

Tara Reardon, ROC’s-On Sharing Manufactured Home Solution with Thousands

  “It is better to light one candle than to curse the darkness.” – motto of the Christopher’s   There are good reasons to be open to concepts from across the left-right divide, as pro-free enterprise, pro-Constitutionally limited government MHProNews has exemplified for years. Among the stronger voices for successfully …

Tara Reardon, ROC’s-On Sharing Manufactured Home Solution with Thousands Read More


“Girls of Steel,” 3 Untold Stories of Job Creation, Growing Opportunities for MHVille

These three stories of actual Americans are the ones that don’t normally make the evening news.   These three stories in the video below are ones that can make a significant difference to all housing professionals, but particularly to manufactured home professionals. We’ll set aside for the next few moments …

“Girls of Steel,” 3 Untold Stories of Job Creation, Growing Opportunities for MHVille Read More


Manufactured Housing’s Halloween Lighter Side, Cartoons and Video Tip

  Halloween is beloved by millions, and thousands of industry professionals have youth that will participate.  Adults will have their own ‘all hallows eve’ – Halloween festivities.   Manufactured housing has arguably been limited by several artificial factors. From the outset of our launch of publishing 9 years ago, MHProNews …

Manufactured Housing’s Halloween Lighter Side, Cartoons and Video Tip Read More


Markets, Money, Medicinal, Madness, and Manufactured Housing

  The markets have been sliding in recent days. But why? The fundamentals of the economy and most companies on the exchanges are good.   If you are over 35, and think back, you’ve seen this rodeo market-madness before. A few people already have – or soon will – benefit …

Markets, Money, Medicinal, Madness, and Manufactured Housing Read More


Painful or Pleasurable Discoveries, True Manufactured Home Confession

  Think back to the moment in time when you first discovered modern manufactured homes. Was it an “Aha!” moment? This writer has told the story to live audiences from border-to-border of how I stumbled upon manufactured homes. It was an eye opening, exciting moment for me professionally. I didn’t …

Painful or Pleasurable Discoveries, True Manufactured Home Confession Read More


“A Nation of Laws” – Donald Tye, Jr. Affordable Housing, and Manufactured Homes

  The new video interview with actively retired businessman and minister, Donald Tye, Jr., draws to a close with these words from Tye. “We are a nation of laws,” Tye said. Tye explained that when laws aren’t enforced, all people and the nation at large suffers. The useful, and often …

“A Nation of Laws” – Donald Tye, Jr. Affordable Housing, and Manufactured Homes Read More


Performer Taylor Swift, HUD Code Manufactured Homes, Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) PAC Donations, and 2018 Midterms

  That featured photo above, posted on Instagram, is mega-star Taylor Swift next to an apparent HUD Code manufactured home.  Interesting.   In this past week, Swift came out against Representative Marsha Blackburn, (TN-R), favoring her Democratic opponent instead.   Following a POTUS Trump Rally, Blackburn has surged, with now …

Performer Taylor Swift, HUD Code Manufactured Homes, Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) PAC Donations, and 2018 Midterms Read More


“Results vs. Resistance,” Cutting Fog with Facts for MHVille

  Some 72 percent of Americans believe that misinformation from media is common today, said a recent Axios poll. Distortions of reality impacts manufactured housing in a variety of ways.  The light of truth is a useful disinfectant to the darkness of false information or harmful fiction.   As was …

“Results vs. Resistance,” Cutting Fog with Facts for MHVille Read More


Sugary Sweet Reports on Manufactured Housing Industry

  You don’t have to be a doctor of dentist to realize that a person who relies on a diet of sugar, sweets, and fails to balance or brush will end up with rotten teeth and other health issues.   That is an analogy for manufactured housing professionals to ponder. …

Sugary Sweet Reports on Manufactured Housing Industry Read More

Anti-MH Bigotry, Prejudice, and Possibly Illegal Action on Display in Manufactured Housing’s Birthplace?

  Indiana in many ways was the ‘birthplace’ of the RV and MH industries. Recreational vehicle (RV) production is still robust in Indiana.   Manufactured homes are still built in Indiana too.  But production of manufactured homes has become more diversified.  States like Texas and Alabama far outproduce Indiana.  Oddly …

Anti-MH Bigotry, Prejudice, and Possibly Illegal Action on Display in Manufactured Housing’s Birthplace? Read More


Actions Speak Louder, But Words Followed by Deeds Matter to MHVille Owners, Professionals and Investors – Plus Sunday Morning Weekly Recap 9.16 to 9.23.2018

  Before the recap, further below, and today’s industry-connected commentary, we will begin with a programming note.   There is a local post-production issue that is brewing. It is part of a national pattern. The topic is classic efforts to zone out current and future manufactured homes (MH). It is …

Actions Speak Louder, But Words Followed by Deeds Matter to MHVille Owners, Professionals and Investors – Plus Sunday Morning Weekly Recap 9.16 to 9.23.2018 Read More

“Decline of Extreme Poverty in Perspective,” Infographic, Report

“We’ve been trained by the media to think that things are always getting worse – including on subjects like poverty,” said Visual Capitalist in comments to the Daily Business News on MHProNews.   “For example,” Jeff Desjardins wrote, “a recent survey showed that 87% of respondents thought that global poverty …

“Decline of Extreme Poverty in Perspective,” Infographic, Report Read More


Report: Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) Follows Prior MHProNews Lead

  A state association member forwarded the following news tip to MHProNews for commentary and analysis, which reflects an interesting pivot by the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI).   The Manufactured Housing Consensus Committee (MHCC), met last week, as the Daily Business News recently reported. Per HUD, the MHCC is a …

Report: Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) Follows Prior MHProNews Lead Read More


President Donald J. Trump Visit to Manufactured Home Community, Video, Hurricane Florence Update

  It’s been a year since Hurricane Irma, and the headlines now are focused upon other matters, including the still-developing post-storm conditions in the Carolinas, which President Donald J. Trump visited yesterday.   We’ll get to the news from the White House, as well as other sources about the visit …

President Donald J. Trump Visit to Manufactured Home Community, Video, Hurricane Florence Update Read More


HUD, Urban Institute Webcast on Housing Vouchers Thursday Sept 20th – Manufactured Housing Opportunities?

  “On July 29, 2016, the Housing Opportunity through Modernization Act of 2016, (H.R. 3700) was signed into law,” with Wisconsin Housing Alliance (WHA) reminds readers. “This gives the more than 2 million families that have a HUD Section 8 voucher the added flexibility of using the voucher to pay for …

HUD, Urban Institute Webcast on Housing Vouchers Thursday Sept 20th – Manufactured Housing Opportunities? Read More


Yom Kippur, Atonement, ADL, Manufactured Housing, Lessons Learned

This evening begins the Jewish observation of Yom Kippur, their “Day of Atonement.” It runs from the evening of September 18, until the evening of September 19th. Chabad says it is the holiest day of their year. There are numerous people of Jewish decent in manufactured housing, including in top …

Yom Kippur, Atonement, ADL, Manufactured Housing, Lessons Learned Read More


Schoolhouse Rock on This Historic Day

  There have been 5.3 million views on this cute video since it was first posted on Oct 31, 2011.   The pseudonymous poster of the video concluded his comments with these words, “I don’t believe America will survive as the Nation our founding fathers left us; “One Nation under …

Schoolhouse Rock on This Historic Day Read More


Ending Rigged, Corrupted Systems, Manufactured Housing Advancement, Sunday Headline Recap Week Sept 9.2018 – Sept 16.2018

Ending Rigged, Corrupted Systems, & Manufactured Housing Advancement   There’s a swamp in Washington, D.C. But let’s be clear, there are swampy, rigged, and corrupted stuff occurring in states and local jurisdictions too.  Each of these impact manufactured home owners and professionals, day be day. It may seem odd at …

Ending Rigged, Corrupted Systems, Manufactured Housing Advancement, Sunday Headline Recap Week Sept 9.2018 – Sept 16.2018 Read More

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