New manufactured home retailers have rebate program marketing opportunity

NC_graphic_courtesy_of_Wikimedia_commons posted MHProNews.comFayettvilleObserver reports the North Carolina State Energy Office announced Wednesday a $1,500 rebate to home buyers who purchase energy-efficient manufactured homes through the end of 2011. An earlier rebate plan was for $500. “We’re making it even more attractive for consumers to buy energy-efficient manufactured homes,” said Nicole Dyess, residential program manager for the Energy Office. “But the rebate is only the beginning of the savings.” Dryess said, “In addition to the cash back, homeowners in North Carolina will save an average of $74 a month, or just shy of $1,000 a year, on utility bills compared to homes of the same size that are not Energy Star-qualified. The N.C. Plus Program for Energy Star manufactured homes provides an incentive for homeowners to purchase a home that may have a slightly higher monthly mortgage, but more than makes up for it each month on their utility bill.” North Carolina Plus program for Energy Star homes is rooted in the 2009 Federal Recovery Act. “It allows us to do about 800 rebates,” Dyess said.

(map graphic credit: Wikimedia Commons)

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