The Third Avenue investment fund has reportedly sold off all of its shares of Cavco Industries (CVCO).
Look carefully at collage/graphic with commentary, just below.
The stock has overall been slowly recovering since the SEC news broke, and it initially dropped like a rock.
But there are now at least 4 law firms that are investigating stock fraud or other possible malfeasance. The SEC would not rule out or confirm to MHProNews possible antitrust concerns regarding Cavco. Nor would the SEC, or Cavco’s representatives, state which equity was being traded that has sparked this melee, and raised concerns about possible wrongdoing.
Among the well-known industry voices that have sounded off on the matter, was the following by email, with the bracketed words added to clarify the meaning. “Thanks for sharing…[the news reports]…these folks [Cavco] are in a mess and it doesn’t seem they’ve hit the bottom yet,” said a longtime manufactured housing industry professional.
You can find several recent reports with details on what a Cavco Industries insider has called a “debacle,” linked further below.
Next, next, and next…
Then, there’s ELS’ Sam Zell, Warren Buffett led Berkshire, and their Godfather-style encounter. If you are in any sector of manufactured housing, it should be priority reading. That’s our Saturday report, linked below.
Jeff Bezos founded Amazon, as you likely know. Bezo’s Amazon investment fund bet million on Plant PreFab, learn more about them below.
MHARR has an update from Washington, D.C. this week, which is an important read too.
On MHLivingNews, you’ll find how Lending Tree has praised manufactured homes in a way so smooth, that it should inspire MHI to take notes, and try to follow their lead. Arlington, and your big boy members, are you watching and listening?
Larry King of CNN fame delivers a video message that is interesting, both for what is and isn’t said. It’s a great lesson in propaganda mixed with truth.
Clayton’s image campaign effort is found below too. Insightful information of importance.
The SunDog story is an example of how a new firm got positive media in their market.
We have a powerful example of where left and right agree on a topic, that’s in the Daily Business News this past week as well.

Tips and Industry Voices from the Mail and Message Bags…
The following that are quoted are unedited. Some are summarized, which aren’t in quotes. These include messages from company leaders, in or out of MHI, as well as from other MH industry sources.
There were thoughtful comments of encouragement about Legacy, from outside of that company. See more on that which will be linked from a report on Monday.
The Third Ave item above came as a tip from a source with deep Cavco ties. Thanks to all for their news tips and feedback. Keep in mind that some news tips take time to develop properly, others can be shared more rapidly, as in the case of the above.
Let’s take a moment to reply to a reader’s question. Q – “Are you guys socialists?” A – Not even close. –> Respectfully, that’s a good example of why someone shouldn’t skim-read. One missed word can change a meaning. We’ve all done that, but we are pro-free enterprise, pro-faith, flag, family, and fortune honestly earned.
Here’s another comment, FYI – as usual, we add the brown/bold text for quotes.
“Thanks for educating the masses. Combine this with what big tech is doing to conservatives. Americans need to wake up and trump needs to on the offense with the DOJ” and there was no period or the implied ‘go.’
Among the messages on Cavco, are those who feel bad for Joe and their company’s woes.
Speaking of Cavco, there’s this specific insight about the law firms preparing to sue CVCO. The comments will make sense once the articles about Cavco are digested: “They probably could care less about AT issues. They’re looking at investor class action for big/quick $$$.”
Shifting gears to “Info Wars…”
“The war between Globilism and Nationalism is real and I view as a war between good and evil. Control or freedom. Christ or antichrist. Trumplican or Democrat. Truth or deception.”
Reader comment on MHI…
“The big companies have figured out how to get small- to mid-sized firms to pay MHI for what the big boys want. Lavin was right.”
Which each of the above reminds us of a standby from a company leader earlier this year: “If MHProNews is writing about it, I want to know about it.” At some point, we’ll copyright that one.
Speaking of mail, some came – believe it or not – from friends of MHI from the U.S. Mail. Remind us, please, to share a few good laughs.
Beyond the Mail…
There is so much more below. Don’t be the last to know.
In what Nathan Smith accurately called a modest ‘boutique’ sized industry today, over 10 thousand professionals logon daily to our MHProNews site. Thousands are on our email list, which reads like a who’s who cross section of mom and pops to the corporate giants, and all in between. Third-party Mail Chimp says our open rate and click rates dwarfs others in media and publishing. To sign up for our industry-leading emailed headline news, that links to top stories, click here.
There’s always more on MHProNews, plus the groundbreaking work being done on MHLivingNews.
Between these two platforms are important resources that professionals, researchers and investors rely upon. We do the most fact-checks. We provide more genuine news, analysis, and commentary. Who else in MHVille trade media examines the performance vs. the words, and holds the powers-that-be to account more than we?
No one else even thought about doing “New through the lens of manufactured homes, and factory-built housing,” © before we did it. Now, a few are paying the ultimate compliments, by trying to copy that and other things that we’ve done and are doing. Thanks.
No one else in the industry has even tried to do MHVille connected market summaries daily, which are combined with news and analysis on a specific topic. Our readers tell us these are some of the things that have made us the runaway #1 read “Industry News, Tips, and Views Pros Can Use.” © No one else even comes close.
Thanks again to our sponsors, clients, sources, and readers alike. Speaking of sponsors, 3 MHI members reached out in the last several weeks, one of them pulled the trigger, and that one reported good results.
The ones that didn’t pull the trigger were politely told that while their business was welcome, and we would faithfully transmit their content and/or views, they had to clearly understand that their sponsorship would not change our editorial stance. We follow the facts, evidence, and money. We routinely reach out to the others we spotlight, and ask them to rebut, clarify or reply. Apparently, they can’t. Too bad, the sparks would be good for all, because sparks can shed light.
That’s the candid authenticity that makes us #1. Again, thank you to all who make that so.

Looking ahead:
The word heard on Friday is that there will be an announcement this week on a plan by an industry operation that merits attention. It’s a firm that is an MHI member, but once you see it, you may come to the conclusion that they have decided that what they’re doing from Arlington isn’t enough. We’ll plan a report as the facts emerge.
There will also be special Daily Business News and Masthead items tomorrow (Monday). Don’t miss them.
With no further adieu, check out what’s new in MHVille in the more than two dozen reports below for the week that was, 11.11.2018 to 11.18.2018.
What’s New on MHLivingNews
The “Need For Quality Affordable Housing Has Never Been Greater,” Says LT –
The headline is missing two words from the original that was provided to MHLivingNews by Lending Tree (LT), via a news media release. Those missing two words? ” In Miami.” While that was accurate, it is equally accurate for the vast majority of the U.S. today, thus our edit of those two words.
What’s New from MHARR
HUD Publishes Final Revised Rv Exemption Rule | Manufactured Housing Association Regulatory Reform
TO:HUD CODE INDUSTRY MANUFACTURERS, RETAILERS, COMMUNITIES, STATE ASSOCIATIONS AND PRESS RE:HUD PUBLISHES FINAL REVISED RV EXEMPTION RULE The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has published a final rule in the November 16, 2018 Federal Register (copy attached) amending the exemption of certain recreational vehicles (RV) from regulation under the National Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974 (as amended) and related HUD standards and enforcement regulations set forth at 24 C.F.R.
What’s New on the Daily Business News on MHProNews
Saturday 11.17.2018
Friday 11.16.2018
YIMBY, Amazon backed Plant Prefab Introducing ADUs, Product Video
YIMBY, Amazon backed Plant Prefab Introducing ADUs, Product Video
Latest on the FHA, New Federal Report to Congress, Insider Insight
MH State Association Issues Midterms Report – Rent Control Alert – Reveals Troubling Trend
MH State Association Issues Midterms Report – Rent Control Alert – Reveals Troubling Trend
Thursday 11.15.2018
Cavco Shareholder Suits Prepping, CVCO, SEC, Insider Responses to Growing Scandal
Cavco Shareholder Suits Prepping, CVCO, SEC, Insider Responses to Growing Scandal
HUD Announces Relief from California Wildfires, MH Owners Can Qualify
HUD Announces Relief from California Wildfires, MH Owners Can Qualify
Wednesday 11.14.2018
Manufactured Housing Institute on Cavco Industries, ex-Chairman Joe Stegmayer SEC “Debacle”
Manufactured Housing Institute on Cavco Industries, ex-Chairman Joe Stegmayer SEC “Debacle”
Right Winger and Socialist Agree on Amazon & Bezos’ Deal, Plus MH Market Update
Right Winger and Socialist Agree on Amazon & Bezos’ Deal, Plus MH Market Update
Manufactured Home Transporter Dies, Services Announced
‘Use Government to Handcuff Your Rivals, Clever’ – Stossel
Tuesday 11.13.2018
PreFab SunDog’s Leaders Encourage Buyers to “Contain Yourself”
PreFab SunDog’s Leaders Encourage Buyers to “Contain Yourself”
Oil Drop – Outlook, Energy Production, and Manufactured Housing, Plus MH Equities Updates
Dead Pimp, and Multiple MH Owner, Wins Election
Monday 11.12.2018
Clayton Homes “New” Image Campaign, Surprising Facts Behind Have it Made Stigma Attacking Video
Clayton Homes “New” Image Campaign, Surprising Facts Behind Have it Made Stigma Attacking Video
Tariffs, Tech, Fed, Oil, Commodities and Today’s Tumble, Plus MH Equities Updates
Work, Life Balance and MHVille, Monday Morning Manufactured Housing Meeting
Work, Life Balance and MHVille, Monday Morning Manufactured Housing Meeting
An MHProNews Thank You to America’s Veterans, Plus VA Market At-a-Glance
An MHProNews Thank You to America’s Veterans, Plus VA Market At-a-Glance
Sunday 11.11.2018 and that Week in Review
“Rent is Too Damn High,” But Why? MHVille Struggles & Solutions
“Rent is Too Damn High,” But Why? MHVille Struggles & Solutions
Together with thousands of honest MHVille pros of good will, we can make our industry achieve its great potential. That’s done by making American lives better, together. “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (Sunday Morning, weekly headline news review, analysis, and commentary.)
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(Related Reports are further below. Third-party images and content are provided under fair use guidelines.)
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Related Reports:
The Coming Breakup of Berkshire? MHI? Plus Sunday Headline Recap 10-14-2018 to 10-21-2018