America’s Favorite Fruit – Bananas – Components for Manufactured Homes and More Arrive by Boat-So Where Was Manufactured Housing Institute on Heading Off Longshoremen Strike? Plus MHMarkets


Bananas have been called “America’s favorite fruit” and they routinely arrive in the U.S. by boat. So does an array of other products perishable and durable products, including numbers of components for HUD Code manufactured homes that the Texas Real Estate Reasearch Center (TRERC) previously reported arrive at Gulf of Mexico ports for Texas and other producers of manufactured housing. MHProNews has obtained and provides herein the coalition letter by some 177 trade groups that called on the Biden-Harris Administration to intervene in the stalled trade negotiations between employees or “dock workers” who are members of the International Longshoreman’s Association (ILA) and the United States Maritime Alliance (USMX), shown below in Part I. The Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) is not on this list of 177 organizations that asked “ceremonial president” Joe Biden (D) to intervene under authority of the Taft-Hartley Act. Why not? While the length of the strike is obviously unclear at this time, whatever the outcome of the strike, this most recent failure by MHI to properly warn or lead should have independent producers, retailers, communities, transporters, installers and service people asking: ‘why can’t MHI even do the common-sense basics correctly?’ Who besides consolidators benefits from this latest apparent flub by MHI and their insiders’ corporate leadership?

A series of tweets (X-posts) will tee up the topic that the manufactured housing connection will be explored in Part III. A letter from the powerful 13-million-member AFL-CIO on the topic is presented in Part II.




Some are saying that the ILA strike is somehow deposed President Donald J. Trump’s fault. But the ILA previously endorsed Biden-Harris.



There is speculation that in the absence of leadership from Kamala Harris (D) or Joe Biden (D) on this issue, that Trump may attempt to broker a deal. That remains to be seen.







Some have speculated that Biden, who is not a fan of fellow Democrat Kamala Harris, has periodically shivved his VP and her campaign and that this is his latest shiv. Be that as it may, the timing of this on the eve of the vice-presidential debate between Governor Tim Walz (MN-D) and Senator J.D. Vance (OH-R), if not swiftly resolved, could well cause problems for Democrats. Of course, some Democrats and pro-Democratic leaning media may attempt or already are blaming Trump, who has not been in the White House for over 3½ years.


Right-leaning Breitbart cited the left-leaning New York Times like this.

Update 12:13 am ET: The NY Times reports, “Both sides have moved off their previous positions,” the Maritime Alliance said in a news release. “We are hopeful that this could allow us to fully resume collective bargaining.”

Breitbart also said the following.

report from the Conference Board found that if the workers do go on strike, it could “cause serious economic fallout.”

“Just a one-week strike could cost the US economy $3.78 billion (i.e., $540 million per day),” the Conference Board wrote in the report.

The report also noted that if the port workers go on strike, it would “come at a critical time” ahead of the November presidential election and “as retailers scramble to finish importing inventory to ensure customers are well supplied ahead of the busy holiday shopping season.”

While President Joe Biden indicated that he would not intervene in the strike, under the Taft-Hartley Act, Biden would be allowed to get involved and “request an 80-day court-ordered cooling-off period,” according to the Hill.

From left-leaning CNN this morning (10.1.2024) is this.

The strike, which began at midnight, will stop the flow of a wide variety of goods over the docks of almost all cargo ports from Maine to Texas. This includes bananas, European beer, wine and liquor, along with furniture, clothing, household goods and European autos, as well as parts needed to keep US factories operating and American workers in those plants on the job, among many other goods.  It could also stop US exports now flowing through those ports, hurting sales for American companies.

CNN also said this.

“USMX brought on this strike when they decided to hold firm to foreign owned ocean carriers earning billion-dollar profits at United States ports, but not compensate the American ILA longshore workers who perform the labor that brings them their wealth,” said ILA President Harold Daggett, in a statement released an hour after the strike started. “We are prepared to fight as long as necessary, to stay out on strike for whatever period of time it takes, to get the wages and protections against automation our ILA members deserve.”

The USMX did not respond to requests for comment on the start of the strike.

Possible shortages

Depending on the length of the strike, it could result in shortages of consumer and industrial goods, which could then lead to price hikes. It could also mark a setback to the economy, which has shown signs of recovery from pandemic-induced supply chain disruptions that resulted in a spike in inflation.

Port Wilmington in Delaware describes itself as the nation’s leading banana port, bringing in a large share of America’s favorite fruit. According to the American Farm Bureau, 1.2 million metric tons of bananas come in through the struck ports, representing about one quarter of the nation’s bananas.

And many non-perishable goods, such as furniture and appliances, are imported through the affected ports, too.

“Harris-Biden” Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo (D) to left-leaning CNBC said that “I have not been focused” on that pending strike. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg (D) has reportedly been involved in getting Gov. Tim Walz (MN-D) ready for his debate with Senator J.D. Vance (OH-R).

There are any number of cheap shots that could be taken, perhaps justly so, against members of the Biden-Harris administration on this issue, including Harris and Biden themselves.  But for the sake of time and focus, let’s pivot toward formal documents related to this issue and how it will impact Americans, including manufactured housing.

It is the construction components and appliances that could impact the producers of HUD Code manufactured homes.  It is interesting to note that neither the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) nor the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) signed onto the letter addressed to “ceremonial president” Joe Biden (D). That letter, which ends with the name of the 177 trade associations, including those involved in the retail and automotive industries, is posted below.

Part I – Coalition Letter and USMX response to it, which illustrates that the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) is absent from this Document




“USMX is in strong agreement with the 177 trade associations who are calling for the immediate resumption of negotiations with the ILA to work out a new Master Contract agreement that recognizes their vital contributions, while avoiding an unnecessary and disruptive strike that would be harmful to all parties. We have tremendous respect for the ILA and its members, but it is disappointing that we have reached this point where the ILA is unwilling to reopen dialogue unless all of its demands are met.

The only way to resolve this impasse is to resume negotiations, which we are willing to do at any time.

We understand and appreciate the concern from these trade associations, who realize what is at stake if negotiations are unable to progress, and we call on the ILA to return to bargaining so we can reach a new deal before the expiration of our current agreement, something we continue to believe is possible if the other side is willing to meet.”



Attachment: Joint Association Coalition Letter 9-17-24  

September 17, 2024


The Honorable Joseph R. Biden


The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW

Washington, DC 20500


Dear President Biden,


On behalf of the undersigned organizations representing manufacturers, farmers and agribusinesses, wholesalers, retailers, restaurants, manufacturers, importers, exporters, distributors, transportation and logistics providers, and other supply chain stakeholders, we are writing to you again expressing significant concern about the state of negotiations between the International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) and the United States Maritime Alliance (USMX) to help them return to the bargaining table to restart stalled negotiations. This labor contract, which covers all maritime container ports along the East and Gulf coasts, is set to expire on September 30, 2024. The ILA has repeatedly threatened a coastwide strike if a new agreement is not reached by October 1. As a follow-up to our June 25 letter, we call upon the administration to immediately work with both parties to resume contract negotiations and ensure there is no disruption to port operations and cargo fluidity if a new contract is not reached by the expiration date.


We applaud the ongoing focus of this administration on supply chain resiliency. This administration, more than any other, understands the need to keep our ports open and commerce flowing. We all experienced the significant supply chain congestion that was caused by COVID19 and the impacts that had on businesses, workers, consumers and the economy. While we may have addressed some of those issues, the supply chain continues to face other challenges. Most notably the ongoing impact of the Houthi attacks on commercial vessels impacting use of the Red Sea and Suez Canal.


This administration has certainly stepped in when other supply chain related labor discussions had the potential to impact the national economy. This includes efforts to help the ILWU and PMA resolve their West Coast port labor negotiations, efforts to help the Class I railroads come to agreement with their unions and efforts to resolve contract negotiations between UPS and the Teamsters. While there was an ongoing threat of disruptions during these negotiations, the administration helped to ensure the parties remained at the negotiating table to achieve a final contract. All without a major disruption to the supply chain.


With two weeks left until the ILA-USMX contract expires and the ongoing threat of a coastwide strike beginning on October 1, it is imperative that the administration engage with the parties to quickly negotiate a new deal or agree to continue negotiations while keeping the ports open and cargo flowing. A strike at this point in time would have a devastating impact on the economy, especially as inflation is on the downward trend.


As we have now seen in the press, there are a number of key issues that the parties need to negotiate for a new contract. However, as we have stated previously, the only way to resolve these issues is for the parties to come back to the bargaining table and actually negotiate the new contract. The administration needs to provide any and all support to the parties in their negotiations. In addition, the administration needs to be ready to step in if a strike or other action occurs that leads to a coastwide shutdown or disruption.


At this critical juncture, it is imperative that the parties return to the table without engaging in disruptive activities that could harm the economy and the millions of businesses, workers and consumers who rely on the seamless flow of goods, both imports and exports, through our East Coast and Gulf Coast ports.


Thank you for your consideration on this important issue.





Accessories Council

Agribusiness Council of Indiana

Agriculture Transportation Coalition – AgTC

Airforwarders Association

Alliance for Automotive Innovation

Alliance for Chemical Distribution


American Apparel & Footwear Association

American Automotive Policy Council

American Chemistry Council

American Cotton Shippers Association

American Down and Feather Council

American Feed Industry Association

American Forest & Paper Association

American Home Furnishings Alliance

American Lighting Association

American Pyrotechnics Association

American Soybean Association

American Spice Trade Association


Association of American Railroads

Association of Food Industries

Auto Care Association

Autos Drive America

Baltimore Customs Brokers & Forwarders Association

California Bean Shippers Association

California Retailers Association

California Walnut Commission

California Warehouse Association

CAWA – Representing the Automotive Parts Industry

Coalition of New England Companies for Trade

Color Pigments Manufacturers Association

Columbia River Customs Brokers & Forwarders Association

Consumer Brands Association

Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA)

Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP)

CT Retail Network

Customs Brokers & Forwarders Association of Northern California

Customs Brokers & International Freight Forwarders  Association of Washington State

Customs Brokers & International Freight Forwarders  of Washington State

Detroit Customs Brokers and Forwarders Association Distilled Spirits Council of the U.S.  Fashion Accessories Shippers Association Florida Feed Association, Inc. Florida Retail Federation

FMI – The Food Industry Association

Footwear Distributors & Retailers of America (FDRA)

Forest Resources Association

Gemini Shippers Association

Georgia Retailers

Glass Packaging Institute Global Business Alliance

Global Cold Chain Alliance

Green Coffee Association

Greenabl Shippers Association

Growth Energy

Halloween & Costume Association

Hardwood Federation

Health Industry Distributors Association

Heating, Air-conditioning, & Refrigeration

Distributors International

Home Fashion Products Association

Household & Commercial Products Association

Intermodal Motor Carriers Conference

International Association of Movers

International Dairy Foods Association

International Fresh Produce Association

International Housewares Association

International Shippers Association

International Sleep Products Association

International Warehouse Logistics Association (IWLA)

International Wood Products Association

Int’l Freight Forwards & Customs Brokers

Association of New Orleans

Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association

Leather and Hide Council of America

Los Angeles Customs Brokers & Freight

Forwarders Association

Louisiana Retailers Association

Maryland Retailers Alliance

Meat Import Council of America

Meat Institute

MEMA, The Vehicle Suppliers Association

Mid-Valley Customs Brokers Association

Minnesota Soybean Growers Association

Missouri Retailers Association

Montana Retail Association

Motorcycle Industry Council

National Aquaculture Association

National Association of Beverage Importers (NABI)

National Association of Chain Drug Stores

National Association of Egg Farmers

National Association of Manufacturers

National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors

National Chicken Council

National Coffee Association USA

National Cotton Council

National Council of Chain Restaurants

National Council of Farmer Cooperatives

National Customs Brokers and Forwarders

Association of American (NCBFAA)

National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA)

National Fisheries Institute

National Grain and Feed Association

National Hay Association

National Industrial Transportation League

National Lumber & Building Material Dealers Association

National Milk Producers Federation

National Mining Association

National Oilseed Processors Association

National Pest Management Association (NPMA)

National Pork Producers Council

National Restaurant Association

National Retail Federation

National Roofing Contractors Association

National Sporting Goods Association

National Wooden Pallet & Container Association

Natural Products Association

NCA – National Confectioners Association

New Jersey Motor Truck Association

New Jersey Retail Merchants Association

New York New Jersey Foreign Freight Forwarders and Brokers Association Inc.

North American Association of Food Equipment Manufacturers (NAFEM)

North American Home Furnishings Association

North American Renderers Association

Northern Border Customs Brokers Association (NBCBA)

Ohio Council of Retail Merchants

Oregon Feed & Grain Association

Oregon Trucking Association

Pacific Coast Council of Customs Brokers and Freight Forwarders Assns. Inc.

Pennsylvania Retailers Association

Performance Racing Industry (PRI)

Pet Food Institute

Philadelphia Customs Brokers & Forwarders Association

Plumbing Manufacturers International

Portland Cement Association

Recreational Off-Highway Vehicle Association

Recycled Materials Association (ReMA)

Retail Association of Nevada

Retail Council of New York State

Retail Industry Leaders Association

Retail Merchants of Hawaii

Retailers Association of Massachusetts

San Diego Customs Brokers Association

San Gabriel Valley Economic Partnership

Shippers Coalition

SNAC International

Society of Chemical Manufacturers & Affiliates

South Carolina Retail Association

South Carolina Trucking Association

South Dakota Association of Cooperatives

South Dakota Soybean Association

Specialized Furniture Carriers

Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA)

Specialty Soya and Grains Alliance

Specialty Vehicle Institute of America

Sports & Fitness Industry Association (SFIA)

Tag and Label Manufacturers Institute


Tea Association of the U.S.A., Inc.


Texas Retailers Association

The Fashion and Jewelry Trade Association

The Fertilizer Institute

Toy Association

Transportation Intermediaries Association (TIA)

Travel Goods Association

Trucking Association of New York

U.S. Apple Association

U.S. Chamber of Commerce

U.S. Dairy Export Council

U.S. Fashion Industry Association

U.S. Meat Export Federation

USA Poultry & Egg Export Council

USA Rice

Virginia Trucking Association

Washington Retail Association

Washington Trucking Associations

West Texas New Mexico Customs Brokers Association

West Virginia Retailers Association

Window & Door Manufacturers Association

Wisconsin Soybean Association


CC:            The Honorable Julie Su, Acting Secretary, Department of Labor

The Honorable Pete Buttigieg, Secretary, Department of Transportation
The Honorable Gina Raimondo, Secretary, Department of Commerce

The Honorable Tom Vilsack, Secretary, Department of Agriculture

The Honorable Lael Brainard, Director, National Economic Council

Members of Congress

Mr. Harold Daggett, President, International Longshoremen’s Association

Mr. David Adam, President, United States Maritime Alliance



Part II – Letter From the AFL CIO to Members of Congress



Legislative Alert

Letter Opposing Injunction to Prevent Possible ILA Strike


Dear Representative:

I am writing on behalf of the AFL-CIO and its nearly 13 million members in reference to your September 19, 2024, letter to President Biden concerning the contract negotiations between the International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) and the United States Maritime Alliance (USMX). That letter warned of the dangers of a longshoremen’s strike and urged the Biden administration “to utilize every authority at its disposal to ensure the continuing flow of goods,” presumably referring to a judicial injunction under the Taft–Hartley Act to stop a strike. Unfortunately, suggesting to the USMX that an injunction is possible makes resolution of the contract before the October 1 strike deadline less likely.

History tells us that when companies can count on an injunction against a strike, they do not negotiate in good faith to reach an agreement. By even suggesting a possible injunction, your letter makes a deal less likely and a strike all the more likely. The Biden administration has been clear that the parties need to settle the matter, telling Reuters on September 17: “We’ve never invoked Taft–Hartley to break a strike and are not considering doing so now.” Yet your letter tries to suggest otherwise, giving the companies reason to dig in their heels. Instead of calling for government intervention, a far more productive tact would be to press the companies to meet the workers’ very reasonable demands.

ILA members are seeking to make up for years of small or even zero wage increases from the carriers. Like all other workers, longshoremen need raises just to keep up with the cost of living. And, like workers in many other industries—from hospitality to health care to film and television—they need fair contract provisions that protect their jobs from being eliminated by automation.

Throughout the pandemic, longshore workers never took a day off, risking their health and lives to make sure shelves were stocked and the supply chain remained strong. The public strongly supports these front-line workers and their just demand for economic security. It adds insult to injury to encourage USMX to provoke a strike rather than agree to a fair contract for the workers who kept food on the table and our economy running through the darkest days of the COVID-19 crisis.

While your letter warned that a potential strike could “result in delays and dire impacts to our supply chains, our economy, and the American consumer,” it sent exactly the wrong message to the companies if the goal is to avoid such an outcome.

Averting a strike is the responsibility of the employers who refuse to offer ILA members a contract that reflects the dignity and value of their labor. The fight for a fair contract for longshoremen is the entire labor movement’s fight. We stand united with the 45,000 ILA members who work hard every day to keep our nation’s economy moving. Please call on USMX to make a fair offer to settle this contract before October 1.

Elizabeth H. Shuler



Part III Additional Information with More MHProNews Analysis and Commentary

1) Note that beyond produce, retailers, importers/exporters, and automaker connected trade groups, several organizations linked to housing construction, supply chains, and commerce signed onto this letter above.

  • American Forest & Paper Association
  • American Home Furnishings Alliance
  • American Lighting Association
  • Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP)
  • Forest Resources Association
  • Household & Commercial Products Association
  • International Wood Products Association
  • National Association of Manufacturers
  • National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors
  • National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA)
  • National Lumber & Building Material Dealers Association
  • National Roofing Contractors Association
  • Plumbing Manufacturers International
  • Portland Cement Association
  • Recycled Materials Association (ReMA)
  • U.S. Chamber of Commerce
  • Window & Door Manufacturers Association

2) Notably absent is the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) and the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI). Yet, when housing-finance industry connected trade groups are doing a coalition letter, MHI is often found among them, even when the issue may be harmful to the interests of manufactured housing independents.




3) While estimates vary as to what this strike will cost the U.S. economy include $5 billion daily.


4) Consider this Q&A with left-leaning Bing’s artificial intelligence (AI) powered Copilot.

What if anything has the Manufactured Housing Institute said about the International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA), which could disrupt supply chains necessary for building and servicing HUD Code manufactured housing?

BingCopilotAI-Screen1.3.2024MHProNewsI couldn’t find any specific statements from the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) regarding the International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) and potential disruptions to supply chains. However, disruptions at ports can significantly impact the supply chain for manufactured housing, affecting the availability of materials and components necessary for building and servicing HUD Code homes12. …”


5) Even a one-day strike will cause backlogs of shipping. Perishable goods, including but not limited to fruits and food items like bananas, may well be impacted.  Those losses will end up being built into costs for already inflation impacted Americans. The ILA has several valid concerns, including the impact of automation on their jobs.  The businesses involved are largely foreign owned. It is all arguably part of the multi-decade madness of U.S. policies de facto encouraging the offshoring of numbers of items that could be, and often were previously, produced in the U.S. Some items, using bananas as an example, are somewhat more difficult (not impossible) to replicate in the U.S. But the harm to the U.S. economy, employees (both union and non-union), smaller investors, taxpayers, consumers, and others is difficult to summarize, because the harms are wide-reaching. Hundreds of members of both major parties have their fingerprints on this multi-decade pattern that people like Joe Biden, when a Democratic U.S. Senator from Delaware, often voted to support.

Only MHProNews has invested the time, research, and energy to share with the industry’s professionals the ripple effects and ramifications of U.S. policies that were often championed by people like Democratic-supporting Warren Buffett, his ally Bill Gates, BlackRock, and others.








This article was published on 4.14.2020 years before the Washington Post item cited above.
RisingChinaPositiveDevelopmentJoe BidenRidingDragonExposéBidensChineseSecretsVideoDocumentaryMHProNews


When one looks at middle class income, it was arguably more secure in 1980 – before trade with China became serious – and in the decades since. Both major parties have responsibility for past trade decisions that led us to this difficult moment in time.






6) Ironically, former President Jimmy Carter (D) turns 100 today. The last time there was a Longshoremen strike was in 1977. Carter must periodically smile as the Biden-Harris team continue to make his presidency look better by comparison.

7) There are any number of reasons why the so-called industry leaders continue to fail the independents of the manufactured housing industry. Chaos for smaller firms may harm them or put them out of business.  Choas for smaller firms can cause them to want to sell out to consolidators, who are routinely MHI members.

8) Warren Buffett et al play 4-dimensional chess. MHI’s staff may be ignorant of such matters, or maybe they know. Either way, it is a bad look for MHI. Who says? Among others, AI powered Copilot.


See Hit the Ball and Drag Jack for the full ‘based on a true story’ imaginary tale created by Copilot, complete with disclaimer.
CopilotRemarksAboutMHIGooch-MHProNewsAbsolutelyCorrectIAppreciateYourAttentiontoDetailScreenshot 2024-07-25 161855
The featured image includes several metaphorical items. It can be seductive – but dangerous – to believe certain things. A mask, among other meanings, is used to project a false face, often used by actors. The eye conveys vision or understanding, which that woman and the mask partially obscures. The wall can stand for the harsh reality that sets in when illusion and the hard facts meet.


9) While it is difficult to predict how long this strike will last, and there will be pressure to get it settled quickly, whatever occurs, there are lessons for MHVille. There are far too many ways for insiders to undermine smaller firms. Strikes and offshoring jobs can be allowed to occur precisely so that smaller firms and employees can be harmed. Open borders can be allowed to undermine the interests of millions of Americans of all ethnic groups and genders. Manufactured housing ought to be soaring. But instead, it is snoring. Sabotaging tactics are common enough so that Minneapolis Federal Reserve researchers and others have shined a light on the issue, yet MHI has remained largely silent about them and their study.

10) This writer for MHProNews has launched a series via the Patch that in several respects are a no-charge 101-level course for any who want to better understand their world and how it actually works vs. and why. See those fact-packed op-ed reports linked below, or other articles linked above, to learn more. In no particular order of importance are the following from this writer on the Patch. Stay tuned. The MHVille markets report follows these headlines from the Patch.

> RCP’s Zane-Kamala Harris and the “Impossible” Kamala Harris Challenge



435,000+ Convicted Criminals Entered U.S. Under Biden-Harris per ICE


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>The Rigged System-Who Rigged the System and How to Fix a Rigged System

>Gallup Says-‘2024 Election Environment Favorable to GOP’-Election Time

Confidence Plummets in Sept-Conference Board Consumer Confidence Index

Fannie Mae-Existing Home Sales Near 30-Year Low Despite Lower Rates

Knight-‘Govt Exists to Promote and Protect Ordinary Happiness in Life’

Doublespeak Doublethink and Insightful Orwellian Lessons from the Left

Manufactured Housing Institute & Next Great Affordable Housing Debate?

American Leviathan-Ned Ryun-CEO of American Majority and Voter Gravity

Former Famed Tampa Bay Bucs & Colts Coach Tony Dungy to Kamala Harris

TARK-Drill Down on Tyranny vs. Faith; Freedom and Upcoming Election

Kamala to Oprah-If Somebody Breaks Into My House They’re Getting Shot

NAR-Existing Home Avg $416700 Aug-2024 Interest Rates Slide-Sales Dip

Deception & Misdirection-3 Tricks-Paltering, Posturing and Projecting

Caution! Equity LifeStyle Properties Dweller-Investor-Biz-Legal Alerts

Herland: ‘Aldous Huxley Interview-Tech, Big Gov, Big Biz=Grave Danger’

U.S. Health-Dr. Marty Makary–‘Broke Medicine’ Blind Spots-Price We Pay

12 Examples of Public Calls for Violence Against Trump-More Ryan Routh

Lessons of Bernie Madoff-Enron-WorldCom-2008 Housing-Financial Crisis



Renting? Rent too High? Odds Are DOJ Suit vs RealPage Matters to You

New-Certified “Half Price Homes” – Affordable Housing Solution Redux

Solution: “Would-Be Homebuyers Need 80% More Income Than 4 Years Ago”


Gary Shiffman-Sun Communities ‘CEO Should be in Prison’ ‘Egregious Conflicts of Interest-Dubious Executive Behavior’ per Blue Orca; Law Firms Launch SUI Shareholder Probes; MHI Links; MHMarkets



Part IV

Our Daily Business News on MHProNews stock market recap which features our business-daily at-a-glance update of over 2 dozen manufactured housing industry stocks.

NOTICE: following the TPG deal with CAPREIT, TPG has been added to our tracked stocks list below.

This segment of the Daily Business News on MHProNews is the recap of yesterday evening’s market report at the closing bell, so that investors can see-at-glance the type of topics may have influenced other investors. Our format includes our signature left (CNN Business) and right (Newsmax) ‘market moving’ headlines for a more balanced report.

The macro market moves graphics below provide context and comparisons for those invested in or tracking manufactured housing connected equities. Meaning, you can see ‘at a glance’ how manufactured housing connected firms do compared to other segments of the broader equities market.

  • In minutes a day, readers can get a good sense of significant or major events while keeping up with the trends that may be impacting manufactured housing connected investing.

Headlines from left-of-center CNN Business – 9.30.2024

  • Time running out to avoid crippling US port strike
  • A customer uses an Apple Inc. iPhone smartphone at a Verizon Communications Inc. store in Brea, California, U.S., on Monday, Jan. 22, 2018.
  • Major outage: Verizon confirms it’s working to restore service after widespread complaints
  • DirecTV agrees to buy Dish for $1
  • Apple’s iPhone 16 hasn’t gotten a hot start, analysts estimate, but some still counting on ‘super cycle’
  • Heavy rains from hurricane Helene caused record flooding and damage on September 28, 2024 in Asheville, North Carolina.
  • Local broadcasters become lifeline for hard-hit North Carolina communities in wake of Helene’s wrath
  • DETROIT, MI – JUNE 10: A 2021 Jeep Grand Cherokee L goes through assembly at the Stellantis Detroit Assembly Complex-Mack on June 10, 2021 in Detroit, Michigan. The plant is the first new auto assembly plant in Detroit in thirty years, and will manufacture the 2021 Jeep Grand Cherokee L. (Photo by Bill Pugliano/Getty Images)
  • Stellantis shares plunge as carmaker follows Volkswagen in warning on profits
  • Homes in suburban and rural areas changed hands slightly more often than those in urban areas, according to a new survey from Redfin.
  • A new report illustrates just how stuck the housing market is
  • A BYD dealership in Beijing, Chin pictured on August 27
  • BYD recalls top-selling EVs because of steering component problem
  • National flags are displayed in the streets of of Nanjing to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.
  • Communist China is celebrating its 75th birthday and its stock market is soaring. But not everyone is in the party spirit
  • Brian Williams, Anchor, “The 11th Hour with Brian Williams” on Tuesday, November 8, 2016 from New York .
  • Brian Williams is set to anchor election night coverage on Prime Video. Is Amazon getting into live news?
  • California governor vetoes contentious AI safety bill
  • Expect shortages of bananas, booze, chocolate and cherries if there’s a long port strike
  • Trump threatened John Deere. It’s just his latest attempt to bully a legendary American company
  • America’s Greyhound bus stations are disappearing
  • Mark Zuckerberg joins exclusive $200 billion club, closes in on third-richest person in world
  • Dirty soda shops want to be the next Starbucks
  • What fueled this week’s record-breaking stock rally
  • Sima Sistani, who embraced Ozempic, is out as CEO of WeightWatchers
  • Moo Deng now has her own crypto, because of course she does
  • You can now order your Spirit Halloween costume on Uber Eats
  • A dual win for consumers: Inflation cooled last month, paving way for borrowing costs to come down more
  • Port workers from Maine to Texas are set to strike Tuesday. Expect shortages and higher prices
  • Why moves by Amazon and comments by Jamie Dimon don’t threaten an end to remote work benefits


Headlines from right-of-center Newsmax – 9.30.2024

  • Ground War Looms: Israel Launches Small Raids<br> on Hezbollah in Lebanon
  • Smoke plumes rise tall after an Israeli airstrike targeted the village of Khiam in southern Lebanon near the border of Israel on Monday. (AFP via Getty Images)
  • Ground War Looms: Israel Launches Small Raids
  • on Hezbollah in Lebanon
  • A Western diplomat in Cairo whose country is directly involved in de-escalation efforts said an Israeli ground operation in Lebanon is “imminent.” [Full Story]
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