Generation Z or Gen Z are the rising group of workers and prospective younger home buyers that follow the Millennials. While all such simplistic presentations are obviously boiled down generalizations, they can provide independents in our industry the same type of snapshot insights normally only accessible to the industry’s giants.
Larger firms get such reports for their teams. Here on the Daily Business News on MHProNews, we want to make sure we provide “Delivering to Manufactured Home Independents & Investors Useful Intelligence for Your Professional Life.” ©
This infographic in part compares Millennials – what they refer to herein below as Gen M – with the younger Gen Z. Definitions are provided below for both groups.
As thousands of regular MHProNews know, we use a ‘wheat and chaff’ approach to people, as well as to all such data and presentations. There are doubtlessly useful insights for those hiring workers, or those who encounter a younger housing seeker. When you understand a potential worker’s or housing seeker’s attitudes better, it is easier for you to connect professionally.

That’s this morning’s morsel of intelligence for your business life, here at the home for “News Through the Lens of Manufactured Homes, and Factory-Built Housing,” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (News, analysis, and commentary.)

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