New MH Community Coming to Virginia

The Mount Vernon Gazette reports from Virginia that a long-awaited plan for affordable housing on North Hill will be coming to a final vote June 21 before the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors.  The board first has to approve the $13 million bond issue to develop the infrastructure for the subdivision that will provide for 67 new manufactured homes.  The county will own and rent 20 of the homes.  The other homes will be bought by the residents at a cost of $57,000 to $90,000 for single and multi-sectional residences. Opponents question the county’s ability to be a landlord, and do not like destroying 32 acres of woods.  Advocates propose using 12 acres for the homes and the remaining woods could be left intact, or developed into a community park.  Further, they see it as a way to preserve affordable housing in an area that’s becoming more expensive.  The county says the particular homes were chosen because of their environmentally sustainable features, and in some cases, designed for handicap accessibility.

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