The affordable housing industry obviously operates within the larger macro-U.S. economic, business, and political environment. To better understand what is occurring in our profession, it is therefore useful to take the periodic look around at the bigger picture that includes, but goes beyond, our affordable home profession. With that brief tee up in mind, the Daily Torch has thoughtfully provided MHProNews the research packed insights from prior Americans for Limited Government (ALG) president Bill Wilson published below in Part I. It should go without saying that when Americans are struggling to make ends meet, and housing is often the top expense for most Americans, the facts found in Part I should be among the reasons why manufactured housing ought to be soaring.
But as Part II of this report will examine, as regular readers here know, the manufactured industry is snoring rather than soaring. As usual, insights from Part I will shed light on the additional information, analysis and commentary found in Part II. Indeed, once someone has the news and political decoder ring in hand, our mainstream and MHVille connected markets segment in Part III each shed light on the other.
Part I
Americans Turn on Globalists Saying Government Spending, Greed, and Global Issues Drive Inflation
By Bill Wilson
A new survey reveals inflation is still the primary concern for Americans by a wide margin, and the public is beginning to turn on big government and recognize government spending and globalism as the culprits behind a dwindling standard of living.
This comes at a time when the country is poised to choose between another four years of excessive spending and an evaporating middle-class or return to an America First philosophy that strengthens the middle-class and structures international policy in our favor.
A new YouGov survey shows Americans are feeling the burden of crippling inflation, stagnant wages, and a sputtering economy, with majorities of voters saying their generation is worse off than their parents and that inflation and energy costs are their top concerns.
By a greater than three to one margin (76% to 24%) Americans say their income is not keeping up with inflation, and Americans say by a thirteen-percentage point margin (46% to 33%) they are doing worse than previous generations.
This view is particularly pervasive among older Millennials and Gen X voters, with those aged 30 to 44 saying by a twenty-point margin (49% to 29%) their economic situation is worse than that of previous generations. Voters aged 45 to 64 say by a twenty-five-point margin (52% to 27%) that their standard of living is worse than that of their parents. Non-college voters are also significantly more likely to say their living standard has declined compared to their parents. Non-college Americans say by twenty-nine points (55% to 26%) they are worse off than their parents were.
By a huge margin Americans say the shutdowns during the covid-19 pandemic and the current post-shutdown period are the most difficult times in economic history since the 1970s. Sixty-one percent of Americans agree the worst economies in modern history have taken place in the past three years, while a much smaller sliver (17%) say the housing crash of 2008 was worse and an even smaller share (8%) say gas shortages and inflation in the 1970s were worse.
Notably, older voters, who have lived through significantly more economic fluctuations, view the covid-19 shutdown period as the worst economic period in modern history by wider margins than younger voters. A full 71% of Americans over 65 say the shutdowns during covid and the post-pandemic period have been the worst in modern history, while 50% of Gen Z, 58% of Millennials, and 64% of Gen X agree.
What is more, a growing share of Americans recognize the corrupt globalist machine that has destroyed the value of the dollar and depleted their savings while driving up consumer prices. Americans say the top reason for crippling inflation plaguing the United States is government spending devaluing the U.S. dollar, with 56% of the public citing government spending as the cause of inflation. Americans say other factors driving up inflation include companies overcharging for products and services (50%), global and international factors (44%), and supply chain and manufacturing issues (42%).
Notably, younger voters view inflation as highly correlated to global affairs, with 52% of Gen Z and 54% of Millennials and younger Gen X voters saying inflation is caused by global issues compared to 45% of older Gen X voters and 41% of Boomers. This translates to double-digit difference between how younger and older voters view global issues impacting inflation.
Older voters tend to view government spending as a larger contributor to rising inflation than younger generations, with 62% of Boomers and 58% of older Gen X voters compared to 57% of Millennials and younger Gen X voters and 44% of Gen Z saying government spending is a cause of inflation. This translates to an eighteen-point difference between how Gen Z and Boomers view government spending impacting inflation.
While there are generational deviations between how the public views issues impacting inflation, Americans are largely united in citing government spending, global issues, and corporations overcharging for the rising cost of living.
All these factors compound when Americans are asked how they view the Biden Administration’s responses to skyrocketing consumer prices and stagnant wages. Americans disapprove of President Joe Biden’s handling of inflation by thirty points (70% to 30%), with even 40% of Democrats saying they disapprove of how Biden is handling inflation. When asked about the Build Back Better Act, introduced in the 117th Congress to implement parts of Biden’s plan, a majority of Americans (40%) say they have not heard of the plan, while 32% say the plan was good and 28% said it was bad.
In addition, most Americans (44%) say they have not heard of Biden’s American Rescue Plan, while 34% say the plan was good and 22% say it was bad. Americans have little knowledge of the economic policies the Biden Administration has offered up, and among those who do have knowledge views are split. However, Americans largely view Biden’s economic policies as insufficient and destructive.
Americans largely believe their generation has a lower standard of living than their parents had, and three-quarters of families say their wages have not kept up with inflation. In addition, Americans are largely unaware of the economic programs the Biden Administration has attempted to implement and understand that excessive government spending is unsustainable and destroying our quality of life. In addition, a vast share of the public blames excessive government spending and globalist issues for inflation, indicating an increased appetite for fiscal responsibility and an America First set of priorities in the next election.
Bill Wilson is the former president of Americans for Limited Government. ##
Part II – Additional Information with More MHProNews Analysis and Commentary
American’s for Limited Government (ALG) former president Bill Wilson insightfully noted that said: “In addition, a vast share of the public blames excessive government spending and globalist issues for inflation…”
“Americans are largely united in citing government spending, global issues, and corporations overcharging for the rising cost of living.”
Prior to this CBS News-YouGov survey that Wilson has unpacked and the Daily Torch has shared, MHProNews and MHLivingNews has spotlighted several items, including surveys, but also the views of authors and experts that span the left-right social-political divide. From the left, Noam Chomsky – who we fisked in a systematic fashion – made his case for what was called the Requiem for the American Dream. Among the points made by Chomsky: “Concentration of wealth yields concentration of power, particularly so as the cost of elections skyrockets, which kind of forces the political parties into the pockets of major corporations. And this political power quickly translates into legislation that increases the concentration of wealth.” Consider that in the light of the survey that Wilson mentioned. Where Chomsky veered, we addressed it in the systematic analysis found below.
Chomsky is on the left. More from the right is Hanne Nabintu Herland. Said Herland: “The ultra-rich profited immensely on the COVID-19 lockdowns. The world’s billionaires saw their wealth increase by $12.7 trillion, or 42%. The richest 10 now possess more wealth than the poorest 40% of humanity combined, reports Oxfam.” Herland cited Oxfam’s data, which is also on the left. Herland goes on to say: “A recent Federal Reserve study finds that the bottom 80% are suffering the most compared to their 2020 status. “We should all be deeply alarmed that the median wage earner brought home just $40,847.18 last year. That breaks down to about $3,400 a month before taxes. Needless to say, you cannot live a middle-class lifestyle in America today on that,” writes author of “Lost Prophecies of the Future of America,” Michael Snyder.”

For regular or longtime periodic readers, note the ways that ALG’s current president, Rick Manning’s quoted observations provided below shed light on what Hanne Herland has published in items like the one above?

Per the survey Wilson cited as shown in Part I above, over 62 percent – close to two out of three Americans – think that the economy is bad. While other factors influence people, most judge the economy, said the CBS-YouGov survey, based on their experiences and that of those that they know. This is hopeful news for those who waiting for a acceleration of the process that some have described as a new ‘Great Awakening.’
To better understand the current thinking by some of the ‘new Great Awakening,’ it is useful to understand the historical significance of the earlier event. Per the History Channel: “The Great Awakening was a religious revival that impacted the English colonies in America during the 1730s and 1740s. The movement came at a time when the idea of secular rationalism was being emphasized, and passion for religion had grown stale. Christian leaders often traveled from town to town, preaching about the gospel, emphasizing salvation from sins and promoting enthusiasm for Christianity. The result was a renewed dedication toward religion. Many historians believe the Great Awakening had a lasting impact on various Christian denominations and American culture at large.”
There have in the view of several historians been several “Great Awakenings.” Fast forward from the 1800s and pre-Revolutionary War America to the 1990s and what the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) said in an article dated 9.11.1995 linked here on the fourth Great Awakening. Per award-winning economic historian Robert William Fogel: “The bills that are working their way through the 104th Congress and the tenor of the debates, especially in the House, make it clear that we are witnessing a major shift in American social and economic policy. How should these developments be interpreted? Is this change in policy likely to be ephemeral or long-lasting?”
Like the authors at the Daily Torch, who routinely cite published surveys and opinion polls and hard numbers to support their observations, Fogel also turned to data. “A clue to the answers is contained in the pattern of voting over the past dozen years.” Fogel went on to say in that address that: “If those who embrace enthusiastic religion turn out in the same proportion in 1996, and if they continue to favor the Republicans over the Democrats by the same margin, there will have been an inter-party shift of about 7.5 million voters. That shift by itself is enough to create a fourteen point spread in the upcoming presidential election in favor of the Republicans. So large a realignment can not be offset easily by seeking compensating shifts in other constituencies.” 1994 was the year of the Contract with America led by historian-politician Newt Gingrich, who served as the “50th speaker of the [House of] United States House of Representatives from 1995 to 1998,” per left-leaning Wikipedia. 1996 was a good year for Republicans. Per the Hoover Institution: “The most important aspect of the 1996 elections was that for only the third time since 1930 the Republican Party had an opportunity to retain control of the House of Representatives.”
Against that backdrop, what are some saying about the possible new Great Awakening? Let’s see what seemingly left-leaning Bing AI had to say about this Great Awakening topic, and the possible new current iteration.
> “Historians speak of four great awakenings that occurred in U.S. politics from the 18th century to the late 20th century. Some think a new Great Awakening is underway. Shed light on the thinking of those who believe we are in a new Great Awakening?”
Note what Bing AI observed: “a growing sense of disillusionment and dissatisfaction with the status quo 1. They also point to the rise of populist movements and the increasing polarization of society as evidence of a new awakening 1.” Isn’t what Wilson and this CBS/YouGov survey pointing to potential evidence for that trend?
That noted, as this writer is a multiple award-winner in history buff, the correct answer is: time will tell. We don’t know what the 2024 election will deliver by way of results. But what is more certain is that there is an opportunity for such a historical pivot. The “disillusionment and dissatisfaction” that Bing AI pointed to is the same question raised by former Secret Service agent turned pundit Dan Bongino. “Is it bad enough yet?” asks Bongino. He thinks the answer is not yet, but it is getting closer.
Against that backdrop, the attempt at ‘gaslighting‘ citizens with talk of “Bidenomics” – including its impact on affordable housing – or other such nomenclature may work on some. But if this CBS/YouGov survey holds up for a year, then the experiences of the public and people that those surveyed know personally is the more important factor for people to decide how the economy is doing. As longtime Democratic advisor to presidents and politicians, the Ragin’ Cajun James Carville famously observed, “It’s the economy, stupid.”
If it is the economy, then per the survey cited by Wilson, millions of Americans believe that they are worse off than their parents.
During the Trump Administration (2017), more people felt that they had a chance to get ahead. Now, under Biden and Democratic Party rule, almost two out of three believe that only “a few at the top” can get ahead.”
It remains to be seen if things are “bad enough” for enough Democratic voters to decide that they are ready to vote for someone other than Biden and/or whomever the Democrats run in 2024. That said, when even lifelong Democrat Robert F. Kennedy Jr. says that the Democrats rigged the primary in Biden’s favor which has caused him to bolt from the Democratic contest to run as an independent, as more Americans connect the dots, the evidence that corporate interests, Democrats, some RINO Republicans, and big government are working together appears to be on the rise. Kennedy, a leftist, is saying his ‘candidacy is about ending the corrupt merger of state and corporate power which threatens a new feudalism in the U.S.’ Are enough MAGA and America First (as opposed to Establishment and RINOs) Republicans going to tap into these thoughts and energies? Couldn’t the GOP (Grand Old Party, another name used for Republicans) point out to the Democratic base that the 2016 election was “stolen” from Bernie Sanders, per Democrat Donna Brazile?
Let’s look again at what Bing AI has to say, noting first – as MHProNews has observed in 6 months of tests using Bing AI – that Bing itself says: “Bing is powered by AI, so surprises and mistakes are possible.” The good news is that with sufficient facts presented to it, Bing AI will admit its mistake. The vexing part is that millions will have little or no clue of that and simply trust the first answer the artificial intelligence (AI) system offers, which may or may not be completely accurate.
That disclosure made, let’s put the question to Bing AI.
> “Is it accurate to say that longtime Democrat Donna Brazile said that Bernie Sanders was wrongfully deprived of the nomination due to certain manipulations within the Democratic Party nomination process? Is it also accurate to say that even several left-leaning news sources have said that the wealthy and big corporate elites in the U.S. have increasingly turned to the Democratic Party in recent years? Shed light on those topics.”
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Note what Bing AI said: “it is true that wealthier Americans are now solidly behind the Democratic Party, according to some sources 3. This generational realignment has altered power dynamics in Washington D.C. and has arguably led Democrats to embrace more moderate economic policies, turning off progressive grassroots voters they need to win 3.” Bing AI/Bing CoPilot went on to say: “this trend is creating a divide with a key Democratic voting bloc: blue-collar workers 3. The trend threatens to widen existing fissures between party moderates and its traditionally lower-earning and more progressive base, potentially threatening Biden’s chances for reelection and Democrats’ ability to retake the House of Representatives 3. It’s important to note that the trend of affluent U.S. voters swinging left by voting behavior has been happening among multiple professional and managerial occupations, in addition to merely having higher incomes and owning stock 4.”
That illustrates a point that MHProNews in its various analyses has been making for some years, illustrated over a year ago by this simple Google search result, linked here. Democrats, per left-leaning (i.e.: meaning Democratic leaning) news sources have shifted to becoming the party of the wealthy elites. Certainly, some on the political right have come to understand the potential of this trend, which Donald Trump has tapped into several times, as have others.
While some think that RFK Jr will draw votes away from Biden, or whoever the ultimate “Democratic presential nominee” happens to be, that seems unlikely. Kennedy is from the left. A range of sources and observers on the right think he will hurt Biden far more than Trump, should Trump go on to become the GOP’s nominee. But Kennedy is raising subjects that could prove devastating for any politician of either major party who fails to recognize the signs of the times.

It remains to be seen if sufficient numbers of Republicans running for office will tap into that energy that the Daily Torch and others has observed is causing numbers of youth, Blacks, Hispanics and others who are normally more in the Democratic camp to drift toward Trump, MAGA, and “America First” Republicans. Note that the Daily Torch routinely does a good job of providing polling that reveals those trends.
Note that Bing AI observed that: “To gain back working-class votes, some believe major political parties need to make income inequality a key facet of their platforms 3.” Perhaps one way to do that is to focus on economic opportunities as well as income.
As Business Insider recently reported, the public mood on access to more affordable housing is moving away from NIMBYism and toward YIMBYism. What is the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) doing to tap into that trend? In a word, nothing. Not even those words YIMBY and NIMBY are found on the MHI website. After over 15 years of talk about a national campaign, MHI continues to do…nothing. By contrast, MHProNews has been following, reporting on, and showing how that discussion could benefit the growth of manufactured housing for years. See the report below for more details.

It is obviously bad news for the country that so many millions are under economic pressure. But people still need affordable housing. When millions could be buying a new manufactured home on land for the same or less than they are renting, that’s a pitch that the public could buy into. Who says? Freddie Mac. Yet MHI doesn’t mention that either.

That noted, to illustrate the above, the following Q&A’s were performed with Bing AI/Bing CoPilot. The ellipsis … is information about Brookings and Springer, irrelevant to the question and was edited out to save reader time and for clarity. MHProNews is the only manufactured home industry source cited in the Bing AI response.
> “Has the Manufactured Housing Institute provided any research or commentary online related to the rising YIMBY sentiments and declining NIMBYism in the U.S.? Either on their own website, or among their surrogates?”
Learn more
MHProNews and (MHLivingNews) has repeatedly made the point that Freddie Mac has produced useful research for the industry. So, why hasn’t MHI published or commented on those studies? With that in mind, the following inquiry.
> “Can you find any evidence that the Manufactured Housing Institute has shared, reported on, or otherwise drawn attention to this research: produced by Freddie Mac?”
As regular readers here know, the above inquiries are just a sampling of numerous such possible examples.
What are MHI leaders doing to promote the industry, when some of the most useful forms of marketing and education can be when a credible third party gives positive information about your product, service, or industry. So, in what sense is MHI living up to their new home page claim: “Elevating Housing Innovation; Expanding Attainable Homeownership”???
With that in mind, see the deeper dive linked here. Let’s note again that close to a week has gone by since several MHI board, staff, and legal contacts have as yet declined to respond to. Among those inquiries is that report linked here, or any others that they wanted to respond to. Silence.
A case can be made that those financial ‘elites’ that have taken over Democratic politics in recent years – illustrated by figures like anti-Trumpster Nathan Smith, a higher profile figure in Democratic Party circles – as the flashback report below reflects. By laying out facts, evidence, and illustrations that dares to cite sources spanning the left-right divide, a body of research/reports has been established on MHProNews/MHLivingNews that routinely stand the test of time. The flashback below is perhaps as relevant – maybe more so now – as when it was published. Because the Democratic Party has delivered platitudes to its base, which has routinely become poorer under their time in office.

The arguably phony nature of some left-leaning personalities, like longtime MHI leader Smith, is revealed in the concerns raised by his own residents.

Obviously, election interference and election fraud are issues that must be factored in. But again, the ‘fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me’ crowd is learning that lesson. Election integrity efforts have been building since 2020. More sources on the right have been spotlighting how federal and other agencies have been “weaponized” to favor Democrats, as the stifling of the reports by federal agents and Big Tech of the Hunter Biden laptop before the 2020 election symbolizes. Note that those who owned those big tech platforms routinely supported Democrats.
While it is far too soon to say that Elon Musk has truly pivoted toward the right, there is also little doubt that for now, his ownership if Twitter has made a difference that often puts big government, big tech, big media, and Democratic leaning wealthy and corporate interests into an apparent alliance. Indeed, that alliance was given a name, the Civic Alliance. Once more, by following the facts and evidence, the impact that had on ousting President Trump is now even more clear than when MHProNews began to report on the Civic Alliance over two years ago.

MHProNews featured the insights of Trevor Loudon during the 2020 campaign, to indicate that several Democrats had deeper ties to Marxists, Socialists, and Communists than was portrayed by much of the mainstream media. Once again, that insight has stood the test of time. We first featured Loudon in 2018.
“The Enemies Within,” Pacific Freedom Foundation, Author Trevor Loudon
With that foundation, manufactured housing can be seen as almost the plaything of big billionaires and big corporate interests that routinely work in a kind of modern version of feudalistic lords fashion. That new feudalism even uses the terms castle and moat, popularized by one Warren Buffett and the now late Charlie Munger of Berkshire Hathaway (BRK). They have arguably systematically targeted for elimination thousands of once independent firms, which has made some firms and individuals wealthier without having to do a lot of developing and investing in organic growth. As one consolidator told MHProNews, by buying into existing land-lease manufactured home communities, they are buying into existing cash flow and growing market share. Something similar can be said for other firms. See recent reports on several of those in the market segment (Part III) of this report.
Summary and Conclusions
MHProNews began this report noting that ALG’s Wilson and the Daily Torch said: “Americans Turn on Globalists Saying Government Spending, Greed, Global Issues Drive Inflation.”
We observed that Hanna N. Herland is making a similar case in her book on “The Billionaire World: How Marxism Serves the Elite” has created what she called “Robbery Capitalism” Isn’t there an echo of that in what the Daily Torch called “Greed?”

But on the political left there have been similar remarks for some time. RFK Jr. has picked up those themes for his campaign, while retaining items that the right won’t likely swallow, like global warming.

But the truth has been hiding in plain sight that the leftist leaders don’t buy it either. The Obamas now have two ocean front properties, one in tony Martha’s Vineyard on the Atlantic Coast, the other in Hawaii.
These issues give rise to what could be another argument not to pursue the green energy agenda being pushed by Biden, Democrats, and the DOE onto manufactured housing.
It requires some time, reading, and effort to grasp what has gone wrong in manufactured housing.
It requires some time, reading, and effort to grasp what has gone wrong in the U.S.A. too.

But without the willingness to invest time in studying both national and industry-specific issues, then those who have already done their research into methods of mass manipulation will succeed. That should not be allowed to happen. The case can be made that the so called “good guy” image of Warren Buffett was always an illusion.
Until the notion of discerning what is paltering and not, what is the wheat and what is the chaff become second nature of mature citizens of all backgrounds, opportunities for mass manipulation will only continue.
Danny Glover may be from the left, but he is correct or ‘right’ when he said the following in the classic Shadows of Liberty docudrama. It may be more important today than when it was first released.

It is interesting to note that Alex Jones of Info Wars was recently featured by Tucker Carlson and by Elon Musk/X/formerly Twitter. While Jones obviously has made mistakes, it is equally true that he made a keen insight in his platform’s name: “Info Wars.” Isn’t that what Americans and people around the world are struggling under? A kind of information warfare?

The left has long understood this notion. They have inserted themselves steadily, over the course of decades, into key spots in media, academia, the union movement, government, education, election boards, nonprofits, and so on. That said, for years, there have been those on the right who in the late 20th and early 21st centuries noticed that pattern on the left and have begun to organize and fight back. Thus today, a rather robust eco-system of more conservative media platforms and nonprofits exits.
Is there a great awakening underway? Perhaps. Is there a great awakening underway in manufactured housing? Perhaps, and there is evidence to point to that, including the point that visits (traffic) have roughly doubled in a year. As new readers come on board, while our pageviews per reader isn’t quite as high as it was a year ago, nevertheless, the MHProNews site data clearly reflects the point that we have roughly double the page views per visitor that CNN or Fox News get.
There is a HUNGER to know. That hunger, once fed, becomes more appealing and desirable. Not many want to be tricked or deluded. Not many want to be abused. We are not the first to offer ‘new media,’ and we won’t be the last. But we are the apparent runaway leaders in new media in manufactured housing. And after cozying up to the powers that be at MHI, it is difficult to imagine how other trade publishers and bloggers in MHVille can recover from that without making a gut-wrenching solid break with their de facto bosses. Do they have the stomach for it? We’ll see, because they too are readers here.
Manufactured housing is an important part of the solution to several of our nation’s ills. But so long as it is misunderstood, it can be marginalized and manipulated. That is why more facts, more evidence-based information is useful. It grounds people – perhaps like you. It gives people a reality check.
The facts can be twisted, but they are still facts. During an affordable housing crisis, manufactured homes should be soaring. It is only because consolidators – the wealthy, the so-called elites – have tried to rule manufactured housing that the industry is in this current state of affairs. But that too may be changing. As antitrust litigation is hitting big tech, so too antitrust litigation is hitting several MHI members. It is possible that more is coming. Stay tuned. Positive change is possible. The opportunities are immense for those with the courage and wherewithal to tackle the core issues. ##
Note for new readers or ICYMI. Several of MHI’s leaders, including attorneys, have been given opportunities to respond to these reports, like the one below. They have thus far declined comment.

Part III – is our Daily Business News on MHProNews stock market recap which features our business-daily at-a-glance update of over 2 dozen manufactured housing industry stocks.
This segment of the Daily Business News on MHProNews is the recap of yesterday evening’s market report, so that investors can see at glance the type of topics may have influenced other investors. Thus, our format includes our signature left (CNN Business) and right (Newsmax) ‘market moving’ headlines.
The macro market move graphics below provide context and comparisons for those invested in or tracking manufactured housing connected equities. Meaning, you can see ‘at a glance’ how manufactured housing connected firms do compared to other segments of the broader equities market.
In minutes a day readers can get a good sense of significant or major events while keeping up with the trends that are impacting manufactured housing connected investing.
Reminder: several of the graphics on MHProNews can be opened into a larger size. For instance: click the image and follow the prompts in your browser or device to OPEN In a New Window. Then, in several browsers/devices you can click the image and increase the size. Use the ‘x out’ (close window) escape or back key to return.
Headlines from left-of-center CNN Business – from the morning of 12.13.2023