The city commissioners in Polk City, Florida are proposing to amend the city’s land development code to protect manufactured homes as well other residences in case they are damaged or destroyed in the future. Since the area is zoned C-2, general commercial, the current code would not necessarily allow homes of any kind to be replaced, according to theledger.
In a report to the city, Jennifer Coda-Salisbury of the Central Florida Regional Planning Council said “the draft amendment recognizes existing single-family dwelling units as permitted uses therefore allows for such structures to be re-constructed/replaced if they are ever destroyed or removed.”
the proposal does not allow for new homes to be built or sited where none currently exist. If the amendment goes through, MHProNews understands it will be presented to the city planning committee in June. ##
(Image credit: Deer Valley Homes)
Article submitted by Matthew J. Silver to Daily Business News-MHProNews.