Neighbors Judy and Norm Sharples, echoing other residents concerns, are certain that low-income housing is synonymous with criminal behavior, and believe the Mojave County Sheriff’s Office will be overwhelmed, according to kdminer.
Applicant Chris Garey, a hydrogeologist from Las Vegas, said strict rules will be enforced regarding appearance and condition of homes on the property, and a representative on the property full time will address any resident issues. The plan for the 40 acres is to have 150 home sites, including an office and recreation room.
“This will be for senior citizens and senior citizens only. There will be no gas stations, RV parks or storage units,” Garey affirmed. The residents will own their own homes.
Rancher Leroy Elderman and the Sharples both are apprehensive about what they envision as the loss of tranquility and the encroachment of society with more traffic, noise and possible aggravation of their livestock. “What is so necessary for this park to be here,” asked Mrs. Sharples. “Go closer to town and put that ( MHC) in.”
Applicant has to provide proof of water and sewer service for the community, and must consult with the Dept. of Public Works for the county regarding paving of roads to keep the dust down.
“I didn’t start looking in this area because I was looking for a mobile home park. I’m looking to get away from this stuff,” Elderman said. “The reason why I moved out there was that I thought it would be the last place for more noise and traffic.”
“They will tell us what to do and we’ll do it,” Garey said. “It’s going to be a long process.” The project is 18-24 months out, MHProNews has learned.
“Why go through the hassle of paving roads when people can build that stuff in town,” Judy Sharples said. ##
(Photo credit: wikipedia–state road 389 in Mojave County, AZ)