Updating a story MHProNews last posted June 12, 2014 regarding a plan by the Affordable Housing Committee of Bluffton, South Carolina to offer as much as $10,000 in assistance to help ten qualified residents purchase modular homes, the proposal now goes before the town council. If approved, the homes would replace dilapidated pre HUD Code units, and would be built by Crestline Homes and Nationwide Homes, the same companies the town worked with on the six modular dwellings for the Wharf Street Redevelopment Project, according to islandpacket.com. To qualify, residents can earn no more than 120 percent of the area’s annual median income for a family of four, which is $76,100, for the one to four bedroom units that range from $80,000 to $270,000. The committee has $83,901 towards the assistance fund, and intends to apply for grants as well as state and federal funding. ##
(Photo credit: wsavtv.com–modular home from the Wharf Street Redevelopment Project)