

Tiny Houses for the Homeless, The Controversy Over What Happened Next

“Elvis Summers crowdfunded $100,000 to build dozens of tiny homes.” But as this video by Reason spotlighted for over a million viewers, “City officials looking to pass a $2 billion housing plan tried to shut him down.” It’s a classic example of what’s wrong with the challenges that are in …

Tiny Houses for the Homeless, The Controversy Over What Happened Next Read More


Beyond ‘Trailers’ – Buying Modern Manufactured Homes, What Insurance Giant State Farm Got Right, Not Right – Analysis

“A lot has changed in the way manufactured homes are constructed, utilized, and perceived,” reads a page on the State Farm Insurance website.  Those are the first words under the photo at the left and after their classic headline, “Beyond ‘Trailers’ – Buying Modern Manufactured Homes,” “For starters, there’s sometimes …

Beyond ‘Trailers’ – Buying Modern Manufactured Homes, What Insurance Giant State Farm Got Right, Not Right – Analysis Read More


Homelessness in America, and Factory-Built Housing

“America may be the land of 2,600-square-foot starter homes with massive walk-in closets, but many people living in the United States will go to sleep tonight without a roof over their heads,” said the Culture Cheet Sheet. “Although the total homeless population has fallen almost 14% since 2010, there are …

Homelessness in America, and Factory-Built Housing Read More


Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) Finds Manufactured Home Industry Support for Reform bill

“The Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) has announced its support for legislation introduced in the House of Representatives by Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) that would enshrine in federal law the sweeping regulatory reforms implemented in recent Executive Orders issued by the Administration of President Donald J. Trump,” the …

Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) Finds Manufactured Home Industry Support for Reform bill Read More


MHARR vs. MHI on DOE Energy Rule, Pushback Pay$ Off?

Washington, D.C. – ”The proposed rule to implement manufactured housing “energy” standards, published by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) on June 17, 2016 and consistently opposed by the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) in every phase of its development – the only national manufactured housing industry trade …

MHARR vs. MHI on DOE Energy Rule, Pushback Pay$ Off? Read More


Manufactured Housing’s “Duh!” Monday Morning Sales Meeting

The Urban Dictionary and others sources tell variations on the following classic blonde joke. In one variation, the woman has a cooking accident, which sets her kitchen on fire; in another, there is a barn that is mistakenly set ablaze. Per the JokeYard, is the following version of the politically-incorrect …

Manufactured Housing’s “Duh!” Monday Morning Sales Meeting Read More


Sam Zell, Randy Rowe, John Bostick, Terry Decio, Joe Stegmayer, Marguerite Nader, Barry Noffsinger – Manufactured Home Industry Interviews

A Cup of Coffee with…exclusive interviews… …they are back. For a variety of reasons, MHProNews has held several dozen stories online, but in a secluded part of the website. Now, they are back. Here are the exclusive interviews that you can find right now on the home page.   Sam …

Sam Zell, Randy Rowe, John Bostick, Terry Decio, Joe Stegmayer, Marguerite Nader, Barry Noffsinger – Manufactured Home Industry Interviews Read More


“Accurate, but Misleading” MHI Preserving Access to Manufactured Housing Act Alert – ‘Weaponized New$,’ Fact Check$

“…the Senate Banking Committee passed legislation to clarify that a manufactured housing retailer or seller is not considered a “loan originator” simply because they provide a customer with some assistance in the mortgage loan process,” said a “Housing Alert” from Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) to their members, and through them, …

“Accurate, but Misleading” MHI Preserving Access to Manufactured Housing Act Alert – ‘Weaponized New$,’ Fact Check$ Read More


‘Trailer Park Boys’ Death Focuses Manufactured Home Industry, Homeowners Challenge

“Complaining about a problem without a solution is called whining,’ is attributed by some to Teddy Roosevelt.  As an executive summary, this report will sum up the issue, and will point to solutions, not just whine. A CBC newscast in Nova Scotia, with anchor Jim Nunn, called the Trailer Park Boys an “awful television …

‘Trailer Park Boys’ Death Focuses Manufactured Home Industry, Homeowners Challenge Read More


“Mobile Home Ban” Suit Win, “Equal Justice Under Law,” Manufactured Home Owners, Buyers, Industry

“This kind of wealth-based banishment scheme is unconscionable discrimination,” said Phil Telfeyan, Executive Director of the non-profit, Equal Justice Under Law. “McCrory, [AR] and all of our communities, should invest in residents rather than criminalize poverty,” Telfeyan said. Telfeyan’s comments addressed to MHProNews related to a victory reported by the …

“Mobile Home Ban” Suit Win, “Equal Justice Under Law,” Manufactured Home Owners, Buyers, Industry Read More


Appealing Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) Marketing, Finance Booklet Reviewed

The image to the left and those below are from a Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) produced booklet. It’s good. With nuanced exceptions, it’s accurate. This booklet – combined with other educational materials – are precisely the kind of document that could appeal to and inform: home buyers/consumers, public officials, policy …

Appealing Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) Marketing, Finance Booklet Reviewed Read More


Influencing the Socialists in Your Office, the Best Way Out of Poverty

A recent survey reported by the Daily Business News stated that some 44 percent of millennials believe more in socialism than capitalism.  So if you have several millennials in your workplace, there are odds chances that some believe more in socialism than in free enterprise. Despite the promises by various …

Influencing the Socialists in Your Office, the Best Way Out of Poverty Read More


Warren Buffett, and Agree

There are known areas of concern, and disagreement (for example, see the caption under the photo at the top). But that is not the focus for this report. There are topics of agreement between Warren Buffett, and One of those areas of agreement is on this quote that follows below. …

Warren Buffett, and Agree Read More


Elvis & Priscilla Presley Honeymooned In this Mobile Home, Shown Here

In this teaser for an upcoming report for Manufactured Home Living News (, is this photo of the home that Elvis and Priscilla Presley spent part of their honeymoon in. The home was a true mobile home, built well before the national manufactured housing construction and safety standards went into …

Elvis & Priscilla Presley Honeymooned In this Mobile Home, Shown Here Read More


Zombie Nation – the Awakening – Experts, & State of Manufactured Housing Industry, Nov 2017

A call from an executive in a manufactured home producing state shared some of the challenges a HUD Code or modular manufacturer faces today. The executive laid out the higher ratios of addicts applying for work, he told the Daily Business News. It wasn’t just the opioids, the executive said, …

Zombie Nation – the Awakening – Experts, & State of Manufactured Housing Industry, Nov 2017 Read More


Manufactured Housing Institute VP Revealed Important Truths on MHI’s Lobbying, Agenda

Hindsight is 20/20. This may be seen as one of the larger, most consequential reveals in the manufactured housing (MH) industry of 2017. What Frank Rolfe told Inside MH viewers on MHProNews about the odds against passing Preserving Access in 2015 was actually acknowledged by a previous vice president of …

Manufactured Housing Institute VP Revealed Important Truths on MHI’s Lobbying, Agenda Read More


Frank Rolfe: Pressured into Silence? Manufactured Housing Industry, and Journalism

There are some who due to habit, bias, ignorance, or other limiting factors simply don’t know or see the truth on a given issue. That naturally applies to manufactured housing, and to journalism too. Those who say that journalism is dead are exaggerating. Far more accurate to say that journalism …

Frank Rolfe: Pressured into Silence? Manufactured Housing Industry, and Journalism Read More


Mulvaney Moves Quickly to Start Reigning in the CFPB

The question might be a coin toss for many in the manufactured housing industry. Which federal agency has caused the manufactured home (MH) industry and its consumers more head-aches and heart aches in the last 5 (+/-) years? Some would say, it’s the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). …

Mulvaney Moves Quickly to Start Reigning in the CFPB Read More


Sexual Harassment-Not Just Hollywood, Media, Politicos-Manufactured Housing Workplace Claims, High Profile MH Cases Too?

The issue of sexual harassment isn’t just a personal and legal matter, impacting mostly women who’ve been harmed. Nor is it solely a troubling issue disrupting the careers and reputations of individuals in Hollywood, the entertainment world, politics, the news media, and other industries. Sexual harassment and hostile work environment …

Sexual Harassment-Not Just Hollywood, Media, Politicos-Manufactured Housing Workplace Claims, High Profile MH Cases Too? Read More


Why Democratic Leaning Jaime Dimon, of JP Morgan, Calls Americans to Support Tax Reform

“James Dimon is an American business executive. He is chairman, president, and chief executive officer of JPMorgan Chase, the largest of the big four American banks,” says Wikipedia. James “Jaime” Dimon is calling for a tax cut and overhaul, in order to make American businesses more competitive in a tough …

Why Democratic Leaning Jaime Dimon, of JP Morgan, Calls Americans to Support Tax Reform Read More

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