

What Are Millennials Thinking? Affordable Housing, Manufactured Homes, Other Time-Sensitive Trends

  Studious, acute Daily Business News on MHProNews readers may recall our report from earlier this year that references the factoid that millennials are now the largest age-group of home buyers.   As with many of our topics, related articles are cross-linked. Those linked articles can be read later for …

What Are Millennials Thinking? Affordable Housing, Manufactured Homes, Other Time-Sensitive Trends Read More


Affordable Housing, Manufactured Homes, Bipartisanship, Bill, Newt, Sexual Scandals, and You

  It would be a grave mistake to think that bipartisanship is dead.   Earlier this year, Maxine Waters (CA-D)  and Jeb Hensarling (TX-R) worked with each other to pass a bill out of the Financial Services Committee that latter passed the House of Representatives by a wide margin. Who …

Affordable Housing, Manufactured Homes, Bipartisanship, Bill, Newt, Sexual Scandals, and You Read More


Duggan “Little” Regulations Can Cause “Big” Problems for Small Businesses

It’s not new.  But it is an important point, one that the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) has made for decades.   This time, it is the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) President Juanita Duggan who has said that “little” regulations can cause “big” problems for small …

Duggan “Little” Regulations Can Cause “Big” Problems for Small Businesses Read More


JP Morgan Downgrades Chinese Equities Over “Full Blown Trade War,” Plus MH Market Updates

It wasn’t that long ago when JP Morgan said they thought U.S.-Chinese trade tensions would be a skirmish, not a war.  That’s changed, which will be our evening focus on a day when stocks retreated. If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature – or are ready to …

JP Morgan Downgrades Chinese Equities Over “Full Blown Trade War,” Plus MH Market Updates Read More


FHFA Requests Input on Proposed Modifications to GSEs’ “Duty to Serve Underserved Markets” Plans

  While the Manufactured Housing Institute is apparently taking contributions from the Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs) of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac for doing toe-in-the water lending on manufactured homes, the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) has been pushing numerous buttons and doors in Washington, D.C. Their goal? …

FHFA Requests Input on Proposed Modifications to GSEs’ “Duty to Serve Underserved Markets” Plans Read More


Hidden or Obvious Agenda Behind Business, Other News, Plus Manufactured Housing Market Updates

When left-of-center Axios recent survey revealed that some 72 percent of Americans have a level of distrust for the mainstream media, that’s not new, but it is an interesting data – and tipping – point. If – as much of the nation believes – news is slanted to advance an …

Hidden or Obvious Agenda Behind Business, Other News, Plus Manufactured Housing Market Updates Read More


Danny Glover, Presidents Barack Obama & Donald Trump, Promises Kept, and Affordable Manufactured Housing

  It’s almost axiomatic.   Promises made during a campaign are not always promises kept. But there is a promise that then Senator Barack H. Obama (IL-D) made during his successful 2008 campaign for the presidency that ought to stand out for all thinking people of independent thought and good …

Danny Glover, Presidents Barack Obama & Donald Trump, Promises Kept, and Affordable Manufactured Housing Read More


Clayton Homes Ripped by Customer Complaints Spotlighted on ABC News

  “As we sit here, somebody is doing something wrong at Berkshire.” – Warren Buffett, per Quartz.   “I’m tired of dealing with it,” said Cody Navarre to ABC news affiliate WBRZ2 in Baton Rouge, LA. “The cabinets are falling apart, the vinyl’s coming off of them,” Navarre said. “Nails and stuff …

Clayton Homes Ripped by Customer Complaints Spotlighted on ABC News Read More


Rumble over Anti-MH Law-State Association, Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI), Clayton Homes, and MHARR

  Local zoning, ordinances, and barriers-of-entry have been one of the significant factors limiting manufactured home sales. That’s a widely held view, which virtually all state associations, the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI), a Clayton Homes’ attorney, and the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) would broadly agree upon publicly. …

Rumble over Anti-MH Law-State Association, Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI), Clayton Homes, and MHARR Read More


Has the Manufactured Housing Institute Accused Former MHI Chairman Nathan Smith of Federal Law Violations?

  Earlier this month, the Manufactured Housing Institute produced a handout to their members. One of those was provided to the Daily Business News on MHProNews. It came with a question. “Has former MHI Chairman, Nathan Smith violated federal law?  Isn’t that what MHI’s FAQ #6 implies, given SSK’s past …

Has the Manufactured Housing Institute Accused Former MHI Chairman Nathan Smith of Federal Law Violations? Read More


USMCA: President Trump Announces NAFTA Replacement Promise Made, Kept – Stocks Soar, plus MH Market Updates

The Dow rose nearly 200 points today on news that began to leak out late last night that Canada and the U.S. had come to terms on a revision to the old – and much maligned – North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). The Manufactured Housing Composite Value rose too. …

USMCA: President Trump Announces NAFTA Replacement Promise Made, Kept – Stocks Soar, plus MH Market Updates Read More


“Results vs. Resistance,” Cutting Fog with Facts for MHVille

  Some 72 percent of Americans believe that misinformation from media is common today, said a recent Axios poll. Distortions of reality impacts manufactured housing in a variety of ways.  The light of truth is a useful disinfectant to the darkness of false information or harmful fiction.   As was …

“Results vs. Resistance,” Cutting Fog with Facts for MHVille Read More


Former President Bill Clinton, Pivotal Moment for Manufactured Housing Industry, Sunday Morning Weekly Recap 9.23 to 9.30.2018

The photo above is a reminder of a pivotal time in the development of the manufactured housing industry’s history.  It’s a reminder that manufactured homes (MH), like affordable housing in general, are bi-partisan issues. Actually, manufactured homes and affordable housing ought to be nonpartisan issues. But we should know after …

Former President Bill Clinton, Pivotal Moment for Manufactured Housing Industry, Sunday Morning Weekly Recap 9.23 to 9.30.2018 Read More


$500 Billion Dollar Affordable Housing Plan from Warren, Growing Manufactured Home-Impacting Plots

  There are at least 4 recent “affordable housing program” proposals that have been announced that have the potential to impact manufactured housing for good or ill. 3 of them are by higher-profile 2020 Democratic presidential hopefuls. Senator Kalama Harris’ (CA-D) office has provided a plan she has styled the …

$500 Billion Dollar Affordable Housing Plan from Warren, Growing Manufactured Home-Impacting Plots Read More


FHFA Hearing Before Congress Raises GSEs’ Failure on Manufactured Home Chattel Financing

The Ford-Kavanaugh hearing wasn’t the only place in Washington, D.C. that charges of sexual misconduct were being publicly discussed yesterday.   As was noted by the Daily Business News on MHProNews, the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA), featured a pile-on by members of both parties aimed at Mel Watt. But …

FHFA Hearing Before Congress Raises GSEs’ Failure on Manufactured Home Chattel Financing Read More


Record Shattered on SBO, Yields Growth, Profits, More Says Juanita Duggan’s Group

“Today’s groundbreaking numbers are demonstrative of what I’m hearing everyday from small business owners – that business is booming. As the tax and regulatory landscape changed, so did small business expectations and plans,” said National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) President and CEO Juanita D. Duggan. “We’re now seeing the tangible results …

Record Shattered on SBO, Yields Growth, Profits, More Says Juanita Duggan’s Group Read More


Nathan Smith, SSK Communities, From Mobile Home Resident to Manufactured Home Communities Owner, & Manufactured Housing Institute Leader

  “You are entitled to your own opinion,  but you are not entitled to your own facts.” – Daniel Patrick Moynihan, per Wikipedia.   Erlanger, KY is across the Ohio River and near Cincinnati, Ohio. Fort Mitchell, KY is nearby too. So, it is no surprise when a successful business professional and …

Nathan Smith, SSK Communities, From Mobile Home Resident to Manufactured Home Communities Owner, & Manufactured Housing Institute Leader Read More

Anti-MH Bigotry, Prejudice, and Possibly Illegal Action on Display in Manufactured Housing’s Birthplace?

  Indiana in many ways was the ‘birthplace’ of the RV and MH industries. Recreational vehicle (RV) production is still robust in Indiana.   Manufactured homes are still built in Indiana too.  But production of manufactured homes has become more diversified.  States like Texas and Alabama far outproduce Indiana.  Oddly …

Anti-MH Bigotry, Prejudice, and Possibly Illegal Action on Display in Manufactured Housing’s Birthplace? Read More

Discerning and Sharing Truth, & Manufactured Housing

  “All warfare is based upon deception.”  – Sun Tzu, philosopher, strategist in The Art of War.     “…the truth will set you free.”  –         Jesus of Nazerth, cited in John 8:32     “Easy doesn’t pay well.” – John Bostick, Sunshine Homes.   “Arguably one of the most important …

Discerning and Sharing Truth, & Manufactured Housing Read More

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