Manzanita Miller + New York Times ‘Americans Say by 23 Points–60 to 37 Percent–Gov’t is Wasteful-Inefficient; ‘What Left and Global Peanut Gallery Miss in U.S. Course-Correction Beyond Trump


Then U.S. Senator from Illinois and now former President Barack Obama (D) made the remark, “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America” during a campaign rally in Columbia, Missouri on October 30, 2008” per left-leaning Bing’s AI powered Copilot which cited Slate and other sources across the left-right media divide. Agree or disagree with ex-President Obama’s stated stance, Obama is widely viewed by many Democrats as the most admired person in that political party. A Pew survey in 2018 found that Obama’s popularity rose after President Donald. J. Trump had been in office for over a year. Similar to Pew’s poll, left-leaning Bing’s AI powered Copilot said on this date: “Former President Barack Obama is highly admired among Democrats. In various surveys and rankings, he consistently scores high marks for his leadership and accomplishments.” What makes that remark by ex-President Obama relevant to the headline topic is the premise of his remark. The only reason that people would ‘cheer’ the need to ‘fundamentally transform the United States of America‘ is logically because of a perception that the government is not functioning properly. In the post provided in Part I below from the Daily Torch to MHProNews, senior political analyst Manzanita Miller wrote in part: According to the [New York] Tim[e]s poll, Americans say by twenty-three points – 60 percent to 37 percent – that government is almost always wasteful and inefficient. This includes a startling number of Democrats – 45 percent – as well as 47 percent of independents and a full 78 percent of Republicans.” Miller and the left-leaning NY Times survey each raised significant points that affordable housing professionals, advocates, public officials and others should be carefully considering. In an article that MHProNews plans to unpack from the political left in the near term was a remark by a self-described socialist attorney who said in an email to MHProNews on this date: “…our U.S. government is the chief architect of our wretched housing system.” On from the left, center, and right there is apparent dissatisfaction with the status quo and as a result it was no surprise that the 47th President of the United States (POTUS) is Donald J. Trump (R) and not Kamala Harris (D). More on that in our MHVille analysis in Part II.





Part I 

What The Left and The Global Peanut Gallery Are Missing is America’s Course-Correction Extends Far Beyond Trump 

By Manzanita Miller

President Donald Trump is popular among just over half the country – with a recent YouGov poll showing 49 percent of Americans have a favorable view of the president while 48 percent have an unfavorable view. That said, support for the bedrock of Trump’s America First governing philosophy extends well beyond support for Trump himself.

Trump’s popularity is baffling to those on the left and to certain so-called global allies who are in shock over our decision to re-elect him. But what the global political apparatus really missed leading up to Trump’s second victory – and historic win of the popular vote – is just how popular Trump’s ideas are, far beyond his base, and far beyond how people feel about Trump himself.

In Trump’s first term, pundits would often claim that Americans didn’t know what they were voting for, or only elected Trump because of his “celebrity status”. There was an assumption among political elites that Americans were drawn to the “maverick-style” in which Trump presented himself, and that was it.

While Trump absolutely instigated a revolution among the politically disengaged with his common-sense approach to discussing issues, he was elected twice because of more than that.

Americans are hungry for a return to early American values – which include putting our citizens first, maintaining a secure border, reducing our presence in overseas conflicts, and rethinking long-standing norms such as our reliance on cheap foreign labor and our dependence on foreign energy.

Polling even shows more Americans wish to return to more traditional social values, such as keeping men out of women’s sorts and hormone-transition out of reach of children.

Trump was the figurehead who initially recognized and spoke on deeply destructive trends in American culture and business that needed to be changed, and he should be credited with bringing these issues to light and making it politically acceptable to discuss them.

But support for a return to America First principles extends far, far, beyond support for President Trump himself, and that should be chilling if you are on the left, and the hint of a new dawn if you are on the right.

A recent poll from the New York Times shows just how far support for Trump’s America First policies extend among the general public. It also reveals a majority of Americans share Trump’s view that the elites have used the political apparatus to serve themselves, not the people.

The poll also finds a strong populist sentiment among a majority of Americans, with well over half the country saying we should focus inward on domestic issues instead of taking a heavy-hand in global affairs.

According to the Tim[e]s poll, Americans say by twenty-three points – 60 percent to 37 percent – that government is almost always wasteful and inefficient. This includes a startling number of Democrats – 45 percent – as well as 47 percent of independents and a full 78 percent of Republicans.

Almost three-quarters of Americans – 72 percent – agree that the government is mostly working to serve the elites, while only a quarter say the government is working to serve the people.

Over two-thirds of Democrats – 67 percent – and 61 percent of independents say the government mainly serves the elites not the people. Eighty percent of Republicans feel this way.

The poll shows a striking desire to draw back in global affairs and focus on domestic issues. Sixty percent of Americans say it is best to focus less on global affairs and concentrate on problems here at home, while 38 percent say it is best to be active in global affairs.

Once again, a striking number of Democrats – 47 percent – agree with the populist approach of focusing on domestic issues rather than taking a heavy-hand in global affairs. Fifty-eight percent of independents and a full 75 percent of Republicans favor the populist approach.

When it comes to tackling illegal immigration, the notion that a reversal of the destructive Open Borders agenda of the Biden Administration must be undone extends far beyond Trump’s base.

Two-thirds of Americans – 64 percent – say they strongly or somewhat support deporting all illegals who arrived during the four years Biden was president. Americans support mass deportation by forty percentage points – 64 percent to 24 percent.

Democrats oppose the deportation but only by eleven points, with 55 percent of Democrats saying they oppose deporting every illegal who arrived under Biden while 44 percent support doing so.

Independents support mass deportation by fourteen points, 38 percent to 24 percent, and Republicans support mass deportation by 75 points, 87 percent to 12 percent.

Even on thorny cultural issues, public support for the radical left’s gender ideology has plummeted, and Americans are embracing a rational, science-based approach to protecting women and children. The public says by 28 points – 49 percent to 21 percent – that society has gone too far in accommodating the trans agenda.

Americans say by a whopping sixty-one-point-margin – 79 percent to 18 percent – that transgender athletes should not be allowed to compete in women’s sports. By another sixty-one-point-margin Americans reject allowing puberty blockers to be given to children under eighteen – 71 percent to 10 percent.

President Trump will go down in the history books as one of the most pivotal figures of the 21st century, and a president who steered the United States onto a very different path than the dark one it was headed down. But what the left and frankly the global peanut gallery is missing, is that American’s support for a limited government that is rational and responsive to its people goes far beyond Trump himself.

It is something Americans determined for themselves when they formed a country, and though that country has been nearly wrenched away from them multiple times by self-serving elites, those values of self-determination and a government that represents its people are deeply American.

Manzanita Miller is the senior political analyst at Americans for Limited Government Foundation.

Part II – Additional Information with More MHProNews Analysis and Commentary

In no particular order of importance are the following.

1) MHProNews has previously cited Manzanita Miller and that opening ex-President Obama quote in a report linked below. One of the demographic groups that moved toward Trump and MAGA Republicans are younger adults, per polling which Miller and others have cited.







2) Meaning, there is significant evidence to support the points made by Miller in her article for the Daily Torch shared in Part I. MHProNews has been pointing to research and surveys across the left-right divide for some years that indicated the potential for a new governing coalition is possible based on shared concerns. Among the sources cited in that was an in-depth survey by the left-leaning New York Times. 




3) Let’s recall that former President William Jefferson “Bill” Clinton (D) famously remarked that “The era of big government is over” in the U.S.


The era of big government is over bill clinton poster c 2013 manufactured housing mhpronews


Clearly, that remark was not factually true. Government has only grown since ex-President Clinton uttered those words. That remark is thus revealing, because Bill and his wife Hillary posed as moderates, but supported leftists in their own party. That leftward lurch of the Democratic Party obviously didn’t solve the nation’s perceived and real woes. Obama ran against the results of the federal government when he proclaimed that he was planning to fundamentally transform the United States of America.



ThenSenatorBarackObama-D-IL-CampaignQuoteOct30.2008We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America-MHProNewsQuoteGraphic


5) As a reminder and disclosure, this author and platform are managed by political independents. That said, it should be obvious that big government has often failed at its own claims time and again. That doesn’t mean that government should be abolished, because some level of government was deemed useful by our ancestors millennial ago, and more recently, here in the U.S., limited government was deemed to be the ideal that was supposed to be the American Republic which has some democratic (small “d”) features. But when government becomes bloated and inefficient, often failing at its core functions, that mean that the federal (and other levels) the U.S. government need to be seriously reformed. For over a century much of the operating principle of the federal government has been driven by the progressive agenda that some believe was formally launched by former President Woodrow Wilson (D).


While there is a case to be made that the battle for information dominance is far from over, ALG’s Bill Wilson provides evidence that trust in media, particularly left-leaning media, is down sharply.




Some errantly think that a democracy and a republic are the same thing. They are not. The U.S. is supposed to be a Republic that has some democratic features to it. Democracies can become tyrannical too, rule by the mob which can be manipulated. That’s a point that the founders understood when they made the U.S. a republic. That the U.S. is a republic is demonstrated in the pledge of allegiance, which says: “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”


6) What has apparently gone wrong in the U.S. is part of a process that is more than a century old.  Back when Davy Crocket shared the words below there were much less of a press for the ‘government to do’ x, because many understood that the job of government was supposed to be limited to certain core functions and that people, charities, churches, and businesses could often do those tasks better.


Davy crockett creditbastiateinstitutequotesgram postedmhpronews


7) Miller writes for the Daily Torch but is part of an organization known as Americans for Limited Government (ALG). Neither major party has been very good about sticking to the notion of limited government for decades on end. Per ALG’s website about us page.


To reduce the size and scope of government to maximize individual freedom.


Americans for Limited Government is dedicated to fighting for the survival of America by restoring constitutionally limited government, allowing individuals to pursue life, liberty and happiness.

8) There are numerous organizations that purport to share a similar vision. This article isn’t about promoting this or that group over another, but is rather about focusing on a common theme that curiously is often missed by many. Namely, that for the trillions of dollars spent on big government, that it routinely fails to accomplish its stated goals.

9) There is an evidence-based case to be made that the constitutional limitations imposed by the U.S. Constitution have long been slipped. The further those limitation slide into the rear view mirror, the more corruption their appears to be. That too is no surprise. Fredric Bastiat and others warned against that over a century ago.




10) Thomas Sowell explained in a pithy fashion why big government routinely fails. This principle he outlined below can be applied to affordable housing, charitable efforts, or other examples of the waste of public money.


11) Let’s paraphrase what Sowell said an apply it to the affordable housing crisis.

‘It is amazing that people who think we cannot afford to pay for homelessness, so-called market rate rentals, subsidized housing programs, and a path to wealth building affordable home ownership somehow believe we can afford to pay for the homeless, subsidized housing, and programs for affordable home ownership plus the government bureaucracy to administer it.’

While some of their data is good, the premise of the National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC) is arguably flawed. Indeed, they are apparently hopelessly conflicted, and HUD should arguably stop funding such organizations that only serve to reinforce the echo chamber that ignores the obvious problems.




12) To his credit, Trump nominee to be HUD Secretary E. Scott Turner flatly said that HUD is failing at its own mission. Much the same could be said about many (not all) aspects of the federal government.


13) The U.S. affordable housing crisis can’t be solved by subsidized housing. That has been mathematically demonstrated by MHProNews on various occasions, including the recent reports linked below.  It is unrealistic to think that housing subsidizes will vanish overnight. But they can be phased out over time by allowing the free market to do its job.






14) MHProNews plans to look at a self-described leftist (socialist) thinker soon that will further explore how flawed much of the thinking and policies of decades of U.S. policy has been. Will Turner, who is expected to be confirmed, begin to change that by enforcing the law.  What organizations like ALG, Heritage, and others that share similar thinking can do is spotlight specific free market solutions that are thwarted by decades of demonstrably failed federal behavior.


This principle applies to monopolization more broadly. “The most urgent necessity is, not that the State should teach, but that it should allow education. All monopolies are detestable, but the worst of all is the monopoly of education.”
― Frédéric Bastiat, What Is Money?

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Our son has grown quite a bit since this 12.2019 photo. All on Capitol Hill were welcoming and interested in our manufactured housing industry related concerns. But Congressman Al Green’s office was tremendous in their hospitality. Our son’s hand is on a package that included the Constitution of the United States, bottled water, and other goodies.

By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for

Tony earned a journalism scholarship and earned numerous awards in history and in manufactured housing.

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