State police and Somerset Borough officials are investigating the 11th arson since May in a Pennsylvania manufactured home community.
The latest fire was in a vacant home on Sunday, at Cherry Lane Estates, per the Tribune-Review.
Police Chief Randy Cox said the blaze was “definitely arson,” per the Tribune Democrat. It’s the 13th blaze that appears to be arson in the community since 2016. Somerset Fire Chief Michael Livengood has provided briefings to the local media about the string of allegedly connected arson-related fires.
Alerted by the community’s manager, a couple of residents – Ashley and Mike Wheatley – began to look for a person who appeared to be acting suspiciously. “You guys up? Look out the window,” the text from the manager read, said Mike Wheatley.
“My wife and I came out and started looking down between [the homes],” Wheatley said. “As we were down there, I could see the back window had an orange glow. I said, ‘It’s already burning. Call someone.”
The Wheatleys have lived at Cherry Lane Estates for roughly a year. They don’t plan to move, but are taking extra precautions.
Neighbors at Cherry Lane Estates have formed an ad hoc neighborhood watch in response to the arsons.

“I just wish somebody’d get caught already,” neighbor Jody Whipkey said. “We thought it was over and done with. Now we’ve got to worry about sleeping, got to be up all night,” Whipkey said. “I work. I work at 4:30 in the morning, you know, and it’s just, it’s hard.”
Whipkey live across the street from Saturday’s fire. She said some are looking to move.
“We’re looking for a place. Everybody in here’s looking for a place to go, trying to find somewhere else to go because we’re afraid,” Whipkey said.
The reports have drawn a significant amount of local media, much of it using the common, but errant, terminology of “trailers” and “mobile home park.” Its all part of the “other image campaign,” spoken of by MH industry professionals Marty Lavin, and others.
Pennsylvania Crime Stoppers is offering a reward for any information that leads to an arrest in the case.
Their number is 1-800 -4-PA-TIPS. All callers can remain anonymous. “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (News, analysis and commentary.)
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Related Reports:
Friday the 13th, Mobile Homes, Fires, Tornado Magnets and the 2020 U.S. Census
Keeping the Home Fires from Burning: Fire Safety and the Modern Manufactured Home – manufacturedhomelivingnews.com
The National Fire Prevention Association (NFPA) study shows that manufactured homes built after 1976 are more fire-resistant than comparable site-built homes.
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