Fannie Mae Says Existing Home Sales to Hit Nearly 30-Year Low Despite Lower Rates – Manufactured Housing Opportunities – Facts with Analysis plus Sunday Weekly MHVille Headlines Review


We are now past ‘back to school’ season and formally entered fall on Sunday, 9.22.2024 at 12:45 PM. Days to Election says it is 43 days plus so many hours to November 5, 2024. Early voting began in Virginia, where WMAL (105.9 FM) indicated from an early voting location that there was a line of voters.  WMAL’s staff said that while most Republicans traditionally vote on Election Day (i.e.: this year, 11.5.2024), based on their engagement with those in line, a possible shift in voting patterns may be underway as sizable numbers of those early voters were apparently Trump supporters. Elections in the U.S. for centuries come and go. But in the late 20th century into the 21st century, elections influence housing, the economy, and markets. Per a recent Fannie Mae Economic and Strategic Research Group (ESR) report to MHProNews, housing sales has hit a multi-decade low, despite interest rates falling even before the Federal Reserve announced their 50-basis point (1/2 percent) rate cut.

An analysis in brief of the following will be included in Part II.


Part I – According to Fannie Mae Economic and Strategic Research is the following.


Existing Home Sales on Pace to Hit Nearly 30-Year Low, Despite Recently Lower Rates

Mortgage Rates Now Forecast to Average 5.7% by End of 2025

WASHINGTON, DC – September 18, 2024 – Despite a significant decline in mortgage rates and improved supply in some parts of the country, existing home sales are not expected to pick up meaningfully through the remainder of 2024, with the annual pace now forecast to be the slowest since 1995, according to the September 2024 commentary from the Fannie Mae (FNMA/OTCQB) Economic and Strategic Research (ESR) Group. Recent data, including softness in pending home sales and purchase mortgage applications, continue to suggest limited home-purchase demand at current affordability levels. According to the ESR Group, existing home sales have not grown despite a nearly 20-percent increase in homes available for sale from year-ago levels, in part due to geographic variations. Much of the increase in for-sale inventories has occurred in the Sun Belt and Mountain West regions, areas that also experienced some of the strongest home price growth in recent years, as well as robust new home construction. This creates both a large relative affordability shock in these states and greater competition for existing home sales stemming from the new construction. The ESR Group believes some combination of easing mortgage rates and soft home price growth relative to income growth in these regions will be needed before existing home sales begin to meaningfully rise.

The ESR Group’s economic growth outlook was mostly unchanged this month, as incoming data has been largely consistent with expectations. The ESR Group notes that the economy is likely shifting into a slower growth path, and as inflation moves closer to the 2-percent target, the Federal Reserve is poised to move monetary policy toward a more neutral stance. Still, the ESR Group believes the lagged effect of monetary policy is likely to keep real gross domestic product growth subdued in coming quarters before returning to the long-term trend by the end of 2025.

“Increasingly, regional variations in housing supply are creating divergent affordability conditions and experiences for consumers on both sides of the home sales transaction; however, taken as a whole, home sales activity, particularly on the existing side, remains near what we consider to be the floor of basic demographic and household mortgage demand,” said Doug Duncan, Fannie Mae Senior Vice President and Chief Economist. “Supply has risen significantly in many Sun Belt states, where such factors as ease of new home development and increasing insurance costs are having an impact, but at the national level the supply shortage still very much applies. Although mortgage rates have fallen considerably in recent weeks, we’ve not seen evidence of a corresponding increase in loan application activity, nor has there been an improvement in consumer homebuying sentiment. We think it’s likely that many would-be borrowers are waiting for affordability to improve even further, and that some may be anticipating additional declines in mortgage rates given expectations that the Fed will lower the federal funds target rate. Others may be waiting for household incomes to improve further to offset some of the recent home price growth, or they may be thinking that future supply growth will ease affordability. Regardless of the lever, we expect affordability to remain the primary constraint on housing activity for the foreseeable future, and we now think full-year 2024 will produce the fewest existing home sales since 1995.”

Visit the Economic & Strategic Research site at to read the full September 2024 Economic Outlook, including the Economic Developments CommentaryEconomic ForecastHousing Forecast, and Multifamily Market Commentary.

About the ESR Group
Fannie Mae’s Economic and Strategic Research Group, led by Chief Economist Doug Duncan, studies current data, analyzes historical and emerging trends, and conducts surveys of consumer and mortgage lender groups to provide forecasts and analyses on the economy, housing, and mortgage markets. The ESR Group was awarded the prestigious 2022 Lawrence R. Klein Award for Blue Chip Forecast Accuracy based on the accuracy of its macroeconomic forecasts published over the 4-year period from 2018 to 2021. ##


Part II – Additional Information with MHProNews Analysis in Brief plus the Sunday Weekly MHVille Headlines in Review

1) “Regardless of the lever, we expect affordability to remain the primary constraint on housing activity for the foreseeable future, and we now think full-year 2024 will produce the fewest existing home sales since 1995” (emphasis added) said Doug Duncan, Fannie Mae Senior Vice President and Chief Economist. Perhaps that key italicized phrase by Duncan could be good for MHVille. For emphasis, that would arguably be: “we expect affordability to remain the primary constraint on housing activity for the foreseeable future.” At the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR), for example, they often use a phrase like ‘inherently affordable mainstream manufactured housing.’

2) For example, per an after-midnight Google search for “inherently affordable mainstream manufactured housing” on this date: “At a time when housing affordability in the United States has reached an all-time low according to press reports, the production of inherently affordable, mainstream manufactured housing, costing, on average, less than 25% of the price of an average site-built home, according to the most recent available annual U.S.” That statement found on Google was posted MHARR’s website at the linked article below, but is also found on MHLivingNews, MHProNews, and several other mainstream news sites that picked up that phrasing from MHARR’s press release at that time.



3) It seems that the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) website, and often those non-MHProNews/MHLivingNews publishers who operate in the MHI orbit, are often averse to publishing news that may run counter to the desired MHI narrative. Curiously, that apparently includes these monthly reports from Fannie Mae’s ESR Group. From a pre-dawn search is the following result. Only MHProNews has periodically published articles from Fannie’s ESR Group since 2019, per the search linked here.




MHI, or any news source, could freely distribute content like that offered from Fannie Mae ESR Group. It offers routinely useful insights into general housing market conditions from an operation, i.e.: Fannie Mae, that MHI claims to be engaged with.  Fannie Mae has even co-sponsored MHI events. Finance is a post-production issue, not a production issue (which is MHARR’s focus and is the sector where they collect members’ dues).


4) Among the headlines for the week in review are the latest in our posts on the Patch.  Those posts cover affordable housing along with other topics too. It is now approaching one month since we began those posts. There is an evidence-based case to be made that those news posts indexed by Google or other search engines on the Patch represent more content on third-party sites than MHI CEO Lesli Gooch has produced. The ratio appears to be about 5 posts by a Kovach to 1 involving Gooch, based on the following Google news searches.


Several of these items above were not authored by Gooch, nor did they involve much of Gooch’s time, as would be required by an op-ed or article.
KovachManufacturedHousingGoogleSearchScreenshot 2024-09-22 081026MHProNews
Even the “interview” that involved Manufactured Housing Institute CEO Lesli Gooch on MHN doesn’t require as much time or energy as an op-ed or article does. Yet, as a trade group, MHI is paid to promote the industry and the industry’s interests, MHProNews isn’t. Compare the content involving Gooch and the content involving L. A. “Tony” Kovach. What are MHI’s staff doing with their time? Planning the next events so consolidators can mingle with prospective targets for acquisition?


5) Note that while each produces unique data sets and remarks, the Fannie Mae ESRG report is broadly consistent with what the National Association of Realtors (NAR) recently reported to MHProNews about the existing sales housing market (see headlines below). Since there is a widespread thirst for affordable housing, and record homelessness in the U.S. despite record ‘peacetime’ spending by the federal government, why is manufactured housing underperforming during an affordable housing crisis? Answers to that question are explored, directly and obliquely, in many of the headline reports that follow.


59061/7 = 8437.28571429. 8437.28571429 x 12 (annualized at current YTD pace) = 101,247.428571. So, if the current pace more or less (MOL) held steady, roughly 100,000 new HUD Code homes would be produced. That would be less than 2021 or 2022. That estimated 101,247 new HUD Code manufactured homes would only be about 27.133565415 percent of the 373,143. That’s a data point difficult if not impossible to find on numbers of websites on the public side of the Manufactured Housing Institute website and/or MHI-linked trade publications and bloggers.

Don’t miss Part III (traditional postscript).

With no further adieu, here are the headlines for the week that was from 9.15 to 9.22.2024.

What’s News on MHLivingNews

‘TakingFromPeopleThatCantAffordItDylanOlsonTellsReporters100sOfManufacturedHomeCommunityResidentsFightingBackAgainstRHP_PropertiesDisputed30PercentSiteRentHikeMHLivingNews (1)

What’s New from Washington, D.C. based MHARR


What’s New from Tim Connor, CSP, on the Words of Wisdom


What’s New on the Masthead

Two more months of data are found in the report linked below, but this monthly report has a brief history on the evolution of trailer houses into mobile homes and mobile homes into manufactured homes.


27 Articles Posted in the past Month on the Patch by TARK or L. A. “Tony” Kovach

  • TARK-Drill Down on Tyranny vs. Faith; Freedom and Upcoming Election

Right to Free Speech is Under Attack, per TARK = Tamas A.R. Kovach, a Teenager who has Traveled the U.S. Extensively and is a Good Student.

What’s New on the Daily Business News on MHProNews

Saturday 9.21.2024


Friday 9.20.2024



Thursday 9.19.2024



Wednesday 9.18.2024



Tuesday 9.17.2024



Monday 9.16.2024



Sunday 9.15.2024



Part III (Traditional Postscript)

Manufactured housing ought to be soaring. But instead, it is snoring. Many professions have key performance indicators (KPIs). In a profession such as manufactured housing, monthly and annual production ought to be an obvious KPI. By that metric, MHI – as currently the sole national post-production trade group in manufactured housing – ought to be held accountable for the apparently poor performance of the industry in the 21st century. But that isn’t just Lesli Gooch, Mark Bowersox, or other staffers. That responsibility arguably falls on the MHI board of directors too.

59061/7 = 8437.28571429. 8437.28571429 x 12 (annualized at current YTD pace) = 101,247.428571. So, if the current pace more or less (MOL) held steady, roughly 100,000 new HUD Code homes would be produced. That would be less than 2021 or 2022. That estimated 101,247 new HUD Code manufactured homes would only be about 27.133565415 percent of the 373,143. That’s a data point difficult if not impossible to find on numbers of websites on the public side of the Manufactured Housing Institute website and/or MHI-linked trade publications and bloggers.

Changing events and dynamics can change the timing of any report on MHProNews or MHLivingNews.  That noted, there is a special report tentatively planned for tomorrow (Monday) morning. Don’t miss it.  ##



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Our son has grown quite a bit since this 12.2019 photo. All on Capitol Hill were welcoming and interested in our manufactured housing industry related concerns. But Congressman Al Green’s office was tremendous in their hospitality. Our son’s hand is on a package that included the Constitution of the United States, bottled water, and other goodies.

By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for

Tony earned a journalism scholarship and earned numerous awards in history and in manufactured housing.

For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and

This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.

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