From time to time it is said – and thus heard – that ‘sales is a young man’s game.’ Or in a more politically correct expression, that ‘sales is a young person’s game.’ But is that true? Are younger people better suited or more adept at selling a manufactured home than older people are? So, MHProNews decided to probe the topic to see what information could be found.
Part I – Facts, Evidence, Various Viewpoints and Expert Analysis
The following question was put to Bing’s AI ‘chat’ function.
What is the average age of a manufactured home sales professional?
The rest of what the Bing AI result mentioned the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) and will be shown further below as an interesting aside.
Given that Clayton Homes retail segment reportedly has more manufactured home retail centers than anyone else, it seemed logical to rephrase the question with that factoid in mind. MHProNews asked Bing’s AI this related question.
What is the average age of Clayton Homes sales professional? Bing’s AI began its response like this.
But among the hottest topics in recent months have been those that dealt with unhappy Clayton employees as well as employee dissatisfaction at several of the top brands operating under the MHI membership umbrella. Could it be that dissatisfaction over the promised potential pay and actual pay is a factor in disappointment working for Clayton Homes or other ‘leading’ MHI brands? See the linked reports in this paragraph and further below to learn more on the drivers of unhappiness for at various firms.
Since Bing AI Not Particularly Helpful on This Topic, So…
Given that Bing’s AI appeared not to be particular helpful on this topic, or perhaps more fairly, that neither MHI nor Clayton Homes has published any such research, MHProNews looked into a parallel arena to seek insights on the question: ‘are selling manufactured homes a young person’s profession (or game)?’ That parallel area was housing sales more broadly, or real estate sales more specifically.
MHProNews posed this question: what is the demographic breakdown of realtors in the U.S.? Zippia, a career website was the top response, and it had this claim.
Female: 45.7%
Male: 54.3%
But MHProNews, as regular readers know, is quite aware of the fact that not all ‘factual’ claims are reliable. As was recently reported, MHI has quietly corrected an apparent multi-billion-dollar ‘factual’ error.
Several other statements found on the Zippia website caused MHProNews to question those claims, including the point that Zippia asserted a relatively low number of supposed real estate agents in the U.S. (under 200,000 on the page viewed by MHProNews, which is obviously odd when the National Association of Realtors (NAR) is among the largest trade groups in the country).
Indeed, no job-pun intended, a quick search of NAR membership numbers revealed this result: “The National Association of REALTORS®’ total membership July 2023 month end is 1,566,354.” Zippia’s claim was apparently errant. So, in fairness to MHI, they are obviously not the only organization that goofs.
Approved Course posted an update on March 21, 2023 on the topic of real estate agents demographics (including age), which said in part the following.
On average, real estate agents are about 57 years of age.” They hot linked the NAR website for other insights.
But that Approved Course post by Jordan Fabel also detailed more insights in a possible real estate career. “Most states will require you to be at least 18 years old to get your real estate license, but a few states require you to be 21 years of age.” From that same source was the following.
You can take most real estate pre-licensing courses online, which makes it very easy for an 18-year-old to become a real estate agent if they have enough drive.”
Because real estate sales tend to be commission driven, as is often the case with manufactured home sales, tips include time management, lead generation, and related disciplines are among the skills suggested to maximize earnings potential.
Which will now bring us back to NAR, and what they say about real estate housing sales.
The Association of Real Estate License Law Officials (ARELLO) (link is external) estimates that there are over 3 million active real estate licensees in the United States.- There are 106,548 real estate brokerage firms operating in the United States (Real Estate and Rental and Leasing: Summary Statistics for the U.S., States, and Selected Geographies: 2017(link is external).
Those agents had the following sales opportunities by property type and year.
64 million existing homeswere sold in 2020, according to data from the National Association of REALTORS®. 822,000 newly constructed(link is external) homes were sold in 2020, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.
- Preliminary results from the U.S. Energy Information Administration’s Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey (CBECS)(link is external) show that there were 5.9 million commercial buildings in the United States in 2018, comprising 97.0 billion square feet of floor space.
- There are approximately 119.7 million occupied housing units in the United States, according to the 2018 American Community Survey(link is external).
- According to the 2021 Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers, the typical home seller has been in their home for 8 years. The typical home size is 1,900 square feet. The typical homeowner is 45 years old.
- In 2019, 64.9% of families owned their primary residence, according to the Federal Reserve’s Survey of Consumer Finances(link is external).”
Back to Demographics on Sales Agents
- Sixty-four percent of REALTORS® were licensed sales agents, 20 percent held broker licenses, and 18 percent held broker associate licenses.
- The typical REALTOR® is a 60-year-old white female who attended college and is a homeowner.
- 62% of all REALTORS® are female, and the median age of all REALTORS® is 60.
- Real-estate experience of all REALTORS® (median): 11 years
- Median tenure at present firm (all REALTORS®): 6 years
- Most REALTORS® worked 30 hours per week in 2022.
- The median gross income of REALTORS®—income earned from real estate activities—was $56,400 in 2022, an increase from $54,300 in 2021.
- Median number of transaction sides in 2022:
- Residential sides for all REALTORS®: 12
- Residential sides for residential specialist broker/broker associates only: 14
- Residential sides for residential specialists only: 10
- Residential sides for commercial specialists only: 4
- Commercial sides for commercial specialists only: 5
- Formal education of REALTORS®:
- Some college: 30%
- Bachelor’s degree: 31%
- Graduate degree and above: 12%
- Associate degree: 12%
- Some graduate school: 6%
- High-school graduate: 8%
- REALTOR® affiliation with firms:
- Independent contractor: 89%
- Employee: 4%
- Other: 7%
Source: 2023 National Association of REALTORS® Member Profile
Statistics on REALTORS® and Technology
- REALTORS® most often prefer to communicate with their clients through text messaging, at 93%. Ninety percent preferred to communicate via telephone, and 89% through e-mail.
- 70% of broker/broker associates and 69% of sales agents have a website.
- 81% of members have their own listings on their website, 69% have information about buying and selling, and 66% have a link to their firm’s website.
- 74% of REALTORS® use Facebook and 56% use LinkedIn for professional purposes.
- 20% of all members get 1-5% of their business from social media, and 10% get 6-10%.”
Not knocking the use of social media but ponder those last two bullets above.
Almost 3 out of 4 realtors use Facebook and more than half use LinkedIn. Yet 20 percent of those get only 1 to 5 % of their sales from those social media sources? Only 10 percent of those agents get 6 to 10 percent of their business from social media? Without knocking that outcome per se, it begs the question. What is the cost-benefit ratio of posting on social media when it comes to the number of sales generated for the typical agent?
And why don’t those that questionably claim to be ‘educating’ the industry on marketing and sales share those data point?
MHI and Sales Careers
For first-time visitors, it is worth noting as a disclosure that MHProNews – having spent several years at MHI, including as an elected Suppliers Division Board Member – is an MHI skeptic. That skepticism is based on years of experience and research. Just as this brief look at selling in housing revealed that Zippia was apparently considerably off from the data provided by NAR – and NAR should presumably know better – a takeaway from that exercise of double checking the facts is important with respect to MHI too. But hold that thought about double checking MHI for a bit.
Go back to Bing AI. As MHProNews previously reported in our groundbreaking reports using AI, linked below, that AI can produce errant answers. AI is not a panacea. It is one of several possible tools for research. The answers can be good, bad, or meh. That means they may produce useful insights, but that too arguably should be double checked.
Another question posed to Bing AI made it sound like real estate agents on average earn about double what a sales agent at Clayton Homes does (per the source noted herein above).
What is average income for real estate agents in the U.S.?
and the source for the first linked item was Zip Recruiter.
But note that even a small variation in the question posed by MHProNews to Bing AI yielded a different response.
What is the average earnings for a real estate agent?
Learn more:
It is fair to think that NAR would have more data on that topic than Zip Recruiter (further above) does. Or that Zippia and some others might have.
According to NAR: “The median gross income of REALTORS®—income earned from real estate activities—was $56,400 in 2022, an increase from $54,300 in 2021.”
Back To Square One…
Which brings us back to the first question posed to Bing AI – “What is the average age of a manufactured home sales professional?” – which gave this response. “I’m sorry but I couldn’t find the exact information you’re looking for. However, according to the Manufactured Housing Institute, the average age of a manufactured home is 55.8 years…”
It linked not MHI, but an MHI member. And the topic was how long does a manufactured home last, and cited MHI. It is arguably a bone-headed response on several levels. As of this date, there are no – zero – manufactured homes that are 55.8 years old. Why? Because the HUD Code for manufactured housing only went into effect on June 15, 1976. So, you can find 47-year-old manufactured homes, but not 55.8-year-old manufactured homes. MHI, and others who cite MHI, apparently need to be more precise in what they say and what they do.
The more honest answer is something like this.
The fact that there are pre-HUD Code mobile homes that are over 50 years old, and those homes pre-date the national HUD Code manufactured home construction and safety standards, demonstrates that homes built in a factory are built to last. How long a home is useful will depend upon a variety of factors, including good maintenance. A properly installed manufactured home are engineered and designed to perform dynamically much the same as a conventional house, that is the basis of the federal construction and safety standards that manufactured housing is constructed to achieve. That those standards work is illustrated in the graphic and quotes below. So, the life expectancy is going to be similar and will perform as it does for the same reasons as conventional housing.
MHI appears to have good ranking on ‘research’ in Google searches, despite the fact that Mobile and Manufactured Home Living News (MHLivingNews) is obviously superior to MHI on third-party research or that the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) is obviously superior as a public source for years of month-by-month production and shipment data.

MHI’s website has a segment that is apparently aimed at job recruiting.
On that page is the following pitch.
Manufactured Home Consultants help people achieve their goal of homeownership.
Manufactured Home Sales Consultants assist customers identify a floor plan, select options, and coordinate the construction process of their home. Sales experience is helpful but not always required. Manufactured home sales consultants may work for a manufactured housing community or a retail sales center. Compensation often includes base salary plus commission and can reach into the six-figures
If you are a people person and enjoy helping others in their quest for the American Dream of homeownership, a manufactured home consultant is the career for you.”
A missing period is the least important glitch at MHI. But it is a glitch that they ought to be able to correct the same day that it is discovered. Let’s see how long it takes the MHI staff to correct the typo above?
Going gonzo for a few minute or so, having recruited and trained numbers of sales professionals who often went on to earn well and enjoy a rewarding career, the is much to be said for a career in manufactured housing sales vs. real estate…IF…
…if the ‘place to put’ issue is resolved. MHI corporate-staff-board leaders talk about the place to put issue. But that talk has apparently been entirely unsuccessful in getting the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000 (MHIA) “enhanced preemption” issue actually implemented. How can MHI in good faith claim to be a place to “get clout” when they can’t achieve their own stated priorities approaching some 23 years after the fact? How can they even argue the point when their own Vice Chairman, William “Bill” Boor, who is president and CEO of Cavco Industries has essentially said it himself?
The time for MHI to live up to its own claims and to be held to account for its own standards is long overdue.
There are good ways, and wrong ways, to recruit a manufactured housing sales professional that will be doing street retail.
There are good ways, and wrong ways, to recruit and/or train a professional who will be selling HUD Code manufactured homes in a land-lease community setting.
There may be some good features to MHI training, but if so, they do not reveal themselves in actual sales data. That’s simply a sad fact. How can MHI claim to be good at what they do when the industry is in a sales slump during an affordable housing crisis?

That MHI, and MHI affiliated ‘experts,’ do ‘sales training’ or ‘education’ is to a significant degree an insult to those who do honest training or education. Never forget that MHI has routinely missed the opportunity to start every June – national home ownership month – with a pitch to buy a new manufactured home.

If MHI, or MHI connected ‘trainers’ and ‘marketers’ are so good, then why is the industry in a production and shipment decline? Or if MHI 2.0 is so great, then why is the industry operating at historically low levels in the 21st century? These are facts that MHI leaders continually strive to dance beyond.
Note: to expand this image, see the instructions
below the graphic below or click the image and follow the prompts.

MHI seems to have been working at the dark art of posturing and paltering without performing their claims.
Kevin Clayton said approaching 13 years ago that as “an industry” – often a shorthand for MHI – was ready to do a national marketing campaign like the RV industry’s GoRVing campaign. What happened to that pledge? What comes after ready, if not action?

Teases, carrots, promises, research, but no action? Isn’t that what MHARR’s President and CEO, Mark Weiss, J.D. said was the “illusion of motion” that MHI leaders deploy?

MHI is arguably failing at each of the areas that they claim to be experts at, but they are successful in one area that they don’t openly advertise. That is the area of consolidation. MHI is apparently successful at getting consolidation of smaller independently owned firms to be a reality. These are links to prior reports, the last one from 6 years ago, that demonstrate that MHProNews has consistently and persistently sought to inform industry readers about what was ACTUALLY happening in manufactured housing, vs. what MHI and their insiders want industry readers to think.
ELS’ Sam Zell – Compliance Costs Destroys Smaller Businesses = Consolidation
Note that MHProNews’ efforts appear to be working. In the most recent MHI email, MHI proclaimed: ”
Thus far, MHI members have sent over 340 messages to their representatives.
Hah! Clayton Homes alone supposedly has some 20,000 employees. MHI claims that they have over 1000 members. Clayton Homes alone has some 357 locations. Which is to say a mere 340 emails means that not even every Clayton location has 1 person who has responded to ‘MHI’s call to action.’ That is like all other MHI members doing nothing! The message appears to be getting through that MHI’s ‘followers’ are not as enthusiastic as they were when MHProNews began whistleblowing during the Preserving Access to Manufactured Housing Act era. Thousands responded back then. What else explains the breakdown between MHI and its member-followers?
When MHProNews demonstrated that MHI’s website’s engagement (with visitors) is declining, per Similar Web, the flip side of that is that engagement with MHProNews has risen in YTD in 2023 over 2022. People are apparently getting tired of getting asked to waste even a few minutes of time when MHI’s ’email campaigns’ routine provide NO EFFECTIVE RESULTS.
Note: to expand this image, see the instructions
below the graphic below or click the image and follow the prompts.

Are the illusions created around MHI beginning to fall apart under the weight of contradictory facts and evidence? Note: depending on your browser or device, many images in this report and others on MHProNews can be clicked to expand. Click the image and follow the prompts. For example, in some browsers/devices you click the image and select ‘open in a new window.’ After clicking that selection you click the image in the open window to expand the image to a larger size. To return to this page, use your back key, escape or follow the prompts. To compare MHI to MHProNews on visits and engagement, see the report linked here:
To learn more, see the linked and related reports, or use the search tool on this website and on our website.
What Can Be Done About These Issues?
This isn’t a one and done battle, it is a veritable war for the future of manufactured housing. This will take time to correct so long as MHI and their corporate masters don’t pivot. Pressure must be put on MHI’s corporate/board leaders. MHProNews, MHLivingNews, and MHARR do so by using facts and logic (common sense).
MHI staff ultimately report to the MHI board. While staff senior staff have a responsibility too, such as MHI CEO Lesli Gooch or MHI President Mark Bowersox, a significant part of the blame, so to speak, must be pinned on the ultimate source. MHI’s board of directors. They have a fiduciary duty to ALL of their members, not just the insiders. Those board members have a legal duty to live up to their own organizational claims.
See the related reports to learn more on how various ways to hold MHI leaders accountable. Because it is increasingly apparent that MHI talks a good talk, but their results benefit a specific segment of the industry. Consolidators. What award-winning former MHI member Marty Lavin called “the big boys” who are working for their own interests.

When the hits come from within and without, it is again long overdue that the apparent paltering, posturing, cronyism and corruption that operates at MHI get rooted out.
Can there be good careers in manufactured housing despite MHI’s corruption? Yes. There are numbers of good firms operating in the industry, and some are MHI members – even if some of those members may wish that there was a post-production trade group alternative option to MHI. For those who want to learn more on that subject, see the MHARR white papers linked below.

For those who are frustrated at an MHI member brand, and if you enjoy manufactured housing, then why not consider your options beyond the company you are working for? This writer knows, for example, a professional who left a MHARR member firm, thinking it might be better working for Clayton Homes. He went to Clayton Homes for a while, learned that the grass wasn’t greener there, grew unhappy and went back to work for another MHARR member firm.
Even Clayton’s Chase McGee came and left Clayton Homes in his role as “Chief People Officer” in fairly short order. How embarrassing, right? But also, how revealing!

It is often the case that smaller operations are better firms to work for, which is why larger firms often face the challenge of unionization. At some point, Clayton Homes, Skyline Champion, Cavco Industries, and the manufactured home community operators named in the report linked here or above – as well as others that are often MHI members – could see a push to unionize. MHProNews will watch and report as warranted.
Manufactured housing could and should be far more lucrative than it is now. Cavco Industries ironically made that point. Which may make them all the more vulnerable to litigation, because they know what they should be doing but logically and arguably aren’t acting in the interests of their shareholders, stakeholders, and others.

PPS. What Age is the Best Age for Manufactured Home Sales Professionals?
Simple. Any age that someone is committed to learning whatever is necessary about manufactured homes, that has the motivation to properly serve the needs of buyers, and can learn to motivate people honestly and truthfully. The truth is a powerful thing, but it still helps to tell the truth effectively.
This writer has seen young people do well in manufactured housing sales, and some who were older than the average age for realtors do well. It is a matter of dedication, the right kind of hustle (i.e.: positive goal-oriented energy) and long-term thinking. Short-term thinking and behavior may seem to work for a while, but it often ends up badly. A recent case of a manufactured housing seller worth examining is the one linked below.
Learn more to earn more. Think things through. Act wisely. There are more good people than there are self-serving scoundrels, but several scoundrels have big bucks. Victory is possible, but understanding must precede action.

Part II. Daily Business News on MHProNews Markets and Headline News Segment
Headlines from left-of-center CNN Business – from the evening of 8.7.2023
- Chicken sales slump
- A package of Tyson Foods Inc. crispy chicken strips arranged in Dobbs Ferry, New York, U.S., on Saturday, Feb. 6, 2021.
- Tiffany Hagler-Geard/Bloomberg/Getty Images
- Tyson is closing four plants as demand softens. A total of six closures have been announced this year.
- Thousands of flights delayed as bad weather threatens Eastern US
- We’re way past hard seltzer: The spiked drinks keep coming
- PayPal bets on crypto’s future with US-dollar-backed stablecoin
- Google moves forward with plan to delete inactive accounts
- US economy still needs ‘multiple’ rate hikes, says top Fed official
- Tesla’s CFO and ‘Master of Coin’ is leaving the company
- Even Zoom is making its staff return to the office
- It’s iced coffee season all year now
- 30,000 workers bid goodbye to 99-year-old Yellow as it files for bankruptcy
- Not everyone is convinced the US will avoid a recession
- Germany risks falling back into recession as car industry sputters
- Daimler Truck finance chief Jochen Goetz dies in ‘tragic incident’
- Why China has few good options to boost its faltering economy
- ‘Oppenheimer’ surpasses $500 million, sets box office record for highest grossing film set during World War II
- Elon Musk vs Mark Zuckerberg fight will be streamed on X, according to Musk
- DeSantis’ ‘anti-woke’ bills are costing Florida millions of dollars in business
- ‘Barbie’ makes history with $1 billion at the box office
- Former Treasury secretaries react to US credit downgrade
- Ahead of two key inflation reports, what would a soft landing look like exactly?
- The big bottleneck for AI: a shortage of powerful chips
- Wells Fargo says missing deposits glitch is resolved
- Berkshire Hathaway swings to a profit, boosted by massive investment gains
Notice: the graphic below can be expanded to a larger size.

Headlines from right-of-center Newsmax 8.7.2023
- Pence Blasts Biden After Russia, China Vessels Sail Close to Alaska
- Russian vessels during Moscow’s recent Navy Day activities. Russian and Chinese vessels have been spotted near the Alaskan coast, in which some see as a provocation. (AP)
- New Trump Indictment
- Alina Habba: DOJ Works With Media on Trump Narrative
- Docs Case Judge Denies DOJ Sealing Motions | video
- Trump: Special Counsel Wants to Deny My Free Speech
- Atlanta Locks Down Courthouse as Trump Grand Jury Convenes
- Trump Seeks Recusal of Judge in Jan. 6 Cases
- Barr: Trump’s Jan. 6 Case Doesn’t Violate First Amendment
- Habba: Trump Ga. Indictiment in 2 to 3 Weeks
- Burgum: Voters Want Focus on Future, Not on Trump
- More New Trump Indictment
- Newsmax TV
- Hogan Gidley: ‘Good Move’ for GOP to Target VP Harris
- Cline: House Will Use ‘Power of Purse’ to Rein In DOJ
- Acosta: Many Companies Facing Difficulties Post-Pandemic | video
- Enes Kanter Freedom: Potential Political Run ‘The American Dream’ | video
- Van Duyne: Whom Is Biden Serving With His Policies? | video
- Hern: ‘Sad’ That Only Red States Help Protect Border | video
- Jesse Binnall: Order Sought to ‘Shut Up’ Trump | video
- Pete King: Protective Order ‘Another Shot’ at Trump | video
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