

Manufactured Housing, Prison Reform, Production, and Factory Built Housing Opportunitie$

Prisons. Prisoners. Manufactured housing. There are already points of intersection.  Can – and should – there be more? Can the factory-built housing industry and the penal system each benefit by developing deeper ties with the other?  Can that be accomplished profitably? The private and public sides of the U.S prison …

Manufactured Housing, Prison Reform, Production, and Factory Built Housing Opportunitie$ Read More

New York Stock Exchange Photo by Eric Miller

No Market Report T-Day, Manufactured Housing Industry Reflections

With the U.S. stock markets closed on Thanksgiving day, the most recent report available is last night’s closing numbers, charts, data, insights, and commentary – which are reported at the first link below. While the manufactured home industry has been rising for several years, its potential is far greater than …

No Market Report T-Day, Manufactured Housing Industry Reflections Read More


“Drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you’ll find,” James Carville, Clinton Strategist

A Democratic strategist said in the run-up to Thanksgiving, 2017, that the holiday should be used to torture supporters of President Donald J. Trump. Then candidate Trump’s 2016 opponent, Secretary Hillary Clinton’s full infamous quote: “You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what …

“Drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you’ll find,” James Carville, Clinton Strategist Read More


Sexual Harassment, and the Manufactured Housing Workplace, Two Short Videos

Most Americans say they’ve witnessed or experienced sexual harassment, per a recent national poll reported in the Daily Business News. So, that means that what’s happening in other industries, is also taking place in MH Industry workplaces, in locations from border to border. Harassment suits are known to create serious …

Sexual Harassment, and the Manufactured Housing Workplace, Two Short Videos Read More


Sexual Harassment, Workplace Poll, Congress, President Sound Off – MH Industry Impact?

Quinnipiac University has released the results of a new poll that looks into the issue of sexual harassment in the workplace, Congress and the presidency. “Sixty percent of American women voters say they’ve experienced sexual harassment, according to a Quinnipiac University national poll released today,” states the poll’s media release …

Sexual Harassment, Workplace Poll, Congress, President Sound Off – MH Industry Impact? Read More


Small Business Legalese, Restrictive Contracts to Protect Company Information, 2 Minute Video Tips

Trade associations often provide a variety of services, such as discount offers, to their members. In the case of manufactured housing, you also have the group’s lobbying and advocacy activities. But with most state associations limited to a few hundred companies, beyond the basics of an annual meeting, networking, some …

Small Business Legalese, Restrictive Contracts to Protect Company Information, 2 Minute Video Tips Read More


“Perverse”–Warren Buffett-Dodd-Frank, CFPB, Manufactured Housing, Loans, Independent Businesses Fact Check$

“There seems to be some perverse human characteristic that likes to make easy things difficult.” – Warren Buffett, Berkshire Hathaway (BH) Chairman, parent to Clayton Homes, Vanderbilt Mortgage and Finance (VMF) & 21st Mortgage Corp, other industry suppliers, et al, cited per BrainyQuote.   The essence of simplicity for business …

“Perverse”–Warren Buffett-Dodd-Frank, CFPB, Manufactured Housing, Loans, Independent Businesses Fact Check$ Read More


NFIB’s Juanita Duggan Cheers, Leads, Explains Why on Tax Reform for American Businesses

The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) President and CEO Juanita Duggan said that “the House took a big step toward tax cuts that will help America’s small businesses grow and create jobs.  Small businesses account for more than half the jobs and half the economy.  We look forward to working …

NFIB’s Juanita Duggan Cheers, Leads, Explains Why on Tax Reform for American Businesses Read More


Study Recommending New Manufactured Housing Association for Independent Retailers, Communities, Lenders, Others Released

As was teased earlier today, a new report has been released that recommends to manufactured housing industry companies and state associations that a new “post-production” trade association be formed to represent their unique interests. A post-production association could be defined as an trade association that represents all those not directly …

Study Recommending New Manufactured Housing Association for Independent Retailers, Communities, Lenders, Others Released Read More

CriminalChargesFiledMHCommunityCityattorenysanantonioJoe MangioneManufacturedHousingIndsutryDailyBusinessNewsMHProNews665

Criminal Charges Filed Against Manufactured Home Community Owner

It’s been about 6 months since the Daily Business News last reported on the Oak Hollow community in San Antonio, TX. A decrepit sewage sanitation system is a key part of the allegations. It was problem back then, but it has turned into a criminal indictment of Joe Mangione, the …

Criminal Charges Filed Against Manufactured Home Community Owner Read More


FEMA, Manufactured Housing Industry’s Gift that Keeps Giving?

Around the time of Hurricane Katrina, the Wisconsin Housing Alliance’s (WHA) Ross Kinzler advocated that Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) emergency housing units be designated as something other than a manufactured home. That bit of forethought was never adopted. A dozen years later, today the formal FEMA term “Manufactured Housing …

FEMA, Manufactured Housing Industry’s Gift that Keeps Giving? Read More


Possible Professional, Media Scam Alert, So-Called Manufactured Home Industry “Researchers”

While press releases (PR) often bring useful information, a media release can be used to peddle fake or problematic news about – whatever. In this case the whatever involves the manufactured home industry. The apparent targets are investors, the media, housing professionals – and through them, others. As a disclaimer, …

Possible Professional, Media Scam Alert, So-Called Manufactured Home Industry “Researchers” Read More


Troubling University Research, “Dying Industry,” Says MHI Member Exec

“Affordable housing for middle- and lower-income families is drying up by the month in California,” opens an article sent by an MHI member company executive, in response to recent industry coverage on the Daily Business News. The subject line in the news tip had two words in it, “Dying industry.” …

Troubling University Research, “Dying Industry,” Says MHI Member Exec Read More


“Mobile Home Fires,” “Free Smoke Detectors,” 1 of 1000s of Examples Why Terminology, Informed Media Important to Manufactured Home Industry Professionals

In Champaign Illinois, there have been what’s described as “two mobile home fires” recently, and as a result, the local fire department is going to the local Shadowwood manufactured home community to give away and install smoke detectors. WANDTV said that, “They’re calling Saturday a “Smoke Detector Blitz” and say …

“Mobile Home Fires,” “Free Smoke Detectors,” 1 of 1000s of Examples Why Terminology, Informed Media Important to Manufactured Home Industry Professionals Read More


CATO/YouGov Research Reveals Surprising Views of Clinton, Trump Voters, Free Speech, Political Correctness

That the nation – and thus Washington, D.C. – are polarized is no secret. That big pieces of legislation impacting manufactured home owners, businesses, and investors has been stuck in the halls of Congress, due in part to polarization is widely known too. But just how wide is that gap? …

CATO/YouGov Research Reveals Surprising Views of Clinton, Trump Voters, Free Speech, Political Correctness Read More


Historic! Affordable Manufactured Housing, Local/ National Politics, Professionals, Investors and the Home-Buying Public

From its earliest days, America had a need, a thirst, for affordable housing. About a century ago, Sears sold pre-cut kit homes by catalog as one way to obtain that affordable American Dream of home ownership. As Americans have long been a people ‘on the move,’ the original trailer houses …

Historic! Affordable Manufactured Housing, Local/ National Politics, Professionals, Investors and the Home-Buying Public Read More


“You Made Me, Promises, Promises…” Historic Iranian, American Lessons in Freedom

This image at the left was posted and is found online in Iran today. It’s a page from a newspaper published during the ousting of the Shah, and the coming to power of the once exiled Ayatollah Khomeini, an Iranian Shia Muslim religious leader. The red outlines around the Farsi …

“You Made Me, Promises, Promises…” Historic Iranian, American Lessons in Freedom Read More


USDA, Arthur Brooks Spotlight Facts with Useful Signals to Manufactured Home Professionals, Investors

Generally speaking, the more Americans there are working in stable jobs, the more opportunities there are to sell homes – including manufactured homes – to those citizens. That reality is one reason why publicly traded manufactured housing companies often note economic activity and signals – up or down – in …

USDA, Arthur Brooks Spotlight Facts with Useful Signals to Manufactured Home Professionals, Investors Read More


Propaganda, and the Manufactured Housing Revolution

“One believes things because one has been conditioned to believe them.” ― Aldous Huxley, Brave New World “In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand …

Propaganda, and the Manufactured Housing Revolution Read More


Resident Homeowner Groups, Public Policy, Media, Manufactured Housing, Investors, and You

State associations, in places such as Ohio or Florida, have demonstrated their ability to work with resident/homeowner groups on a variety of issues. For example, Tim Williams and Andrea Reichman with the Ohio Manufactured Home Association collaborated with resident groups in their recent battle to save their state regulatory structure, …

Resident Homeowner Groups, Public Policy, Media, Manufactured Housing, Investors, and You Read More

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