That quoted part of the headline phrase comes from the Prager University video, post further below. But before we get to that, a few manufactured housing industry related thoughts.
An “ideological echo chamber” arguably exists inside manufactured housing, and outside of the factory-built housing industry too.
The video posted is one of thousands of possible examples of the phenomenon of what could be termed, corporate censorship. It’s a troubling trend, which can take on a left-right division. But it may also be a case of boldly trying to silence dissent, regardless of ideology.
Accountability is a theme on the Daily Business News on MHProNews. One of the traditional roles of media is to hold the powerful to account.
If one heeds the words and claims – for example – of only the pro-Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI), then several ‘mysteries’ exist in the modern MH Industry. How can the sales of manufactured homes be at such a low level of sales, during a serious affordable housing crisis? Why is it that tiny houses are cool, but manufactured homes are so often justly snubbed as ‘trailers?’
Listen to MHI, their self-promoting video, their emails, or through their ‘echo chamber’ and they speak with a straight face about progress and “momentum.”
What momentum? Reverse momentum?

Have they looked at the new manufactured home shipments trend in recent months? ICYMI, the latest data is found in the report, linked from the text/image box below.
Manufactured Home Production Decline Accelerates in November 2018
Or have they noticed at MHI that some states have had declining new manufactured home shipments, during an affordable housing crisis?

Despite apparent and alleged efforts to silence this pro-growth platform, thousands of the industry’s professionals have responded by reading more on MHProNews, not less.

But is that part of the point? Is the Omaha-Knoxville-Arlington axis against growth? If so, why?
The logic would be odd to most, other than a debatably brilliant but troublingly monopolistic moat builder. Slow, no, or negative growth logically reduces the values of businesses and manufactured home communities. That’s a way of artificially creating more ‘value’ for a ‘bargain hunter’ – like Warren Buffett.
Bridging Gap$, Affordable Housing Solution Yields Higher Pay, More Wealth, But Corrupt, Rigged Billionaire’s Moat is Barrier –
America woke up today to division. But perhaps 75 percent (+/-) of the nation’s people could come together on a plan that demonstrably could do the following. Increase the U.S. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by some $2 Trillion Annually, without new federal spending.
Information control is an attempt at thought control. With that tee up, consider the experience of the professional from Google, which is another monopolistic force that this trade media has sounded the alarm about. What’s purportedly happening at Google, to Prager U, or to others who are expressing views that the powers that be don’t like is brute market forces that aim to silence opposition.
If all of the information in MHVille were the same – an MHI ideological echo chamber, that says or parrots only what the Omaha-Knoxville-Arlington axis and their allies or surrogates want – then that could isolate individuals from facts, evidence, and insights that have a different possible interpretation of the data.
If their axis positions could stand on their own merits, why don’t they just publicly debate the evidence? Or is that too logical, fair, and honest?

There are reasons people try to silence dissent. It is usually because those dissenters are making a point that those who want to silence can’t refute by reason alone. So they turn instead to intimidation, force, or other methods – like corporate censorship.
See the related reports, linked below. “We Provide, You Decide.” © (News, analysis, and commentary.)

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