Self-Described Atheist Warren Buffett and Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) have God-Given Right to be Wrong – Unpacking Recent Articles with MHVille Facts-Evidence-Analysis (FEA)


There are several types of atheists and agnostics. Some are sincerely ignorant about the difficult-to-refute volumes of evidence that God exists. Then, there are people like self-described atheist Warren Buffett who is clearly intelligent and thus is perhaps willfully ignorant, or he may arguably be engaged in paltering, contradictory-hypocritical claims that risk his supposed ‘good guy’ image. Buffett may even use some forms of lying or deception. Evidence that God exits are both ancient and modern. But God himself gives humanity the ‘right,’ so to speak, to be wrong. God didn’t make us robots or automatons that follow pre-programmed 10 Commandments. Indeed, for those who believe in the Biblical text the first “commandment” preceded the 10 commandments by centuries. “But of the fruit of the tree, which is in the middle of the garden, God has said, You shall not eat of it, neither shall you touch it, lest you die.” (Genesis 3:3 NLT) Humanity as represented by Adam and Eve failed to keep that one command that God gave. But the fact that commandments and laws – be they few, one, or many – are not kept can be attested to by any courtroom in any country around the world. People break the law because we are able to make decisions both good and bad, right and wrong. God gives humanity more than enough evidence to demonstrate the Creator’s reality while still allowing people the ability to argue or dispute that evidence. With those thoughts in mind, let’s pivot deeper into the headline topics of Buffett and the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) having the God-given right to be wrong. For those who are looking for an executive summary, you just got it, complete with hot links. We all have the right to be wrong. But the subject of this article is Buffett and MHI being demonstrably wrong, and MHProNews will now pivot to the evidence why that is true.

Let’s start with MHI (Part I) and then swing back to Warren Buffett (Part II) in this Facts-Evidence-Analysis with expert commentary.


Part I – MHI’s Three Big Failures Reflects Right to Be Wrong in Words and Deeds

Every good ‘umbrella style’ trade association has three basic principles that they are supposed to fulfill.

1) Protect. Educate. Promote. Also known as: P.E.P. for short. Per left-leaning Bing’s AI powered Copilot, it linked to non-manufactured housing examples of that at on 3.12.2025 this link here and here. A manufactured housing specific dive into that topic is linked below that addresses the topic of MHI’s decades of apparent failure to apply the “promotion” and “educate” portions of PEP.




2) Protecting and promoting can go hand-in-glove. There have been 3 particular laws that MHI claims to be either battling (in the case of the Department of Energy (DOE) manufactured housing energy rule) against, or two other laws that it claims that it wants to see fully and properly implemented (the Duty to Serve or DTS of manufactured housing and the “enhanced preemption” provision of the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000).  If MHI is trying to promote sales through more competitive financing, it has arguably failed since 2008 when the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 (HERA) was enacted.   See the articles linked below for specifics.












3) Educate. Information and education can go hand in glove too. MHI and their allies spends a significant amount of time offering paid-for education. For example, on 3.12.2025

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If MHI’s ‘education’ and ‘promotion’ were working as claimed, why is it that the industry is still less than 25 percent of the last high-water mark achieved over 25 years ago in 1998?


ManufacturedHousingProduction1995-2024TrendGraphicMHARR-MHProNews MHProNews Note: depending on your browser or device, many images in this report can be clicked to expand. For example, in some browsers/devices you click the image and select ‘open in a new window.’ After clicking that selection, you click the image in the open window to expand the image to a larger size. To return to this page, use your back key, escape or follow the prompts.


If that is an illustration of MHI’s and their allies’ notion of education and promotion, that speaks volumes.

In under 800 words – from the preface through to this point, including the captions under an image, but not including words on an image – is an outline of how poorly MHI has performed as measured by PEP.



Now, let’s push on to the head fakes from one of MHI’s big bosses, Warren Buffett.


Part II – Unpacking Select Buffettisms, Including one Recently Claimed in a Mainstream Business-Financial-Markets News site and MSN

1) Jeannine Mancini: via Benzinga and MSN “Warren Buffett Said ‘We Were Promised a Rising Tide Would Lift All Boats’—But Instead, It ‘Lifted All Yachts’ And the Rich Got Richer.” Mancini wrote this.

…2012 interview with Charlie Rose, Buffett didn’t hold back on the growing wealth gap. “We were promised that a rising tide would lift all boats. A rising tide has lifted all yachts.” His point? The economy may have grown, but the benefits didn’t trickle down the way Americans were told they would. The ultra-wealthy got richer, while everyday workers were left treading water. And for Buffett, that’s the real problem.

2) Mancini also stated this.

“We have not had an ounce of shared sacrifice from the very rich,” he added in that same interview. In other words, billionaires keep winning, while the system does little to level the playing field.


3) It is not uncommon for media writers to fawn over Buffett. Are they expecting a check? Hoping for some kind of other benefit from their management or others? But as or more important, are they paying close enough attention to who Buffett is as measured by behavior that often contradicts, according to those who have watched the man’s words vs. his deeds? For instance.


See CFA Lebowitz’s analysis at the link here: and see how we’ve applied that in our inquiry to Berkshire board member and attorney Ronald Olson at the link found further below.



Where is the routine courage that mainstream, or other, media is supposed to be applying if they are ‘journalists’ to hold this man to account for his behavior?




4) Buffett is a supporter of leftists and of leftist causes and candidates. Yet, to the credit of some on the left, there are those who have exposed Buffett’s behavior. Good on them for doing so, keep it up.


Since the Nation provided this report, the Berkshire stake in Apple grew.  It was pared back last year. So, their point may be more apt now than when it was first made. First uploaded to MHProNews on March 2, 2018. David Dayen might as well have said, ‘can you spell hypocrisy?’
Uploaded on March 2, 2018.

Some of those apparent critics might be thought of as his own son, Peter.



Jeannine Mancini and your editor(s)? Others who find it hard to critique Buffett? Are you paying attention? If Buffett is so big on paying taxes, why doesn’t he invest more in the U.S. and less in China and overseas?




According to Copilot.

Berkshire Hathaway has made several investments in China, with one of the most notable being its stake in the Chinese electric vehicle maker BYD. However, Berkshire Hathaway has been reducing its stake in BYD over the past few years. For example, Berkshire sold more than 60% of its BYD shares since last summer. As of October 2023, Berkshire’s holdings in BYD’s issued H-shares were reduced to 7.98%. …The exact share of Berkshire’s investments tied to China or other countries overseas is not readily available…

Still from video posted further below. Text graphics by MHProNews.


This is from just a few days ago.



5) Mancini also wrote this.

If there’s one thing Buffett is, it’s consistent.

Pardon me? Perhaps she and her editor(s) didn’t notice the contradictions outlined above. But if there is doubt, then perhaps it should be in the favor of Buffett being consistently inconsistent when it suits him.


There are ethical and unethical ways of earning money. Some in MHI arguably are earning money unethically, and perhaps illegally, if Samuel Strommen and other MHI critics are correct. 


6) Buffett has been quoted by MHI for his support of manufactured housing. To be transparent, this writer was at one point in time misled by the illusions spun about Buffett too. So, in pointing fingers, your’s truly admits a finger is pointing back, but that was years ago. That said, Buffett was quoted by MHI like this.


Bat Guano – “The government wants high quality, low cost housing and manufactured housing provides that product.” – Warren Buffett, per Manufactured Housing Institute; Examining Statements on Manufactured Home Financing
In hindsight, it should have been obvious that Preserving Access would never pass. Warren Buffett said he was in favor of Dodd-Frank. He supported Barack Obama twice. Buffett’s grandson served in the Obama White House. Obama said he would veto Preserving Access if it hit his desk. Restated, there was no apparent chance for the bill to pass given those and other known dynamics. That raises the question – were MHI leaders merely naïve? Or were the wearing down the industry’s independence through a long and protracted battle that was never won and not meant to be won? Either of those possibilities looks bad for MHI and its leaders. Is it any wonder that Jason Boehlert left MHI – after letting the ‘cat out of the bag,’ and then Lesli Gooch, Ph.D., took his place? The linked report was posted on 8.21.2017 and is still insightful on several levels.



7) Buffett has apparently been into head fakes and “moats” that mask monopoly tactics by another name. But in doing so, Buffett has enabled the undermining of the manufactured home industry rather that fostering it. Some examples follow.


PoliticiansInThisCountryWantMorePowerTheRichWantMorePowerUSAWarrenBuffettQuoteCharlieMungerRegulatorsArentRegulatingQuotesMHProNews and




The research by senior economist at the Minneapolis Federal Reserve James “Jim” Schmitz Jr., his colleagues, the legal research by Samuel “Sam” Strommen at Knudson Law, and a grasp of what Warren Buffett, Kevin Clayton, and Tom Hodges have called “the Moat” – among others insights – are useful in understanding the decline of HUD Code manufactured housing. Note: depending on your browser or device, many images in this report and others on MHProNews can be clicked to expand. Click the image and follow the prompts. For example, in some browsers/devices you click the image and select ‘open in a new window.’ After clicking that selection you click the image in the open window to expand the image to a larger size. To return to this page, use your back key, escape or follow the prompts. See the Rise and Fall of HUD Code Manufactured Housing. and the lessons learned from the California ADU phenomenal growth.






8) That’s a total of about 1870 words including text under an illustration since the preface. It is not exhaustive. But it is introductory and covers the headline topics, which is one of the policies of MHProNews. We deliver on our headlines and have for years. Thanks. 

Illegal Immigration Worsens Housing Crisis VP J.D. Vance tells U.S. Cities’ Leaders ‘When Americans Can Own Houses They’re Stakeholders in Nation Which Makes Better Citizens’ – MHVille FEA




StrommenQuoteInMidsaatOfAffordableHousingCrisisPerniciousForcesConsolidatingPowerIncestousSymbiosisMonopolizationManufacturedHousingMHProNews and



From ““Seek First” a Post-Charlottesville Message of Healing and Principles for America,” found at this link here, or by clicking the image above.

Mass Production of Homes in U.S. Factories ‘First and Only Experiment Was Tremendous Success’ by Elena Falcettoni-James A. Schmitz Jr-Mark L. J. Wright; plus Sunday Weekly MHVille Headlines Recap

Note: this photo above is from a manufactured home producer built about a decade before the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) announced their problematic and apparently market-failed CrossMods initiative. The premise and market performance of CrossMods has been flawed from the outset, as MHProNews and MHLivingNews reported for years.
SamuelStrommenHereIntheMidstOfAffordableHousingCrisisMonopolizationManufacturedHousingMHProNews and




GROK-AI-HUD Sec Scott Turner Tension with HUD Research v Local Zoning Barriers Patch MHProNews LATonyKovach Manufactured Housing Manufactured Home
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Our son has grown quite a bit since this 12.2019 photo. All on Capitol Hill were welcoming and interested in our manufactured housing industry related concerns. But Congressman Al Green’s office was tremendous in their hospitality. Our son’s hand is on a package that included the Constitution of the United States, bottled water, and other goodies.

By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for

Tony earned a journalism scholarship and earned numerous awards in history and in manufactured housing.

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