LogCabinDemocrat reports Kevin Hawks, recently honored for twenty years of membership in the Arkansas Manufactured Housing Association (AMHA), was re-elected to the AMHA’s Board of Directors at the organization’s 40th annual meeting recently. Board leadership positions include: Lloyd Watson of Roy Borden Agency in Little Rock, Chairman; Sherman Price, Price Mobile Homes in Mena, AR Vice-Chairman; Neal Bodenstein, Blevins Inc., Nashville TN, Secretary; and Scott MacFarlane of US Bank—Manufactured Home Finance Division, Little Rock, Treasurer. In addition to Hawks, other board members are: Brent Cappaert, Cappaert Manufactured Housing, Vicksburg MS; Ricky Davis, Eldorado Mobile Homes, Eldorado AR; James Duncan, Hanover Insurance, Fort Smith AR; Ken Ross, Triad Financial Services, Sherwood AR; and Matt White, Russellville Homes, Russellville AR.