phone [i.e.: Flagship Communities Nathan Smith] that contains the personal numbers of politicians from Ohio Sen. Sherrod Brown to Conway and Edelen.” That same article that profiled Smith, and featured the photo immediately above the MHProNews logo in Part III #5 (above) also said: “Kentucky Auditor Adam Edelen said any Democrat exploring a run on a statewide level knows they need Smith’s support.” It also said: “For the last 10 or 12 years, Nathan has probably been the most energetic and committed political and financial backer of Democrats from Northern Kentucky,” Kentucky Attorney General Jack Conway said. “He is an indefatigable supporter of Democrats.””

7) While Democrats are often viewed as ‘champions of the little guy,’ more accurately, that depends entirely on the Democrat(s) in question. As MHProNews recently reported, a former Democratic presidential candidate and Congressman Seth Moulton (MA-D) frankly said in a recent interview that Democrats are the party of the ultra-rich and ultra poor.  Senator Brown (OH-D) went to Iowa a few years ago to meet with residents in a scenario not unlike the one Annin is battling with Legacy Communities. The meeting brought media attention. But apparently, some lawmakers and other public officials have a grasp of what is necessary yet have failed to do what is necessary to address these issues often years later.




Official Statements by Rep. Cindy Axne on Manufactured Housing Affordability Bill Advanced by House Financial Services Committee, Additional Manufactured Home Living News Insights and Analysis
See a potentially relevant flashback report at this link here: https://www.manufacturedhomelivingnews.com/nathan-smith-from-mobile-home-resident-to-ssk-communities-owner-and-president-barack-obama-connection/ Much of what the Cincinnati Enquirer’s profile report on Nathan Smith is confirmed by the findings on our sister site, MHLivingNews, deeper dive into the claims and related evidence.


8) As MHProNews has pointed out based upon third-party research, numbers of politicos, business, and association leaders engage in a practice known as paltering. Cincinnati reported that Smith studied communications and politics. That same source noted that he is methodical and deliberate. Those who engage in paltering speak some level of truth, but they may leave out some important insights or information. Or they may speak some truth (palter), posture for cameras (thereby attracting voters and donations) but fail to push on the underlying issues that may authentically solve a problem. Some posture, palter, and project. After years of observing and reporting on the facts, evidence, and patterns involved, MHProNews and/or MHLivingNews have come to realize that politicians may actually be benefiting directly and/or indirectly (through campaign donations or other mechanisms) from the very predatory brands and players that they claim to be fighting on behalf of residents.

9) Annin hails from the West Coast state of Oregon, where the late Robert “Bob” Van Cleef lived in the neighboring state of California. Van Cleef weighed in several times on what he understood to be the potential solutions to the problems he and his wife were also similarly troubled by when a new owner purchased their land-lease manufactured home community.






10) MHProNews has previously featured the purported business tactics of Legacy Communities. As was noted above, neither Legacy nor MHI has responded to the prior, or recent, inquiries about issues raised by Annin and others.




11) MHI postures several often-noble sounding stances. But a closer examination of MHI reveals that numbers of their larger members have problematic reputations, not unlike Legacy Communities or Nathan Smith linked Flagship Communities. Illusions are established that may appear to cloak them in a ‘nice guy’ (or gal) image. But a closer examination reveals a different story. Several MHI National Communities Council (NCC) members have, for example, been civilly sued for purported collusion and antitrust violations. Such legal actions may prove fruitful, but it is likely to take years for those legal actions to achieve their potential victories.




12) Laws have been passed in states like Colorado and Delaware that initially gave residents in communities like Annin’s hope. But as time and subsequent events revealed, those laws proved to be of little useful consequence for many residents. Meanwhile, the predatory firms often keep their consolidation efforts advancing and what has been described as vulture capitalist tactics advancing. Legacy Communities, Smith’s SSK turned Flagship, and others have turned stigma into profits.




13) In some cases, private equity linked billionaires have provided funding for ‘resident’ groups like MHAction. Those groups often protest and help organize residents. But upon closer examination, they may curiously fail to press potentially key legal remedies. Meaning, there are some resident groups which may be authentic, but other groups may be tools for the very people that are consolidating the community sector and jacking up site fees in the process. Ironically, not unlike Senator Brown’s letter, such groups may produce quite useful research documenting the problems, while failing to propose the more robust legal solutions that could potentially provide residents relief.




14) In prior election cycles, higher profile Democrats like Senator Elizabeth Warren (MA-D), or Julian Castro (former HUD Secretary during the Obama-Biden administration) made visits to manufactured home communities, met with residents, and discussed their plight. Photos and videos emerged, that of course could be useful in generating votes and campaign donations. But years later, what has actually been accomplished?   Senator Warren, for instance, has been a vocal proponent of antitrust laws, which could prove useful. But 3 1/2 years into the Biden-Harris administration, what exactly has been accomplished by Democrats that promised time and again to use the power of antitrust laws to ‘fight big corporate greed?’ Restated, there appears to be a pattern of posturing, paltering, preening, and even projection at work. The affordable housing crisis continues. HUD researchers Pamela Blumenthal and Regina Gray have documented that for 50 years, politicians have made promises but very little has changed, save the affordable housing crisis has apparently worsened in the last 3.5 years. Despite the fact that Congress has passed widely bipartisan laws designed to help promote manufactured housing, HUD has arguably failed to implement those laws. According to the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR), the Roper ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court may in time offer some relief.


True Tale of Four Attorneys Research into Manufactured Housing – What They Reveal About Why Manufactured Homes Are Underperforming During an Affordable Housing Crisis – Facts and Analysis





15) But in the meantime, manufactured housing’s ‘consolidation central’ – i.e.: the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) continues to posture for smaller brands and the public at large. “Deception and Misdiretion” is a key element of making this pattern viable in manufactured housing, or in other industries and professions too.


Harvard-Frank Rolfe-Lesli GoochWaPoOp-EdTake2-PamBlumenthal-Regina Gray-Affordable Homes-Charade-TrueLies-PurportedManufacturedHousingRuseFridayFolliesMHProNews

Wacky Wednesday (LoL)! Biden then Gaslighting 2.0 as Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) CEO ‘Dr. Lesli Gooch’ Named ‘2024 Women of Influence’ by Wheeler-Led HousingWire-Why? Plus MHMarkets


16) Unsolicited advice for honest independent businesses and residents, both of whom are arguably victims of this vexing pattern.

a) Annin is correct in thinking that getting media attention is useful.
b) Annin is also correct in thinking that it is useful to cite any reputable source for possible support of her (or other’s) concerns. In that regard, citing Senator Brown’s letter to Legacy Communities (for example), is  potentially useful.

c) It is prudent to work with lawmakers and public officials regardless of their political affiliation. Billionaires, the “Donor Class” or 1 percent treats politicians in a transactional fashion. If someone or some group has made a potentially useful remark, seek to hold them accountable for living up to a logical follow through on that remark. Let’s consider specific potential examples using Annin and resident Kayla Starr‘s remarks: “After 5 months of trying, we who organized a tenants association here could only get about 1/4 of residents to attend a meeting or speak to us about our situation. Then even those on the Tenants Council decided they did not want to even ask for a meeting with management. Fear and a sense of powerlessness rules here!”

Said Annin:

QuoteMarksLeftSideFor many residents, this situation is stressful and negatively affects physical and psychological wellbeing. It instills a deep-seated fear as we face the possibility of becoming homeless.

The prospect of being unable to sell our homes—should the need arise to relocate to a care facility or to live nearer to our children for support—casts a shadow over our well-being. …”


d) That may fit into a potential description of the Hobbs Act on the federal level, and/or a possible state level equivalent. Per the Department of Justice:

QuoteMarksLeftSideThe Hobbs Act prohibits actual or attempted robbery or extortion affecting interstate or foreign commerce “in any way or degree.” Section 1951 also proscribes conspiracy to commit robbery or extortion without reference to the conspiracy statute at 18 U.S.C. § 371.”


According to Federal Criminal Attorneys:


QuoteMarksLeftSideThe Hobbs Act is a federal statute under 18 U.S.C § 1951 that makes it illegal for anyone to impede or affect interstate commerce “in any way or degree” by committing robbery or extortion. It states:

  • “(a) Whoever in any manner obstructs, delays, or affects commerce or the movement of commerce by robbery or extortion or attempts, conspires, or threatens physical violence to a person or property in furtherance of a plan to do anything in violation of this statute shall be fined or imprisoned up to twenty years, or both.”


e) The internet, “the wires,” the U.S. Mail are often used by businesses. Messaging aps are also used. While it is unclear if the issues involved manufactured housing, The Carlyle Group (CG), Blackstone, and TPG – all of which have had years of clear ties to manufactured housing and/or MHI, are apparently in settlement discussions with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) over violations of their regulations on message retention.



According to left-leaning Wikipedia:

QuoteMarksLeftSideRacketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act

The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act is a United States federal law that provides for extended criminal penalties and a civil cause of action for acts performed as part of an ongoing criminal organization.”
Justia notes that:
QuoteMarksLeftSideTo violate RICO, a person must engage in a pattern of racketeering activity connected to an enterprise. The law defines 35 offenses as constituting racketeering, including gambling, murder, kidnapping, arson, drug dealing, bribery. Significantly, mail and wire fraud are included on the list.”


f) Antitrust laws are another promising avenue, as was noted earlier, because manufactured home community residents working with contingency attorneys have launched national suits against so-called predatory brands that are purportedly operating with some level of coordination.

g) While there are civil components to these laws, there are also often criminal components too. A civil fine or even a large settlement may or may not deter a problematic operator. Sincere or not, Frank Rolfe (for example) has repeatedly and publicly slammed MHI, yet is a member of that trade group. Rolfe and his partner Dave Reynolds’ business interests entered into a consent judgment in Wisconsin. Is it likely to deter them? Has anyone noticed a sudden change of heart?




h) But if criminal penalties are successfully sought, or the so-called ‘corporate death penalty’ is vigorously sought, those sorts of efforts may well bear fruit.  They carry the advantage of being paid for by taxpayer funded public officials. They can utilize existing state/federal laws.  A deeper dive into that is found in Samuel “Sam” Strommen’s legal research into manufactured housing, where he called for “felony” prosecutions of apparent wrongdoing by specific manufactured housing firms and/or associations.


Strommen Manufactured Housing Institute remark: MHI is a mouthpiece of the Big 3 – in apparent Restraint of Trade and Should Not Get NOERR protection. https://www.manufacturedhomepronews.com/masthead/true-tale-of-four-attorneys-research-into-manufactured-housing-what-they-reveal-about-why-manufactured-homes-are-underperforming-during-an-affordable-housing-crisis-facts-and-analysis/



i) There ought to be a clear distinction made by resident/advocates between predatory brands and operations and those which operate according to traditional business ethics and norms. There may be times that resident groups and ‘white hat’ operations can work together with lawmakers and public officials to their mutual benefit.
17) This report is being published on Independence Day (7.4.2024). That’s not by accident. Annin’s letter to the editor argued that: “People living in manufactured home parks are soon to join the next wave of homelessness. We are seniors, veterans, widows and other vulnerable people fighting to remain in affordable housing. We’re not renters. We’re homeowners and taxpayers.” That’s a fight for economic, social, moral, and political liberty. Thomas Jefferson was an early proponent of vigorous antitrust laws. Jefferson understood that big government and big business often go hand in glove.

18) On paper, both the prior and current DOJ antitrust division leaders understood the harmful impact of monopolization on commerce. Jonathan Kanter (Biden-Harris) has said antitrust is a ‘kitchen table issue.’  During Makan Delrahim led tenure at DOJ (Trump) several of the big antitrust cases now underway were launched. Per two sources that claim knowledge, MHProNews was told that Delrahim’s attorneys met to discuss an investigation into monopolization in manufactured housing. It should be stressed that monopolization can be a single dominating player, or it can be multiple players acting in a collusive fashion.








In response to an inquiry from MHProNews in 2023, Donald Trump Jr said that antitrust is the #2 or #3 most important issue in the country.

19) Be it smaller businesses, ordinary citizens, residents living in land lease manufactured home communities (MHCs) owned or operated by so-called predatory brands, the end result of justice should be sought using any and all lawful means available. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. It is election season. The opportunities to engage with candidates in public places, ask questions, and video record answers are often available. Think the questions and possible follow up inquiries through. Respectful yet persistent and thoughtful engagement is encouraged. Document everything. Email can be useful. Letters to the editor or longer op-eds are useful. Speaking to listening sessions can be useful. Identifying contingency attorneys willing to work on your behalf makes good sense. But perhaps above all, an effort to make existing laws work in your favor is perhaps the most important step. That way, there is reduced wait times to get actionable results. The local DA or state’s attorney, local officials willing to write a letter asking for a formal investigation by public officials into possible criminal actions is another option. Make a checklist. Work that list. Record all results. An “all of the above” approach working in a nonpartisan way could yield significant results.

20) Affordable housing is one of the top issues in the country at this time. The crisis mathematically can’t be solved without a robust use of manufactured housing.  Several potentially useful laws already exist that need to be put to work. Understand the landscape, and the faux posturing that is routinely occurring.  Prayer, involving faith-based groups, and perhaps most importantly, never, never quit until the goal is accomplished. There is a country to win back from those who have weaponized the system for their own benefit. Happy 4th of July, or whatever day it happens to be, it is a good day to fight for rights and maximum liberty under law. ###












GroupThinkVIndependenceNowIsTheTimeAllGoodMenWomenComeToAidTheirCountryQuotePatrickHenryWhatsAhead SundayWeeklyHeadlinesReviewMHProNewsLogo




Part IV – Our Daily Business News on MHProNews stock market recap which features our business-daily at-a-glance update of over 2 dozen manufactured housing industry stocks.


This segment of the Daily Business News on MHProNews is the recap of yesterday evening’s market report at the closing bell, so that investors can see-at-glance the type of topics may have influenced other investors. Our format includes our signature left (CNN Business) and right (Newsmax) ‘market moving’ headlines for a more balanced report.

The macro market moves graphics below provide context and comparisons for those invested in or tracking manufactured housing connected equities. Meaning, you can see ‘at a glance’ how manufactured housing connected firms do compared to other segments of the broader equities market.

In minutes a day, readers can get a good sense of significant or major events while keeping up with the trends that may be impacting manufactured housing connected investing.


Headlines from left-of-center CNN Business – 7.3.2024

  • NBC to use AI version of announcer Al Michaels’ voice for Olympics recaps
  • The Google Bay View campus in Mountain View, California, US, on Tuesday, Nov. 28, 2023.
  • Google’s greenhouse gas emissions are soaring thanks to AI
  • A Boeing 737 MAX 8 is pictured outside the factory on March 11, 2019 in Renton, Washington.
  • Boeing timeline: Inside the air giant’s turbulent journey in recent years
  • Multi generations on picnic in back yard eating burgers and celebrating 4th of July – Independence Day.
  • Here’s how much more you’ll spend on your Fourth of July BBQ this year
  • A customer gets gas at a Shell station on May 15, 2024 in Miami, Florida.
  • Fourth of July gas prices are set for a three-year low
  • Judy Garland, left, and Burt Reynolds.
  • AI resurrects deceased actors’ voices to read audiobooks
  • Record numbers of people are flying. So why are airlines’ profits plunging?
  • What’s open and closed on July 4
  • A logo sign outside of a Bob’s Stores retail store location in Totowa, New Jersey, on March 23, 2020.
  • Bob’s Stores is closing all of its stores after 70 years in business
  • A global tax war is looming. It could hit Big Tech hard
  • Chinese government bonds are on fire. That’s ringing alarm bells in Beijing
  • Nestlé and other companies are trying to stake their claims as weight loss drug experts. They’re not
  • McDonald’s shortens breakfast time in Australia as bird flu causes egg shortage
  • How Japan’s newest yen note came from the Nepali mountains
  • America’s red-hot job market just won’t quit
  • Biden’s mental fitness could have been better covered leading up to the debate, some White House reporters acknowledge
  • CDK Global says ‘substantially all’ dealers are back online after a crippling hack
  • Biden has scheduled his first interview after his shaky debate performance
  • State Farm again is seeking huge increases in home insurance rates in California
  • FTC unanimously moves to block $4 billion merger of mattress giants
  • US judge’s financial conflict leads to revived lawsuit against big banks
  • Tesla sales fall again as more automakers crowd electric vehicle market
  • You may now own a piece of Trump Media – and not even know it


To see this image below in a larger size, depending on your device,
click the image and follow the prompts.

YahooFinanca<i><strong>“<a href=In the business world, the rear-view mirror is always clearer than the windshield." - Warren Buffett. That begs a key question. Why don't more people LOOK at the rearview mirror more so they can learn more about the patterns that influence what's ahead? Note: depending on your browser or device, many images in this report can be clicked to expand. For example, in some browsers/devices you click the image and select 'open in a new window.' After clicking that selection, you click the image in the open window to expand the image to a larger size. To return to this page, use your back key, escape or follow the prompts. https://www.manufacturedhomepronews.com/in-the-business-world-the-rear-view-mirror-is-always-clearer-than-the-windshield-warren-buffett-mhville-leader-showcases-efforts-to-renew-american-dream-plus-sunday-weekly/eLogo9ClosingStocksEquitiesBroaderMoneyMarketInvestmentIndicatorsGraphic7.3.2024MHProNews" height="287" width="610" srcset="//www.manufacturedhomepronews.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/YahooFinanceLogo9ClosingStocksEquitiesBroaderMoneyMarketInvestmentIndicatorsGraphic7.3.2024MHProNews.jpg 1289w, //www.manufacturedhomepronews.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/YahooFinanceLogo9ClosingStocksEquitiesBroaderMoneyMarketInvestmentIndicatorsGraphic7.3.2024MHProNews-575x270.jpg 575w, //www.manufacturedhomepronews.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/YahooFinanceLogo9ClosingStocksEquitiesBroaderMoneyMarketInvestmentIndicatorsGraphic7.3.2024MHProNews-1024x481.jpg 1024w, //www.manufacturedhomepronews.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/YahooFinanceLogo9ClosingStocksEquitiesBroaderMoneyMarketInvestmentIndicatorsGraphic7.3.2024MHProNews-150x71.jpg 150w, //www.manufacturedhomepronews.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/YahooFinanceLogo9ClosingStocksEquitiesBroaderMoneyMarketInvestmentIndicatorsGraphic7.3.2024MHProNews-768x361.jpg 768w" sizes="(max-width: 610px) 100vw, 610px">
In the business world, the rear-view mirror is always clearer than the windshield.” – Warren Buffett. That begs a key question. Why don’t more people LOOK at the rearview mirror more so they can learn more about the patterns that influence what’s ahead? Note: depending on your browser or device, many images in this report can be clicked to expand. For example, in some browsers/devices you click the image and select ‘open in a new window.’ After clicking that selection, you click the image in the open window to expand the image to a larger size. To return to this page, use your back key, escape or follow the prompts. https://www.manufacturedhomepronews.com/in-the-business-world-the-rear-view-mirror-is-always-clearer-than-the-windshield-warren-buffett-mhville-leader-showcases-efforts-to-renew-american-dream-plus-sunday-weekly/


Headlines from right-of-center Newsmax – 7.3.2024

  • Biden Vows to Keep Running: ‘No One Is Pushing Me Out’
  • President Joe Biden defiantly vowed Wednesday to keep running for reelection, rejecting growing pressure from within his Democratic Party to withdraw after a disastrous debate performance last week raised questions about his readiness. [Full Story]
  • Israel at War
  • Israel Kills a Top Hezbollah Commander in Lebanon
  • Israel Strikes Gaza, Families Seek Shelter
  • Netanyahu, IDF Clash Truce That Would Leave Hamas in Power
  • IDF Chief: Over 900 Hamas Terrorists Killed in Rafah
  • Netanyahu, Biden ‘Likely’ to Meet in Washington at End of July
  • WH: Biden’s Threat to Bibi on Iran Strike Proves Fitness
  • Palestinians Flee Khan Younis
  • $4B Lawsuit: Iran, Syria, NKorea Backed Hamas Attack
  • Hezbollah’s Deputy: Cease-Fire Would End Fighting With Israel
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  • Newsmax TV
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