And Now—Heeeerre’s Warren!!

The esteemed Warren Buffett, Oracle of Omaha, the eminence of income, who worked hard and smart and honestly to make his wealth, according to wallstreetcheatsheet, in an essay published online by Fortune magazine remarks on the incredible economic growth in this country since 1776, and the future importance of gender equality in the marketplace. He says the rule of law, capitalism, and democracy was the groundwork that led to the fastest generation of wealth in the history of the world, accomplished while half of our brain power, namely women, were excluded from decision-making roles. He says, “This behavior — the historic relegation of women to the sidelines — flies in the face of what rational actors in a capitalistic economy should do. There are any number of selfish reasons why those at the top of the food chain would wish to reduce competition for those few, cherished top spots. But at the end of the day, opening up the competitive field to all participants will yield the best results. The closer that America comes to fully employing the talents of all its citizens, the greater its output of goods and services will be. We’ve seen what can be accomplished when we use 50% of our human capacity. If you visualize what 100% can do, you’ll join me as an unbridled optimist about America’s future.” As MHProNews knows, Buffett is Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, the parent company of Clayton Homes, the largest producer of manufactured homes in North America.

(Photo credit: businessinsider)

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