“What I have always found is that when it comes to foreign policy,
it is important to remember that politics stops at the water’s edge.”
– Hillary Clinton,
former U.S. Secretary of State during the
Obama Administration.
Quote per the Jeff Bezos owned, left-of-center Washington Post.
Despite the keen thought that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton expressed in the quotation above, there have always been people willing to betray others. That betrayal could occur with powers foreign and domestic. That’s hardly new. The pejorative terms “Quisling” and “Benedict Arnold” are based on the real names of actual people willing to sell out or collaborate with an enemy. A Quisling or Benedict Arnold is a traitor.
The argument can readily be made that there are numerous traitors among us in the U.S.A.
To be a traitor means to betray your country or people. It could certainly be applied to someone who is a traitor to their own profession too.
There are centuries of examples dating back to the biblical era of people who sold out family, friends or country for money, sex, revenge, power or some other motivation.
When voices across the left-right divide in America agree that the system is rigged, that’s a clarion call to wake up and swing into action. “Hurry, hurry, hurry, bombs in the burry!” is an old expression that means it is time to swing into action, because the deadly explosives are already striking near.
However well intended the late President Richard Nixon’s (R) foreign policy move with China might have been, and whatever the motivations of those presidents across the Democratic and Republican divide might have been, what should now be starkly clear is that Communist China is not our friend. It would be easy to say “We told you so” with respect to parts or complete reports on MHProNews that warned against communism in general or Chinese Communists specifically for years on end.
In fairness, MHProNews was hardly alone. Millions have on some level felt or thought similarly about the dangers of trade with China and shipping our jobs and wealth to that communist run-land. Those who thought dealing with China was wrong span both major parties and those in minor parties, or who have no political affiliation at all.
But let’s press on to the Quisling and Benedict Arnold aspect of the headline.
Why Deal With China?
There are any number of seemingly rationale reasons why people might have understandably decided that investing in China was a good idea. Among them, others were doing it. So as followers felt the need to stay up with competitors, they tracked the lead of others before them. But now, in hindsight, at whatever point in time someone felt it was a good idea to deal with China, it certainly ought to be crystal clear that it has been a colossal error.
American money went to build up industries that used to operate in the United States. There are sources in the federal government that tell MHProNews that certain aspects of ObamaCare pushed American drug makers and other medical equipment providers into moving ever-more into China. That bears research.
Whatever the origins of the Wuhan coronavirus virus, the facts that follow the outbreak of this “Crimson Contagion” are very clear.
- Mainstream news sources document that China’s Communist Party leaders in Beijing shut down travel within their country from Wuhan. That’s a clear sign that the Beijing knew how contagious and deadly the virus was.
- At the same time, those communist leaders allowed travel from Wuhan and the surrounding region into the rest of the world. Reportedly 5 million people left Wuhan for other nations. So says sources ranging from the left-of-center Atlantic to right-of-center New York Post among scores of other media outlets.
- Furthermore, China began hoarding PPE – personal protective equipment – and other supplies necessary to fight the pandemic. You don’t have to have any political affiliation to see that these facts are true.
- China reportedly pressured the World Health Organization (WHO) into downplaying the threat as long as possible. So said left-leaning NBC News on May 10, 2020.
- The WHO certainly was warned of the threat by Taiwan in late December 2019, and possibly from other sources even sooner.
- There is more, but much of that and more are found in the featured and ‘red hot’ report on MHLivingNews, further below.
Billionaire Bill Gates – long-standing business associate and ally of Warren Buffett – has bent over backwards to try to blame the Trump Administration for the handling of the virus. The Wall Street Journal reported Monday that Gates warned all the candidates, including Donald Trump, about the risks.
Here is how Fox Business reported that; “The Wall Street Journal reported Monday that Gates “explained the risks of a pandemic” to all the 2016 presidential candidates, urging them to make it a national priority. He reportedly also met with the president-elect at Trump Tower in December of that year.
“I wish I had done more to call attention to the danger,” the Microsoft co-founder told the Journal. “ I feel terrible,” he added. “ The whole point of talking about it was that we could take action and minimize the damage.”
Let’s presume for discussion’s sake that the reports are accurate.
Such a generic warning about the risk of a pandemic is like saying it’s going to rain. If you don’t give an updated and more specific date/time/threat assessment, the “warning” has little meaning. So, no wonder that Gates said “I feel terrible” that he didn’t do more.
Movies about pandemics have been made for decades. How did that help America get ready for what the anti-communist, pro-Falun Gong Epoch Times calls the CCP Virus? The Communist Chinese Party (CCP) made deliberate, deceptive, and deadly decisions with respect to the virus. That seems difficult to doubt at this point.
While there is plenty of smoke surrounding what Gates knew when, there are reasons to believe that he was silent too long before he spoke out too. Who says? Multiple mainstream media messages from reporters to MHProNews more on that another time.
What follows in this week’s headlines in review are topics that include those related to the COVID19 pandemic on several different levels. But as you read them, without going full-bore interstellar aliens are walking among us theories, are plain and compelling reasons to think that our industry and others was and still is being sold out.
Traitors – like spies – come cloaked as friends, much like the con man does. Follow the facts, evidence and money trail.
With no further adieu, let’s turn to the headlines from the week that was, 5.17 to 5.24.2020.
What’s New on MHLivingNews

What’s New from Washington, D.C. from MHARR

What’s New on the Masthead

What’s New on the Daily Business News on MHProNews
Saturday 5.23.2020
Friday 5.22.2020
Thursday 5.21.2020
Wednesday 5.20.2020
Tuesday. 5.19.2020
Mainstream Media Spotlights MHARR Letters on HUD’s Dana Wade, FHFA’s Mark Calabria
Monday 5.18.2020
Sunday 5.17.2020
Tornado Devastates, Death Toll at Least 25 – Videos, Reports and Manufactured Housing Lessons
Someone can debate if Hillary Clinton meant those word when she said them or not. But the saying itself has value either way. It is an example of prudence and ancient wisdom of separating the wheat from the chaff. Keep what is good, toss out or avoid what isn’t healthy.
Put differently, and applying the principle Ms. Clinton expressed in the quote at the top and below, if Gates or anyone else wants to take Communist China’s side in this increasing dispute with the U.S. and dozens of other nations around the world, doesn’t that speak volumes? Where is there loyalty during a time that Democratic leaders like New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and President Donald J. Trump (GOP) have both referred to as a war?

The above also is a good point to share this from mainstream media that are still doing their own investigations.
- “Hi Tony, Thanks for getting in touch. Personally, I think the amount of individuals tied to the Wuhan labs could be staggering. There’s a lot of potential corruption involved. As for Gates and the WHO specifically, I think it still needs investigation, but they do seem to align themselves closely with China...” That’s from a mainstream reporter to MHProNews.
- Another mainstream reporter’s message said, “…I do think a lot of corruption will be exposed around these issues [about Bill Gates, Warren Buffett and other ‘Wall Street’ or big tech firms] within the next several months.”
Time will tell much on the issues that are raised in these reports. But it may not take months for the smoke around those topics to become better understood, according to another message into MHProNews this morning.
It will be worth studying how a looming major mainstream media report compares to what MHProNews has already published weeks in advance.
One thing seems certain. Either some of these uber-wealthy investors and defenders of China are naïve, foolish or traitorous – which is it? Are there any other reasonable options, given the known facts?

That’s a wrap on this Sunday installment of “News through the lens of manufactured homes and factory-built housing” © where we blend topics of business, culture, faith, politics and more in a manner where – “We Provide, You Decide.” © (Affordable housing, manufactured homes, week in review, reports, fact-checks, analysis, and commentary. Third-party images or content are provided under fair use guidelines for media.) (See Related Reports, further below. Text/image boxes often are hot-linked to other reports that can be access by clicking on them.)

By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for MHLivingNews.com.
Tony earned a journalism scholarship and earned numerous awards in history and in manufactured housing. For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and MHLivingNews.com. This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position, and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.
Connect on LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/latonykovach
Related References:
The text/image boxes below are linked to other reports, which can be accessed by clicking on them.

Tornado Devastates, Death Toll at Least 25 – Videos, Reports and Manufactured Housing Lessons