

Habitat for Humanity Using Factory Built Home in First

For much of the U.S., the on-site building season can take place almost year-round. But not so more northern climates in the United States, or Canada, where the conventional construction season is fairly short. So, when a widely known organization like Habitat for Humanity turns to modular construction in a …

Habitat for Humanity Using Factory Built Home in First Read More


Learning, Critical Analysis, Avoiding Pitfalls, and Capitalizing on Manufactured Home Opportunities – Vital Public, Professional Viewpoints

“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” – Benjamin Franklin   “The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education.” – Martin Luther King, Jr. …

Learning, Critical Analysis, Avoiding Pitfalls, and Capitalizing on Manufactured Home Opportunities – Vital Public, Professional Viewpoints Read More


Hanks, Fonda, RNC Chair McDaniel Videos on Weinstein, Tax Reform, MH and Market Updates

Sexual politics. It’s nothing new in America. It’s not just Hollywood. It’s in the halls of political power, and in the workplace. So, it may seem odd for CNNMoney to talk about the impact on the markets, business, and politics…but doesn’t it make sense when you consider it? If you’re …

Hanks, Fonda, RNC Chair McDaniel Videos on Weinstein, Tax Reform, MH and Market Updates Read More


Nine-Woman Board Leads Record-Breaking Manufactured Home Community Purchase

It’s a record. In an industry often dominated by men, it’s women who took the leadership role. Homeowners in Halifax Estates closed recently on the largest-ever reported limited equity manufactured home cooperative purchase.  The move provided pride and enhanced security to the community’s 700 retirement-age residents who live there, per …

Nine-Woman Board Leads Record-Breaking Manufactured Home Community Purchase Read More


Billionaires, Developers Are Doing Manufactured Homes, Video

There will be a new feature on MHLivingNews next week that will feature the video below, that you can preview today. So while industry members are welcome to share this link within among the industry’s investors and professionals, the version that will be published on MHLivingNews next week will be …

Billionaires, Developers Are Doing Manufactured Homes, Video Read More


Kinzler, Gallagher on Congressman Keith Ellison, the MH Industry, and Manufactured Home Communities

Congressman Keith Ellison (D-MN-5) is a rising star in the Democratic Party. Ellison’s not been without controversy among his peers. While today’s focus is his proposal that will impact manufactured home communities and other elements of the industry, some background on Representative Ellison and his interest in manufactured housing is …

Kinzler, Gallagher on Congressman Keith Ellison, the MH Industry, and Manufactured Home Communities Read More


Dr. Sebastian Gorka Exclusive on Soft Targets, President Trump, Securing our Homeland, and Manufactured Housing

One of the primary purposes of the federal government is the defense and safety of its citizens. In the words of the Preamble to the Constitution, it’s to “establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves …

Dr. Sebastian Gorka Exclusive on Soft Targets, President Trump, Securing our Homeland, and Manufactured Housing Read More


State Facts on Manufactured Home Ownership, MH Data by Year Built, and You

Prosperity Now has created a new market study, focused on manufactured housing.  While their research spotlights a specific state, it may shed light on some of the causes of media, officials, policy wonks and the public impressions of today’s manufactured homes. As the chart below compiled by Prosperity Now reflects, …

State Facts on Manufactured Home Ownership, MH Data by Year Built, and You Read More

2020 U.S. Census, and Manufactured Housing

It’s only 2017, but the budget for the 2020 Census is being considered right now. This is the time to seek some changes that would serve the industry well for decades to come, says MHProNews publisher, L.A. “Tony” Kovach. “Part of the problem with statistics being used by researchers, be …

2020 U.S. Census, and Manufactured Housing Read More


Secretive “NEW” Class of Manufactured Housing Raises Serious Concerns

An increasing number of inquiries expressing concern about “secretive discussions within the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) regarding “research” and other activity apparently designed to result in the development of a new “class” of manufactured homes,” has been brought to the attention of the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR). …

Secretive “NEW” Class of Manufactured Housing Raises Serious Concerns Read More


“Winning!” The Power of Pushback, Lessons for the MH Industry

Jennifer Harper’s thoughtful column “This Is What Pushing Back Looks Like” in the Washington Times brought this recent Rush Limbaugh quote below to the attention of the Daily Business News. Limbaugh’s site reflected the transcript of what Harper referenced in his recent radio show. The talk-radio celebrity spoke about Vice …

“Winning!” The Power of Pushback, Lessons for the MH Industry Read More


HUD’s Manufactured Housing Program Official Under Fire, ‘Violating’ “Full Force” of “Federal Law”

“The HUD manufactured housing program, under holdover Administrator, Pamela Danner, continues to freelance regulatory actions that defy key Executive Orders issued by President Donald J. Trump – providing yet a further basis for the Administrator’s re-assignment and replacement,” said the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR). In a statement …

HUD’s Manufactured Housing Program Official Under Fire, ‘Violating’ “Full Force” of “Federal Law” Read More


Cong Norman – ‘Need God, Not Gun Control’ – NYT, Jihadi Turns to Jesus

“What’s wrong is that we don’t ask what’s right.” – G.K. Chesterton South Carolina Congressman Ralph Norman told Alex Marlow on his radio show after the Las Vegas shootings by Stephen Paddock that, “For this to happen just shows the issues this country has.” “To say that guns ought to …

Cong Norman – ‘Need God, Not Gun Control’ – NYT, Jihadi Turns to Jesus Read More


“Fiscal Carnage,” “Calamitous Economic Hole”  Decried by Citizens Advocacy Group

“As Washington, D.C. adjusts to a new administration, the fiscal carnage caused by past presidents continues to haunt the United States,” begins a new report by Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW). “The national debt nearly doubled under former President Obama and is poised to exceed $20 trillion before the end …

“Fiscal Carnage,” “Calamitous Economic Hole”  Decried by Citizens Advocacy Group Read More


Puerto Rico, Post-Hurricane Maria, Manufactured Homes and Factory-Built Housing

While not a state, Puerto Ricans have been U.S. Citizens since 1917, says As citizens, they are able to come to any of the 50 United States at any time. Given the devastation on the island in the wake of Hurricane Maria, many believe that’s precisely what’s starting to …

Puerto Rico, Post-Hurricane Maria, Manufactured Homes and Factory-Built Housing Read More


Successful Failure – Project$ Point the Way?

After the results of the 2016 election became known, LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC – the parent operation to and – undertook a series of what might best be termed experimental projects. One of those involved the following. We recruited an individual who said that they ‘wrote in’ Bernie …

Successful Failure – Project$ Point the Way? Read More


MBI Exec Tom Hardiman on Modular Placement Hassle

Green Living Homes modular builder, Frank Dertzbaugh, brought his concerns about a modular home placement problem to the attention of the Modular Building Institute’s (MBI) Tom Hardiman. Dertzbaugh, a Daily Business News on MHProNews reader, cited the article linked below, as he explained to Hardiman – the executive director of …

MBI Exec Tom Hardiman on Modular Placement Hassle Read More


Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) SVP Rick Robinson Ducks Serious Industry Questions in Deadwood

From the vantage-point of where this writer and our son sat during L. A. “Tony” Kovach’s presentation on Wednesday in Deadwood, SD, one could see MHI Sr. Vice President Rick Robinson feverishly making notes. Then, the MHI attorney’s note taking slowed, and Robinson just listened, while observing the audience. Later, …

Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) SVP Rick Robinson Ducks Serious Industry Questions in Deadwood Read More


If ObamaCare Repeal/Replace Passes Senate this Month, A Haircut Could Have Been Critical to that Cause

“I was up on the Hill, I happened to just go by the barbershop to see if I could get a haircut, and Lindsey [Graham, (R-SC)] was in the chair,” former Pennsylvania Senator and two-time GOP presidential candidate, Rick Santorum said. “And Lindsey asked me what I was doing, and …

If ObamaCare Repeal/Replace Passes Senate this Month, A Haircut Could Have Been Critical to that Cause Read More


Response to Manufactured Housing Industry Questions

Articles, reports, and commentaries on MHProNews bring reactions for, against or neutral from factory built housing industry professionals, policy advocates, and others. Defenders of the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI), Pam Danner at HUD, Isbhel Dicken and NMHOA, or other industry personalities that are fact checked or analyzed by MHProNews are …

Response to Manufactured Housing Industry Questions Read More

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