Affordable Housing


Innovation Trail Spotlights Tiny Houses, “Act of Kindness,” But Are More Obvious Solutions Missed?

“This report by Innovation Trail reporter Jenna Flanagan introduces an Ithaca, N.Y.-area man who is trying to make a big impact on the homeless — one tiny house at a time,” says their YouTube page. Innovation Trail “is a reporting project that aims to help the public gain a better …

Innovation Trail Spotlights Tiny Houses, “Act of Kindness,” But Are More Obvious Solutions Missed? Read More


Apple, Amazon, Alphabet (Google), What Role Will Trillionaire Firms Play in Factory Built Housing?

There’s a race on between the giant 3 As of the tech world. Which will become the first trillion-dollar operation?   Analysts project that in about 12 months, Apple, Amazon, and Alphabet – the parent company to Google –  could hit the $1 trillion-dollar mark in valuation. As the Daily …

Apple, Amazon, Alphabet (Google), What Role Will Trillionaire Firms Play in Factory Built Housing? Read More


In Search of Liberty, the America Dream and Manufactured Housing

They are there to protect your rights, and those of your fellow citizens. “With a mix of humor, simplicity, magic and logic, an historical figure opens the family’s eyes to the origins and importance of the U.S. Constitution,” says the summary below In Search of Liberty. When the safeguards of …

In Search of Liberty, the America Dream and Manufactured Housing Read More


Immediate Expensing, Investing in Manufactured Housing, Developments w/Manufactured Homes

Billions are being freed up from tax reform domestically. Hundreds of billions more poised to come back into the U.S. via repatriation and from foreign capital. Could manufactured homes and PreFab housing witness a new wave of investments? The smart-money, early indications are; yes. Housing is a trillion-dollar-plus annual industry.  …

Immediate Expensing, Investing in Manufactured Housing, Developments w/Manufactured Homes Read More


“What the Hell?” “The Audacity of Hope” – Obama, Trump, Presidential Promises Kept, & MH

  Facts can be nettlesome. Stating the obvious, successful businesses rely on facts. Most businesses do better when there is economic, legal, and regulatory clarity. For investors and business professionals, certainty – dependability – matters. Just as the power to tax is the power to destroy, so too regulatory burdens …

“What the Hell?” “The Audacity of Hope” – Obama, Trump, Presidential Promises Kept, & MH Read More


Sellers Could Boom, Buyers Could Struggle in 2018, and Manufactured Housing

“Without a significant jump in home construction, prices will remain high and likely move higher. Mortgage rates could also move slightly higher, and new tax policy limiting mortgage and property tax deductions, is hitting homeowners in some states hard,” says Diana Olick for CNBC’s real estate “Reality Check.” Olick pointed …

Sellers Could Boom, Buyers Could Struggle in 2018, and Manufactured Housing Read More


“I’m tired…” – Terry Decio, Skyline Homes, on Manufactured Housing

“I’m tired of being the best kept secret. I’m ready to help house America.” – Terry Decio, Skyline Homes, to MHLivingNews. Terry Decio’s energetic video comment is a statement that leads to questions. Why is manufactured housing the best kept secret in America? The answer to that question isn’t an easy …

“I’m tired…” – Terry Decio, Skyline Homes, on Manufactured Housing Read More


Tiny Houses for the Homeless, The Controversy Over What Happened Next

“Elvis Summers crowdfunded $100,000 to build dozens of tiny homes.” But as this video by Reason spotlighted for over a million viewers, “City officials looking to pass a $2 billion housing plan tried to shut him down.” It’s a classic example of what’s wrong with the challenges that are in …

Tiny Houses for the Homeless, The Controversy Over What Happened Next Read More


Manufactured Housing Industry Tips, Documents, News-Talk; Christ, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump – Flashback, Fast-Forward 2018 Analysis

It was a document read into the Congressional Record. It was first published by MHProNews. Barney-Frank_Finance-Reform_ManufacturedHousingLendingDailyBusinessNewsMHProNews The document originated from a reader who sent it in as a news-making tip. As in last night’s report, industry veterans will rapidly ‘get it.’ The two “Smoking Gun” documents from 21st Mortgage were …

Manufactured Housing Industry Tips, Documents, News-Talk; Christ, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump – Flashback, Fast-Forward 2018 Analysis Read More


Mainstream Media Reports Rising Manufactured Home Resale Value$, Analysis

“Manufactured homes are getting more attention in Central Oregon as a surging real estate market leaves behind many would-be buyers of traditional houses. Prices are up, and homes are spending less time on the market,” says Kathleen McLaughlin, the “technology reporter” with the Bend Bulletin, in Bend, Oregon. “The same …

Mainstream Media Reports Rising Manufactured Home Resale Value$, Analysis Read More


2018 Outlook-Crisis Spell$ Opportunity, Per Leonard Kiefer, Freddie Mac Data

“For over two years, since at least 2015, I’ve heard one common theme: housing supply is tight. It’s difficult to find a home, particularly for first time homebuyers,” said Leonard Kiefer, Deputy Chief Economist at Freddie Mac, in a post on LinkedIn. Kiefer quips, “…if you think housing markets are …

2018 Outlook-Crisis Spell$ Opportunity, Per Leonard Kiefer, Freddie Mac Data Read More


Homelessness in America, and Factory-Built Housing

“America may be the land of 2,600-square-foot starter homes with massive walk-in closets, but many people living in the United States will go to sleep tonight without a roof over their heads,” said the Culture Cheet Sheet. “Although the total homeless population has fallen almost 14% since 2010, there are …

Homelessness in America, and Factory-Built Housing Read More


Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) Finds Manufactured Home Industry Support for Reform bill

“The Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) has announced its support for legislation introduced in the House of Representatives by Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) that would enshrine in federal law the sweeping regulatory reforms implemented in recent Executive Orders issued by the Administration of President Donald J. Trump,” the …

Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) Finds Manufactured Home Industry Support for Reform bill Read More


FHFA Publishes Fannie Mae’s and Freddie Mac’s Underserved Markets Plans for Duty to Serve (DTS) Program

“The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) today published Fannie Mae’s and Freddie Mac’s (the Enterprises) Underserved Markets Plans for 2018-2020 under the Duty to Serve program,” said the FHFA in a release to the Daily Business News. “The Plans become effective January 1, 2018.” “FHFA issued a final rule on December 13, 2016 …

FHFA Publishes Fannie Mae’s and Freddie Mac’s Underserved Markets Plans for Duty to Serve (DTS) Program Read More


Manufactured Housing Industry Headline News, Sunday Morning Review 12.10.2017 to 12.17.2017

Starting with the exclusive and explosive “Smoking Gun“ report linked below are relevant, and important items for manufactured home industry professionals, investors, advocates, and aficionados. From the serious, to the light touch, that’s what you find here on the Daily Business News on MHProNews. If readers are leaders, there are …

Manufactured Housing Industry Headline News, Sunday Morning Review 12.10.2017 to 12.17.2017 Read More


NAR’s Yun – No Quick Fixes Spell$ Manufactured Housing Opportunitie$

Lawrence Yun told Forbes what many housing watchers, investors, and professionals also know about the dwindling supply of affordable housing. “The inventory of homes for sale continues to shrink,” said Yun, who is the chief economist for the National Association of Realtors (NAR). “This shortage of housing inventory is the …

NAR’s Yun – No Quick Fixes Spell$ Manufactured Housing Opportunitie$ Read More


Private Equity Fund Grabbing 2 PreFab Home Builders

Equistone Partners Europe is set to buy two German prefab home manufacturers. In a release to MHProNews, said “Equistone Partners Europe has agreed to acquire two German prefabricated home manufacturers Bien-Zenker and Hanse Haus  from ADCURAM Group AG. No financial terms were disclosed. The deal is expected to close in January 2018.” The firm’s website …

Private Equity Fund Grabbing 2 PreFab Home Builders Read More


‘Trailer Park Boys’ Death Focuses Manufactured Home Industry, Homeowners Challenge

“Complaining about a problem without a solution is called whining,’ is attributed by some to Teddy Roosevelt.  As an executive summary, this report will sum up the issue, and will point to solutions, not just whine. A CBC newscast in Nova Scotia, with anchor Jim Nunn, called the Trailer Park Boys an “awful television …

‘Trailer Park Boys’ Death Focuses Manufactured Home Industry, Homeowners Challenge Read More


“Mobile Home Ban” Suit Win, “Equal Justice Under Law,” Manufactured Home Owners, Buyers, Industry

“This kind of wealth-based banishment scheme is unconscionable discrimination,” said Phil Telfeyan, Executive Director of the non-profit, Equal Justice Under Law. “McCrory, [AR] and all of our communities, should invest in residents rather than criminalize poverty,” Telfeyan said. Telfeyan’s comments addressed to MHProNews related to a victory reported by the …

“Mobile Home Ban” Suit Win, “Equal Justice Under Law,” Manufactured Home Owners, Buyers, Industry Read More

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