With the approach of our 5th anniversary online, we’re also planning by year’s end to launch version 3.0 of the MH Industry-leading trade journal, MHProNews.com.
Changing for the Better
Between now and the launch of our new site, there will be periodic updates necessary. These may look like outages, but the back end and often much of the site – such as the blogs – may still be up. If you encounter that, you can use the newsletter blog your emailed news updates to navigate any time you might not see the home page.
We thank all our readers and supporters – like you! – for understanding and patience during those times of ‘cyber dust.’
As you will see in the neat future, the changes will be worth it. Just as the upgrade to version 2.0 of our site brought a big increase in traffic, that’s what we’ll expect following this planned update too.
In a site as large as MHProNews.com – which one WebTech told us is about the size of a B market news site – our thousands of pages of growing content are part of what has made us the runaway favorite for “Industry News, Tips and Views Pros Can Use.” It also means it takes more time to do a major site make-over!
Facts per Webalizer.
The 2,028,336 page views on MHProNews in July is like 63,385.5 thirty two (32) page magazines being read, cover to cover! From what we know, that dwarfs any of the industry’s publications or news sites, even going back to the “go-go” 90s! We have about the same level of traffic and page views as the next 4 or 5 ‘similar’ industry resources combined. Clearly, readers are discovering valuable insights here.
When it comes to dependability, our overall up-time on our site has been some 99.89%–
(much better than the federal healthcare exchange website 😉 – thanks in part to the Liquid Web support team.
At 3:55 PM ET on 8.6.2014, we had, 4267 guests online at the same time…
Imagine, that 4,267 guests online at 3:55 PM ET on 8.6.2014 is roughly the combined total of all attendees and exhibitors at the two largest industry events – the Louisville and Tunica MH Shows – for all of the 2 1/2 days for each event; but all being online on our site at the same time.
The numbers of news tips and new email sign ups continue to rise. The number of sponsors grows, as do inquiries from potential new advertisers. The future looks bright.
MHProNews version 3.0 is
Coming soon to a Laptop, PC or Hand-Held Device near you…
This is a composite mock-up of the top of the planned prototype update; FYI
no politics are intended or implied. This is shown to give a sense of how
the new the MHProNews – version 3.0 – will look!
There will be modern sliders and easy ways to scan and navigate.
Compare the planned look we have vs. the some examples from other
major media news sites, shown below.
Time-lines on a large website format upgrade is not easy to predict, but by year’s end, perhaps sooner, you’ll see something that looks like the above. The plans we’re exploring include, but are not limited to, more videos and interviews, a discussion forum, more robust comments section, gallery, reports and other contemporary news/trade journal features.
Comparison to NBC (above) or FOX (below) news sites,
credit for each site to their respective organizations.
Credit: CNN (above), WSJ (below).
Bottom line, we’ll have a similar professional look and features that
many large news organizations websites use.
We are also looking at the best ways to deliver more people, products, places and online meeting features. Ease of navigation will also be part of the revised site plan.
We believe the future of MH is bright. So we’re investing, growing and preparing for that future with you. Please watch for periodic updates, and on behalf of all on the MHProNews.com team, thank you for your readership and support. ##
(Image credits: MHProNews logo, Li Penny at FlickrCC, WikiCommons, screen capture from the footer of MHProNews home page and web-screen captures from their respective media sites, as shown above.)