

Associated Builder’s President Michael Bellaman says How Congress Can Keep Momentum Going

The Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) president and CEO is Michael Bellaman. Earlier this year, Bellman was celebrating the passage for the tax cuts, along with other pro-business, pro-growth policies instituted by the Trump Demonstration. Now, 6 months after the passage of the bill that the Trump Administration calls historic, …

Associated Builder’s President Michael Bellaman says How Congress Can Keep Momentum Going Read More


Harvard’s Joint Center for Housing Studies 2018 – Affordability, Manufactured Homes, and Modular Housing Report

“Since 1988, our annual State of the Nation’s Housing report has provided an overview of housing market conditions in the U.S.,” said Harvard University’s Joint Center for Housing Studies (JCHS) to the Daily Business News via a press release.   “As we mark the 30th anniversary, this year’s report not …

Harvard’s Joint Center for Housing Studies 2018 – Affordability, Manufactured Homes, and Modular Housing Report Read More


What “Made in Space” Housing Plans Should Tell Manufactured Housing Industry Professionals

Made in Space is a company planning to use 3D printing and robotics technology to build housing in orbit, and in outer space.     This curated CNBC video posted tells the Made in Space corporate story in brief.  But why does this matter to MHVille? No one is expecting …

What “Made in Space” Housing Plans Should Tell Manufactured Housing Industry Professionals Read More


Going to Pot – Marijuana, Illegal Drugs Controversies, and Manufactured Housing

There are no known industry specific statistics, but it is safe to say that thousands of manufactured housing (MH) communities have dealt in some form of fashion with the problem of illegal drugs. The same is true with MH factories or other workplaces. Employers tell MHProNews anecdotally that a significant …

Going to Pot – Marijuana, Illegal Drugs Controversies, and Manufactured Housing Read More


Act Now to Make Tax Cuts for Small Business Permeant

  Congress will soon consider permanently extending certain provisions of the “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.”  Said the National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB) in a media release to the Daily Business News. According to a recent NFIB member ballot, “over 90 percent of small business owners support permanently extending the expiring …

Act Now to Make Tax Cuts for Small Business Permeant Read More


America First, Economic Nationalism, Sycophancy, Presidents and Manufactured Housing’s Future

  There are millions who find the truth to be uncomfortable.   Millions are misinformed about manufactured housing. The obvious answer is education. Millions don’t know, so they don’t understand just how failed many public policies have been. Millions don’t understand how public policy impacts business and jobs, including those …

America First, Economic Nationalism, Sycophancy, Presidents and Manufactured Housing’s Future Read More


U.S. President Praised “The Mobile Home Industry,” Manufactured Homes are “Here to Stay”

“You are entrepreneurs in the best tradition of the free enterprise system.” ~ The President of the United States to the MH Industry   The U.S. President began his talk with these words, “There are problems in the economy and in the mobile home industry.  I am not so naïve …

U.S. President Praised “The Mobile Home Industry,” Manufactured Homes are “Here to Stay” Read More


Factory-Crafted Home Living, Reimagined – “The Art Park” vs. MHCs – Interview with Robbie Antonio, Founder of Unicorn Revolution Precrafted Homes

Housing is a global need, and Asia is the largest market. As the Daily Business News recently reported, U.S. based Hometown America is one of several operations in manufactured housing that has ties to Asia, some of which are deepening.  Hometown’s recently announced deal is valued at nearly ½ a …

Factory-Crafted Home Living, Reimagined – “The Art Park” vs. MHCs – Interview with Robbie Antonio, Founder of Unicorn Revolution Precrafted Homes Read More


Facebook, Marketing & News – Manufactured Housing Pros, Sarah Miller, ‘Citizens Against Monopoly’ Sound the Alarm

“We got word that [Tuesday], Facebook Inc. is inviting Capitol Hill staffers to Washington DC’s “newest, most exclusive event venue” for free food and drinks. Events like this enable Facebook to peddle influence in the halls of power, and keep lawmakers from cracking down on its abuse of our democracy.” …

Facebook, Marketing & News – Manufactured Housing Pros, Sarah Miller, ‘Citizens Against Monopoly’ Sound the Alarm Read More


Buffett, Dimon, Housing, Economic, Political Freedom, IG, Deep State, and Manufactured Housing Industry Progress

“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, GoodReads.   “Chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken.” – Warren Buffett, BrainyQuotes.   “Most of us are imprisoned by something. We’re …

Buffett, Dimon, Housing, Economic, Political Freedom, IG, Deep State, and Manufactured Housing Industry Progress Read More


“’Trailer Trash’? Watch Who You’re Insulting When You Throw Around Those Words” – Buffalo News

SuperPages says that the community that was once known as Leisure Acres has since been renamed the Woodlands. “The Woodlands in Lockport, NY — 6237 S. Transit Road” used “…to be called Leisure Acres…” Today, the online reviews give the property 3.1 stars out of 5. But current community and satellite pictures still routinely look good.  …

“’Trailer Trash’? Watch Who You’re Insulting When You Throw Around Those Words” – Buffalo News Read More


Will Costs Rise $6,000 per Home? DOE Energy Rule on Manufactured Housing Revived, MHARR Rattles Legal Saber

“The revival of a previously “inactive” energy rule for manufactured homes by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) may trigger legal action by MHARR on behalf of smaller HUD Code industry businesses,” said MHARR in a release do the Daily Business News.   “As MHARR reported on December 18, 2017, …

Will Costs Rise $6,000 per Home? DOE Energy Rule on Manufactured Housing Revived, MHARR Rattles Legal Saber Read More


“FEAR, Manufactured Homes, and a Solution to the Affordable Housing Crisis,” Special

Popular ValuePenguin recently featured a column on manufactured homes entitled, “Fear, Manufactured Homes and a Solution to the Affordable Housing Crisis.” It opens with, “Fear affects decision-making every day. But often, “fear” is an acronym for “false evidence appearing real.” Our research indicates that the solution to the affordable housing …

“FEAR, Manufactured Homes, and a Solution to the Affordable Housing Crisis,” Special Read More


George Allen Reply to Mainstream Media re: Roane/Lackey/SECO Exposé, Plus MHI, MHARR, et al – “Make Manufactured Housing Great Again”

“Finally, in 2018, a rallying cry, an apt theme, a worthy goal, for the manufactured housing industry! Here it is: Make Manufactured Housing Great Again!” So said Vietnam veteran, MH Industry blogger, and retired Marine Lt. Col. George F. Allen, on 6.4.2018. Perhaps he’s forgetting that ‘his’ theme was a …

George Allen Reply to Mainstream Media re: Roane/Lackey/SECO Exposé, Plus MHI, MHARR, et al – “Make Manufactured Housing Great Again” Read More


NorthStar and Manufactured Housing Radix

  “This is why we operate with a “North Star Goal‘, a light that represents the highest aspirations of a business. Like a next-generation mission statement, a North Star Goal orients the identity and direction of a brand, guiding all decisions, strategies, and partnerships.” – Bag the Habit. (emphasis added) …

NorthStar and Manufactured Housing Radix Read More


President Trump Spotlights Factory Home Builder in Speech, Proven Promotion, Support of Industry Advancement

Presidential powers are substantial, but they are not unlimited. So among the tools a president can use to some effect is the bully pulpit. That’s the power of spotlighting a topic via a public forum.   In a speech, President Donald J. Trump raised the profile of a once-famed factory-based …

President Trump Spotlights Factory Home Builder in Speech, Proven Promotion, Support of Industry Advancement Read More


Truth or Consequences – Monday Morning Sales, Marketing Meeting

There are many times in dealing with prospects that a sales person, or a selling community manager, faces a decision. It can be summed up like this. Should I tell the truth, or should I shard the truth, or even tell a lie?  What if telling the truth might cost …

Truth or Consequences – Monday Morning Sales, Marketing Meeting Read More


Sunday Morning Manufactured Home Industry Research, Reports, Headline News Recap 5.27.2018 to 6.3.2018

“Meshuggeneh”   We were checking out at Walmart last night after dinner.  The woman who was ringing up our order was lightly conversing with my husband and family.  She was commenting on something the previous lady in line had said before leaving with her new goodies.  The lady at the …

Sunday Morning Manufactured Home Industry Research, Reports, Headline News Recap 5.27.2018 to 6.3.2018 Read More


7 Surprising Keys to Unlock Manufactured Housing Industry Sales Success

“Scientia potentia est,” is Latin that is commonly translated as Knowledge is Power, but it is more accurately translated into English as Knowledge is Potential Power.   All Knowledge comes from one of two sources, your own experiences, or insights learned from the experiences of others. There are no exceptions. …

7 Surprising Keys to Unlock Manufactured Housing Industry Sales Success Read More

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