It could be boiled down to the 3-letter acronym at the end. Let’s first take a 400 word walk through the top obstacles and opportunities.
1) We’re in a trillion-dollar annual U.S. housing market. There’s a growing demand for affordable housing. So why is manufactured housing hovering at only 1% of the total U.S. housing market?

2) “Probably the greatest enemy to the growth of the … industry into a mainstream form of real estate investment is … our industry itself,” Frank Rolfe told MHProNews.
3) MHI spent $15 million dollars (+/-) – and about $2.5+ million on Richard Jennison, Lesli Gooch, and her predecessor – in 5 years for dealing with regulatory issues and advancing MHIndustry acceptance in the marketplace. What practical achievements can MHI point to for those millions spent?
4) “There’s nothing mean or villainous about stating the truth. In fact, most appreciate it when you do.” – Kurt Kelley, JD, financial services provider, from comments posted here.
5) “For years, we have wondered WHY there was so little pro-industry advocacy from MHI to government movements, proposals, rules, etc. that were [often] not in the best interest of this industry.“ – Bob Crawford, president of Dick Moore Housing, a BBB A+ rated retailer and long-time community operator.
6) Positive, MH Lending options and opportunities have allegedly been sidelined by Mr. Jennison and company. Those options and opportunities cost the industry more sales.
7) The MHIndustry needs MHLivingNews and MHProNews as pro-industry media voices that are independent, so sayeth Richard Jennison and Tim Williams, MHI’s current president and chairman. So, MHProNews and MHLivingNews merit support and are a good investment.
8) In terms of dollars/cents and potential ROI, what MHI is allegedly wasting could bring the industry billions more in sales, via a combination of our media and properly channeled/funded national association work.
9) MHI needs to:
- Reform to become more effective for all members.
- Have top staffers exited, for failure to achieve goals, and other unforced-error issues.
10) If MHI doesn’t promptly do the above, the industry needs to:
- forge a new post-production association,
- see if MHEC and/or MHARR will expand their role(s) to do what is needed that MHI is failing at, or
- And/or forge a relationship with a larger, pro-business independent association.
PEP. Protect. Educate Promote.

MHProNews/MHLivingNews have years of proven profitable, pro-industry results working with solution-oriented companies, professionals, and associations to advance manufactured housing to historic levels of sales and profits. ##
(PS: For more details, see links and/or images above, contact us, or see this in-depth and referenced report, linked here.)
(Image credits are as shown.)
Photo of Tony presenting on SuperCharged Marketing and Sales to an audience of MH industry professionals.