

Star Parker, Draining the Dodd-Frank Swamp

Wikipedia says that, “Star Parker is an American syndicated columnist, Republican politician, author, and conservative political activist. In 1995, she founded the Center for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE), originally the Coalition on Urban Renewal and Education. In 2010, she was the unsuccessful Republican nominee for the United States House …

Star Parker, Draining the Dodd-Frank Swamp Read More


Carson Sheds Light on Recent Meeting, Video

750,000 Jobs. $4 Trillion in market value increase.  The video interview below opens with some comments from President Trump, and then moves to a 3 on 1 with HUD Secretary, Dr. Ben Carson himself. HUD’s new leader recently made a circuit of news talk shows. The focus of those discussions …

Carson Sheds Light on Recent Meeting, Video Read More


NFIB – Small Business Outlook, Optimism, How Can DC Keep it Going?

While the two major parties and their respective media allies battle (sadly, literally) in Washington, Main Street is feeling optimistic. So says the National Association of Independent Business (NFIB) President, Juanita Duggan. “Small business owners are highly encouraged by the President’s regulatory reform agenda, and they remain optimistic there will …

NFIB – Small Business Outlook, Optimism, How Can DC Keep it Going? Read More


MHI Comments Letter to HUD, Exec Order No. 13777 – Copy, Urgency, Analysis, Deadline 11:59 PM Tonight

“HUD is soliciting public comment to help them identify existing regulations that may be and, therefore, warranting repeal, replacement, or modification,” says the MHI document, downloadable at the link here. The Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) would find widespread agreement on their statement to industry members that the Department of Housing and Urban …

MHI Comments Letter to HUD, Exec Order No. 13777 – Copy, Urgency, Analysis, Deadline 11:59 PM Tonight Read More

What Michigan State Climate, Tornado and ‘Mobile Home” Researchers Missed, and Admitted

“Though mobile homes offer a relatively inexpensive but comfortable housing alternative, it appears that this trend has made the United States more vulnerable to tornadoes over time,” claims Climate Change, Tornadoes And Mobile Homes: A Dangerous Mix. Mark Skidmore and his colleagues crafted the Michigan State University study, which said, …

What Michigan State Climate, Tornado and ‘Mobile Home” Researchers Missed, and Admitted Read More


President Outlines Plan for Federal, State and Private Sector Investments

In his weekly video to the nation, President Donald J. Trump touted his planned desire to make America’s infrastructure world class again. The centerpiece of the $1 trillion-dollar plan is to leverage $800 billion in private sector money with $200 billion in taxpayer funds. Today, the president met with his …

President Outlines Plan for Federal, State and Private Sector Investments Read More

Leadership Series Announced

Tim Connor has been doing sales, management and corporate coaching, training and speaking in the manufactured, modular and prefab housing industry for over 20 years.  Connor is one of the few sales authors with a book selling over a million copies that has been translated into two dozen languages.  With over 4,000 global …

Leadership Series Announced Read More


Squamish Over Vancouver? BC Tiny House Controversy, Leadership, MH Parallels

They are described by Vancouver’s CTV News as small, affordable and illegal. Their advocates don’t claim that they are the entire solution to Vancouver’s growing affordable housing crisis, but they think they are part of the solution, if they’re given acceptance. And meanwhile, Cory Grandfield says that their home – …

Squamish Over Vancouver? BC Tiny House Controversy, Leadership, MH Parallels Read More


Explosive! MSU’s Mark Skidmore on Flawed Tornadoes and “Mobile Homes” Study, Exclusive

“There are lies, damned lies and statistics.” – Mark Twain “How many legs does a dog have if you call his tail a leg? Four. Saying that a tail is a leg doesn’t make it a leg.” – Abraham Lincoln   “We don’t plan to respond any further…Our analysis captures …

Explosive! MSU’s Mark Skidmore on Flawed Tornadoes and “Mobile Homes” Study, Exclusive Read More


Public Policies May Hurt Poorer, Older Residents

“Recent research shows that transit-oriented development programs can create social inequities and increase the pace of gentrification, and there is already evidence that this has been happening in D.C.,” says Yesim Sayin Taylor, with the D.C. Policy Center. The Washington Times noted today that, “The D.C. Policy Center’s report focuses …

Public Policies May Hurt Poorer, Older Residents Read More


Financial Choice Act, with MHI Bill, Heading to Floor Vote, Outlook, Analysis

The Financial Choice Act, what some are calling version 2.0, passed out of the House Financial Services Committee in May on a partisan line vote, 34-26. Financial Choice is back in the news, as the full House takes up the measure. A Google search on Financial Choice Act 2017 brings …

Financial Choice Act, with MHI Bill, Heading to Floor Vote, Outlook, Analysis Read More

Residents Bought Time, But City Still Taking Aim at Their Location, Video

Fairborn, Ohio, City Manager Rob Anderson said they were not the heartless people that a letter, which he pointed to, made them out to be. But that’s not how Glenn Acres resident Pat Collins sees it. “No trailer park [sic] that I’ve ever talked to will take a trailer that’s more …

Residents Bought Time, But City Still Taking Aim at Their Location, Video Read More


Action Alert! Billions in Opportunities, Industry Professionals, Deadline for Comments to HUD Loom

Until 11:59 PM on June 14, manufactured housing industry professionals have a unique opportunity to sound off in favor of regulatory relief for the HUD Code manufactured housing program. The comments request is based upon President Trump’s Executive Order #13777 Because President Trump has a proven willingness to effect regulatory change …

Action Alert! Billions in Opportunities, Industry Professionals, Deadline for Comments to HUD Loom Read More


Surprise! President Trump Polling Better than Bill Clinton at This Stage of Presidency; Impact

After months of blistering media attacks, innuendo, protests, and allegations that have turned up no evidence, President Donald J. Trump, has neither resigned nor faced impeachment.  In fact, while polling is fairly low, it is higher – per the Real Clear Politics average – than President Bill Clinton had at …

Surprise! President Trump Polling Better than Bill Clinton at This Stage of Presidency; Impact Read More


Manufactured Home Owners Can Save Big

In the state of Vermont, a critical utility is working to make life easier for manufactured home owners to save money. According to Vermont Biz, Vermont Gas is now making it easier for homeowners to save money and reduce their energy needs with their new Manufactured Home Pilot Program. The …

Manufactured Home Owners Can Save Big Read More


Liar! MHI report calls Gov. John Kasich, Allies Liars

In a saga that the Daily Business News has followed closely, the battle in Ohio to keep the Ohio Manufactured Homes Commission (OMHC) alive and independent has drawn a well-known name into the fray… but, are they the pot calling the kettle black? The saga began when the Ohio Fire …

Liar! MHI report calls Gov. John Kasich, Allies Liars Read More


Proposed Manufactured Home Community Faces Hurdles

In a Washington State community, NIMBY is raising its head. According to the Sequim Gazette, a proposed gated 55 and over manufactured home community, is drawing the ire of Carlsborg residents. The group, which cites environmental and traffic impacts, says that it has collected 163 signatures on a petition, hoping …

Proposed Manufactured Home Community Faces Hurdles Read More


Manufactured Homes Repurposed in Costly Housing Market

In a story that the Daily Business News originally covered here, the Village Mobile Home Park in Sebastopol, California is going to help provide housing to those who are at risk of, or are already, homeless. Back in March, the city committed to invest $258,000 into the project to create …

Manufactured Homes Repurposed in Costly Housing Market Read More


Residents Face Risks Leaving Manufactured Home Community

When a manufactured home community gets “lost in the shuffle,” it could be an issue with a bad actor, community activists, or a shutdown. In the case of the Poudre Valley Mobile Home Park just north of Fort Collins, Colorado, getting lost in the shuffle involves a 1000-foot stretch of …

Residents Face Risks Leaving Manufactured Home Community Read More


Will Dr. Carson’s June Forum Promote Manufactured Housing?

The office of U.S. Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Ben Carson, has announced a homeownership forum at its Washington D.C. headquarters scheduled for June 1st. June is officially National Home Ownership month, focused on the impact that owning a home has on household wealth, stability of neighborhoods, and the …

Will Dr. Carson’s June Forum Promote Manufactured Housing? Read More

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