The applied logic of civil rights reformer Rev Martin Luther King Jr is this. In a very real sense, on any given issue, each person and every organization are either part of the problem or part of the solution. With that notion in mind, the subject of sliding trust in American institutions seems to be appearing more often recently. Among the institutions considered by observers and pundits are government, tech, news media, nonprofits, and what could broadly be called corporate America. How this impacts society and business in general – or manufactured housing more specifically – will be unpacked in a systematic fashion in this news-analysis.
For most industry professionals and those exploring manufactured housing, it will be part three (3) that seeks input on key questions related to the manufactured housing industry. It specifically asks several industry leaders, as well as trade media and bloggers, what they think is the cause of the manufactured home industry’s underperformance?
That noted, MHProNews report will examine three general sets of institutional examples. Each of those will have specific examples given to members of the challenged or distrusted group.
The first two will be mainstream media related, but with specific manufactured housing examples. As noted, the third will be manufactured housing specific.
When MHProNews approached NBC News about a report on manufactured home land-lease communities and the problems encountered by residents facing eviction, after some nudging, they replied and engaged. That engagement occurred on and about February 18, 2021.
Yesterday, MHProNews made several outreaches. Some were repeats over prior contacts to organizations, specific leaders, and contacts in the groups shown below.
- Society for Professional Journalists (SPJ), formerly known as Sigma Delta Chi, specifically inquiring about the application of their Code of Ethical Conduct.
- Financial publishers that periodically report on manufactured home industry news.
- Manufactured housing industry bloggers, publication, nonprofit, and their attorneys.
Each aspect of this is useful in understanding how outsiders looking in or insiders are behaving.
But to properly set the stage, those seeking a broader understanding of the background issues as to why distrust is high should consider the revelations in the latest Masthead. See that report first, linked below.
Because at the end of the day, the facts and evidence-based case can be made that much that occurs in our profession or so many others has to do with what uber-billionaire elites, their corporate, nonprofit, media allies, and political connections desires to happen.
With that plan of action, let’s being with the message as sent to the SPJ yesterday, which was a kind of follow up to the prior message circa February 18, 2021.
- Society for Professional Journalists (SPJ)

from: L. A. Tony K <>
to: jshertzer, jroyer, zberg, nrushton, rhicks
date: Mar 4, 2021, 12:43 PM Officials,
Two weeks ago, we brought to your attention (see forward, further below). As an FYI, in this message, I’m copying an industry colleague, Mark Weiss, J.D., President and CEO of the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform. While we are independent of each other, in my mind, this topic impacts their members, as well as consumers, taxpayers, and other interested parties.
We are not SPJ members. That said, we have periodically referred over a period of years to what we believe are largely good standards for a professional journalist and news reporting in your SPJ Code of Ethical Conduct.
In working on a report, it came to my attention today that at the base of your page it says the following: “The code should be read as a whole; individual principles should not be taken out of context. It is not, nor can it be under the First Amendment, legally enforceable.”
1) Please explain by email the following. What precisely does the SPJ do when a concern is raised about possible a violation(s) of SPJ standards by a given news media organization or specific reporter(s)?
To frame the question, it is my view as a 30+ year veteran of this industry who has been the leading publisher for over a decade that problematic media reports are one of the problems we routinely face. I have for some years periodically contacted some in mainstream news who have made one or more errors in reporting. Frankly, some respond and are grateful. Those may well make corrections. But others often simply ignore the concerns, even after entering into a significant discussion of issues that ought to be cut and dried facts. Additionally, the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) has not in any of the cases we’ve contacted ever intervened. By contrast, there have been times that MHARR has – the NAR report on manufactured homes is one such example. NAR’s Scholastica Gay Cororaton made every requested correction, and to their credit, the entire issue was republished and the old version was eliminated.
So, once more. Please advise who does what at SPJ when a mainstream media or other news operation has purportedly failed to hold to the SPJ Code of Ethical Conduct standards?
SPJ Code of Ethics – Society of Professional Journalists
Kindly email me your reply for our mutual accuracy in handling for our planned report. Please copy Mr. Weiss. Thank you.
PS: we strive to hold the powerful to account, as the link below reflects. The original report we BCC’d you on is further below.
Thank you.
L. A. “Tony” Kovach
Managing Member
LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC
Note that the reference “strive to hold the powerful to account” is a reference to part of the professional journalists code of ethical conduct. Per the SPJ, that code includes these four pillars.
- Seek Truth and Report
- Minimize Harm
- Act Independently
- Be Accountable and Transparent
Some bullets from the above include these.
Ethical journalism strives to ensure the free exchange of information that is accurate, fair and thorough. An ethical journalist acts with integrity.
- Ethical journalism should be accurate and fair. Journalists should be honest and courageous in gathering, reporting and interpreting information.
– Provide context.
– Identify sources clearly.
– Diligently seek subjects of news coverage to allow them to respond to criticism or allegations of wrongdoing
– Recognize a special obligation to serve as watchdogs over public affairs and government.
2) Journalists should:
– Take responsibility for the accuracy of their work. Verify information before releasing it. Use original sources whenever possible.
– Show compassion for those who may be affected by news coverage.
3) Journalists should:
– Avoid conflicts of interest, real or perceived. Disclose unavoidable conflicts.
– Distinguish news from advertising and shun hybrids that blur the lines between the two. Prominently label sponsored content.
4) – Respond quickly to questions about accuracy, clarity and fairness
– Acknowledge mistakes and correct them promptly and prominently.
– Expose unethical conduct in journalism
There is more, but that gives a sense of a sound foundation for media that if followed would provide useful, interesting, and actionable information for professionals or others that can be relied upon.
- That noted, isn’t it ironic that SPJ failed to: “– Respond quickly to questions about accuracy, clarity and fairness” in their own SPJ code of ethical conduct?

With that in mind, pressing on to the second outreach.
2) Financial publishers that periodically report on manufactured home industry news.
Following that message was links, which to avoid redundancy, will only be shown in the next email below.
We are the manufactured home industry’s runaway largest and most read trade media. We are preparing a report for tomorrow morning on the theme of institutional failure in America. As you likely know, several have accused mainstream media of being one of those ‘institutions’ that have failed large swatches of our society and citizens. There are numerous surveys that reflect that trust in news is low.
For example, on January 13, 2021 the “2021 Edelman Trust Barometer Reveals a Rampant Infodemic is Fueling Widespread Mistrust of Societal Leaders.”
That says in part the following: “A majority of respondents believe that government leaders (57 percent), business leaders (56 percent), and journalists (59 percent) are purposely trying to mislead people by saying things they know are false.” It added, “This is the era of information bankruptcy,” said Richard Edelman, CEO of Edelman. “We’ve been lied to by those in charge, and media sources are seen as politicized and bias.”
The argument could be made that bias and problematic reporting includes not reporting on issues that ought to be reported, based upon the standards established by the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) Code of Ethical Conduct to expose the powerful and to clearly inform on subjects being reported on, and to clearly reveal possible conflicts of interest.
There is a widely known affordable housing crisis, as you doubtlessly know. Manufactured housing is the most widely demonstrated and proven form of permeant affordable housing, with some 22 million residents of pre-HUD Code mobile homes and post-HUD Code manufactured homes. That should beg the question for investors and media alike. Why is manufactured housing underperforming so badly since Warren Buffett led Berkshire Hathaway entered our industry in 2003? Why are fewer manufactured homes being sold today than in 2003?
Sam Strommen with Knudson Law did a research report a few weeks ago on that and related issues. With over 120 footnotes, he made the evidence based case that “felony” antitrust and possible “RICO” violations are at work in manufactured housing. ICYMI, it is linked further below.
With that backdrop, these questions.
1) Where is the financial reporting or critique on that topic Berkshire Hathaway, manufactured housing, and Manufactured Housing Institute related report by Strommen?
2) Where is the reporting on Dan Urness formally leaving Cavco Industries under the cloud of the ongoing SEC probe?
We are each obviously independent of the other. Our questions are sincere. We would like to know from each of your firms how it can be that obvious questions and concerns that involve affordable manufactured homes are arguably not being properly probed or reported by mainstream news or financial news media.
Please email your response to me directly for our mutual accuracy in reporting. If your comments are off the record, kindly so indicate.
See the linked reports below to learn more, if by some chance, you are unaware of these issues. Thank you.
NOTE: the links below are from our x2 weekly email to readers this morning. It is read by people on Capitol Hill, investors, and thousands of manufactured housing industry pros, among others.”
———- Forwarded message ———

Once more, it is worth noting that these publications failed to: “– Respond quickly to questions about accuracy, clarity and fairness” per the SPJ code of ethical conduct?

Last and not least. Manufactured home industry specific sources. If you glance back at the SPJ Code of Conduct, there is a range of ethical, disclosures, and accuracy issues that could be – and have been – raised by MHProNews. To begin by tagging ourselves first, MHProNews in the recent deeper dive into the Iron Triangle topic, that once more stated prior reports that merited clarification as well as disclosed experiences that shed light on the subject. That is in keeping with the SPJ Code of Ethical conduct.
Rephrased, instead of merely doing finger pointing, MHProNews strives to practice what is preached. With that clarity, let’s peer at what emerged from the third group.
- Manufactured housing industry bloggers, publication, nonprofit, and their attorneys.
from: L. A. Tony K <>
to: Darren Krolewski (Co-president of MHVillage and related brands, MHI member.)
Dan Rinzema (President, founder MHVillage and related brands, MHI member).
Frank Rolfe (Mobile Home U, Impact Communities, MHI member)
Lesli Gooch (CEO Manufactured Housing Institute)
George F Allen (blogger)
John Greiner, Graydon Law (self-identified outside attorney for MHI assigned to MHProNews).
“Barringer, Jeffrey” McGlinchey
Mark Fusler Cavco (plus other MHI member brands including those named in the reports linked below)
Subject: Media request for comment by MHInsider/MHVillage, Frank Rolfe, Lesli Gooch, GF Allen, and MHI outside attorneys
As you know, we are the largest and most read trade media in manufactured housing. We sent out a few minutes before a similar message to mainstream media outlets that links and names you and/or your organization.
We are preparing a report for tomorrow morning on the theme of institutional failure in America. As you likely know, several have accused mainstream media of being one of those ‘institutions’ that have failed large swatches of our society and citizens. There are numerous surveys that reflect that trust in news is low.
For example, on January 13, 2021 the “2021 Edelman Trust Barometer Reveals a Rampant Infodemic is Fueling Widespread Mistrust of Societal Leaders.”
That says in part the following: “A majority of respondents believe that government leaders (57 percent), business leaders (56 percent), and journalists (59 percent) are purposely trying to mislead people by saying things they know are false.” It added, “This is the era of information bankruptcy,” said Richard Edelman, CEO of Edelman. “We’ve been lied to by those in charge, and media sources are seen as politicized and bias.” The argument could be made that bias and problematic reporting includes not reporting on issues that ought to be reported, based upon the standards established by the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) Code of Ethical Conduct to expose the powerful and to clearly inform on subjects being reported on, and to clearly reveal possible conflicts of interest.
There is a widely known affordable housing crisis, as you doubtlessly know. Manufactured housing is the most widely demonstrated and proven form of permeant affordable housing, with some 22 million residents of pre-HUD Code mobile homes and post-HUD Code manufactured homes. That should beg the question.
1) Why has manufactured housing underperforming so badly since Warren Buffett led Berkshire Hathaway entered our industry in 2003? Why were fewer manufactured homes being sold in 2020 than in 2003?
Sam Strommen with Knudson Law did a research report on that and related issues. With over 120 footnotes, he made the evidence based case that “felony” antitrust and possible “RICO” violations are at work in manufactured housing.
2) Where is your reporting on these issues?
3) Where is the reporting on Dan Urness leaving Cavco Industries under the cloud of the ongoing SEC probe?
We are each obviously independent of the other. But our questions are sincere. We would like to know how obvious questions and concerns are not being probed by industry bloggers, publishers, and the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) trade group.
Please email your response to me directly for our mutual accuracy in reporting. If your comments are off the record, kindly so indicate.
See the linked reports below to learn more, if by some chance, you are unaware of these issues. Thank you.
———- Forwarded message ———
Once more, the Society of Professional Journalists Code of Ethical Conduct encourages “– Respond quickly to questions about accuracy, clarity and fairness.” Perhaps it is no surprise, but most of those directly addressed did not respond at all. This stands in contrast with days gone by when industry leaders – prior to increasingly pointed question and concerns being raised – would respond promptly.
That noted, blogger George Allen did respond. There was responses and feedback from among those in the BCCs.
Allen’s message will be shown in full, and then the reply will be shown. Unpacking that, sharing perhaps the most important third-party comment from among those in the BCC and more analysis and commentary will follow.
Per Allen on March 4, 2021 at 3:46 PM ET. Typos, including this writer’s name, apparent snark, posturing, illogic, or other errors by Allen are in his original.

“On one hand I applaud your desire to research and report on troublesome issues throughout the manufactured housing industry today. However, personal posturing and communication barriers lie between what you penned here, and my interest in responding. Specifically
- This was not, as you titled the Subject line, a “Media request for comment’,but rather an L.A. Tony Kovacs, or ‘MHPro (or whatever you call your online newsletter these days), request for comment‘ from named firms and individuals
- Starting off a request for peer cooperation with the unnecessary self-serving line, “As you know, we are the largest and most read trade media in manufactured housing….”is likely not going to garner wholesale cooperation among these folk.
Speaking of mainstream media, I agree with your general observation to that end. I’ll simply add this quote from Steve Coll, dean of Columbia’s School of Journalism, “Those of us in journalism have to come to terms with the fact that free speech, a principle we hold sacred, is being weaponized against the principles of journalism.”
And “Why has manufactured housing (been) performing so badly….?” I attempt to answer that, in part, in today’s blog (#628) posting, herewith attached. But your line, “‘felony’ antitrust and possible ‘RICO’ violations are at work in manufactured housing”, is, in my opinion, despite Mr. Strommen’s 120 footnotes, a bit of a stretch. Sure, one company may be having difficulties to this end, if true, but it’s hardly fair to tar an entire industry the way you seem to be doing here.
A parting quote to ponder. “A man’s reputation is not in his own keeping. It lies at the mercy of the profligacy of others.” William Hazlitt
There will be no further input coming from me.
Now, in fact, Allen did not attach blog #628. After being so advised by MHProNews, the next morning he sent it. There was not one word about “Why has manufactured housing (been) performing so badly” More on that following this message to Allen and those in the message thread.
Mar 4, 2021, 4:29 PM ET, from MHProNews to Allen, et al was the following. Note that this message ignored most of the purported snark, etc.
Your comments are duly noted. I can’t help but note that you do not deny that we are the largest and most read trade publication in manufactured housing. You simply admit that my saying so may upset competitors precisely because we have made that evidenced-based assertion.
Further, neither our publications nor I have not “tar an entire industry” [SIC]. Rather, we make specific points about specific individuals and firms – based on evidence and often third party research or reports. That includes you, George, but is not limited to you. Indeed, we have been and remain growth oriented. Which is another question that you alluded to and I’ll examine your report before publishing.
Regardless if you reply again or not, it will be interesting to see if you report on Strommen’s third-party legal research. Or on Dan Urness, Cavco, Clayton, 21st, MHI, or other allegations that have been credibly made. If not, then why not?
Reply welcome, but either way, we will report. Thank you.

‘A seasoned industry businessman who would fall into Allen’s ‘skin in the game’ category had this to say about Allen to MHProNews.
“He [George Allen] can be bought.” “Spencer Roane” – “Same problems.” Allen and his ally, per this leader, will “Say whatever he has to say, vilify people. He didn’t earn sh-t.”
The timing of that and much more from that leader was interesting, as it relates to what others have said about Allen previously about self-serving, willingness to switch allegiance, and say things that are untrue or exaggerated, etc. That noted, more on what Allen wrote and related below.
Additional Information, More MHProNews Analysis and Commentary
The purpose of the critique that follows is not to diminish or take away any good deed that George F. Allen – or any others addressed – may have done.
Rather, it is in part to examine if Allen and his ‘news’ has been accurate or consistent.
For instance:
- has Allen been transparent, or has he often been deceptive or opaque? Notice the report linked specifically noted the tips regarding MHI having ‘rewarded’ Allen. Allen’s response is mute on that point. While Allen is not bound by the SPJ Code of ethical conduct, he clearly has not disclosed or answered that question. That is the opposite of transparency.
- Has Allen sold out to MHI and their insiders some numbers of those he claims to want to help?
Allen claims so many things, including to be a historian of sorts. In his blog he claims in part: that he is “the online national advocate, asset class historian, data researcher, education resource, & commu8nication media…” with typos and hyperbole, and errors are in the original.
Instead of doing what he claimed in response to our MHProNews inquiry, he repeated the question and then answer that: “Why has manufactured housing (been) performing so badly….?” I attempt to answer that…”
To demonstrate the point that Allen in no way addressed what he admitted is an important question that he himself commended, Allen’s #628 had this summary.
“INTRODUCTION: Four opportunities coming your way. An exciting mystery novel authored by a land lease community owner. Help finance the new manufactured housing wing at the RV/MH Hall of Fame. Watch to see if CDC overstepped constitutional boundary with its’ eviction moratorium. And, if a freelance consultant, here’s your opportunity to be included in the 22nd annual ‘Who Ya Gonna Call in 2021?’ directory. No one sends more MHNews your way!”
- Allen quoted a novel he pitched, perhaps from a client?
- Pitched donations to the RV MH Hall of Fame, and praised some of the corporate donors.
- Mentions the CDC eviction moratorium, which MHProNews reported on February 26, 2021, not 3.5.2021, as his blog did.
- Plugs his directory.
- Plugs other services of his (not in the quoted part above, but also in #628.
- Then, Allen boldly – and obviously falsely claims: “No one sends more MHNews your way!” To demonstrate how inaccurate that is, his other rivals publish more than he does. Meaning, Allen is misrepresenting reality about his own ally MHInsider, among others.
- Then, comparing Allen or anyone else in industry trade media to what MHProNews and our sister site produce, no one else in our profession even comes close. Which goes back to his ‘whine’ about our being the biggest. Anyone who logs on to MHProNews will see that at a glance.
But to Allen’s credit, at least he risked getting fisked and fact checked. None of the others did, perhaps because of the documentation and related allegations included in the linked reports were too specific – and they are too guilty? – of the accusations. Perhaps having no good explanations, the others said nothing at all. That is their right. But the allegations then publicly stand unchallenged.
But ironically, Allen – who claims to be an industry ‘historian’ – forgets or ignores the fact that he previously made similar allegations himself that MHProNews has not only alleged, but has documented.
Looking at Allen’s own words to see how much he has pivoted – or as the leader cited above accused him off – he was bought off. Allen went from ripping MHI leadership to apparently helping those same people. Why?

More than one influential manufactured home community operators met with this writer privately to specifically warn me about supporting or working with Ken Rishel and his ally George Allen.
In Fairness to Allen and His Ally, Ken Rishel
One of them specifically told me his insight – as a former ‘client’ of Allen’s – into how to understand much of how he operated. “With George, it is always AAA. All about Allen.”
Now, in fairness to all, life is complex and messy. At least, once upon a time, Allen did complain about the consolation and related crisis, as the quotes above related.
Additionally, it was Ken Rishel, in part on behalf of and in league with George Allen, who asked this writer if MHProNews would give space and time in our trade media platform to supporting the Dick Moore, Bob Crawford and their MHIdea initiative. I listened. After listing, my response was, sure. It is readily documentable that MHProNews did promote on various occasions the specific MHIdea plan.

To put it plainly, MHIdea flew in the face of support for MHI. Competition can be a good thing.
To that point, let’s segue to some real industry history.
In fairness and at certain times, Allen, Rishel, Rolfe or others have said things that were or are demonstrably true. See the example from Allen, who at that time was working closely with Rishel. Or the comments from Rolfe, who has since said or implied the same.

The utility of those comments are as sound now as when they made them.
On the topic of a new post-production trade organization – something to supplant MHI and complement MHARR or those ethical (vs mere shadow boxing as Buffett-nonprofit paid surrogates) consumer trade groups – MHProNews was later approached by industry leaders after an industry event. They proposed a publishing alliance to give cover to yet another effort for a post-production trade group.
That proposal of theirs to me included the following:
1) Jim Visser,
2) Bruce Savage,
3) George Allen,
4) MHProNews et al.
My off the cuff response? ‘Sure, but.’ But what?
With no disrespect to the late Bruce Savage, I told those speaking to me that IMHO and in the great big industry scheme of things, Savage’s influence was a non-factor. Having his support or not was irrelevant. That said, I was fine with Savage being involved.
Similarly, I told them that I was willing to work with George, but would bet that Allen would be unwilling to work with me.
One must keep in mind that Allen essentially hated me before he and I had ever met in person.
Several reasons, including but not limited to, the fact that our methods were both ethical and produced measurable results. Additionally, prior to MHProNews, Allen and the Journal were for a time the only remaining blogs or publications in an industry that was once served by several trade media platforms, such as the now defunct, Manufactured Home Merchandiser.
But additionally, besides being a rival that rapidly passed Allen, at a company meeting in Wisconsin, people in the room were quietly laughing about Allen’s mystery shopping report. It was demonstrable and arguably badly mistaken. The unit leader Allen praised in his report was dragging up the rear. By contrast, the region this writer was tasked to lead was the runaway number one in that company. Allen’s ‘shopping report’ was dismissive about this writer’s top sales rep, who was also the top rep for the entirely company. We still have the third-party and company letterhead documents to prove it.
Put differently, Allen’s report was factually wrong in its evaluation.
“Light Years Ahead”
Among the third-party reports and message of praise came for the work this writer and our team did was from BJ Krol, the father of Darren Krolewski. Darren was involved in that third-party research with his father. As noted, we still have the specific research and words of praise for our unique methods. As Krol framed it, my work was “light-years ahead” of anyone else he had seen. Such contracted research is what he did for a living.
That was prior to our launch of MHProNews.
Some years later, Krolewski still praised our work.
He did so on the record.

Nor did as Krolewski – or at times, Allen and others alone. Thousands vote daily right here with their handheld devices and browsers. An MHI consultant insider is Dick Ernst. He praised this publication and myself in front of dozens of industry professionals. But so too has Howard Walker, Tim Williams, Kevin Clayton, and Jim Clayton are all among those who verbally on camera and/or in written form have praised our work.
Such evidence matters. Yes, as was noted in greater depth in the Iron Triangle or other reports, there were certain things that for a time were baffling to me. How was it possible that our industry could be underperforming so badly during an affordable housing crisis?
Now, like it or not, Allen and others try to ignore the existence of Samuel Strommen’s research.

Rick Robinson, MHI’s former VP and general counsel went to work for ManufacturedHomes. What does that tell a thinking person?
Former MHI VP Thomas “Tom” Heinemann went to work lobbying for NAHMCO. Was it any surprise that NAMHCO – which began by denouncing MHI – ended up working with them?

Is it any wonder that MHAction is funded via dark money channels by a Warren Buffett funded nonprofit?

When MHLivingNews broke the news that CFED (later rebranded as Prosperity Now) was getting funding from the CFPB, was it surprising that people like Jennifer Hall at the Mississippi Manufacturing Housing Association (MHHA) hailed the revelation?

Which ones of our publishing rivals did anything like such exposés?
As noted, while Allen ducked substantive issues, he at least acknowledged that they are legitimate and worthy of probing.
MHI’s performance is slow troubling, that they have stopped publishing their own monthly economic report.
At this point, the only thesis that fits the facts of the industry, including concerns that Allen, Rishel, Rolfe and others themselves have raised, is published here on MHProNews. In fairness, at the association level, MHARR has long been making a similar push for years favoring the creation of a new post-production trade group, among other things

Constraining information, producing misinformation, ignoring accurate information, and ducking performance – along with capital and Iron Triangle issues – are among the issues that allowed manufactured housing from achieving its potential. Posturing performance instead of giving performance sums up much of what has gone wrong in our industry.

Allen is a symptom of a greater problem. As the caller who spoke about Allen today stated, the values that existed some years ago vs. the lack of ethics today exhibited by many allows for this climate to exist.
For those who want eye candy, or some feel good that leads to a dead end, others might be better appear to be better at that role. But to apply what Zig Ziglar said, understanding problems is the first step to problem solving.
Having unpacked the problem of misinformation, what Capital Research calls “Deception and Misdirection,” along with allowing moats and barriers of entry, persistence, and exit to grow. ‘
Part of the moat is misinformation. Who says? Along with noting the issue of a monopoly on capital, Danny Glover pointed to the monopoly on information.

To Grow the Industry, Good Existing Laws Must Be Enforced
To grow the industry not only must good laws be enforced. That means that an alternative to MHI’s post-production advocacy ought to be established.
Several individuals would have the ability to create a post-production association themselves. They have the financial means. Someone with stature will have to step up and help get that ball rolling.
A post-production trade group that works in tandem with MHARR – which has decades of faithful service to the industry’s independents – can be a useful tool to address the place to put (zoning, placement) and capital access (financing) issues that the industry has so long faced.

Numerous American institutions and many but not all in manufactured housing have failed. Once that is understood, and then addressed, a serious turnaround can occur. Until then, more of the same is inevitable.

Stay tuned for more of what is ‘behind the curtains’ as well as what is obvious and in your face reports. It is all here, at the runaway largest and most-read source for authentic manufactured home “Industry News, Tips, and Views Pros Can Use” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (Affordable housing, manufactured homes, reports, fact-checks, analysis, and commentary. Third-party images or content are provided under fair use guidelines for media.) (See Related Reports, further below. Text/image boxes often are hot-linked to other reports that can be access by clicking on them.)

By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for
Tony earned a journalism scholarship and earned numerous awards in history and in manufactured housing.
For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and
This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position, and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.
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