There are those in media who attempt to hide or mask their agenda. That tens of millions of Americans apparently believe that many in media have an agenda is underscored by what is purportedly the most accurate polling unit’s new research, linked here.
Editorially, the MHProNews opposes or supports an organization, concept, or candidate not based upon personality, but rather for the practical implications of their policies. Race, gender, religion, or other similar factors don’t enter into that equation. Policies matter, and complimenting policies, are the track record of the person, party, or organization that advances a policy stance.
If that’s politically incorrect, so be it.
One can debate the style of President of the United States (POTUS) Donald J. Trump. One might support or oppose specific tweets or comments. But when objective performance is evaluated, a fair minded individual should respect the 45th president’s track record. The president has bucked several long-time GOP political stances, as well as several positions held by Democrats. Why? You could argue that it is because of Economics 101. For those looking for a better understanding, the video below may help illustrate.
Some examples of POTUS’ policies and how they reflect Economics 101 are these points. Once the president pushes for tighter immigration policies, for example, that means that if all else remains equal, then the supply of labor will be subject to more demand as time moves on. That will boost wages, which are now rising at the fastest pace in roughly 2 decades. Or consider tariffs, which are unpopular with some groups. Nevertheless, those tariffs create more demand for American products, that too can be good for U.S. investments, and factors into the law of supply and demand. Change the regulatory and tax policies, which the president’s leadership has promoted, and you begin to create a dynamic that results in favorable economic growth.
One of the measures of the health of the economy is found in the latest data points, provided by the White House press office, found further below. A booming economy, more capital, easier and common sense regulations are formulas for more growth in demand for affordable housing. That includes modern manufactured homes.

Select headlines from the Trump Administration’s communications team are below, which will be followed by some related manufactured housing commentary.
Job Openings Hit Record High of 7.3 Million in December
“The number of job openings hit a record high of 7.3 million in December, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Tuesday in a sign of the labor market’s strength,” Joseph Lawler reports in the Washington Examiner.
“The construction industry recorded 382,000 new posts, far more than ever before . . . In the past three months, the economy has added an average of 241,000 net new jobs a month, more than twice as much as needed to keep up with population growth and keep unemployment trending down.”
Click here to read more.
“USA Today ran a surprising story on Tuesday headlined ‘Can the middle-class revival under Trump last?’ It’s surprising — shocking really — because it might just be the first time a major news outlet has admitted that there has been a middle-class revival under Trump,” the Investor’s Business Daily editorial board writes. “It’s a safe bet that had a Democrat been in the White House over the past two years things would be different.”
“U.S. manufacturing is once again in the news. New data shows America’s factories adding 261,000 jobs from January 2018 to January 2019. In the State of the Union, President Trump emphasized the urgency of confronting predatory trade from countries like China,” Michael Stumo writes in The Hill. “There’s no doubt that America’s manufacturers are currently rebounding. The tariffs that President Trump imposed a year ago on steel, aluminum, solar panels and washing machines have already created more than 11,000 new jobs.”
“The Donald Trump White House is more than capable of doing conventional things well. Last week’s State of the Union saw a complex policy process synthesized into a well-delivered prime-time address that captured the president’s unique policy agenda and won high praise,” Raj Shah writes in USA Today. “But if conventional management styles alone could make or break a presidency, historians would be praising Jimmy Carter and vilifying Ronald Reagan.”
— End of White House release. —
MHProNews’ management editorially supported President Trump in 2016. We supported the lion share of the candidates that the president campaigned for in 2018, for policy reasons.
We are non-partisan in the sense that we belong to no political party, we are independents. We also recognize that Democrats and Republicans could – on paper, at least – may find common ground on issues such as antitrust action and infrastructure, to name but two points.
This writer very specifically promoted candidate Trump during the 2016 campaign, in a letter that was on the Trump campaigns website for several months. See the screen capture, below.

In short, we are transparent and strive to be clear. Our agenda is to advance this nation, it’s people, and our industry. For reasons of policy, we see more prudence from Democrats like Howard Schultz, who is lambasting the so-called Green New Deal backed by Democrats.
As an immigrant to the U.S., this writer’s perspective is one of support for the vast majority of the practical policies that President Trump has advanced. MHProNews editorially believes that the practical results are manifest.
Are there many things still yet to do? Yes. But based upon the dynamics of Washington, D.C., the president deserves an A for what has already been accomplished.
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