Guys-Grow a Pair! Ladies-You Know Deep Inside What’s Wrong in MHVille and America too, Don’t You? Getting Real, Be Honestly Informed, Plan for a Better Future! Muscular Musings; plus MHMarkets


There are only two genders, male and female. That would have been common sense and basic science a decade ago, but among the supposedly woke in America, stating scientific facts contrary to groupthink orthodoxy is verboten! With very rare genetic exceptions, the vast majority of the population is male or female, with European and domestic studies that aren’t woke-agenda driven confirming centuries of common belief. Those studies reflect that gender confusion is a phase that most grow out of if they aren’t moved into a medical procedure that would have been considered child abuse by some a decade ago. Similar to challenging the ‘trans’ ideology, there are distinct truths about our profession and our country that far too many people are afraid to honestly discuss. People in or beyond MHVille are intimidated into silence on too many subjects. Let’s discuss some of those in this musings column of “Industry News, Tips, and Views Pros Can Use.” ©

There is a rumor floating that “Frank and Dave” are considering exiting the business. Be that as it may about the current thinking by arguably notorious Manufactured Housing Institute members Frank Rolfe and Dave Reynolds, the authentic realities of manufactured housing ought to be considered from several viewpoints.  Let’s dive into a few.

Perhaps the first vantage point should be that of the consumer experience. If manufactured housing is going to be more broadly accepted again, it is only common sense to recognize that happy customers and happy land lease residents are better for the longer-term future of the industry than unhappy ones. Duh, right? Professionals should put yourself in the resident’s or buyer’s shoes. Think about eternity not just the next pay or accounting period and act accordingly. Treat others like you would want to be treated if the roles were reversed. If more manufactured homeowners and land-lease community residents are happy, we know from experience that genuine referrals follow.

Next, it is long past time for the industry to recognize that blowhards and posers, be they of shallow or deeper pockets, have an agenda. The agenda of many of those posers and blowhards are often about ‘looking out for number 1.’ We can’t fix America or manufactured housing between now and Election Day. But if we are going to correct a system widely seen as rigged in the favor of insiders, then it is time to get serious about speaking honestly first to yourself, even if you say little or nothing to others about such thoughts.

Objectivity matters. There are people in government who want to be honest public officials. There are people who are or want to be honest and pro-growth investors. There are people who work for companies that are deemed predatory by their own residents that may feel stuck in their job for whatever reasons, but they DO NOT like how they feel acting as the agents of predators.

There are business owners and managers in publicly traded firms that either work for a white hat, a black hat, or a gray hat company. You and thousands working in MHVille know on some level that what is published here is factually accurate, be it popular in some circles or not. Accuracy and candor attract attention precisely because it is based on evidence and reason. The irony is because we dare tell it like it is, the black hats with dark hearts have handed us a moat that they never intended to give.

Aristotle (384 BC – 322 BC) is credited with coining the phrase “nature abhors a vacuum.” Apply that “nature abhors a vacuum” maxim to information published by manufactured housing trade media. When there is only one pair of trade media sources ( and that dare to speak truth to power, that information and related insights become attractive. Left-leaning Wikipedia says: “Speaking truth to power is a non-violent political tactic, employed by dissidents against the received wisdom or propaganda of governments [and powerful special interests] they regard as oppressive, authoritarian or an ideocracy.” It doesn’t matter as much what people are told to believe, pretend in person or posture via social media, when deep in their gut they know what is true. Being the quietly acknowledged truth-teller is a priceless moat.

Millions of visits a year on MHProNews and our MHLivingNews sister site are evidence for that moat, when rivals or MHI are apparently too embarrassed or devious to publicly give accurate information. There are any number of subjects that others will not cover or won’t do so accurately. So, is it a surprise that rivals don’t give any actual data about their sites? Of course not. The powers that be in their years of obviously failed efforts to silence these platforms have clearly failed.

That should give hope to thousands of industry pros, as well as to outsiders looking in.

We – our publication’s management team – candidly didn’t start out with the plan that we have since embraced over a period of time.

We have said several times that we are grateful for the tipsters and voices who helped us move from naively cheerleading for the industry in general, when it has since become apparent that some in the industry didn’t merit being cheered at all.

Manufactured housing is a tremendous thing with amazing opportunities during a well-documented affordable housing crisis, but only when manufactured home living is done right.

To the extent that some black hats with black minds and hearts (hat colors are not a racial reference, this is about what Martin Luther King Jr. called the content of a person’s character) that think they are so clever may yet find themselves in cells or in perdition’s flames. They won’t be laughing to themselves or with each other if their blackened thinking and behavior is ultimately punished, and it will be. God is patient, loving, and seeks to save as many as possible. God gave us free will, and some choose to do wrong. So, in the end, God isn’t mocked. The unrepentant will suffer the consequences of their behavior. Those being dragged along for their ride have to figure out how to hang on, do the best they can and fight back.

On the national stage, there is level of propaganda and muting of dissenting voices that is reminiscent of Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, or Communist China.

Landslides are natural upheavals in the mountains, but landslides are also a metaphor for upheavals in our lives. Multi-year manufactured home resident and performer Stevie Nicks poignantly conveys the landslides of our lives as only MHLivingNews has posted in the article below.




Performer Katie Pruitt reminds us that it is common, and mistaken, to look the other way.




Positive change occurs through honestly and via proper preparation.  The champions of the status quo in MHVille are exemplified by MHI. But behind MHI are corporations, businesses, and individuals that lead them that are often shocking in their behaviors, and yet those troubling individuals and business practices are supposed to be celebrated? Sorry. We don’t plan to go there. We prefer to shine the light of truth, be reality comfortable or not.


RV-MH.HallOfFameSHOCK–NathanSmithFlagshipCommunitiesTSX-MHC.U-SpotlightManufacturedHousingInstituteCongratulatesAnalysisPullsBackCurtainOnMHVilleShenanigansPlusMHMarketsMHProNews and and and


JamesDHoppePolygraphExaminerTheFraudGroupRetiredFBI-SpecialAgentJDHConsultingGaryShiffmanSunCommunitiesPicsLOGO and and


MarkYostCEOSkylineChampionRightJoeStegmayerCavcoLogoLeftPhotoMHProNews1 and and Joe Stegmayer in a video posted at the link below oddly says something similar to what Terry Decio did, namely, that in many ways manufactured housing is an untold story. MHI claims to be promoting the industry, if so, then why is it an untold story?


Ladies and gents, we don’t ignore examples of purportedly corrupt women in the industry.




Harvard-Frank Rolfe-Lesli GoochWaPoOp-EdTake2-PamBlumenthal-Regina Gray-Affordable Homes-Charade-TrueLies-PurportedManufacturedHousingRuseFridayFolliesMHProNews


The notion that MHI, with multiple multi-billion-dollar corporate interests involved there, couldn’t bring manufactured housing production recovery beyond 100,000 shipments for 15 of the past 17 years – as the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform observed – is absurd. MHI’s own president said in 2004 that the industry was ready to recover to its prior highs achieved in the late 1990s. Where are the others in MHVille that point out such facts?  Who benefits from the status quo? Isn’t it obviously the consolidators, several of whom have been hit by antitrust litigation?




No one else in MHVille trade media shines the light on these and other topics like MHProNews and MHLivingNews do. It is an open question if some may, perhaps in a new administration, get charged with violations of federal laws. Stranger things have happened.




JurySaysGuiltyOnAllCountsIncludingSecuritiesWireFraudToldLieUponLieMisleadingAndFakedTrailerParkNationOZYmediaNews CoFounderCarlosWatsonFoundGuiltyMHProNews


JurySaidGUILTY!SBF-FTXrecapFannie-Freddie-Theranos-Enron-WorldCom-Madoff-Lehman AI InsightsUSAlessonsForMHVilleBlackGrayWhiteHatsPlusMHVilleMarketsMHProNews
Quote from the full length and award-winning Shadows of Libertydocumentary drama. Shadows exposed several aspects of the political, media, corporate, and regulatory nexus by interviewing insiders involved in it. It explores examples from left and right with the impact of money and information manipulation. Glover has served on a Warren Buffett funded board. See the Illusory Effect updates linked here:


The system is rigged. 2/3rds to some 70 percent of the population thinks that is true.

When that is grasped, why should we be surprised that manufactured housing has been rigged for the purported benefit of insiders who don’t care what happens to independents, to thousands of residents, or how a rigged system costs employees to earn less than they otherwise would or could? We don’t just make stuff up, or share mere opinions, we cite the research and provide it in detail so that others can see the truth for themselves.


Schmitz in a separate but related research report on the topic of sabotage monopoly and its impact on manufactured housing said: “This [pattern of obscured sabotage monopoly tactics] leads to whole new set of monopolies, those in [the] manufactured housing industry itself.”


CopilotRemarksAboutMHIGooch-MHProNewsAbsolutelyCorrectIAppreciateYourAttentiontoDetailScreenshot 2024-07-25 161855


Elections are coming. The propaganda machines are already pumping out an un-democratic process that is underway.  Who says? Black Lives Matter (BLM). Keep in mind that they are protesting despite the fact that Kamala Harris helped organize bail money for BLM and Antifa rioters in 2020.

Michael Moore, a man of the left known for his documentaries, aptly noted that Kamala Harris is the “most progressive” – meaning most leftist.


Billionaire LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman donated millions to Harris’ campaign, but demands that she fire antitrust enforcer and Federal Trade Commission (FTC) chair Lina Khan.


MHProNews reported weeks ago that the business class, the 1 percent, the elites were backing Biden-Harris, because they think that deposed President Trump will benefit the working class. The above and what follows illustrates that soundness of that reporting.


‘Grand Canyon Sized Gap’ Between the Elites and Most of Us – Research Reveals What the 1 Percent Think of the 99 Percent – Survey Results, Facts, with Population Manipulation MHVille Analysis


Much of this will be obscured by left-leaning media and may not be properly illuminated by right leaning sources. But MHProNews will lay out the FACTS and EVIDENCE that may challenge groupthink, wokeism, and coy messaging that led millions into this financially stressful period under Biden-Harris leadership while left leaning billionaires grew much richer.



Truth can be uncomfortable.

Going against the flow requires effort.

But going against the flow is what the living do. Dead bodies can go with the flow. The living can openly and/or subtly find ways to buck a corrupted system.

This won’t be a quick and easy battle, no matter what anyone says. It took decades to corrupt and undermine MHVille and it took even longer to undermine our American Republic and the American Dream. Buckle up for the ride of your life. Your future, that of others you care about, it matters and won’t be accomplished by going with the flow.  ##




‘Young Adults Can’t Afford to Buy’ ‘Going from Ownership to Renters Society’ ‘From Free Citizens to Mere Subjects at Mercy of Powerful’ Elites Impact on Biz; plus Sunday Weekly Headlines Review

MHCresidentsMobilityVulnerableExploitationInvestorsEngagePredatorPracticesBoostProfitsByDramaticallyIncreaseSiteRentsSenElizabethWarrenMA-Drep DaveLoebsackIA-D-MHProNewsQuote
FrankRolfeDaveReynoldsQuoteResidentsHostageAbilityToDriveRentsPrivateEquityStakeholderProjectMHProNews and
See the report and others linked from this critical report, analysis and expert commentary.






Some cheer others jeer Malcom X, but this quote is an insightful example of separating the wheat from the chaff. While quite different than Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcom X had some interesting thoughts on media.


Buffett has said he has no apologies for what others have called predatory lending practices. Those practices, and the lack of robust lending in manufactured housing in general, all tends to constrain sales, which leads to consolidation at discounted valuations. See the related report linked here. Waters and her colleagues filed complaints with the DOJ and CFPB, per their letter.


William Wilberforce — “You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”


See Hit the Ball and Drag Jack for the full ‘based on a true story’ imaginary tale created by Copilot, complete with disclaimer.





Oxford Languages defines “reality” like this: “the world or the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them.” The Cambridge dictionary says that reality is: “the state of things as they are, rather than as they are imagined to be…” Britannica says reality is: “the true situation that exists the real situation…” At MHProNews and MHLivingNews, we aim to share reality.







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Part II

Our Daily Business News on MHProNews stock market recap which features our business-daily at-a-glance update of over 2 dozen manufactured housing industry stocks.

NOTICE: following the TPG deal with Capreit, TPG has been added to our tracked stocks list below.

This segment of the Daily Business News on MHProNews is the recap of yesterday evening’s market report at the closing bell, so that investors can see-at-glance the type of topics may have influenced other investors. Our format includes our signature left (CNN Business) and right (Newsmax) ‘market moving’ headlines for a more balanced report.

The macro market moves graphics below provide context and comparisons for those invested in or tracking manufactured housing connected equities. Meaning, you can see ‘at a glance’ how manufactured housing connected firms do compared to other segments of the broader equities market.

  • In minutes a day, readers can get a good sense of significant or major events while keeping up with the trends that may be impacting manufactured housing connected investing.

MHProNews note, bold emphasis added below.


Headlines from left-of-center CNN Business – 7.25.2024

  • OpenAI is testing an artificial intelligence search engine
  • As the economy continued to expand from April through June, inflation resumed a downward trend, the latest GDP report shows.
  • The US economy is pulling off something historic
  • Luggage at the Delta baggage claim at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport (ATL) in Atlanta, Georgia, US, on Tuesday, July 23, 2024. Delta Air Lines Inc. is under investigation by US transportation authorities over its handling of a technology glitch that has led to thousands of canceled flights.
  • ‘Just shocking’: Delta passengers tell of airport agony and honeymoon travel woes during tech meltdown
  • A family views shoes at a Sketchers retail store at the Barton Creek Square Mall on July 16, 2024 in Austin, Texas.
  • What you need to know about America’s shockingly good economic report
  • A Southwest Airlines Boeing 737 plane sits at gate at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport. The airline will start selling assigned seats for the first time in its history.
  • Southwest Airlines is getting rid of open seating
  • Boeing 737 MAX aircraft are assembled at the Boeing Renton Factory in Renton, Washington, on June 25, 2024. At its plane factory near Seattle, Boeing has increased employee training, appointed mentors for new recruits, brought back retirees as coaches and stepped up tracking of performance metrics. It’s all part of an effort to strengthen quality control on the 737 MAX, a bestselling plane that has suffered some high-profile problems.
  • US Department of Justice finalizes plea deal with Boeing
  • Gateway Pundit publisher Jim Hoft listens as U.S. President Donald Trump speaks during a “social media summit” meeting with prominent conservative social media figures in the East Room of the White House in Washington, U.S., July 11, 2019.
  • Far-right Gateway Pundit sought bankruptcy protection in ‘bad faith’ to avoid 2020 defamation suits, judge rules
  • The top 1% saw their wealth skyrocket over the past decade.
  • Wealth of global top 1% grew by $42 trillion over past decade: Oxfam
  • Disney, Hulu and Max launch streaming bundle at up to 38% discount
  • Ed Bastian, chief executive officer of Delta Air Lines Inc., during a Bloomberg Television interview in Washington, DC, US, on Monday, Oct. 23, 2023.
  • Delta’s CEO is off to Paris while his airline struggles to recover from massive meltdown
  • Grindr is limiting location services at the Olympics to protect LGBTQ+ athletes
  • Meta must do more to address non-consensual, deepfake porn, Oversight Board says
  • Have you been targeted by non-consensual deepfake pornography?
  • NBA and TNT’s parent company prepare for legal clash in sports rights battle for the ages
  • Kamala Harris wants to be America’s first Silicon Valley president. She has tech’s support
  • This oil capital wants to be a hub for climate tech
  • Secret family battle for Murdoch empire revealed in sealed court documents: NYT
  • Judge won’t dismiss Trump’s defamation suit against ABC News and George Stephanopoulos
  • Disneyland avoids what would have been its first strike in 40 years
  • Chipotle’s CEO weighs in on the burrito bowl portion size debate
  • The British monarchy steps up efforts to go green with solar panels on palaces and biofuel-powered Bentleys
  • Tesla stock tumbles after its profit plunged
  • Right-wing media figures target Kamala Harris with race and gender-based attacks


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In the business world, the rear-view mirror is always clearer than the windshield.” – Warren Buffett. That begs a key question. Why don’t more people LOOK at the rearview mirror more so they can learn more about the patterns that influence what’s ahead? Note: depending on your browser or device, many images in this report can be clicked to expand. For example, in some browsers/devices you click the image and select ‘open in a new window.’ After clicking that selection, you click the image in the open window to expand the image to a larger size. To return to this page, use your back key, escape or follow the prompts.


Headlines from right-of-center Newsmax – 7.25.2024

  • GOP House Leaders: Put Focus on Harris’ Record, Not Her Race
  • Kamala Harris is keynote speaker for the 2024 AFT Convention in Houston on Thursday. The AFT (American Federation of Teachers) is the first union to endorse Harris’ bid for the presidency. (AP)
  • GOP House Leaders: Put Focus on Harris’ Record, Not Her Race
  • After one Republican derisively called Harris a DEI candidate, the GOP aims to focus instead on her record on the border and for her snub of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to Congress. “This should not be about personalities. It should be about policy. And we have a record to compare,” Speaker Mike Johnson says. “This has nothing to do with race.” [Full Story]
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In instances such as Apollo, Berkshire Hathaway, Blackstone or others, manufactured housing may only be part of their corporate interests. Note: depending on your browser or device, many images in this report and others on MHProNews can be clicked to expand. Click the image and follow the prompts. For example, in some browsers/devices you click the image and select ‘open in a new window.’ After clicking that selection you click the image in the open window to expand the image to a larger size. To return to this page, use your back key, escape or follow the prompts.
Notice: MHProNews invites the firms or organizations named in these reports to respond to any concerns about possibly inaccurate information via email that identifies the concern and offers evidence that sheds a different light on the topic discussed. That said, until 5.9.2024, neither MHI nor most MHI publicly traded ‘insider brands’ have done so. They’ve been repeatedly invited to do so, including but not limited to an outreach on Dec 7, 2o23 and Feb 25, 2024. In the case of that response linked above, no apparent reply was given to follow up inquires by MHProNews. 



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