

Appealing Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) Marketing, Finance Booklet Reviewed

The image to the left and those below are from a Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) produced booklet. It’s good. With nuanced exceptions, it’s accurate. This booklet – combined with other educational materials – are precisely the kind of document that could appeal to and inform: home buyers/consumers, public officials, policy …

Appealing Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) Marketing, Finance Booklet Reviewed Read More


Powerful Takeaways from Automotive, RVs for Manufactured Home Professionals, Monday Morning Sales Meeting

Today’s Monday Morning Sales Meeting (MMSM) offers lessons, that similar to last week’s, are simple yet profound. There will be 3 actionable takeaways. We’ll use as a starting example the automotive world. We’ll begin with a series of facts, and then, make the point relevant for manufactured housing professionals. Examples There’s …

Powerful Takeaways from Automotive, RVs for Manufactured Home Professionals, Monday Morning Sales Meeting Read More


Manufactured Housing Industry Headline News, Sunday Morning Review 11.26.2017 to 12.3.2017

If you are a regular here daily, you read last week that the most important habit that Warren Buffett says he has is reading.  You’ve also read how the majority of those who are successful leaders make reading a habit; with many getting up 3 hours before work, so that they can …

Manufactured Housing Industry Headline News, Sunday Morning Review 11.26.2017 to 12.3.2017 Read More


House Approves the Preserving Access to Manufactured Housing Act, Again, Meanwhile…

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. House of Representatives “passed bipartisan legislation on Friday that protects consumers’ ability to become homeowners and access affordable housing,” said a release from the House Financial Services Committee to MHProNews. “Manufactured housing serves as an affordable housing option for roughly 22 million Americans and represents the largest …

House Approves the Preserving Access to Manufactured Housing Act, Again, Meanwhile… Read More


Warren Buffett, and Agree

There are known areas of concern, and disagreement (for example, see the caption under the photo at the top). But that is not the focus for this report. There are topics of agreement between Warren Buffett, and One of those areas of agreement is on this quote that follows below. …

Warren Buffett, and Agree Read More


Retailers, Communities, Producers – Floor Planning Homes? NADA Says, Call Your Senators to Support Inclusion of Floorplan Lending in Tax Reform Deductibility

“Senators need to hear directly from YOU about the importance of floor plan financing to your business. Call your Republican Senators and ask them to cosponsor Senator Rand Paul’s amendment to ensure floor plan interest remains fully deductible,” said the National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA). In a media release, David …

Retailers, Communities, Producers – Floor Planning Homes? NADA Says, Call Your Senators to Support Inclusion of Floorplan Lending in Tax Reform Deductibility Read More


Fuller’s “A Tale of Broken Hitches”

“If you have been in the industry for anytime at all, especially in the area transportation, you have had a hitch failure,” says manufactured home (MH) professional, Shawn Fuller. The timing of Fuller’s multi-layered message is interesting, because there have been news items about manufactured home transport recently, that other …

Fuller’s “A Tale of Broken Hitches” Read More


Manufactured Housing Institute VP Revealed Important Truths on MHI’s Lobbying, Agenda

Hindsight is 20/20. This may be seen as one of the larger, most consequential reveals in the manufactured housing (MH) industry of 2017. What Frank Rolfe told Inside MH viewers on MHProNews about the odds against passing Preserving Access in 2015 was actually acknowledged by a previous vice president of …

Manufactured Housing Institute VP Revealed Important Truths on MHI’s Lobbying, Agenda Read More


Frank Rolfe: Pressured into Silence? Manufactured Housing Industry, and Journalism

There are some who due to habit, bias, ignorance, or other limiting factors simply don’t know or see the truth on a given issue. That naturally applies to manufactured housing, and to journalism too. Those who say that journalism is dead are exaggerating. Far more accurate to say that journalism …

Frank Rolfe: Pressured into Silence? Manufactured Housing Industry, and Journalism Read More


Rich Attkisson Dies, Manufactured Housing Career, Life Remembered

“We are sad to report that Rich Attkisson of R.A. Financial passed away Friday, November 24,” said the Texas Manufactured Housing Association (TMHA). “Rich and his wife Dorothy were always present at the Annual TMHA Conventions and you could almost always find Rich on the golf course during the TMHA …

Rich Attkisson Dies, Manufactured Housing Career, Life Remembered Read More


Sexual Harassment-Not Just Hollywood, Media, Politicos-Manufactured Housing Workplace Claims, High Profile MH Cases Too?

The issue of sexual harassment isn’t just a personal and legal matter, impacting mostly women who’ve been harmed. Nor is it solely a troubling issue disrupting the careers and reputations of individuals in Hollywood, the entertainment world, politics, the news media, and other industries. Sexual harassment and hostile work environment …

Sexual Harassment-Not Just Hollywood, Media, Politicos-Manufactured Housing Workplace Claims, High Profile MH Cases Too? Read More


Why Democratic Leaning Jaime Dimon, of JP Morgan, Calls Americans to Support Tax Reform

“James Dimon is an American business executive. He is chairman, president, and chief executive officer of JPMorgan Chase, the largest of the big four American banks,” says Wikipedia. James “Jaime” Dimon is calling for a tax cut and overhaul, in order to make American businesses more competitive in a tough …

Why Democratic Leaning Jaime Dimon, of JP Morgan, Calls Americans to Support Tax Reform Read More


Bloomberg, Rising “Mobile Home” Prices, and the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI)

A story on Bloomberg, a left-of-center business publication, recently drew a number of emailed tips and comments to the Daily Business News, as a heads up for possible coverage. Such emailed tips from readers are welcomed.  They often lead to one or more articles/fact checks about a given issue that …

Bloomberg, Rising “Mobile Home” Prices, and the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) Read More


Manufactured Housing, Prison Reform, Production, and Factory Built Housing Opportunitie$

Prisons. Prisoners. Manufactured housing. There are already points of intersection.  Can – and should – there be more? Can the factory-built housing industry and the penal system each benefit by developing deeper ties with the other?  Can that be accomplished profitably? The private and public sides of the U.S prison …

Manufactured Housing, Prison Reform, Production, and Factory Built Housing Opportunitie$ Read More


NPR-Tornado Hits Mobile Home, Fact Check-Why Terminology Matters to Manufactured Housing Industry, Home Owners, Weather, News Pros

NPR’s Brad Palmer issued this recent report in the wake of what they said was “Possible Tornado Damages Mobile Home in Perry Co.” “Possible tornado damage to a mobile home in Du Quoin on Saturday left one resident trapped in her home for a short time,” per that NPR report. …

NPR-Tornado Hits Mobile Home, Fact Check-Why Terminology Matters to Manufactured Housing Industry, Home Owners, Weather, News Pros Read More


“Drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you’ll find,” James Carville, Clinton Strategist

A Democratic strategist said in the run-up to Thanksgiving, 2017, that the holiday should be used to torture supporters of President Donald J. Trump. Then candidate Trump’s 2016 opponent, Secretary Hillary Clinton’s full infamous quote: “You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what …

“Drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you’ll find,” James Carville, Clinton Strategist Read More


Who’s Right? Goldman Sachs, BoA? Market Thumbs up or down 2018? MH Market Update$

Why is tax reform, regulatory rollback and other reforms in Washington important to the economy and manufactured housing? Theirs a de facto debate between recent analysis by Goldman Sachs and Bank of America (BoA), with the first optimistic, and the second, a darker forecast.  That will be our spotlight focus …

Who’s Right? Goldman Sachs, BoA? Market Thumbs up or down 2018? MH Market Update$ Read More


Small Business Legalese, Restrictive Contracts to Protect Company Information, 2 Minute Video Tips

Trade associations often provide a variety of services, such as discount offers, to their members. In the case of manufactured housing, you also have the group’s lobbying and advocacy activities. But with most state associations limited to a few hundred companies, beyond the basics of an annual meeting, networking, some …

Small Business Legalese, Restrictive Contracts to Protect Company Information, 2 Minute Video Tips Read More


DoJ Sues, Stops Vertical Mega Deal, Signal to Berkshire Hathaway & Manufactured Housing? MH Market UPdates

It’s not a deal within the manufactured housing industry, but the DoJ move may set up what could be a precedent that will send waves through offices in Omaha, metro Knoxville, and Arlington, VA. If you’re new, already hooked on our new spotlight feature – or are ready to get …

DoJ Sues, Stops Vertical Mega Deal, Signal to Berkshire Hathaway & Manufactured Housing? MH Market UPdates Read More


“Perverse”–Warren Buffett-Dodd-Frank, CFPB, Manufactured Housing, Loans, Independent Businesses Fact Check$

“There seems to be some perverse human characteristic that likes to make easy things difficult.” – Warren Buffett, Berkshire Hathaway (BH) Chairman, parent to Clayton Homes, Vanderbilt Mortgage and Finance (VMF) & 21st Mortgage Corp, other industry suppliers, et al, cited per BrainyQuote.   The essence of simplicity for business …

“Perverse”–Warren Buffett-Dodd-Frank, CFPB, Manufactured Housing, Loans, Independent Businesses Fact Check$ Read More

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