

Troubled MH Communities Harming Manufactured Home Owners, Industry

Frank Rolfe and his associates say there are some 44,000 land-lease communities for mobile and manufactured homes in the U.S..   There are several indications that the vast majority are well run. Yet, there are enough troubled properties that draw headlines every year to give good businesses, and honorable home …

Troubled MH Communities Harming Manufactured Home Owners, Industry Read More


Who Will Google and YouTube Silence Next?

“Google and YouTube dominate internet search with over 75% of the market. If you disappear on Google, your ability to voice your opinion disappears too,” says PragerU’s YouTube video page entitled, “Who Will Google Silence Next?”   Exaggerated? PragerU is far from alone in their concerns about the search engine …

Who Will Google and YouTube Silence Next? Read More


Evergreen, Manufactured Homes and NIMBY, “Why the Feds Must Step In”

A HUD PD&R, and other third-party studies reveal that manufactured homes appreciate side-by-side with conventional housing.   There’s been no new mobile homes built in the U.S. since June 15, 1976, the date construction on the first HUD Code manufactured homes formally began. But you may not know those facts …

Evergreen, Manufactured Homes and NIMBY, “Why the Feds Must Step In” Read More


$27+Billion Authorized by HUD, Available for Disaster Recovery, Which Manufactured Home Operations Will Be in Line?

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has announced today that they have awarded nearly $28 billion in federal aid to help “hard hit areas in nine states, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.”   In a release to the Daily Business News, HUD stated that “Disaster recovery …

$27+Billion Authorized by HUD, Available for Disaster Recovery, Which Manufactured Home Operations Will Be in Line? Read More


Ending Sales Tax on Manufactured Homes, Law Center – Which Praised MH Quality, Importance

“Contrary to popular belief, manufactured homes aren’t less expensive than site-built homes because they are “lower-quality” homes, they are just built in a more cost-efficient and innovative way.”   Who says? Kristopher Grant is a policy analyst at the Colorado Center on Law and Policy. “Land costs notwithstanding, producers of …

Ending Sales Tax on Manufactured Homes, Law Center – Which Praised MH Quality, Importance Read More


Manufactured Housing “Top Ten Truths”

Give credit where it is due.   CFED/Prosperity Now has done important research for years. In many cases their research promotes manufactured homes as an important part of the solution to the affordable housing crisis. Granted, CFED – which rebranded as Prosperity Now last year – sticks its finger in …

Manufactured Housing “Top Ten Truths” Read More


Visible Outrage, Passion on Immigration, Manufactured Housing Connections

The subject of immigration was in many ways the one that put Donald J. Trump on the path to the Presidency.   Immigration is one of the issues that attracted blue collar Democrats to vote in key states, like Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. While many in media appear to …

Visible Outrage, Passion on Immigration, Manufactured Housing Connections Read More


“Move, Open, Live” De Rose Industries & Senator Thom Tillis’ Mobile Home Comments

When U.S. Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC) spoke at an oversight hearing with HUD Secretary Ben Carson about a “mobile home” with a “bump out,” likely few understood just how keen an insight that statement was.   Back in the pre-HUD Code days of the factory-built home industry – prior to …

“Move, Open, Live” De Rose Industries & Senator Thom Tillis’ Mobile Home Comments Read More


HUD’s Carson, Top Finance and Housing Experts Address 5 Star Event in Washington

“We are honored to host Dr. Carson as a keynote presenter,” said Five Star Institute President and CEO Ed Delgado via a release to the Daily Business News. “The importance of HUD’s leadership in furthering the health and wellness of the United States housing market simply can not be overstated. We look …

HUD’s Carson, Top Finance and Housing Experts Address 5 Star Event in Washington Read More


Secretary Carson, HUD Commemorates 50 Years Of The Fair Housing Act, Fair Housing Month

  “Nearly 50 years ago, President Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1968 and fair housing became law,” said the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in a release to the Daily Business News.   In signing the landmark measure, President Johnson declared, “Now, with this bill, …

Secretary Carson, HUD Commemorates 50 Years Of The Fair Housing Act, Fair Housing Month Read More


Our 50-State Border Crisis: How the Mexican Border Fuels the Drug Epidemic Across America

Howard Buffett is the 63 year old son of Warren Buffett, sits on the board of Berkshire Hathaway, heads up a philanthropic foundation largely funded by Berkshire stock, and is serving as the interim sheriff of Macon County, IL.  He also has property in Arizona, and knows the challenges of …

Our 50-State Border Crisis: How the Mexican Border Fuels the Drug Epidemic Across America Read More


Put Taxpayer Funded Comments to Work for Your MH Location, Monday Morning Sales Meeting

It isn’t every day that a U.S. Senator tells America that he grew up in a “trailer park” [sic], and later bought a “mobile home.”   And it isn’t every day that a world-famous brain surgeon tells America that manufactured homes are “amazing.”   Everyone in sales or marketing ought …

Put Taxpayer Funded Comments to Work for Your MH Location, Monday Morning Sales Meeting Read More


“Ready Player One” Movie – Unsubtle Slam on Manufactured Housing?

The “Trailer Park Boys,” on Netflix and the movie.  “8 Mile,” movie with Eminem. Some zoning board, near you…   Day by day, for whatever reason, numbers of entertainers, officials and in media find an excuse to spotlight mobile or manufactured homes, and routinely do so in a negative light. …

“Ready Player One” Movie – Unsubtle Slam on Manufactured Housing? Read More


HUD Secretary Ben Carson Tells Senators, Today’s Manufactured Homes “Amazing” Quality and Value

Senate oversight hearings are a mix of the serious and the staged. The same hearing that the video clip below is taken from, included clearly partisan moves designed to embarrass HUD Secretary Carson and the Trump Administration. That’s what drew the headlines in the mainstream media.   While some were …

HUD Secretary Ben Carson Tells Senators, Today’s Manufactured Homes “Amazing” Quality and Value Read More


Documented Results from Manufactured Housing Industry Leadership

The column below could carry a sub-title – proven results vs. hype and hot air. Every organization worth its salt takes a periodic victory lap.  The same occurs in manufactured housing.   The Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) has periodically claimed or hinted that under their “leadership” on issues that they …

Documented Results from Manufactured Housing Industry Leadership Read More


Award-Winning Author Explains Why the Affordable Housing Crisis Threatens Our Society, Realtor Editor Clare Trapasso Reports

The nature of free enterprise is that entrepreneurial motivated people or organizations identify a problem.  Then the entrepreneur provides a service and/or product that addresses the need.   Done properly, free enterprise yields a solution for those served that also yields a profit for those serving the needed. Against that …

Award-Winning Author Explains Why the Affordable Housing Crisis Threatens Our Society, Realtor Editor Clare Trapasso Reports Read More


First Things First in Manufactured Housing

Every day, owners, managers, and various types of workers head to their place of business.   In manufactured housing, that may be a: land-lease community, a.k.a. ‘mobile home park’ or a manufactured home’ community, retail center – where homes are displayed for the public and sold, production center, where HUD …

First Things First in Manufactured Housing Read More


“It Isn’t A Crime Time to Be Poor” Citizen Tells Anti-Manufactured Home Lawmakers

Property owners outside of manufactured home zoning districts in Lexington who want to replace “mobile homes will now have to do so with single-family homes,” said the Dispatch.   “The Lexington City Council unanimously approved an amendment to city ordinances Monday making that change. Under the new rules, property owners …

“It Isn’t A Crime Time to Be Poor” Citizen Tells Anti-Manufactured Home Lawmakers Read More


An Examination of Manufactured Housing as a Community- and Asset-Building Strategy, Harvard JCHS, NeighborWorks, Ford Foundation

It’s a landmark document that is perhaps more relevant now than when it was first published.   It’s the report to the Ford Foundation by Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation, done in collaboration with the Joint Center for Housing Studies (JCHS) of Harvard University.   The Daily Business News has cited Harvard’s …

An Examination of Manufactured Housing as a Community- and Asset-Building Strategy, Harvard JCHS, NeighborWorks, Ford Foundation Read More


YIMBY vs. NIMBY, Obama Admin Concept Could Unlock $1.95 Trillion Annually, HUD & MH Impact

There are important reasons to reach across political, economic, and social divides to gain a fuller perspective of an issue.    In the case of housing, the Obama Administration was closing out his time in the Oval Office with a useful insight, reported by left-of-center Politico 18 months ago. It’s …

YIMBY vs. NIMBY, Obama Admin Concept Could Unlock $1.95 Trillion Annually, HUD & MH Impact Read More

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